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Snow, May 14th. Scanion next week. Neit Sunday ia Whit-eunday. Ypeilanti is to haTe acirous May 24. O O. SorgwaiinBattlürekTusday. Misa Anna Ladd left for Detroit Tuwday. Trim uptbe shade trees in front of your reBidences. Mr. D. L. Loomis is camping at Strawberry Lake. V alter Hawkius of Ypsilanti was in town Monday. Mr. Joe Watts, of East Sainaw speut Sunday in the city. II . M. Tabor and family left for an aatern trip Tueaday niormng. It was so f ilil last Sunday, the 13th, tiiat buow feil lor a few miauUi. Mr. and Mre. J. F. Bennett viaited friends in Manchester laat weck. ExUnsire preparation are being made for Memorial day services, May 30. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Blitz, of Detroit, ppont öunday tvith Mr. S. S. Blitz. A song service was held at the Unitarioo church last Sunday evening. Th milk dealers of Saline now gll the lactal lliiul for four onts a quart. Mr. E. N. (iilbert, of Lansing gpent Sunday with bis farnily on-E. Ann-st. A new time card went into effect on the Michigan Central ruilroad last Sunday. Snow itorms on Monday and spring uita on TuMday. Howdo you iike it? Mrs. Charlea S. Allen, of E. Catharine ntreet, íb epending several weeks in Detroit . Mr. 8. S. Blitz returned last Friday from Detroit where she wus visiting her sister. Mra. H. W. Hayes rtturned home Saturday from a visit to relativeu in Onterville, Mich. John Bailey, of the Midland Sunspent a portion of last week with his family in this city. Ann Arbor il beinf OTrrun with trampa. Don't ncourage tham liy girin; tbtm anything. Pensions har ben f rtnted to Lwii T. Hesiler of Ann Arbor, uil Joel VV Frenoh of Ypsüanti. Bishop Harria preacheü in Dexter Sunday morninii and visited the Delhi mission in the afternoon. Mrs. S. L, Rhodes, of Chicago, will accompany her father, Mr. David HenmnR, to Europe nezt montlt. Jüoyal lower has raturneu rrom lus winter' Bojourn ut Anu Arbor, to Ui Lodi frm. -Saline Observer. The T. & A. A. oflioials expeet to cotnmence oparatious on the long promiaed new depot building, this week. David Henning the appla king dealer, wrb in the city last weck. Darid likes to visit his oíd boma and fnends. Sed James bas been awarded the contract for furmshing the cut stone for the students' new associatioD building. Miss J. Cannon was in Detroit Wednesday. Mrs. M. M. Tuttle has been in Chicago this week. Mrs. W. W. ?Ms ha been yisiting her sister in Grand Bapidt this week. John F. Lawrence, who wrb on the sick list for ■ couple of woeks, is now around gain. Thomas D. Kcarney pent several dayi visitiog fnends al C'hatham and Detroit last week. Miss Zadah Rhodes is teaching in the third ward icbool, in place of Migs Banlield who 1 absent ou Ir ave. One eau run iuto Detroit at almost nny hour in the day siuce the change in the Michigan Central time table. P. T. Barnum's aent postod his bilis in Ypsilanti last week. Ho has a alliope attacbed to his car for in adrertisemeat. Dr. Raniaey delivered his second lecture upon "The Evils of the Tongue," at the Methodist chnrch, Sunday evening. A very fine, largo photograph of th late Dr. E. H. Dunster, draptd in mourning is on eshibition in Kanuall's window. Mn. S. S. Blitz mtends itarting for Norta Platte, Neb., next week, to yiit re'atives living in that ection of the counlry. Mr. J. Baumgardner bas encaged an efficiënt marble cutter, Mr. Q. Stace, of Shelbyville, Ind., in nis marble works on Detroit street. The new brick addition to the factory of the Allmendinger Piano & Organ Co., is progreusing rapidly and will be coinpleted next week. Mrs. O. E. Haven, lat of ETanetonJll., has cum to this city to live, and will reside with her mother, Mrs. A. Suthcrland, on 8. Mam-at reet. Bnhop llarrii ooufirined a olass of twelve in Dexter Sunday morning and twenty-nine in St. Andrew's cuurch this city in th evening. If you will buy a pair of ehoes for your childreu at Jolin Burg's for one dollar, you eau get a windmill for aothing. tíee ad in another column. There is a report