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Maï 5, H0D8E. - The scssion was devoted entirely to the diseussion of the tariff question. The tlisoussion grew very animated, and during it s progress Messrs. Bryce of New York and limmm of Pennsylvania exchanged the lie. Confusión reigned for ,1 time, out order was ilnally restored and the debate continued. Mat 7, Sexate. - The land grant forfeiture bill was furthor discussed as was also the bureau of animal industry bill. House. - The river and harbor bill was taken up and passed by a vote of 161 yeas to 69 nnys. All the Michigan members voted in favor of the bill. May 8, Senate. - The event of the scssion was the apology of Mr. Vórtices to the senate for the language U9ed by him a few days ago. Mr. Hoar presentcd a memorial of the N'riv England conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church protesting against the ratifleation of the Chinese treaty, or any tivaty that procludes Chinese ministors of the gospel or delegates to religious conventions coming into the country, characteriring it nsontirely un-American andun-Chriatian. Mr. Hoar said that until there could be an appeal from the American people drunk to the American people sober the matter might be considered settled. He, therefore, asked that the memorial bo laiü on the table. So ordered. The senate then resumed considüration of the railroad land grant forfeiture bill. The bill weat over without aotion. Hmsp..- The time was entirely devoted to tariff discussion. At the evening session Mr. Chipman of Michigan participated in the debate. POLITICAL. Iowa republicana heartily endorse Alllson's eandidacy. California delegates to the Chicago convention are uninstructed. Kinlucky's delegates go to the Chicago convention uuiustructed. Connecticut delegates are instructed to vote for Cleveland. Iowa demócrata indorse Cleveland and free trade, and declaro against prohibition in state or nation. Illinois republicana indorse Gresham's candidacy and instruct delegates to support him. Pennsylvania prohibitionists in state conyention declared for absolute prohibiWon, in favor of woman Buffrage and against free trade. Utah delegates to the Chicago convention are uninstructed. Nebraska democrats declare squarely for Cleveland and free trade. Indiana republicana indorse "Ben" Harrison for president. Khode Island republicana elect uninstructed delegates to the Chicago convention, and New Jersey democrats indorse Cleveland. Dakota democrats charge Gov. Church with treachery and dishonesty, and ask for his removal. Washington Territory delegates to Chicago convention will support Alger. Georgia democrats are for Cleveland and reform. The anti-saloon republican nationaJLconferenee which met in New York Klay 3 eh'cted delegates to the Chicago conveution. The sum i animal appoitionment of the primary school fund has been made. Total mimber of school children in the census, lüo. 147;number included in the apportionment, CIS,!."; amount appropriated, $408,24li, or (i cents per capita. Sume time ago a report was published throughout the country to the effect that George F. Anderson, formerly of Jackson and well known in tho state, who was convicted in Englaud and seutenced to five yeara, had dicd in prison. The report is incorrect, as Anderson is still alive and serving out his sentence in the English prison. Pred J. Stewart, treasurer of Luce county and postmaster of Newberry, and hia deputy, Clyde V. Hocox, editor and publisher of the Newberry News, have been arrested on the charge of embezzlement. They were un-aigned before United States Stacy. pleaded not guilty and were held under $3,000 bonds each. Work has been commenced on the Miohigamme extention of the Chicago & Northwestern road. Charles M. Humphrey, deputy clerk of the supremo oourt, will resign June 1 to prepare digest of Michigan suprome oourt decisions. John Messenger who was 55 years old and lived at St. Louis, was killed by a vicious young stallion on George W. Whitcomb's breediug farm near St. Johns. The state board of charities commends the work of the industrial home for dïscharged ])risoners at Detroit. An ax factory has boen started at woodland. Grand Kapids wants the Orchard Lake Cadets to visit that city on memorial day. Oregou delegates to the Chicago conyention are uuinstructed. The Progressive Labor party, formed in opposition to the Henry George party, has been dissolved, its object having been accomplished by the withdrawal of Henry George from his party. The democratie primarles of Kentucky have chosen Cleveland delegates. The national veteran club of the United States, in Washington, adopted resolutions the other night expressing confidenee in Gen. Russell A. Alger of Michigan as a representativo volunteer soldier entitled to wear the mantlb uf tho late Gen. Logan, New Mexico delegates to the St. Louis convention aro for Cleveland. New York civil service reform association elected Georgo William Curtís president and Cari Schurz vice-president. Committee to arrange for the St. Louis oonvention will meet at Fifth Avenas hotel May 15, to complete arrangements. Maine labor men will meet at Waterville June 12 to place in nomination a candidato for governor and four congrossmen, ANashville, Tenn., paper claims to have the true story of Mr. Conkling's animosity to Blaine in the '84 campaign. Ex-Senator Chaffee got Conkling's promise to support ltlaine if the latter would write him a letter for his