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Nfu! B39, Sr.' ati'. -A bilí was reported and placed on the calendar for a public building at Langing, Mich., to cost $lio,OÜU. Mr. Berry of Arkansas snoke for 8omo time on the subject of the President' mossage, Amoag the bi Is passod were tin following: To amend the act of March 8, lv79. providing additional regulations for hqmestead and preemption entries of public landg. in aid of the centennial and memorial association of Valley Korge, and to secure the Washington hoadnuartors mansion and grounds occupied by the continental army of 1777 8. Appropriating $ÍO,OO for the completion of the monument to Mary, the mother of Washington, at Frederleksbunr. Va. Te have copies of certain national medals struck and delivered to certain dopartments and to the variou state and territories. Total number of bilis passé I 61. Boübr.- Mr. Euloe of Tennessee, reported odversely a resolution (alling upon the postmastor-general for information as to whether instructions had been given to postollice ofHcials prohibiting American citizens from using the United States mail on the same terms as Canadian citizens. After some discussion the resolutions were laid on tmj tablo. The bill was reported to prohibit ailiens from acquirin;r title to or owning lands within the I nitod States. House calender. The house went into committee of the whole on the Indian appropriation bill. Mah' m !!(), H0U8I - I'nder spe'ial order the bill granting a pension of $2,000 per annum to Mary S. Logan and the pénate bill increasing to $2,000 a yeap the pension to Appolin A. Blair were taken up. and after an animated discussion were passed. HAitcir 31, SKNTE-Mr. tanford, from the comraittee on public buiLlincs, reported the resolution directing the secretary of the treasury to furnish a statomcnt of approprlations and exponaos for pub ie buildings since Maroh 4, 1886. .popted. Mr. Voorhees Introduced a bill for the issue of specie certifieates redeemable half in gold coinand halfin tilver bullion. On motion of Mr. Sherman the house joint resolution accepting the invitation of the Frenoh epublic to tako part in tbe international exposition in Paris, from May to Octobpr, lS'.t, was passed wltb amendments. The amendments increase the limit of expenditure for the eommissioner general frora S5.C00 to ; lO.OiH). and for the niue sub-commissioners from $1, Í00 to $1,500, and increases the appropriation from S'iOO.OOO to Í OJ,Oü;. The senato then proceeded to tha con ideration of bilis on tbe calendar that wero not objected to. Among bilis passeil were the following: For a celebration at the national capital in the spring of 18S9 in honor of the centennial of the constitution of the United Sfrute-. Ap I propriating 8O,0O0 for the establishment and maintenance of an Indinn industrial school in Michican. Appropriatin $ül)0000 for a public building at Hay City, Jiich. (House bill with an amendment. 1 j ing tbe pension of Mrs. Gen. W. 1!. liuruett ! to $1UU pe" month. To amend the act of the M of March, 177, ns to renioving the disabilities of those who, having participated in the reliellion, afterwnrds pnlited In tl e army and became disabled. Repeal ing the law which barred ( .iirncer ain time) the claims to pension of state miliaïnen; and also tending the law so as to include those who served in indian wars. The total number of bilis passed to day was 1S4. A large majority of thom were pension case - one of them being for j crease of pension for the widow of a ; dier of the war of 1813b In all i ases of , house bilis with nmondments committees of conference were appointed A moHon was entered to reconsider the ! bill passed some days ago for the relief of ■ purchasers and other grantoos of certain swamp and overüoweil lands toreimburse and indemnify certain states. Mr. Hvarts. from the library committee, reported a bill appropriating $30,000 for tne purcliasing from Miss Virginia l.ewis Taylor of a sword of Washington. Calendar. Miss Taylor is descriïied in the 1 ill as the direct de-cendant of George Lewis by whom the sword devised; I and the sword as being worn by Washington on the occasion of his rofigning his commission at Annapolis and at his public receptions whileuresident. After tive session the senate adjourned. HOÜSB. - The entire session was devoted ; to the discussion of the Union Pacific ; railroad funding bill. Ai'itu. 2, Sicnate- The principal ■ aturo of general interest was the further consideration of the house bill for the purchase of bond-; with the treasury surplus, the question being on the motion of Mr. Palmer to recommit the bill, which fiually went over without action. The house having st-nt over an original bill to give a pension of 12,000 to the widow of Gen. John A. Logan, instead of pa sing t e senate bill in precise. y tlio same terms, the house bill was, on motion oí Mr. Davis. passed, Air. Berry saying that he wou il not cali for a vote by yeas and nays, but wished it to go on the record that be was oppo.-e 1 to it. jlorsE - The most important feuturo was the reporting from the ways nd means committee of the Mills tarifï bill, wit.i the majority and minority reports. The bill was referred to the committee of the whole and reports onlere i printed. .)r. Mills of Texas, cbairman of tl e committee on ways and means, submittud the maority report, and the minority report was presented by Mr. MoKinley of Oblo. APBTL 3, Sbnatb.- Tbe features of 1 day's session of the senate was the unsuccessful attempt of Senator ltiddleberger to secure favorable action ir onhisresoution to have the fisheries tre.ty cousiilored in open session. C'onsideration of the Bond bil occupied the remanuior of the MBsion. Hoihe.- The Direct Tax bill was the most important measure berore the hou -o. The evening session was devoted to the consideration of matters reported by the ( ommittee on military aifairs.


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