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AX OPEX LETTER. Whloli ■■ More Fully Kxplnlneil liy One Frnm Rev. f. Roberto, Piutor Flrat M. E. ('huroh, Fremont, Mleb. Ftheumatie Syrup Co., Jankson. Mich. : Gentlemen - From the faot that sevoral remarkable cures by Hibbard's Kheumatic Syrup oame under tny observation, among whieb were thoe of Rev. J. Berry, of Morely. and Mrs. Harrington of Altoona, 1 roeommended Rev. J. Roberts to have nis duuchter give theremedy a trial. As 1 expected, it Ijroke up tho disease, as the followiug letter explains: O. C. Pkmim:hion, Druggist. ü. C. Pemberton: My danghter Maud has used Hibbard's Rheumatic Syrup and Piasters, whieh you so strongly recommended her to try for inflammatory rheumatlsm. Her fimbs were badly swollen, and the poor girl was in terrible agony. In the midst of the fiain, we woun I the piasters about her imlw, and, a a result the welling was reducod and sho bocame ouiot and rested. Tho Kyrup correcte;! her indigestión, cleansed the rheumatic poison from her blood, and she is now able to be around the house. Hibbard's Pheumatic Sj-rup and Piastere are remedies of great merit. Rbv. J. Kouihts, Pastor First M. E. Churc-h. Fki.moxt, Mich., üct. 36, 1S87. The Pittsburg iron and steel milis are all very active. Two tube works made 0,C00 tons of tubes last yoar. A Kun Would use fCemp's Ba'sam for the Throat and I unsis. lt is rurin more cases of Cougbs, Cold?, Asthraa, Bronchitis, Croup and all throat and lungtroubles, than any other medicine. The proprietur has authori.ed any druggist to nive you a sample bottle freo to convince vou of the merit of this great remedy. Largo bottles BOc. nnd -f 1. A gas vein has just been struck at Catham, Ont., that yields 700,000 feet per day. Moxle Ijozenorcft lireak a cold in twenty-four hours, and prevent one under the most severe eiposuro, whilo their use do not render you more likely to take cold afterwards. Every woman keeps a few in her reticule for an eraergency. On cold, damp days, you will soe lots of people in the draughts of street car-!, slipping one on their tongue. 10 cents a package of thirty-sis:. Druggists everywhere. Moxio Nerve Food Co., Lowell, Mass., Prop's. The i M il Sllver Spoon. ftow fresh in my mind are the days of my sickness, Wlicn I tossed me in pain all fevered and sore; The burning, the nausea, the sinking and weakness. And even the oíd spoon that my medicine bore. The old silver spoon, the family spoon, The sie!t -chamber spoon that my medicine bore. How loth were my fever-parched lips to receiveit, How nauseous the stuff that it bore to my tongue. And the pain at my inwards, Oh, naught could relieve it. Though tears of disgust from my eyeballs it wrung. The old silver spoon, the medicine spoon, How awful the stuff that it left on my tongue. Such is the effect of nauseous, griping medicines which makO the sick-room a meniory of horror. Dr. Pierco'sPleasant Purgativo Pellets, on the contrary, are small, sugar-coated, easy to take, puroly vegetable and perfectly effective. 