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C. H. MILLEN INSURANCE AGENT. No, 4 South Main St, Ann Amor. The uldest iie:icy iu the city. Estiiblisbod i i[ii;irtir f a centnry. Representingtbe folio wïng Brst-olass compontes Home Ins. Oo. of S. ï $7.;iu,noi Continental Ins, ;.. f N V 1. "'".- Niágara Ins. Co. or N. Y 1,785,588 of Phila 1,189.488 Oriënt nis. Co. of Hartford 1,1:9.523 Commercial Union of London I2,JOO,000 Liverpool. London and Globe 82,000,000 Rates lou, Loeeet Uberdtty adjusled md promptiypaid. C B. KILLEN. HENRY MATTHEWS Reps a First-class MEAT MARKET! Dealer in all kind of Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats, One Door East of FranUln House. Pricoa Beasonable. Thanklnp; those who har o liberal I y patróned ma in the past, I alao cordlally tollcit trarie rom new patrona. HENRY MATTHEWS, Huron Street, - Ann Arbor, Mich The An:i Arbor Savings Bank Orgaiized 1S89 un ier the General Banking Law of this state hasnow, including capital Stock, etc.. etc., OVER $300,000 ASSETS. Businesi men, Guanlians. Trustees, Ladies and other persons will find this Bank a SAFE AND CONVENIENT Place at which to mak e Depositsand do business Interest is Allowed on All Savings Deposits Of $1.00 and npwan.1, according to the rules of thebaiiK, and interest compounded semi-annually. Money to Loan in Sums of S25 to S5.OOO. Secured by Unincambered Real Eetate and oiher Kood securities. DIRECTORS-Chrhcain Ifack, W. W, Winea, W. W. Harrmian, William Denble, David Iíinsey, Daniel Hiscock and V. B. Sniith. OI-'FICERS-Chritian Mack, President: W, W.Wines, Vice-President: C. E. Hi-cock, Casher. Fred. Brown ! A.T Clakken's Old Pxaob. FI 11 ! Xjc3l-o.oz?s axi.5. Oie;ars. HOT LUNCH EVEBY UI EBERBACH & SON. AND PHARMACISTS, No. 12 South Main Street - DE4XKBS IM - Sfediclnes, Chemical, Dye St ulTs, Artlat's and Waz Flower Material, Toilet Ar tic lea, Triusas, Etc Pm WiE6s ui Liprs ! Special attentloa pald to the furnlshlng of YhjiJcl&na, Chemista, Schools, etc, with phlloophical and Chemical Apparatua, Bohemlan Chemical ülasaw&re, Poroalala Ware, Pur Seagenta, etc Physlclan' Preaoriptlenj Carefullj Prepared at all houra, EBERBACH & 8ON. Duluth, South Shore & Atlantic RAILWAY. "The Soo-Mackinaw Short Line." ONLY DIRECT ROUTE TO UPPER MICHIGAN and the Iron and Coppcr Reelona of Lake Superior. TraTersing a trritory uncqua led for HUNTING, FISHING and CAMPING. Doublé Daily Train Service between St. Ignace ani Houghton without chauge of cars. WAQNER SLEEPINO COACHES attached to all Night Train. OBSERVATION PARLOR CARS on all Day Trains. The only all Rail Route to SAÜLT STB. MARIE. Tickets over this rontn are on sale at all principal ticket offices. Full information as to rates, etc.. copies of maps and folders will befurnished upon application to E. W. ALLEN. Gen. Pass. & Tkt. Agt., Marquette Mlch N.-.-p-JVlirHIGAN iáÉT6 CEN3ML Time Table, Nov. 20, 1887. Standard Time. aoiNO ei, 7 -i i IATIO1. d g „-f H 11 Líiiiílll L A.I. A. . PWP.M. F. K. Chicago... _Lv. 6.50 9.00 4.40 8.15 9.10 Kelamazoo.... 1.50 9.50 12 33 2.27 Battle Creek... Mtl 7.31 l.üj 3.18 Jackon.....Ar. 3.15 4.S0 9.15 S.15 4.60 Ann Arbor 4.a8 5.3U 10.83 4.35 G.OS Detroit _Ar. 6.00 6.45 11.50 6.00 7.30 P. H. I P. M. Bt. Thomas Ar 11.05 9.50 8.80 Falla View 1.17 Buffalo Ar 3.35 2.40 8.05 OOING WEST. s êi si "i haiiom. d hï K! - SS ?S JL 1ÍM..M.M.M A. U. P. X. P. V. A. - A.H. P.M. Buffalo L. 11.30 10 00 l.W) A. M. Niágara Falla 12.45 p. H. 2.15 St. Thomas... 4.25 110 5.50 Detroit Lv. 7.00 9.10 4.00 8.00 10.15 MSn Arbor..... 8.J8 10.30 5.30 9.12 11 85 p. . . Jackson._ ..Ar. Í.45 11.35 7.10 10 52 12.54 Batüe Creek... 11.20 1.12 8.52 A.x, 2.23 12.12 Kslamatoo.... 12.17 1.60 9.45 4.45 1.20 3.07 Chicago Ar 5.40 6.40 10.20 7.00 7 45 The New York Expruü. a fast train leaves Ch! sago at 8.10 Kalimazoo 6.58; Battle Creek, 7.33, Jackson, 8.49. Ann Arbor, 9 45; arrlvingin Detroit at 10.45 P. M. The Chicago Express, a fast train leaves Detroit at 1.30 p m. Ann Ar berS.3v!; Battle Creek, 4,40 ; Kalamazoo, 5.1S Chicago, 9.80. Sanday eiceptcd. JSaturday & Sunday exccpted tDaily. O. W. Booolks. H. W. HA YES, 0. P. t 2. A.. VMcago, AuL Ann Arbor.


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Ann Arbor Democrat