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The wtter of 6,300 wells Is In use in Cleveland. The latest Ice cream Is made ol condensed milk. Three iseta of twlns attend a Vlenoa (Ga.) school. The Indlans in Northwest Conada are dyIng of starratlon. SS An ostrlch farm of 250 acres is projeeted near Red Bluff, Cal. - Yfty The "ncwspaper wcmen" are raplply increaslng In New York. It will be flfty jears next Fourth of July slnce Iowa was organized as a Terrltory. Stephen Webb, of Saa Luis, Col., has advertised for a "wife who can milk a cow." C Day, of Bertrand, Mich., aged nlnetyfour, has just declded to aslc a Mexiean pension. There are sald to be several Gypsles fn New York city who are worth upward of (100,000 eplece. Malden Lane jewelers are selllng amulet, said to contain a crystallzed tear from tbe eye of Cleopatra. A ladies' relief society, of Fargo, Dak., has dlsbanded because ft could flnd no needy peopie to relieTe. The new local option law in Michigan goes Into effect in the prohibitlon countics oa the first Monday in May. Carters with solid gold mountlngs representing various insects, with eyes of rubíes, dlamonds or eineralds. are the latest fad. SIx different men named Wolf have had their names changed by the New York Laftislatare, but the Ljona and the Foxes seem well content Under the laws of Malne you can bonow a man's horse, keep It for a year and one day, and then settle for twenty cents per day for every day the animal was used. Two Pennsylvanla mlners played toss and catch with a dynaraite torpedo. It was arare display oí nerve, but the compliment dldu't do 'em any good. They couldn't be found. A Georgia man put up 5,000 acres of land at auctlon, and It was knocked down to tha hlghett bidder at $53. He didn't care rr.uch about land, but he dld want moncy mlghty bad.


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