25 cents a bottle. . Last year '4,000 miners and mine laborers mined ?11,000,000 worth of coal ín the state of Ohio. I)on'( Miirry Hltn!" "He is such a fickle, inconstant fellow, you will never be happy with hiui," said Esther's friends when they hearrt of her engagement to a young man whobore the repiitation of being a sad fïirt. Esther, however, knew tliat her lover had good qualities, and sho was willing to take tlie risk. In nine out of ten it would have provecí a mistake; but Ksther was an uncommon girl and to everyohe's surprise Tred. made a inotítl husband. How was it' Well, Esther had a cheerful, sunny temper and a great deal of tact. Thon she enjoyed perfect health and wnsalwavsso sweet, neat and wholesome that Fred. found his own home most ploasnnt, and hls own wife more agreeable tlian any Otber being. As the vear passed and he snw other women of Ksther's age grow ickly, faded and querulous, he realized more and more that he had "a.iewel of a wife." UohI health was half the secret of Esther's suecess. She retained her vitality and good iooks because she warded off feminine weaknesses and ailments by the use of Dr. Piórce's Favorito Prescription. The Scotch steel masteiv are introducing I : ansian l'ollsh labor, which is paid 50 cents lier day. Don'thawk, hawk, and blow, blo, disgusting everybody, but use Dr. Sago's Catarrh Remedy. Eight strikes out of evory ten in the western mining región are due to disagreements over mining rates. Npeoinl I.nml t''llrlns. On April 24th. May Stfa mul 2.'d, and June 5th, 1S88, the ''Burlington Route," C. 13. & Q. R. R„ will run Special Land Excursionsfrom Chicago, Peoría, St. Louis and all stations on its line to pointe in Nebraska, Kansas. Minnesota and Dakota, and to points in Colorado east of and in cluding Akron and Sterling on the U. P. ! R"y. at greatly reducod rates. This will afford bome-seekers, land huyers and others an excellent opportunity for the inspection of the fertile country of central, north-western and south-western Nebraska and north-western Kansas, reaeheil by the new extensions of the Burlington fc Missouri l'.iver R. R. in Nebraska. Also, to viit the rich agricultural districts oL Dakota and Minnesota reached by the Burlington Route. A great reduction in rates will also be made ; to Texas, New Mexico, Tennessee, Mississ; ippi, Alabama. Louisiana, and Arkansas points on April 34th. May Sth and 32d, and June 5th, 1888. Tickets good for 80 days j to Nebraska, Kansas, Colorarlo, Minnesota and Dakota points; and to all other states mentioned, 00 days. Liberal stop-over privileges will be accorded passengers beyond terminal points of tnis line. For tickets, general or further information regarding the above. apply to any ticket agent of its own or connecting lines or address, Paul Morton, General Passenger and Ticket Agent, C. B. & Q. R. R., Chicago, Illinois. The coke production of Colorado last year was a little over 200,000 tons. HAVE TCOV CATARRH I ICnt! thiHf Ijettera; I li:ivf II ntitlretla mure lil.e tin-m. Vicksihr.1, Mich., May 17, 1S84. H. G. Colemax, Chomist: I am glad to speak a good word foryour Petroleum Balín. I have had catarrh for twenty years. It bad become so bad that 1 coala ño longer speik in public, and at times I fearod that I would destroy my volco entirely. 