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Downing's "spartacus."

Downing's "spartacus." image
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Kobert Downing, an effective aotor of ripe txperience, made bis tirst steliar appearance on local boards at the Academy ot music in the title role of Dr. Bird'e thrilling old tragedy "Spartaous, the Gladiator." Mr. Downing was last seen here with Joseph Jeflerson Rome two or three seasons ago. In previous years he bad been assooiated with prominent American actors, among others, with Mihb Mary Andersou as wlios-e leading support he won distinotion. Last leason he determined to test nis puwere at ibe beau of a company, and bis Buooess since bas been altogetber encourag'ng and gratifyiDg. Ia reviving Mr. Bird's stimag play. Mr. Downiuff sbowed at least artiatio tact It íh true tbe traKedy btlongs t tbe formal, declamutury kcIiooI of dramaiio writiue, but ïU Htrong central tigure bas iilwnys (tppenleii witli peculiar fHsciuutioa to Hc-turH of beroiu muuld. Edwiu Korrest made tbe play fiiiuous mul .luim MrOnlluiiií i pi riiffiuitrii it po ulun y. It i i uut uecAsHury tu cuuipuie .Mr Uuwiiiiik 1 witb his prodecMBon, even wn uituiury vivid eu oHglrt o make suoh a i aak feaaable. Mr. Downiug's equipunent lor the role of Spartacus ia evuteot and adequate. He lias a conimanding physique, a deep, penetratie voice, and a large fund of dramatic power, which, if not always coutr lied with matbem;ttioal precisión, ia still empl"yed with imposiug effect. The libre of the charaoter as drawn tnr Dr II Til is nut finí' i'inmtfli to admit of auytbiog like Mietniued sympathetic treatmeut -lr. Umviug with oorröot iuRiiibt doen not atteuipt it. Ue makea ot opartaonü a mau of brawn, uut uithout feeliDK to be sure, but wbo.'e eraotin s ure elemental in their nature huü scope. It is not necesaary to review in detail the hijjbly etrung scènes allotted to Spartacus. It is more satiefying to be able to pronounce the impersonation consistent and effeotive throughout, aud it was po regarded by the audience who repeatedly minnuoned Mr. Downiag to the toutlíglits in the oourse of the eveDing, ineluding an enthusiaatio recall after the last ourtain - an honor seldom oonferred in local playliouses. Sp.rial attention is giveu to the p rforinanoe as a produotion, and a nnmber of saperb scènes inoluding tbe public square adjoiuiug the senate, tbe Kla.lüitorinl arena, tbe fields of Campana and the preetor's tent, ndd to the oharm of the play. Tbe costumes and accessorics are also elabórate. - BuBalo Press At the grand, Tbursday eveniug April 26.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat