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Ilfiw It Worki. In answor to many inquines regarding the j permanency of cures wrought by St. Jacobs i Oil to which public attention has bccn ciflcally called in many varied forms, tho f ollowing serves as a most excellent ; ple of how the great remedy performs its mirados and what is meant by a permanent l cure. Huudreds have testified to the same ! effect. Mr. .T. E. Bonsall, Prothonotnr.v. New Bloomfield. Perry Co., Pa., in 1881 was pormanently cured 01 rheumatism. From the age of 15 to 48, about 83 years, he had suffered acutely at times from that dread disease, and at the date specified he was permanently cured by St. Jacobs Oil. I In proof of this, he writes in 18SÖ that ho ; has had no reourrenco of rheumatic pains , since his relief in 1881. Again in April, : he writes as follows : "My health continúes good ; no return of rheumatism since 1881 . when cured by St. Jacobs Oil. I receiye ! lotters from all parts asking about my : aculous cure after 30 years suffering." Some scamp recently decorated, in the ■ nlght, tho great door of Sing Sing. N. Y., ' prlson with the legend "Hair cut whilo you walt. A Snre Thtnar. There are very few things in this life of which wo may bo absolutely certain, but ' this is ono of them; that Dr. Pierce's ! "Pleasant Purgativo Pellets" have noequal as a cathartic in derangements of the liver, I stomach and bowels. ïhey are very small ; and their action is pleasant. Purely i tablo and harmless. 25 cents a vial. All dragglstfí. ______ "Lacework" brooches, f ormed of one 9olid . pleco of pierced gold, heavily cnameled, aro : among the novelties recently seen. To Consamptlvoa. Reader, can you believe that tho Creator affliotfl one-third of mankind with a disease for which there is no remedy? Dr. R. V. Pierce's "Golden Medical Discovery" luis cured hundreds of cases of consumption, men- whom physicians pronounced i able, becauso ono lung was alniost gone. , Senas 10 cents in stanips for Dr. Pierce's book on consumption and kindred tions. Address, World's Dispensary Medioal Association, 603 Main street. Buffalo, I n.y. ; Dlamonds and rubies set in the designs of larga sil ver buttons and clasps are now soen ' In many handsorao combinations. The Jlfimty of IVoimui is her crown of glory. But, alas ! how quickly does the nervous debility and chronic weakness of tho sex cause tho bloom of youth to pass away, sharpen the lovely features and emaciato tho rounded forml There is but one remedy which will restore the f aded roses and bring baok the grace of youth. It is Dr. Price's "Favorfte Prescription," a soverign remedy for the diseases peculiar to femalcs. Itlsone of tho greatest boons ever conferred upou ; the human race, for it preserves that which Is fairest and dearest to all mankind - the I beauty and the health of woman. In pencil cases a ploasing pattern is a shepherd' s crook, tho stock of which is pa ved i with small pearls and torquoises. Aman who has practlced medicine for 40 yoari oiiüht to know snit from Bugar; rcad what ho ToliXDo, o.. Jan. 10, ls?7. Mesirs.F. J. Cheney & Uo.- (entUimen:- I hava been In the general practico of mertleine for most 40 years, an1 woulil sajr that In all my pr&otUM UI 1 experienoe, bare nevnr soen it prrp:iratton thtit l would prescribe with is niiirh oonlldOBOO of Huceess as I can Hall's Catarrll ('ure. manufa'.'ture 1 by yon. Havo prOHorlboit ít a ffreat raany Urne! and its effect Is wondcrful. arvl woulil say in oortcluslon that I have yet totind a caso of Catarrli , thatlt would not ouro, if thoy would tilico It aecorlIngtodlroctlon. Tours trcly. Ij. L. GOIWÜCII. M. D., Offlce, ais Summlt St. We wlll eive Ï103 for any caso of Catarrh teat can not be cured with HaiPs Ctttarrli Cure. Taken internany. CHKNEy & _ Prop3 __ T0ledOi 0 ïj"Sold by Uruggiats, 75 cents. A lizard of gold sot with jewels in everj I hue of the rainbow makes an attractive but ) costly hair ornament. If afflicted with sore eyes use Dr. Isaai Thompson's Eye Water. Drugjfists sell it. 26c fflBBARD'S RHEUMATIC SYRUP .iy 9h known, eo liighly i SP fff Wr R"' endorsed by its :■-. mm home peopie, in ! HkMK 'le treatment ol mËMnÈSKp Kheumatiim :' vJH stfr'-t' an& a" i!!ooct !'".■ HH H9P"''' Our ModiJflH fefek; sent freo on apiS9 W&$ plication. ■9 Wl;:5: Rhujkatic 'S Rw'' Btkwp Compaxt, " fffffye: Jekson, Mich. SICK OR WELL, yol 1VILL BK IM'KKKNTKl) In rendinp thttt formula. It is nut a peculiar rciur-dy put p to sell for a cent a dose. Ve challeoKe the woi M tu protluee a MoUtclne cqual to It In merit a.-' a famlly romedy, The combinatlon makes it tbe greatost BLOOD MEDICINE !N THEWORLD, AjtMM-A Cvx4#l4 Aa a cathartlo It wtll reUaSCSTB OagldQai store the ttovels to thoir unriuiil (KHMÜtlon without pain or Krlping and has romarkable vtrtue in the treatment of habitual fiui.ttipation. indiiretitlon. and us a tonlc for tho utomaob !t has no rival, as usod tliis ayrup, Di.-L Ih a powerful and usoTut reraDldCK wOnOolli cdy, actiti primarlty oa tlio nervous systcm, kldnt?ya and uterino uriínns, UniCOrn tlOOIi stands rst ana foFomost asa tontc and retjulator. Puluor'c Rnnt I9 1P,ower)f'115r eholagQguo, uNIVCi 5 nWWli workinfr with roat eneFKT on thellTPr. Itis alao an excellent toniu ft veil as enthurtie and alteratlve, actlnj( upun the secretivo and abforbent fflMkda f the body. MMlalrA s powerful In its act Ion, worktnjr fvldiiUrdRCi witli grttat enorjzy upo tho livor and sinitll intontines, and is lnvariably u eü for habiinal coustlptition. Timii4aL 1s tonlc, dluretlc, alterativo and i amaracK. uxatire. DuviIaaL lsoxcellent for Rhenmntlsm, SyphilDUraOCKi Is, Kldney and LlTer DUewet, and tor all 5kin diKoiiRps it has no rival. prtlfp Rn Of cathartic, and antl-scrofulous. IX ADIHTIOX to the AHOVF, whldi are evervwhtre reoognlzed by the MKIUCAl VAVX' ïj'ï1 V at iii-int: thf Ix-st known Blood Tonica, onr mudicldo contal i KA UK DRUGS, reudertng HIBBARD'S RHEUMATIC SYRUP A BX.OOD MEDICINE, UKRIYALBD IN MKIUT. It is a ufe Family Mcdioiut', beoaaM it contalna no opint- or polsOBi Chlldraili InvaltcN and delicate iersons wtll iin t it the best medicine and tonio they can une. No borne Bhonld be without it. Always in oHMoii, ffptinff, Summer, Autumn mui Winter. If yon eannot procuro It of yonr druMst, sond direct to us. Erloe II .00; ti bottle . B. B. B. (Botante liloi Ualm ) The (rcat Blood Porifler and Tonic. s hoi 1 1.., n% Tl 1IOKS, Lil I a.AMH I.AII swnLLiMis Bar OLÍ) IMlillS ANI) SOBES, .-3 (5 S%I'1!I1IS L R I IN ALL STAGES, Rif [IIKIKI'KKAL VL t& ANI KYl'lllLITK: Vt% BBEDHATH, wJf DISKASKS AM BÊf 7TZ. HHITIIONS, BITCHING B ni -.nous, ri CATAKKII, ii iiv, Bg O3SOENA, g H KIDNEIT THOI Itl.IvS. JU 1U.OOI) T.WN5' FBO1B K1KTII. HOONKVII.T.B. Ind. Jnnnarj O, 17 Iíhull ever iini u tli IJ that "" f"""1" wcre born ,nii lililí i.W-- :""■ ""■t ""' 'V"1','1"1' T l„,„i.„. i had Woodpotaon rrom WrUi. and o bf crluplfcl for lifv. Tlieylil I rouldloM mrloww llnib I c.iilJii"i tmndfnmjrclMitíorecItoiiiTli amllanBbatüo(TonrB. B. B oond m aound iao4 i-U Y. unan n inv yo Ma ■ l my iui tii. re mtt knofi oomy hlnboM lar as YooMíratófully. miuhkV. tAintu. s. nd for our lluok r Wondsrt, fifi' to all. Ad Jr u. BLOUP BALSl CO. , .Ulant , Qa.


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