1 used many catarrli ourei with no bonefit. One of yonr samEles gave me great relief, and a 25c. box as made me feel like a new man. Yours truly, C. E. Bailey. LATER REPORT. Plaxo, 111., September 17, 183?. H. G. Coleuan, Kalamazoo, Mich.: When I lived at Vicksburg 1 used souie of your catarrh ointment, Petroleum Balm you called it. It cured me and you used my name in your circulars. 1 furnished somo persons hero with it who desire more. If you think best, I think Ican make arrangements with a druggist here to sell it for you. 1 tbink it really valua ble. I am cured and do not need it for mvself. Vours truly, C. E. Bailey, Attorney. X. II.- Vnlil May Ut, 'S8, I wiil send on' 25c. boxrs for trial on reenpt of iZc. ƒ. O. CO 1.1 : MAX, Kalamazoo, Mich. There are sixtoen works in the United States and Canada engagad in locomotive building. oiinnttio i Sijrely Cured. To the Editor:- l'lease inform your readers (hit I hare a positivo remedy for tne. nbove namea disenso. By its tiniely u.-e ten thous.-uids of hopeless cases have heeu pormanently 1 carel. 1 shaü be p!; d to send two bot; tles of my remedy freo to (iny of your readers who linve consumption lf t.her ! ill seud me their expres and P. O. address. KesDeotfiilly, ; T. A. Si.ocdm, M. C, 1S1 Pearl St., New York. Nearly all rolling milis in western Pennsylvania and üliio are ou full time. FOR POULTRY. cuses Chickcn Cholera and all Diseases of Poultry. tB-QKyF - ■! I. PlKKi TWXS, -.Wxapill (ú l re ,íi,i: ■ ntú ,!-'l ."i si. Jacobs OU. J Ih'fowl mm ' üicl; Hme fura it dmm tltt UiroOtM-L smiie cr i ■ - ■ "i thc OH. Givt , „■ Un cal and le aired. '. i i"j DritgflisU and r-eticrs Bveiywíurt, .,■1 CHARLES A. VOOELER C0.. Baltimora. Md Catarrh Cured. A clcrgymnn, after years of suffering from that loathsome disease, Catarrli, and vainly trying every known remedy, at last found a prescripción whieh completely cured and saved hini from donth. Any sullerer from this dreadful disease sending a selfaddressed stnroped onvelope to Prof. J. A. Lawrenee. 212 liast Nintli St. New V ork, will receive tbe recipe free of charg. A telophone cable between Londou and Paris is under serious consideration. itchiiiic Pile. Hymptoms- Moisture; intense itehlng and itingina; most at r.ight; . wor e by seratohing. ]f al owei 1 o continue tnmorí form. which often blecd nnd ulcérate, benig very soro. Swavne's Uintment stor s tlie itcbing and. Meeding, heals uiceri.tion, and in n.auy cases removes the tuirors. .It is equal;y etticacious in curing all Skin Diseases Dr. Swayne & Son, P' o-riotors, l'hi arlelphia. Swayne's Ointm nt can be ohtaine 1 of druggist-. Sent by mail for 50 cets. Seventy-two companies are using the alternatiug system, with 125,000 lamps. In 1850 "Brown's Bronehial Troches" were introduced, and thoir success as a cure for Colds, Coughs, Asthma and Bronchitis has been unparalleled. There is an aluminum trust, and it proposes to advance the price of that metal. A m;in whu has practiced medicino for 4Ü years onght to know salt from sugar; read what be says: Tolsdo, O., Jan. 10, 18S7. M .-isrs. l. .1. Chcncy Co.