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Alvin Wilsey was in Dexter Tuesday. Judge Joslyn was in Ypsilanti on Mond;y. The rain of Tuesdny did a vast amount of good. Lew H. Clement, spent Sucday in CoIon, Miei). 8. C. Andrews ha been in ('iucinnati thin week. Ben Watts was in Detroit Saturday and Sunday. The probate office bas uudergone it anmial spring cleaniug. .Mr. John Waür and wifa Hpent a few days in Saline last week . Mr. Israel Hal! is visitiug bis daughter, Mrs. Eastman, of Chicago. State re-union of the Sons of Veterana will be held in Owoaso, June 5-8. Mrs. L. II. Frink and daughter liave gone to Grandville, Miel)., to Uve. Mrs. H. W. Hayes and children are visitiuic relatives in Centerville, Micli. Mr. Alanson Moore bas returned from a Tisit to his daughter8 in Charlotte. The high school seniors will hold their class day exercises at Whitmore Lake. J. Li. Stone late of theFranklin house lias removed over Watts' jewelry store. The acboolmasters' club held a very interesting ession in tbia city last Saturday. Miss Amelia Ormsby, of Brooklyn, L. I., i risiting relutives and friends in the city. Tuesday, May 1-tth, is the last day for hearing claims in the John F. Kim estáte. May 14th is the first day for hearing claims in the estáte of Elkabeth A. A. Winegar. Probate Register Doty atteuded the funeral of an unele in -Manchester last week Thursday . Mre. Emma Leiter and children, of Monroeyille, Ind., have returned to this city to live. Mrs. Dr. Inglis, of Detroit, is visiting lier mother, -rs. Heury Baxter of E. Jefferson street. Mr. Martin Clark has been in Detroit this week in the interest of the Physician and Surgeon. Mrs. Hattie Barker, of Flint, is visiting her brother and sister, Miss Abbie, and Geo. 11. Pond. Miss Carrie Norton returned frorn Detroit Monday, where she had been making a tvro weeks' visit. Miss Attie Cannon, of Williamston, Mioh., will spend the Bummer with ber sister, Miss J. Canuon. You can now pinchase goods at wholeale, at J. ï. Jacobs & Co. See change of ad in another column. Miss Annie Ladd expects eoon to leave for Detroit, and will go from there to Uharlevoix for the summer. Sheeban & Co., J. D. Baldwin & W alter ïoup are to erect a block of 9tores on State street during the summer. A number of citizens f rom the surrounding towiis attended the dramatic entertainment of Uouth and Barrett Monday eveuing. Miss Della Andrews, of Pittafield, was thrown from a carriage Saturday and oonsiderably bruised about the head and ehoulders. The mission circle of the IL E. church held a social Saturday evening at the resideuceof Mrs. W. W. Tozer, on E. Liberty street. Again wecüll the atteutionof our advertiBerstliatunlessacuangeof ad is broogbt mlu the üllice by Wednesday noon it eaunot be made that week. George Kusterer was let oil easy by Justice Pond, only eight days in jail, but if he does not mend bis dieorderly liabits he is promised a long sojourn at Ionia. Our readers will confer a faver if they will send items of interest to Thb Demoorat. They must be properly signed but the name will not be published üuless deeired. Frnnk McFall and family, of Ann Arbor, apent Hunday at E. M. Adams', and John F. Bennett and wiie, of same place, were in town over Sunday.- South Lyon Picket. This raonth round will be broken for the Dew churcli of the Disciples, ooruer of División and Williain streel. Au effort is beiug wade to purchase the adjoin ing property of Win. A. llatch, fSr. . aud ïf thia is done a paraonage will be erected correepcndiüg in style to the cliurch. Tha new mortgage tax law will be u greater benefit to those who pay taxes on real estáte, than was anticipated. Mortgaiiea were returned from Wayne county alone for $170,000 which one of our uuiTersity professors liolds. This professor has ouly been payin taita on #11,000 personal property heretofore. Supervisor O'Haam is a candidato for sheriff. Rov. Dr. Ramsey ent to Detroit Tuesday. J.Willard Babbitt is now Ypsilanti's oity attorney. 1). F. Schairor started Monday night for Nebraska. ('has. II. Gibson spant Sunday with friends at Jackson. A hop was given at Cropsey's hall, Wednesday evening. Mrs. Iloag, of (Jhelsea visited Anu Arbor (rienda this week. Fred Cutler and family are visiting Mr. and .Mrs. J. Ij. Ston. James W. Robison has entered the field again in the hack line. Wirt Newkirk, of Hirkett, is acting as local editor of the Kcgister. Miss ('elle, of New York city, is Tisiting her gister, Mrs. Geo. S. Morris. A hop is to be given thij evening at the ladies' library by a party of young ladies. J. ï. Jacobs has been elected a member of the rspublicau state central committee. James Öchiappacasse was an interested spectator at the Detroit-Boston game, Monday. Sheriil Wlsh attended a meeting of the sherilTs of the state at