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Hood's Sarsaparilla

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Now is the Time Nm is the lime to purlfy your blood and forttfy Hood's Saraaparllla is prrparcd írom Sarsaparlil, your syitem ípilnnt the d ■bilitatlngelToctsof iprlng Dandellon, Mandrake, Dm';. Plplsewo, Jn:ilpir weather. Srrl-ms conscauoncej often follow tlilt Berrles. and other Yerolable re nc I ■. In siu-h apclaisltude,wh'chlegcneratpsl:itodeblllty most favorcollar manner ai to derive tile fuli medicina! valué ble for tho appearunce of disorders. Tou are run of eacb. It wlll cure, wh n lo tlie power of medldown. Xo spt'Cillc dlscase ha raanlfcated ttself. but cine, Rcrofula, sa:t rlieum, sors, bolla pimples, all the condlilon of your systcm Ís !ow and your blood humor, dyspeps a, blllousncis, slck li'alaclie. Indili la a dlsordered tato. Take Hood'í Barsaparlll gestión, general dcblllty, catarrh. rheumatlsra. kldnow, before some terlcus dlseasc galng a arm hold ncy andllvcrcomplalnts. It overeóme) lunt extreme npon j cur sy Jtcm. tired f eellng. Purify Your Blood Build Up the System 'I was troubled wlth an cruptíon of myslcln, whlch "Last spring I secmed to bc runrjlnjr down In covered nearly my vholc bedy. I doctorad for It a hcalth, was wcale and tlred all the Urne. I took year without help; thrn I bogan to tnke Hood's SarBood' Sar-aparllla and It dld me a gre t deal b taparüla and two boules completely curod me. I good. ly Uttlc .laughter, ten ycars eld. lins suüercd cbecifully recomtnend llooa'a Saraaparllla for any from gcrorula and catarrh, a great deal. Hood's Sarslmllardlsease." M. 8. Clakki, Dcfatur. 111. aparllla dld her more good thin anrthlng clse we "For lome ycars I have been affllcted wlth eczema have ever glven her, and we have trlcd n number of of a very itubborn form. Ttircc bottles of Hood medicines." ilns. Lovisa Cmp Cana'ota. N. T. Sarsaparlilacuredme. I am now weiland pralgethls N.B. If you have dcclüeJ to take Hood's Sariaexcellent remcdy." Mart L. Owens, Troy, Ind. parllla do not bc Induced to buy jny other. Boldby all dnigg:Bts. 91; tx for $5. Preparcd only Eold by all drugglsts. tl; sli for5. Prepared oniy by C. I. HOOD & CO., Apothccartcs, Lowell, Mass. by C. I. HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Luwcll, Masa, 100 Doses One Dollar IOO Doses One Dollar JJJ ► l % % % % l { % -1" M ►J A ►][ l+ [■ J ■][ fj J Ji ►Jí Jí J {t The man wiiuhaa iiivcatctl lrum ihroo J o ulier itic m;m who wauü service to live doliurs in a KubtH-r Coat, and m (not style) a garmctit that will keep at liis ilrst half hour's exporience ín ■ m m MM ■■■ bim dry Ín thf li ardes t storm. It Is storm liiuls to his sorrow that it fa ÊkÊ E called TOWKk'S FISU HIIAN'U hanlly a better protoction ttian a mosWW I SLICKEK," a iinnn1 ú:nl:jir to every quito ntting, not only fccls choprined m ■ Cow-tmy all over the land. With tïiem at belng so budly tuken in, tmt also II" Al the only ix-rfeft Wind and Wntt-rprooi ici-'.s jf he dies not look exactly liko pJk Iml Coat is "Towcr's Fish Brand Slicker." " i [SU IUIAÑD1 si.icker HB I and take noot Jut. Ifyour storekeeper doMnot BaretbePMH n!:Nn,so:idfordescrlptivecatalosrue. A.J.TowKR,20Slrnmnrs st.. Bosttm. Mass. ! "1 'T r "I "I "X 'T ií ?$ E i?' ! ►'T ? ? ?? "? ! ?i T" fr


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