in circulation ihat a strong effort will be made to secure the services of Rer. Dr. Uanisay agaiu in the Central M. E. churoh, Detroit. John Loney who lias been keeping a restaurant on North Main street, hai quit the business. He nituiuls tarting for a trip to Florida, next month, on buines. Sibley G. Taylor, an old Ann Arbor boy and well-knowa in this city, is now a clergyman prenching und talkinu temperauce throughout .Nortliern Michigan. Dr. Eddy entertained the Presbyterian audience last Sunday eveuing with an excellent lecture on the value of the bible in elevating and reforming all the nations of tb eartli wherever ït has been iutroduced. The jury in the Red Line wheat note oase of Henry Liesemer vs Geo. &Pred. Alber dieagreed, Wednesday afteraoon. ïhey were out over híx hours, and stood eleven for the defendaut and orie for the plaintiff. The entertainment at the Corker League last Monday evening was furnished by Profs. Demmon and Trneblood. The Apollo quartet were not able to furnish the musical part owing to the siekness of two of the members. Scanlan carries bis own seenery, and undoubtedly he wil) be greeted by a full house next Thnrsday evening, May 24th, at the Grand when he plays " The Irish Minstrel." He is a great favorite in this as well as other citiea. Miss Emma Ban field, teacher at the third ward icliool, learei oon for a trip through Minnesota and Kansas, to visit friendi, and endeavor to regain her health. Tho school board hare granted her leave of absence for the balance of the term. The American magazino for May is replete with good and interesting raling matter and it ought to lind its way into every housihold. Papers for the June numbir are promised from General O. O. Howard, Mr. John A. Logan und other people of not. Eminent Commander C. E. HUcock, Generaliwimo B. F. Watt representad Ann Arbor commandery, No. 13, K. T., at th seuion of the General Commandery at Grand Eapids, tuis week. W. G. Doty Grand captain General of the Grand commandery, alio attended. The foundation is finished for the new residence which Evart Scott is building in the grove on the Elm Fruit farm. The house will be very large. 58x38 feet, and will be thoroughly equipped for entertainiug the larce number of f riends which Mr. and .Mrs. Scott delight in. An adjourned meeting of the agrioultural iociety takes place next Monday, May Sint, at 2 p. m. It is xpcted that the superintendent of all depaitments will thenmake tb appoiut ment of judgs. It i hoped that great oare will be exercised in this important matter. The announcement is made of the nage oí sjt. Artnur LSoyer, o! Oregon, and Miss FraDcee Celle, sister of Mrs. Prof. Morris, to take place at St. Andrew's oliurch on May 30th. A reception is to be given by M. .Morris af ter the ceremony at her residence on State street. The tramps who now infest Ibis city are becoming extremely bold. Last Saturday they beeame very boisterous at Mrs. Diehl's hotel on Detroit si reet, and it was necenary to show them a revolver before thev wonld desist. A stone yard is what this city needs badly, wliere these ohaps can be made to work. Arrangements are bing perfected for an xcursion over the Toledo & Ann Arbor railroad, Juue 9 or lt), when Preique Iel park of ToUdo, ühio, will hve its grand suinmr openiuit. Gillmor's band comprisiug Co muiicians will be the opening attraction. Prtsqu Isle park is a delightful Biimmer resort, and weil wortli a viiit . The funeral of Mrs. Pliebe Aun Martin, mother of O. M. Martin of this city and B. F Martin of Bay City, Was held at her late residence on Liberty street, Sunday afternoon. It is very seldom that so large a crowd of mourning fnends gather to pay their last sad tribute, as were present on this occasion. Kelatives were present from Bay City, Detroit, Paw Paw and Ithaca, N. Y. Hev. Samuel Haskell and Kev. Dr. ltamsey couducted the services. Tbe Michigan presa association, which meets in Detroit May 20, 30 and ál, íb so timed tbat from nearly every ruilroai station iu Michigan, on the morning of Tuesday, May 