Jackson, on Weilnesday. The Two Sams advertise bargains in spring and summer suits. See ad in another column. Mr. and Jira. A Iva T. Ilill, of Detroit, spent Sunday witU JVlrs. Ilill'a father, Mr. Calvin Bliss. Mrs. Moffatt, tiee Grace Minnis, of Jackson, ie visiting Miss Grace Seabolt, of North Fifth street. Alfred J. Millard and family, of Detroit, carne to the city to attend the wedding of hia brother. Miss Rosa Bailey haa removed from Salem to this city, rnaking her home with Miss Grace Seabolt. Jo6eph Stimson is paying a visit to a fnend ut Lacy, Mich., this week. Has promised to return to-day. Caspar Kinsey took possession of the Franklin house, last Friday, N. H. Drake is the new landlord. Dr. D. P. Pattereon, of Charlotte, brought a party of four to attend the Booth-Barrett entertainment. Misges Lena Wetmore, Julia Alien and Ilattie Holmes of Ypsilanti, were the guests of friends in the city Saturday. S. W. Clarkson of this city succeeds Dr. W. B. Smitu as one of the directora of the Peninsular saviugs bank of Detroit . l)r. Ramsey will deliver the scond of his lcctures upon "Evils of the Tongue," at tlie Methodist church next Suoday erening. J. M. Stafford is repainting and making a Dumber of improvements to his new house cor., of State aud E. Catharine streets. Ed Eberbach haa been at Detroit this week receiving the consistory degrees. He is now a full-Hedged 32nd degree Scottish rito masón. Judge V. C. Lane, of Adrián, will eit on the bench of the Wushtenaw circuit court next week. Judge Kinne sitting in the Lenawee circuit. Rev. Dr. Earp attended the eouthern convocation of the Episcopal diocese of Michigan at Hillsdale, Tuesday and Weduesday of this week. Justice FreuaufT sentenced Wm. Campiou, Jr., to 8ix montlis at Ionia, Monday. The eüarge ugainst him was being drunk and disorderly. The Apollo quartette, consistiDg of Messrs. Benwiok, Mutschell, Wines and Fall will furnish the musio at the Cocksr league meeting, next Monday eveninjj. Mrs. Fletcher Winters and child, of Eaton Rapids, have been spending the past fortnight with the family of Moses Seabolt. They returned home Saturday. J. E. Henritjues, an old Ann Arbor boy, now rt-Biding in Marshalltown Iowa. was a delégate to the democratie state conventiou held at Dubuque, Iowa, May 2. Bishop Harris will administer the rite of conüimatiou in St. Andrew's chur'ch next Sunday evening, and will also dehver the second lecture to the studeutg of llobart guild. At the meeting of the woman's horns miasionary society held at the Methodist church, last Thursday evening the muaic rendered by the Apollo quartette was the special feature. The case of AVm. Kulenkamp against John Graff, in which the plaintiff was awarded judgment for 8137.87, was carried up to the supreme court, Vednesday, on a writ of error. J. P. HofTman will soon open another musio store in the building on Main etreet, in Miss Buell's dreesmaking establishment. Miss Buell will remove to Fifth street, near William. Several weeks ago John Loney was arrested on compluint of J. A. Polhemus, charged with embezzlameut and larceny. Monday, J ustice Pond discharged Loney, the complaiuant faihng to appear. About ilfty fnends surprised Mr. and ' Mrs. B. B. Morgan at tlieir residencs corner of State and Washington streete, on Monday evening, and celebrated the 15th anniversary o! their marriage. Charles Schenk, formerly a farmer of FittsüeM, was deolared insane on Monday and taken 10 the iusane asylum at Pontiac liy öherifl Walsb, Tueaday. He has beeu aoting atranco for .some time. The generfll, ind tLio gere.ral Btreet funds of the city are eutirely exhausted and DO warranÍH druwn ou either of these funda will be paid by city reasurer Moore untü tbo council makes provisión for them. Miss Isabella Thoburn delivered a very eutertaining lectnre at the Methodist church, upon the difficulties and encouragements of missionary work in Imlia,' last ilouday eveniuir. The atteudauce was very large and a ricli treat was eojoyed. Services in St. Audrew's ohurch next Sunday as follows: 7.30 a. 111., htany and holy conimunion; 10.30 a. m., morning prayer and sermón; ld m., bibleclsiss; 12 m., sunday school; 7 p. m., conürmation elass in tlie chapel; 7.30 p. m., evening prayer, oonürmation and sermón by Bishop Harria. Inspector-General, M. S. T., of Coldwater, dropped in on Co. A, last Monday evemng and gave the boys a drill. He congratulated the oöicers and company upon their proficiency in drill. Part of hin business liere was to iuvestigate the lack of barmony that bas existed for some time past. Dr. T. A. Felch has boufht the two lote at tlie corner of Oak and Kuclid utreets, Ishpeming, and will build a hHndsome resideuceduriügthe summer. The pnce paid for the lots was $3,(X)0, which shows that dirt costs money in