support. This Blaine did and the epistle Was given to Walker Blaine to deliver. On his way, Jones, Elkins and other party managers Intercepted him, decided that Conkling must be ignored and withheld the letter. Conservativo men in Washington say that Blaine ought not to be nominated. A moveinent is on foot to nomínate exSenator Allen G. Thurman of Ohio, for second place on the ticket with Cleveland. New Hampshire republicana send an un instructed delegatiou to Chicago. Delaware democrats endorso Cleveland. New Hampshire delegates to Chicago are uninstructed, but are divided between Depcw and any man who can carry New York. GENERAL. The Methodist conference in session at New York excluded the lady delegates from the conference. A mysterious horse disease has broken out in several counties in Illinois and is working great havoc with the horses. The supremo court of Massachusetts has confirmen the sentence of death passed upon Mrs. liobinson, the Wholesale poisoner. The arched floor of a part of the new board of trade building in Columbus, O„ feil in the other morning, instantly killing three men at work uudor it. At Eau Claire, Wis., ten saloonists were resused lieenses on the grounds that they wero unfit to conduct saloons and that their places Tcre too near churchos or schools. Near Shelbyville, 111., the other day, Mrs. Margaret Dutton, aged 103, and for 50 years a resident of Illinois, died after only a few days' illness, weighing CO pounds, and leaving one great-greatgrandchild and a number of nearer descendant. She had been an invetérate smoker until her lOOth birthday, when ahe stopped for fear of injuring her health. The boarding houses, hoisting works and supplies of the Eclipse mine at Little Cottonwood, Utah, were destroyed by flre the other day. Loss $100,000. The Second National bank of Xenia, Dhio, has been obliged to close its doors. The Kansas farmers' trust convention has adjourued to November 14, at Topeka, when the National farmers' convention will Min session. Ónl.v f armers. aiul farmevs' employés will bo admitted. The Unitod States court at Chicago has sustained the Pullman patent on the vesti bule train and enjoined the Wagner company and the Lake Shore road f rom using the cars. By special arrangement the defendant companies have been given 14 days in which to make changes in their trains. Billy Carson, a son of Kit Carson, the famous scout, shot and killed Thomas J. Tobins in a llght at Fort Garland, Col. Tobins was a companion of Kit Carson, and almost cqually famous. The movement for the pardon of the imprisoned auarchists will take the form of a monster petition f rom all parts of the union. Nearly 800 Pittsburg carpenters are on a strike for more wages. Allen O. Myers has been sentenced to 90 days in )ail and $200 fine by Judge Pugh for contempt of court. His offense was in ridiculing the court in the Cincinnati Enquirer during the tally sheet forgery trial. Dr. D. W. BHss the physician who attended President Garfleld, is seriously ill at his home in Washington. An American and foreign syndicate has promised funds for a speedy construction of the proposed underground railroad System in New York city. Since thegoverument granted the Alaska Commercial company the right to takeseals in Alaska, $4,759,104 have been added to the national treasury. Charles Lyman, for 27 years at the head of tho dead letter office of the postofflee departmeut, died at his home in Washington on the Hth inst. The doath is announced of Sir Charles Tilston Bright, one of the proprietors of the flrst trans-Atlantic cables, who was the engineer-in-chief of the expedition which carried out that scheme. Maj. Rogers, who engineered the Canadiau Pacific tunnel through the Rockies, has left for Alaska to report to the American syndicate the feasibility of a scheme to huild a railway from some wint on the Northern Pacific to Alaska via Calgarry, Edmonton and the Peace river country. Milan, Ohio, had a $125,000 flre the other night. President Cleveland has pardoned Fred M. Kay, convicted of inurder in the Indian Territorj'. FireatSan Diego, Cal., destroyed $150,000 worth of property the other morning. Joe Messenger, express messenger of the United States company at Duluth, has been arrested on a charge of embezzlement. A life-sized bust of Garibaldi has boen placed in the upper lobby of the senate. Alf red Barnes died in Mexico, Mo., the other day. He had been a Masón for 75 years, and is said to have been the oldest inomber of the order in the world. Supt. Nash of the railway mail service has resigned to go into private business. Kmuions Blaine, the eldest son of the statesman, says the report that his father had consented te accept the nomination is news to hini. It is estimated that the grain erop will be from 50,000,000 to 80,000,000 bushels short this year. The laborera on the Duluth & Iron Range road have struck for higher wages. The strike has extended te the iron mine at Ely and about 1,000 men are idle. The soldiers' and sailors' home at Sandusky, Ohio, will be opened in a short time. The home will be in command of Gen. Force. Andi'ew Logan aged 17, was burned to death at Nashville, Tenn., the other night while asleep. Gen. Warner Lewis one of the most prominent men of Iowa, died in Dubuque a few days ago. He was a descendant of one of the oldest Virginia families. His wife with whoin he had lived 60 years, was a nioce of Gen. Laf ay et te. A carload of dynamite exploded on the