29, gome editor will leave his home for Detroit, and no doubt, will wilhngly carry the children'g gifts of tlowers, together with the Dames and addresses of the donors, which will be pubhshed in the Detroit Journal of May 30. Undoubtedly any one of the editora of this city who intend to be present at the prees association will be glad to carry the fiowers sent by the childreu of Ann Arbor. WinÜeld Banfield, foreman atTolbert's lumbar yard, had au expenence with burglari on night laat week, that fairly mada liig hair turn gray, although the tlie enoounter did not rasult sanously. H lires in th house Dext to the oiBc, to which it is counected by a burglar alarm. A bout oue o'clock one night last wek, the alarm bean to rattle in a hvely munner. Mr Jiiiuiield ruihed to an upper room from which ha had a clear Tiaw of iba interior of the oüice. lle oould sea no ona, but urmiaing that the burglars were workingatthe afa.he firad two shoti througü tlia window in the direction of the safe. All wus still ai daath tuereaner. JNot wisbingto tacklesever! desperate bargl&ri aloue, Mr. Hantield calledup aeveral of the neigbbor who urrounded the office so that the burglars ould not escape. Finally they entered the ofRo, ertry man ready to ihoot, but tht plaoe wat empty, nothiutf beiug disturbed exccpt isrcral panea of f Ihhh, thn oflice counter aad a large piotur, all of wbioh wre adly damaged by th búllela which were flred. Air. Banfild has lost all faitli in burglar alarma aud doean't ven amile when they ar montion#d. Justice Freuauff was at Dundee Ia Monday. Mre. John West of E. Liberty street, i ■erioualy UL Dean & Co., are putting in pialo x windows in their store. The organ of St. Andrew's churoh has been repaired this week. C. Walkr hai been oonfined to bis bet for several days this week. Dr. Thomas Ewmg, of Keading, Mich waB in the city Tuesday. Wm. Dieterle offers speeiul inducemenl in the furniture line. See ad. Mrs. C. H. Easton who is viniting i Dexter, il very sick at that place. Bishop Harris was givon a receptio Saturday evening at Hobart hall. M. II. Goodrich has beon drawn as juror in the U. S. court at Detroit. D. B. Kichared, register of deeils o Barry co., was in the city Tuesday. Nelson Sutherland is building a larg barn on his preniiss on Division-st. Bishop Harris and daughter,Miss Sallie, aail for Europc sometime next month. Dr. and Mra. Ulter, of Lansing, were the guest of liev. J. Neumann, over Sunday. L. J. Taylor's house on Church slreet, which was commenoed laat full, is bnng finished. Hon. Cha. S. Gregory was oliosen a member of the Democratie state oen (ral oommittee. Prof. C. N. Jones hos made a number of improvements on his residence in the sixth ward. A large addition is beingr built on the rear of Dr. Prescott's residence, corner ol llill and Ingalls streek A. Covert has leased the building lately ocoupied by N. H. Drake, and will remove his laundry there. W. D. Adama, recently of Toledo and formerly a partner of F. Stofflet's here has purohased the bazaar. Spring races at the Driving Park. Mendon, Mioh., May 23-25. The Dbmocbat was remembered with a tree tioket. The canvassers for the new city directory eay that Ann Arbor has 10,000 inhabitants. Wbere's Ypsilanti now? Ground has been broken for a new house to be built by Mrs. Lukius on Orleans street, near Washtenaw avenue. In another column will be found tb advertisement of Moses Rogers who wishes to sell bis shop property and stock. Arrangement are being perfected whereby Rev. L)r. Earp, rector of St. Andrew's churoh, is to have an assistunt. Mr. ndMrs. White of South Fiftli-st., were called to Union City, Wedneiday. on account of tlie illnss of Mrg. Wüite's sister. Rev. Wm. Galpin of Hobart hall, offioiated at the funeral of Miss Harriet E. Gilbert who was buried in Ypiilanti on Tuesday. The postoffice inspector has reccommended another mail oarrier for this office. A man named Strangler is the lucky one. Welch Post, G. A. K., will attend St. Andrew's church Sunday morning, May 27 in a body. Kev. Earp will