Ishpeming, espe:ially when well located. - Marquette timing Journal. Dr. Felch is the son of our esteemed fellow citizen, ex-Governor Feloh. At one of tlie late performances in the opera house, some one in thegaliery popped au empiy peanut bag, and the euce tüoutfüt tüat Alger s Doom had buret. - Ypsilanti Sentinel. We think you re not usetl toqueer uoisea in Ypsilanti. You had better come up to Ana Arbor and attend au entertainment at our opera house, yo would not only tliink the Alger boom bad burst but the wholo republicau party. Burglars secuied a valuable gold watch and chai and about $40, in money from the residt-uee of Charles B. Daviaon, ou West Hurón street ou Tuesdiy niglit. The wntch was particularly pnzed bv Mr. DavisoD as ii was a present from the late 11. A. Beal. The burglars pried open the window to bis Hlcti)ii)g room and flshed Mr. Davuon's wearitií; apparel out of the window whero the Imrglars rifled the pockets. Sheriff Walah geut descriptions of the watch all orer the state, and every effort L js boiDg made to catch the tuieves. JudgeHarrimanwas in CbeUea yester day. Mrs. 8. S. Blitz is visiting her sister in Detroit. Rufus Cate of Detroit, was iu the city yesterday. John Beahau's trial was adjourned fo one week . Judge and Mrs. Cooley retarnod from Washington, Wednesday. M. C. Peterson retiirned Wedne.iday from a six weeks' trip in the east. The choral union assisted in the cho ral services at St. Andrew's churcli las tttmüag. Miss Kittie Faulkner will leave for the east sometime this month to spond the slimmer. Mrs. A. Wood.of Milwaukee, Wis., was the gueatof Mrs. E. Nichols of N. Iugalls strest last week. Yesterday being Ascensión day, tliere were services in St. Andrew's and St Thomas' churches. Mrs Qilbert who is visitingher son E N. Qilbert, feil from her chair Tuesday and dislocated her hip. Dr. S. Volland calis the altention of The Demoorat readers to her professional card in to-day'a paper. Mrs. O. Stone of Flint, and mother of Dr. l. L. Stone, well known in this city. is the guest of Miss 11. M. Gregory, 14 Bowery street. J. W. Stafford expects to remove next week to the residence recently purchased of Mrs. A. Kearney, corner of State and Cathanne streets. Some miscreants fired two shots into the residenca of Mrs. E. F. Stevens on Ingalls street, Wednesday evening, between 9 and 10 o'clock. The school board liave accepted plans prepared by Spier fe Rohns, of Detroit, for the building, and tlie building conimittee are waiting for bids. Chas. K. Whitman, Jas. Kearns, J. R. Bach, S. V. Beakes, Wm.Walsh and Wm. H. Mclntyre attended the democratio state convention at Grand Rapide, yesterday. The plans and specifications of the new school building are to be seen at Maok & Schmid'ri and bids for building the same will not be taken later than tbe 10 inst. The marnage ceremony of Capt. Sid. W. Millared, of Co. A, and Miss Al. Walz, was celebrated at the residence of the bride's parents in the secoud ward, on Tuesday evening. Kev. 11. F. Belser officiated. An agreement haa been made for set tling the matters of Henery Osborne, who made an assigment recently. The oreditors have agreed to accept 25 per cent in cash, and take a four years note for the balance. There will be a song service at the Unitarian church next Sunday evening with a chorus of about 15 voices, consisting of the two chorus choirs of the church assisted by Dr. Blanchard. Tliis will be the last of the evening services for the stason. A large number of our citizen who are intereated in the formation of a society for the prevenrion of cruelty to animáis, gathered at Firemen's hall last Friday evening to take the initiatory steps in the matter. Rev. Dr. Earp aoted as chairman of the meeting, and Prof. W. S. Perry, Becretary. A oommittee, consisting of Zina P. King, B. E. Niohols and W. 8. Perry, was appointed to draft u suitable constitution and bylaws for the society. The next meeting will be held on Friday evening, .May 18th, at which timo all parties interested in the project ure requested to be present. Snake storiea are now in order, here is one- the tirst of the season, 36 snakes in 15 minutes or lesp, and yet it is early in the season for snakes. Here is the story: "George Willits of the board of health office drove his friend, John Cook of Ann Arbor, over to the Chandler farm Friday. They left the rig near tüe railroad and strolled into the marsh along a little península of eolid ground. They were gone hardly more than a quarter of an hour, yet both are willing to make u colemn afiidavit that they killed 16 rattlesnakes during the walk. The midden rise in temperatnrehad nursed the snakes into suddeu life, although part were still in a semi-lethargic condition." - Lansing Journal.


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