- Gentlemen:- I have Dthe Keneral prsettoe of medicine for I -iv tbat In al! my pvaettce au I cxperlence, bave aerer geen a preparatlon ■ wimlil prescribe th u mach ronti(lon:'0 Of BUG cessas 1 can Hall' ('ararrh Cure. manufacture by yon, BftTe prescribed It agrenf many tlmea mui] iiv effeot Is wonderf al, and w.mii sayln ooncloBlon that I liave vet toíind a c&se of Catarrh that it wouhl not cure, i f they wouhi iiko It acoor lttig to Uirectlons. . Tours inily, l. i,, gors acó, m. d.. Otticn, 31.-, Summlt St. Wc vrill givo ?10) for any oaio of Catarrh tcat can not be onred with Hatl'a Catarrh Cure. Tulcen InIt-rnally. F. .1. CHENÉ7 CO., Prop?., Toledo, O. C 7Soll by l)ru.ijgist;. 7.5 pe-'ts. .Tny-Kye-Ree's driver, Edwin D. Bither, nseil'oe's Veterinary Carbolisalve, and n tnorough trial enables him to endorse it as the best remedy he ever naw for genera! staMe use. Öold by drugiïists at 00c and tl.OO. LADlTS"-FORYOU! Save 15 top covers from Safe Teast packag s with labels thereoa; out -i ttio rimg and mail coYtirs t(ii8,toOthcrwith leo SHJ6DI p tetase stttnipf, and wo will s. -dd yon pmmptly a ropy ol Warner's Pafe Cóok Bonk, contalnl&g 500 .pages of n nuble Hounebolil Keclpet. Warner's Safe Yeast Is piinrantpfl to be an aJbflOliifrh' Iii re Mtv Hop Yeast. nnd brend miilo with it will reroain sweetftnd motst fortaanydays. Bt turo and '''sist upuD getlintí Warncr'n S ife Teant, the pricc of which no moretuan ibe cl eap a ml Impnre Yoasts with w iiuh. themurket is flooded. Adürcss Kochc.icr, X. T. WARNER'S SAFE YEAST CO. 1P SOLID GOLDWATCH FREÍ! fv5; t tliht priem it !■ the bet bnrirmiiiii Aniprú; until UtelT If cDld nut ba purrlms.-d for les ttian $1(1. Y have botb ladies' nd penU' bííi wifh wrk nd eUN of cqual Ta!u. OM'. 11:KW4V InearhlnraliircanacuraonQof thria elcpmnt waichebio]utoJj' FJtKK. TbfM watchem7 ba d'pfiulfldon.not otily au olid pold.butas standluK imon; th niosi prftct. COmd ml rclinbio timrkreprrs in tlio World. Yoa AA tu wis thi woitcn'nl tier poible? We nswetwo wint onc pi rvn in r.ii h loiralliy to kerp In t linr honien, and show to thoae m ho cali, a completo lina of our raluablo and verj useful Ilt'i si;iioi.i fiAMl-LES; ihesa ■amplfi, as wtl] at the wat oh, W9 wnd ABSOLUTKLT FüKE. and afler jouTiaye ktpt )hm ia vourhomeforï monthi, and sliown tiicni to thoio who way tmvc callcd, Chflj" hrcoint CDtirel your owii jirnjirrljr; It )■ pot tibia to inako thia grat oft'er, aciiüinj; th Molltl Oold Wntoh and larga line of valitable aamplea Fkbe, fortha reatoottmt the stioiving of the lampliji in any locaiitj, alwnji rMtthl in a lar; e tra Je for ii;nftT uurumpln havo been in a luallir for h month or two, wo usual Ir pet trom fl.OUU to J.',U"i)n trflflo frum (ha nrroundinfr coantry. T(ioí whowri: to tu ut once wilt reoelve a (fr-Mt hrn#fit fur acnrcclTanr work and truuljle. Thi i, the moii rmarkuhlf and liberal oíTerevcr known. Is made in order that ur valuable llouartmld Simples mnr b t placed at nnre whcre thi-v can be teen, all orer America; readJor, It will bchanlly any tmnlilc for 70a to vhowthem to tuM whoinar calint your hunnr, and your rcwarU will bc tnott aatisfactorr. A postal card.on which to write ua, coatt bat 1 cent, and Sf, fier you knovr all, you do net care to go iinher, wby no harm la dono. Kut if yon do icnd toüf addreu at caniecure, F RE F, Arf RlBOAXV SHJt 