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Here And There

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Gen. Crook is tlie senior brigadier teñera). Chic go belles are cultivatlnc an inauiiblc langh. Benitor Incalía lias tbc mallest foot in tbe Senate. A round of secda yleld about 10,000 sticks of asparagus. Mis. Garfield bas an aiinual Incomc of upwardof $20,000. April 27 bas been lelectetl as the Pennsylvauia Arbor Day. It Is iKiw a penal oflense In Alabarna to partlclpntc In u ratlle. Tbc lat Southern President was President Ta.ylor, elected In 1S4& Toronto wlll trv to pet tlirf next PanPresbvterlan council, In 18U2. There are 261,160 persons in New York city wbo do not speak Engllsh. The new Empresa of Gennany has a personal incomc of $80,000 a ycar. Prof. Sumncr thlnks marrlaffe regulatlon the first step toward the millennium. The animal rush of Immlgrants bas begun. The great majority are from Ireland. The Mormon establishment or cburch In thls country comprlses 1G2,3S3 persons. Buffalo claims the tallest burglar In tbe country, ilis beight Is C feet 4 inche?. It wlll be fifty years next Fourtb of July slnce Iowa was oijraulzed as a lenltory. Marcb bss been tbc most dlsastrous montU the rallroad compnnlcs have ever experienced. Tbc late Barghash BIn Saed, Sultan of Zanzíbar, lenves 27 wldows and 'J3i children. Emperor Frederick and Empress Victoria wlll be ciowned Klng and Queeu of Prussla at Konlgsberir in June, If alivc. Until a few years ago Kaiser Wilhelm ! changed pbotographs with every pretty woman whose acqualntance hc made. Judge Grcsham owns a handsorno farm near Jndianapolis, and takes deight in looking after hls erops and live stock. Mrs. Ellzabeth Miller Invented thebloomiir costume. Mis. Klizabcth Cudy Stauton wore It for two years and Mrs. Miller for six. Mrs. McElroy, of Texurkana, gave blrtb the other day to two glrls and onu boy - her third set of tripleta iu a little over four years. A party of six gentlemen, who propose to make a tour of Europe on blcvcle, talled from New York for the Old World the otber day. King Kalukuua is going to settle down to hard work and become a coffje planter. He flnds that there Is more in it than Uelng a klne. The town of Mason, Me., bas thlity-four voters. Tbe name of twenty-oue of Ihem Is Bean. One year cverv town office as filled by a lioan. A Bradford (Pa.) preacher annouuced to hls flock tbat "Amens" were all right at the proper time, hut tbat they dld not rattlc In the colleetion basket The unusual pbenomenon of snow falllng from a c'.car sky was wltnessed reeen tly at Livingston, M. T. The nearest elouds overliung tbc mouutains, five miles ciistaut Twenty-slx States wlll clect Qovcroon tbis year. Two of these electlons wlll occur iu April, one in June, two in August, tbrce In September and one in October. All tbe others take place In November. To "sbcll" the shell road at Sf. Augustlne, Fla., for one and one-half miles, wlll take 50000 barrels of oyster shells. A liamway wlll be built to transport tbe material from tbe sea to the road, and it wlll be delivered for ten cents a barrel. In the pocket of a man frozen to death in the Dakota blizznrd was an article cut from a newspaper, sijjued by the d'iad man 's own name, giving five infallible indicatlons tbat the winter would bo warm and open, with not enough snow Iu Dakota to cover the wlieiit At Birmlniiham. Ala., an Hallan frui t dealer placed $100 in bilis In a clgar-box and put tbe box iu tbe stove while he walted on soine customers. Forgettlng tbe inoney ho rdered mi asslstant to build a lire In the slove, wblcb was done, and tbe money was burned to asbes. A pleasant-looklng and smootb-tongued stradger canie to East Baltiinoie, looked at the sawmlll that, was unuscd and In litlgalion, had the michtncry removed toa juuk shop and sold for Í700, luvited the drayman to dlne with hlm, and left without paylng fordinncr or dray. At Lebanon, Ky., a man named Godkin flred a 6hot from a repeatlng rifle at a uiuskrat swimmlng In tbe water. The muskrat was not hit, but the bullet struck the water, glanced upwanl, then flew across the pond and killed a young colored man who was watchlng the sport. An insana woman escaped from a Michigan asylum, and to prevent belng captured sho cllrobed a tree All eftorts to persuade her to deseend f all ing, the tree was chopped down and eased to the ground by the attendants. lts burden was then seized and taken back to the boapital. A man who has been In the fish truile at Port Clinton, Oblo, says tbat the fish caught thcre are so strongly impregnated with oil that it is hnrd for the