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Mat 10, Sbsate. The feature in the sen■ite to-day w;is the re passage of the Uneamed Land Grani íorfeiture bil!. Mr. Allison reported back the pension nppropriatioD biil and the bilí making approprialions to enable the executlve department to particípate in the exposition at Cincinnati from .Tul.v to October of this year. He gave notdee that he would ask lor the consideratlon of them next Monday. The biil prohibiting alien labor on public works W89 reported and placed on the calendar. The sonate biil for the presentation of a gold modal to .Toscph Francis of Xrw ïork, for the perfeotlon of life-saving appliances, was passed. House.- Tarifí talk oocupied the attention of the house at both the afternoon and evening sessions. May 11, House.- The principal featui-e of the proceedings to-day was tlie speech of Representativa Scottof the waysandmeans coramittee on the tariff. The speaker advoca led the passage of the biil, and said that it is intended to benefit the whole people and is intonded as a blow at trusts of every kind. Maï 15, Senate.- Aresolution wasadopted authorizing the finance eommittee to mal;'1 preliminary investigation into the tariff revisión. A resolution was introduccd and referred to allow District of Columbia representatives in bothhouses of congross. The house biil Umiting the hours of !(';;■!' carriers to eight was passed. The pension appropriation biil was taken up. The amendment increasing the amount of the appropriation from i:'.,000,000 to $80,187,000 was agreed to. The next amendment was to strike out of the house biil the words "that in all pensions to widows payment shaïl bo made from the date of the .I. -:i; i of the husband," and to insert inlieu of il the following: "That all pensions tvhich have been or whichmay hereafterbe grantecl under the general laws regulating pensions 1) widows in consequenee of death ocourrlng from a cause which originated in the service since Mareh 4. 1801, shall commence from the date of the death of the ttusband." The amendment was adopted. The house bilí to establish a department of labor was diseussed. House.- The feature of proceedings at to-dny's session was the speech of Mr. Butterwortta ofOhlo in opposition totho Mills tariSbill. Mr. Buckalew (rep., Pa.) snpported the biil. and Mr. Henderson (dem., 111.) opposed it. Mr. Stone (dem., Ky.) favored the measure. He defended the state of Kentucky against the criticisms made against her by Mi-. Kelley (rep., Pa.) early in the debate and hepaidan eloquent tribute to the energy, ability and prosperity of her people. Mr. Grout (rep. ,Vt.) compared the farming interests of Vermont and Kentucky, quoting statistics to show that the eastern state was far in advance of her western rival. The only things that Kentucky had more of than Vermont wor3 illiterates, saloons, mules and asses. Mr. Soymour (rep., Mich.) spoke in support of the sy stem of protection, behind the ;eLis of which the small industries of the country had been built up and become strong and prospering. At the evening session the tariff discussion wasresumed. Mr. Abbott (dem., Tex.) led off with a speech in favor of the Mills biil and -Mr. Darlington and Mr. Jackson (rep., Pa.) and Mr. Owen (rep., Ind.) opposed. At 10 p. m. the eomraittee rose and the house adjonmed. _ P0L1TICAL. Vermont democrats indorse Cleveland's administration and urge his re-election. Delegates aro Instructeu for hini. The Union League Club, In a ponderous fulmination signed by Whitolaw Koid andr other conspicuous reforméis, has formally' condemned President ClevolamVs civil service policy. Congrcssmau Whiting of Michigan addressed the house on the Mills biil the other evening. He declarcd that on the tariff issue on a fair vote, Michigan would not send a single rcpublican to the fifty-first congress. John Sherman, if nominatcd by the republicana, cannot carry the state, which, ho predicted, will go domqcratic this fall in any event. The Tennessee democratie convention which had been in session for seven days, nominated Gov. Robt. L. Taylor for re-election. The opposition, which had been figh'ting hini on every occasion, flnally surrendercd, and the 40th ballot resulted virtually in his nomination by acclamation, as he received ncarly every vote cast. Illinois demócrata want Gen. Black for Becond place on the democratie ticket. H. O. WUls the Detroit evangelist, nominates D. L. Moody for prohibition candidate for president. Five thousand copies of Burrows' tariff speech have been ordered printed to be used in California and Minnesota. Michigan republicana in Washington predict that Gen. Alger will be made chairman of the state committee and later he will be a candidate for United States senator. T. M. Curtin of Kansas City, who is organizing the "Blaine Knights of Missouri," has received a letter from B. C. Kerens, a strong friend of Mr. Blaine, approving the plan and stiying that if unanimously nominated, there seems no doubt that Mr. Blaine will accepl, the leadership of the party. No stronger appeal to southern pride, and henee no better inovoment for bieaking up the solid south, could be made at Chicago, tho Huntington (Tenn.) Kepiblican thinks, than to name for Vice-President a man living in Dixie. Tf, for instanoe, that honor were conferred upon William R. Moore of Memphis, the Ropublican declares, Tennosseo would givo the ticket twenty thousand majority. The leading democratie paper of Tennessee, the Nashvüle American, makes Cleveland's election this year depend upon a tariff platform acceptable to New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Virginia and Indiana. The New York democratie state conven tion was held in New York City on the 15th inst. The administration was heartily ', endorsed and delégales to the St. Louis convention instructed to vote for its i tinuance. The national convention of the Equal Rights party was held in Des Moines, Iowa, on the ltith inst. A platform was adopted favoring woman suffrage, pensions for needy soldiers and sailors, protectivg tariff with free lumber and sugar, repeal of tax on whisky and tobáceo, and against unrestrioted immigration. Belya Lockwood was nominated for president and Alfred H. Love of Philadelphia, for vice president. Colorado'a delegates to the Chicago conventlon are uninstructed, but favor Blaine. Nebraska delegates go to Chicago uninstructed, but favor Blaine. lts a queer mixture, but true, nevertheloss, that Minnesota republicans favor Blaine and tariff reform. Alabuma republicans favor Sherman. Illinois prohibitlouists elcct Prancis K. Willard delegate-at large to the national convention. New Mexico delegates to Chicago convention favor Allison. GENERAL. Tho bank at Pratt, Kansas, was robbed of $4,016 during temporary absence of offloera tho other day. While the treasurer of the Lexington, Ky., lunatic asylum was preparing to pay off employés, his room was entered and Í.ÍU0 stolen. A bilí has been reported to the house appropriating 1150,000 to be paid to Mr. A. DéBanssett when he shall have completcd ind successf ully demonstratcd thepractieability of his invention of ancloctric air ship. The shi]) is to consist essentially of a metallic conipartment vessel so constructed that vvhen sufllciently exhausted of air it will riso and carry a burdon by aid of revolving Mades. The whole vessel is to constitutea rapid conveyauce for over land or transnceanlo passage, and for general pnrpos'es ii csploration, commerce, etc. The New York legislature adjourued on the llth instant. The conference between the United States and Mexico and the South American republics to encourago reciproca! commercial relations is assurcd by the adoption of the conference report by congress. This provides for the appolntment of 10 delégales by the president. The Mexican war authorities declare will lunish with death Mexican solliers who cross to the American sido and nterfere with tho affairs of a f rieudly na. i i ) i i . By hii'li water in Mississippi, Quincy, Rock Islaud, Galena, aud other towns in Illinois, have been Öooded. At Quincy the rlver for several days was 10 miles wide, and it Galena the novel spcetacle of 9kiffs and barges as a means of transportation was wiun'ssi'd For several days. Mayor Hewitt of New York refuses to Lnterfere In the New York brewers' strike on bi'half of the menas members of the unión, holding that 2,000,000 knights of labor have nu right to díctate to 60,000,000 people, However, the mayor wroto to the president of the master brewers' association Urgtng a settlcment of the difficulty. AU the questioiis of disagreement between the United Statjs and Morocco have been settled and the United States gains all the points contended for. Mis. Ida A. Jordán, a christian science student at Indianapolis, Ind., poisoned her little girl and then out her own throat. Two Mexican customs offlcers were arrested at Nogales, N. M., the other day on a suspicion of being train robbers. The high water in the Mississippi this spring has exceeded the high water mark of 1881 by several inches. Nearly 30,000 persons witnessedthe interstate drill at Austin Texas on the 16th instant. Seven-years old boy at Janesville, Wis., lost both legs while passing over unguarded Northwestern railroad orossing. Damages aggregating $30,000 awardcd. Six hundred iron aud steel workers at Pottsville, Pa., given notice of 10 per cent wago reduction. Siuger, Nimick & Co., Pittsburgh iron manufacturers, will reduce wages of 1000 employés 10 per ceut May 28. Destructiva cyclone passcd over Baxter county, Ark., on the ltith. FOREIGN. The government of New Zealand will not allow Chinese immigrants to land in that colony. A fall of rook occurred at Stassfult, in Saxony, the other day, and 18 miners were crushed into a shapeless mass. At a parade of Hussian troops the other day, a lieutenant fired at the Czar, but another soldier struck the weapou and the bullet entered the ground. The lieutenant was arreated. A steamer was suuk in the Seine on the llth inst., and 14 lives were lost. The Pope will issue an encyclical letter praising government and episcopacy of Brazil for the abolition of slavery. Archbishop Walsh says the papal rescript will not affect adversely either the national movement or the national league. The Brazilian chamber of deputies bas passed a bilí for the immediate abolition of slavery. John Dillon has been sentenced to six months' imprisonment for inciting Irish tenante not to pay rent. At Cormack, near Thurles, Ireland, tenants whom the pólice sought to evict resisted tho ofilcers with boiling water, sticks and stones. Tho pólice used a battering ram and in some cases were successful. In othei-s the attempted evictions will be abiindoned. Newfoundland has adopted the fisheries treaty. By the fall of a temporary structure in the building of a new bridge, near Glencoe, .Ontiirin, Alexandcr Watterworth and a workman named Lamb, were killed. Four others were liadly hurt. The Pope has charged Cardinal Monace to aseertain if the methods employed by the Irish national league embrace principies or regulations that are contrary toreligious or moral laws. Crown Prince William will unveil a warriors' monument at Posen, June 18. The Chinese ambassador to London has handed to the government a protest against the action of the Australian colonies in preventlng the landing of Chinese immigrants. Eleven persons were killed in a lailroad acoident near St. Petersburg, on the 16th instant.


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