8OLJDGOI.D, I!l 'XUMMJAS WaTCH and onrjarjïe, complrto linf of valtt ■bl HOfsniOt.n SaMPIk. Wo r.y all exprpsí úcight, etc. AUdresj, Stinsok Co., liox tf i'ortland.ilaiae. SOOTT'S EMULSIÓN OF PURE COD LIYER OU And Hypophosphltes of LJme & Soda Almost as Palatableas Milk. Th ouly prcparallon of COD IJTÜR OIL that can be taken roadily and toloratod for a long timo bj dclicato stuuiarhs. AXP AS A BEMEBT FOP. fOysnrPTTOlT, KIKOU l.OI S A1H:( 11ONS. ANAK.1IIA, CKNt:it,vi. DKi;ii,nï. corotis ami tiiüoat Fti:('TI(S, nil all WASTIXU PISOIIPBKS OF CMIIilHtKX it is inarfclloiis In itg ifsnlts. I'reacnbed and einlorsed ly tLo beal l'hysicianfl ia the counlrles of the world. For itnln 17 all llrulsfn. PSSSUS Eiy:s Cream Balín ■WitfscURp?c?l CleaiwM the head of ■3M.;HEÁdJ CATAKRIIAL VIRUS, P(AV.rFVrpw &A All:ty IiiMaiiimii I 011, N#J HEALS tiü: SOKKS, W JB Restores the senses of ■■d" ef$SÊ Taste and ömell. m&?téa$$isL9 A ï' I '1 V Vam into eaclï nostrll. ■KWi :Ia'' üKÜS., zö (Jreenwich St, a Cures &PreTentí nitffl Ikfe coids, ft- T Coughs. BvávVt Soro Throat, HngpUj Hoarseness, " ■ m' stiff Neck, MMnnk Bronchitis, B ijjA VujIjS Hfir Catarrh, laT9!VVpr Headache, Btl % vWi mHC Toothacho, liiBMUM Kneumansm, I BiinBMMW Neuralgia, " - Asthma, Bruises, 11 Sprains, Quicker Thaii Any Knovrn Kemedy. No matter how violent or excruciattnf? the pain the Khoumatie, Bedridden, Inflrm. Crlppled, ervoor Ncuralgic, or prostrated with rtfmM4 m:iy suffer, RADWAY'S READY EELIEF Will Affbrd lnatnnt Ease. INTERNALLY-A huif to a tcaspoonful In half a tumbler of water will In a few minutes cure Cramps, UB, Sour StomAch, Nauseo, Vomltlug, Heartinirn, Nervousness, BleepleM&W8i Slek Head.'L ln DJ inhtea, Colie, Flatulency and all Internal palas. Malaria In lts varlous forma curod and provented. Thcre Is not a remedial nst in the world that will cure Fever and Ak"c and all othcr fevors (aided by RADWAY'S rihïS) ao qnlckly as RADWAY'S READY RELIEF. ACHES AND PAINS. Fbr beadaoho (whethei lek or nervoua), toothache, nenralyia, nerousnessj and Blecplessiiess, rheuma tlsm, lumbago, pain and weakne&s lu the back, spine or kldneys, pabu sronnd the llver, pleurisy, swclling of the Joint and palnsof all kinds, th.o apptlcatlon of Ra Iway'a Reody Belief will afford immedlate ease, and lts continued uso fora few days effect a permanent ture. Prlce, 50 cents. Solü by all druiriiists. i Is the best remedy for ■ all complaints peculiar I Neuralgia, Headache, Sore Throat, Sprains, Bruises, Burns, Wounds, Lame Back, And All Pains Of An nflammatory Nature. Sold by Jlrnzzltts. SUc. and Sl.OO. SOÜ KOOK MAII.rD FREE. ■ Addre33 W1ZASD CO., AWell Drills I f! lA-k FoR EvERV Purpose PSOLDONTRIAt? BGOULDS &. AUSTIN, ElJ j 167 & 169 LAKE ST. E- O CEICAG O. ILLINOIS, ÍIÍOIMíaoiS O Wn mnko % of niftmifao i s turlnffB&bj CarrltgM to -n d:-. ■■L■■3 roet to private partir. Yon MWw can therefore do bettr with ut ■riHng%fc than with a dealer. Wc send car-. dHEth riaeen to all noints within ODniHea VH jT f Chicaeofree of charle. Seod Y-BHBEBBg for catalogue frec. SÜ CHAS.RAISER.Mfr., W C2 & 64 Clybaurn ave., Chicago, DL A Great Bargain; Only p cft W "S fiBfll tvon nnn e BKaínnSSHI SL. AMOL'MT ■] ■mcaMniSjHWU.MAi., post