Philadelphia & Reading road, near Shamokin, Pa., the other morning. Eight persons were instantly killed and IS seriously injured. Eight dweiling houses were burned and many others leveled to the ground by the force of tho explosión, which was feit for 20 miles. Tho voto on the report of the committee against the admisslon of women to the general conference of the Methodist church was adopted by the following vote: Ayes - ministerial, 159; lay, 78. Nays- ministerial, 122; lay, 76. A fire tho other night at Shooter's Island, Staten Island sound, in the lumber yard of Lombard, Ayers & Co., destroyed many thousand feet of yellow pine lumber, also the machine shop, cooperage offices, ete., of the same lirm. The maehinery alone was worth $500,000. Tho loss s $700,000, partially insured. The firo is thought to have been of incendiary origin, and suspicion points to discharged Hungarian workmen. Emmons Blaine has boen elected a director of the Atehinson, Topeka & Santa Fe railroad. The Canadian government is called on to relieve Indians starving in the Peace river country. The senate in executive session has ratlfied the Chinise treaty. The commission house of W. T. Coleman & Co. of San Francisco, one of the largest in the United States, has failed for $4,500,000. The high license law has reduced the number of Pittsburgh saloons and the consequent consumption of beer, to such an extent that the brewers say they will probably have to reduce their force of men. Consequontly they do not fear a strike. Firo at St. Jolms, 111., destroyed $500,000 worth of coal. The treasury departmentis buying bonds iu largo quantities. A boiler in Hodges' sash and blind shop in Manchester, N. H., exploded the other morning, and two men were instantly killed. "Said that Gen. James W. Ewing, disbursing clerk of the department of justice, is short In his accounts to the extent of $8,000 or $9,000. One thousand minera in Birmingham, Ala., are on a strike. A terrlfic explosión of dynamite occurred at the Cclby mine in Besseiner the other morning. One miner was instantly killed and three others seriously injured. At Adrián the jury in the caso of Emma Blackstouo vs. Detroit insurance company, Michigan mutual accident, rendered a verdict on the first ballot for the plaintiff for the full amount, $5,000 and interest. FOREÍGÑ. Mt. Ktna is in a state of activity, and disastrous results are feared. Editor William O'Brien has been sentenced to three mout hs' imprisonment for a speech made at Longhrea April 8. Mr. O'Brien offered no defense and will make no appcal from the sentence of the court. It is said that Archbishop Walsh of Dublin may resign his archiepiscopal office to get out of creating futher difflculty on the land league question. If he does resign he will be created a cardinal. Einin Bey has no doubt that Stanley is all right, having probably changed his course to avoid swamps. To prevent the possible introduction of cholera, the Canadian government will greatly improvo the quarantine service at Grosse Isle, in the St. Lawrence river. Rumored that there are grave fears of a social upri8iug in Berlín. Threats against the life of the Crown Prince have been made and he is very closely guarded to prevent their execution. Joseph Chamberlaln has announced that he will never again train in the liberal ranks. Explosión of gas in a tunnel in course of construoVion near Messina killed six workmen and fatally injured several more. ■ American consul at Frankfort, Germany, reporta that exports from his district have decreascd $1,000,000 during past quarter. ' Quecn Victoria has forwarded to the Woman's Industrial section oftheexhibition at Glasgow a picture paintcd by her daughter the Germán Emprcss. Emporor Frederick is much worse than the doctors idmit and his doath is likely to occur at any time. Great uneasiness is feit at the cessation of the official bulletins. Over 1S0 persons wore killed by hailstones in the vicinity of Delhi, India, on tho tith iust. In view of the attitude of the leaders of the National League the Pope has instructed Cardinal Simeoni to direct Mgr. Pérsico to obtain from tho Ii'ish bishops without dulay deolarations of their views upon the ivsci'ipt. The observations of the bishops will be submitted to the congregation of the propaga u du. The Chinese government wil ereet a monument to Gen. Cordon upon the scuno of his victories over the Tarping rebels. The Prince and Princes of Wales oponed the exposition a. Glasgow on the Sth instant. Emperor Froderlek now sleeps well, arnl dines with his family. Howcver, he is till very weak, and his futile attempts to walk indícate his loss of strength. The danger is that in the event of a recurrence of tho crisis he will be 80 reduced in heulth that his chance of survival will be very slim. His condition certainly reflects great credit on the skill of Dr. Mackenzie. The Crown Prince confers with the Empresa claily, and this markedchaugeiscoincidentwithyucen Victoria's visit, whose successin counseling him proves to be more enduring thun was anticipated. A cholera epidemie is roported in Madrid. The British national defense bilí provides for facilituting the summoniug of yocmen and volunteers, and gives the goveriuuent precedence on the raüways for naval and military purposos without being obli.wd to go to the extreme step of taking possession of the roads. The bill will be introduced by the government.


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