dealers to get rid of tbera. Many people will not cat Ihem. Tbe oll Is washed from the Wood Couuty llelds down the Portage Rlver. Near Mlllersburg, Oblo, Noah Umstcad, an emp'oyc in a saw-inlll, was slruek by a pitee of iron called a írog, whlch feil Into the saw whlle In rapld motion aud was tbrowu with great force. striking Uuistead a glanciug lick, taking off hls nose and destroying one eye, besldes Infllcting other seriom injury about tbe head. In a little town in Oregou Uves a beautlful young lady, nineteen years old, whn is webfooted. Sbe wears a small sboe, and, except In the matter of the webs between her toes, sbc has a remarably shapcly foot. Wben a child she was never so happy as when wading in the water, and she is now an expert swlmmer. S. M. Bishop, wldel.v known as "tbe fattest man In the world," died at Petersburg, Va., on Wednesdav, of inteimiltent fcver. He was twenty-five years old and welghrd 550 pounds. He was born In Prince George County, and bas been on exhibltion ever slnce he was an Infant. When a mere youth ha tipped the beain at 380 pounds. A party of lad les and gentlemen startcd to explore a cave near Clyde, Ark. About nine hundred yards from the mouth of the cavern they encountered an immense anny of rats. The rats were vlclous and made a savaga attack on the explorers. To of the ladies falnted and had to bc earrled. Hundreds of the animáis were slain by the men. A cburch In a Wlsconsln town is probably tbe only rellgious edillce In the country which dependa upoti champagne bottlcs for ita drainage. The bottlet were donated, the bottom deftly knocked off and the necks abbrevlated In length. Then by placlng the neck of one bottle In the bottom of another, and so on, a draln was constructcd whlch hal kept the little church "extra dry" ever since. Of 600 tornadoes of whlch record has been made In the United States, not more than sevehty-five were east of the Allegtieny Mountalns. The warm air tempestuously drlven from the Gulf of Mexico up tbe Mlssisslppl Valley Is caught by the polar wind and drlven in gjrratory tornadoes across the prairies. The Appalacblan range serves on the Atlantic slope as a barrlur against storms of that BOrL The Copts of Egypt have a very old lndutrv, that of artificial egg hatcblng. There are 700 such establlshtnents wltbin a ebort distance of Cairo, and the product! of chlckens from the ovens reaehes 12,000,000 annnally. Tbe eeason for incubatlng lasts through three months in the early summer. The country people take fresh eggs to the owneis of the ovens and glve two for each newly-hatched chlck. A plan Is on foot for conyertlng about five thousand acres In Twlgga County, Gcorfla, belouglng to tbe Tarver istat, Into a nutionat huntlng-ground. Governor Oordon an other weil-known men, are Interested In the tcheme. It is proposed to inclosc ttiis large tract of land with sultable fenclug and stock it with all kinds of ir ne, sucb as deer, turkcyi, prtridges, rabbi &c, and make It tb great huntlng-grou of tbe United States, t whlch rportmen wlll repair from all sections t the country. It ■ propoied to build u hote!,clubhouse, &c, and make it a place of osttonal reDUtatlop At Paris, M. Coquclin, tho eider, lives on the sixth floor, and thcre is no elevator in the house. The Marquis of Londonderry, lord ! tenant oí Ireland, has had oonferred ii]on him the vacant knighthood of tho gartor. A Borlin or black Iron soroll, mouuted with pearls and diamonds, and suitable for I half mourning wear, is an effective novelty ; in brooche. In brooches a silver horse, in repousse, in the act of springing over a pasture fence, is . one which will be appreciated by all admirers of horseflosh. Aro wonien anglos? Yes, we say, Thoy aro undoubtedly ; butthat's No rcason thcy at the play Should wear their wings upon their hats. All members of tho Stationary Englnccrs' society recontly organized in Baltimore are barred from driuking alcoholic stimulants. i They vrill have to get steam up somo other way. At tho poker table, Miss Chicago - Oh, my wasn't that just too funny. Why, I won all that pot, and I stood on a pair of nines. Miss Manhattan - You generally do, I believe. Tho proposal that Texas shall uso half her ten million surplus to build and endow a Sam Houston college is favorably received by many of the leading papers of that state. "I see," said he, "that a Boston boy has been fined $5 and costs for saying 'Rats' to . an old gentleman." "Yes," replied his friend, "they are very particular about ! language in Boston; he should have said 'Rodents.'


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