nU.WU.HICKI.PIU. f TWK ÜtÍÍÍÍÍ iSS RUBneasTK?, waai V ■nAPUUl Ara DCTACON BKFacL., U3IHT. BWrTH ïmty BW 91 DOUBLÉ A ORDER AT ONCE! ■"'volvcÜv !eïy du Gbh Gun Cd, S3 ïTJrrt st.. cticüct. ]f JOJÏES fWPAYStheiiïEIGHT Bal VPf S Ton Wuuen Mcale, lAHHBï. lro lwm and Rim Ko tbr mHBENvS Krerr ijxesëtlc. Kor ttf pric l!s F V W5 II1NCS OF IIHCHAMT6H, B B ' proscribo and fully enÊhM tlnrse Big O as the onljr ■Caretln Vf lor tho fcrtíiin curo AVI TO J DATS. tf thisrii flOgfeou-ultod n al G u. ililtAHAM.M. D., ]g ouSlrlo:iir. ■ Amsterdam, '. Y, ES Mrd oniy by tía We have Bold Big G for yemi..i fj. many yenrs. and lt has MSMriucaWtolOfc Kiven the best of atl. Mk OUo. Jm I. K. DYCTIE 4 CO.. Wfcw .-JF Chirago, 111. TmlaHBlArkiSl.OO. Sold by DrugLi3t. I CURE FITS! Whenlsay cureldoMi-t moan tnercly to Btp them foratimoandtlien have tbem return ajtftin, I mon rndicaUure. I baTcmad ■ tlio dtseawof FITS, KPILEPÖY (ir FALLÏNG SICKN'KSS a híe-lnng study. 1 trnrrAnt my ïtanedy to curn tho worst cases. Rec&UM Oihttfl hav f:ilcl is BO mmoo ffMf nofe now rocoiving % cure. ; Fora trnatisonnd n Free BoHlo of m v hs fallible remedy. Oivo Kxpreaa r.n.1 I'ot OBiuo. t;. i;. ew Vork. UV&lf T7S:m TTÏ3S EFST. ■V I IV I St.TtioncrsIicrp'lieni. Standard Quallty, llfc BlIwalliTyK. Sample loz. Iuctmts 1-y niaü. "S ESTJÉRBROQK, DVUAMITC or i In i nsr, removí n ■; -tuin ps and I nHiTil I C ItouMcr rrona land. Che ft p and qiiiok niMhod. Prtoe low. ictilars and pvii-es. AJAX TOKPEDO A D DYNAMITB WOrKS, Bay City, Michlgnn. il' voor ilcttli-r doos not handlc our mtois. snn-1 dtrpct ti n, m ■ ■ ■%lHAKnl.'h; iBnalttk) stoeland m I ICK!V '■ ''■"■ irreuD 1 r H 'iii" montnl ( -. I nVlaiV - ' :"- Sent a ij vrbere on recelpt of ii.W by Alfksb P. Knioijt, UiURfilst. 3900 SCiUo. III. PARM AÑD FARMINS LANDS 1 Hilifl %J9 To rent nnd for snl e on n;ni easy ter ■ s, ■ ti n real estáte necrlty. HARLATK #. r-MITH, BABY sent c. o. o. ; ■ - SPORTSDEN glSfcS'SSS! Tenta, 8 II and Athtetlr Ooods at botton nrlees. B n 1 for catKlouo. .■ iHumiations. JAHL8 l ■■ IIITlTTT-ITIT"! Hi'l'-SiiMrj. Dy.-lnc and dcan11 li I Hl I I Ing In all lts bi i oada I Y U I lik) "i'i! I ■ I II 11 l:-' ■"■! 'ti-i MoLam. JJ X JJx LI U 11 i" ■ torn, BI p, UL KIDDER'8 PA8TILLÉsrHrc5siJ1S HfiTFUTCR' B.& A P. LACEY, UB I FR fl kV r.ironr. Attunifvs, Wa.shinjrr ■■■ ■ % ton, D. C. Instructlons and ■ opiuions on patentability fhek. 20 rs. vxperleuce. A .;: OUD S' v ,. CHiJHlV Jt.itLOl l„r drcnlarl nd terma ad r - XA i IO.IL PVJB. E'., Ij Ikcaldo Uullllni[, (-llioano, LUL nUlVl C Arithmeüc Shorthand, i-u-., thor. ouchtv iil. ratcs. {'iiciilnr free. ) BI ÍS .-,- . i Main 8t-, BuffiUo. N. Y. UfUflUl tl uiythlnrlM In tbairorl 1 BHher w. CoRtly oiitftt KJtKK. Term rUKK. AildrVM, '1KUE& t:o., AllfrusCJl, tliinr. P TO 8 A DAT. Stimplei irnrth 91. SO KI FSBB, r.ivrxnm iiiV tic torse's frtt. Wril IV Breicsttr Safetu Hein UoUltr Co.,Uollv, .VicL rjiAvrl CO Tirccst AmerlranManufnctiiiTr' OataDluilLti , '.■■umi r.i.Y c Co.,iSO North ti:ikli!i st.,aiiniCO,IH. ■■Krtriianirliiiii:Miisiaiii?i PUI n i5Wortl)f.'X)porTb. Pettit'sEyeSalvetsworth IIULU ;1U".ihu la sold at . n h ijux by dealers W. Ñ. U. D.-6-I7.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat