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C. H. MILLEN INSURANCE AGENT. ,No, 4 South Main St., Aun Arbor. The oldest nge'cy in the city. Estnbhshed a quarter of n oentnry. Kepresentingthe followintr first-clasa compsnies. Home Ins. Co. of X. V $7,000,000 Continental Ins, "n. of N" V., 4,207,906 Niágara Ins. Co. of N. Y 1,7:15,503 Glrard Ins . of l'liiu , 1,132,486 Oriënt Ins. Co. of Hartford 1,O,S2B Commercial Union of London I',!,, 100,000 Liverpool. Laadon umi Globe .'W. 000, 000 lialr luw. Lont lilniallii aiUuttml aiul piom)iiii MUk e. ;. itii.i.ny. HEÑRYlñÁt THEWS Keaps a Ftrst-class MEAT MARKET ! Dealer in all kind of Fresti, Salt and Smoked Meatt, One Door East of Franklln House. Prlcos licusonablo. Thanklng tbose wlio hare ao HberallY patrónted me In the past, I aiso cordiallf olicJt trarie rom new pairons. HENRY MATTHEW3, Huron Street, Ann Arbor, Mich The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Omatod Iöö9. un lr tbfl General nanking Tji ofthisfttate has v, tacludlBg capital Stoet, eto., etc., OVER $500,000 ASSETS. Buhlucátt men, (iu;irliniis. Trustees, f .adíes and other persona wili flnd triis Bank a SAFE AND CONVENIENT 1 lace at which to inake Deposits and do business. Interest Ís Allowed on All Savings Deposits Of $1.00 and npward, according to tlie rules of the bank. and Interest t:ompounded sbini-annually. Money to Loan in Sumsof 525 to $5,000. Kecured by l'nincambered Real Estute and other Itood socuntú'd. DIRECTORS-Chricain Mact, W. W. Wines, W. W. Harrmian, William Den ble, David Kinsey, Daniel Higcock and W. u Smitli. OFFICERS-Christian Mack, President; W. W.winei, Vice-1'reaident: C. E. Hiscock, Caaher. Fred. Brown ! At Ciiabkkn'b Ou Plicb. FI 11 ! liXQU-Oirrs a.xi_c3Ce;ajX'S- HOT LUNCH EYERY B, EBERBACH & SON. DEÜOGISTS AND PHAKMA.CISTS, No. 12 South Main Street - DEAIiBBS IX - Sfediolnes, Chem i ■ 1 1 1 M, Dye StuflH, Artlit'i and Waz Flower Materials, Toilet Artlcles, Truaaea, Etc Pire Wines id Lipors ! Spadal ttentlOB pald to the furnishlne of (hjslclana, ChemlgU, Schools, etc, with phlloophlcal and Chemical Apparatos, Bohemlaa Ckamlcal Ulasswar, Poroalala War, Pur Beacenta, eto. nydetans' PresortptUns Carafully Prepared Mali hoon. CBERBACH & SON. Duluth, South Shore & Atlantic RAILWAY. "The Soo-Mackinaw Short Line." ONLT DrRECT ROUTE TO UPPEB MIC1IIQAN and the Iron and Copper Reelona of Laice Superior. Trarersing a ttrritory unequailed tor HUNTING, FISHING and CAMPING. Doublt Daily Train Service between St. Ignace anl Uoughton without ehange of cars. WAQNIU SLEEPIN0 COACHES attacbed to all XiRht Traína. OB8EBVATION PARLOK CARS on all Day Trains. The only all Rail Route to SAULT STK. MARIE. Tickets over thls route are on sale at all principal ticket omces. Fnll Information as to rates, to.. copies of maps and folders will be f urnUhed apon applicatlon to E. W. ALLEN. Oen. Pass. & Tkt. xgl., Marqaette Mich K-M.ICHICAN tápNiÉ V CE5ÏBAL Timb Table, Nov. 20, 1887. Standard Time. OOIXO UU, 4 d A iá l! I f ?J Í3 fá í3 & , A. . A. . T.M. P.M. P. K. 3hlcíO._ _Lt. 8.60 9.00 4.40 8.15 9.10 Kalamatoo.... 1.50 9.00 12 33 2.27 Battl Creek... U7 7.31 Litó 8.18 Jckson.....Ar. 5.15 4.20 9.15 S.15 4.50 AnnArbor 4M 5.80 10.33 4.35 6.08 Detroit ir 6.00 6.45 11.50 6.00 7.90 P. K P. U. Bt. Thomas Ar 11.05 9.50 8.80 rnview. i.i7 Bufftlo Ar 3.85 2.40 8.05 UOINO W1IT. tL wtknotn. á ►Jf3„.!gg2Ï a oj o w5 Lrg SS i. M. P. K. F. K. i. M A. M. P. . Búllalo U 11.30 10 00 1.U0 Niágara Falla 12.45 p. k. 2.15 8t. Ihomaa... 4.23 1 10 6.50 Oetrolt Lt. 7.00 9.10 4.00 8.00 10.15 nn Albor..... 8.18 10.30 6.30 .12 11 86 Jaduon &r. t.45 'i.35 7.10 10 51 12.54 Battle Oreek_ 11.20 1.12 8.52 i.H. .2S 12. ÍS Kultnutoo. 12.17 1.50 9.45 4.45 1.20 3 97 Chicago.. ...Ar 5.40 6.40 10.2Ü t.00 7.45 The New York Exprus, a fast train leaveí Chi3ago at 8.10 Kalnmazoo 6.&8; Battle Créele. 7.83; JacksoQ, 8.49. Aun Arbor, 9 45; arrlvinRln Detroit at 10.45 P. M. The Chicago Expresa, a fast tralu leaves Detroit at 1.80 p m. Ann Arber2.32; Battle Créele, 4,40 ; Kalamaxoo, 6.15; Chicago, 9.80. Sundaj excepted. tSiturday & Sundaj excepted tDatly. O. W: EoooLis, H.W. HAYE8, 0. r. 2. A.. VMcago. lAat. Ann Arbor.


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