deliyer a memorial sermón. J. B. Wood, of Ohelsea, has received a patent on a oream-testing machine and has disposed of a haltinterest in the same to J. P. Glazier. O. P. Bart, of Minnapolis, Minn., is visitmg relative in the city. Mr. B. says the nounni; capacity of Minneapolis is 35,000 barrels per day. Three deputy pheriffs took Charles Young and Frank Desmond, two Ypsilanti thieves, aud Wm. Campion, a disorderly, to Ionia, Monday. W. G. Doty was elected grand generalissimo of the grand commandery of Michigan which closed its annual ssssion at Grand Rapids, Wednesday. The frame-work i erected for a new houie to be built by Mrs. H. V. Cheever on Packard street, est of her residence. The house is already rented. The Ypsilanti council, R. & S. M., will be here en masse to-night to confer the council degrees upon a number of their masonic brethren of this city . The plans and specifications for heating and ventilating the addition to the high sohool, have been received and are vry eatisfactory to the board. J. Carroll and D. Doyle, two tramps, were arrested Saturday for drunkenness. Justice Pond sentencedthem to jail Mouday, 15 and 20 days respectively. At the temperance meeting next Sunday afternoon m Cropsey' hall the queBtion "Are the people educated upon the temperance question " will be discussed. George Miller will represent the Ann Arbor branch of the Germán Workingmen'a Aid society at the annual convention to be held at East Saginaw, on June 12th. This has been a hard weck for the holders of " Red Line Wheat " notes in the circuit court, two juries having brought in verdicts of no cause for action, and other one disagreed, in cases of this character. Rudolph Gundert, who was employed at Keok's f urniture store f or geveral yeart, haB acoeptad position with .). T. Mattliews & Oo ,of Chicago, and is now travling for them. Mrs. Dr. Pierce, Monday, serred legal papen on erery aloonkeeper in this city to the effect that they were not to sell her Bon any liquor, ai he should prosecute them if they did. The Hannon Real Estáte Exchange of Detroit, will sell at public auction June 14th. the property near Manohester, known as the Millard farm. See ad in nother column . The barn belonging to Alvin Wilsey in rear of his store on S. Kourth street, took fire on Wednesday afternoon ; but was put out before much damage was done. Cause of the fire unknown. Prof. Knowlton went fisliinf Satunlay and rejoiced in the capture of a 3J lb. baas. Feeling proud of his luck, he went it,';tin Tuesday, hooked a large log and barely esoaped a good ducking. There will be a strawberry nnd icecream festival in the M. E. churoh. May 24th, when the young ladies will bo dressed to represent the seaBons . They will also furnish candy mado to order. In 15 ueconds from the time the alarm of lire was given vVeunesday atternoon, the engiue and hose cart were on their wav to the fire. The boys deserve special praise for their promptuess in action. This Friday eveniug, at 7:30 o'clock, in St. Andrew's church a special sermón will be preached before the Hobart guilil, by the Kt. Kev. Wm. Stevens l'erry, Bishop of Iowa. All are invited to attend. Mr. Louis L. Burton, of Detroit, and Miss Francea Clieevtr, of Ypsilanti, were mamad Tuesday morning in St. Luke's church, Ypsilanti, Kev. Wm. Galpin of Hobart hall performing the marriage ceremony. Charles Johnson and F. Clark, two trampa, were sentenoed by Justioe Freuauff, Tuciday, for vagrancy and to pay fines and oosts $17.00 each, or be imprisoned ia the Detroit house of correction üü days, When completed, Prof. Demtaon will haveone of the fi nest residences on Washtenaw avenue. The house will be built of rougn itone, and modern in style, hii present residence being used for the rear portioD . The oase of Edwanl Treadwell, et al., against the mayor, recorder and alderrneu of the city of Aun Arbor in Judge Kmne granting a temporary injuuction restraining the city frotn removmg a fence came up in the circuit court yesterday and .Judge Lane made tho injuuction pernianent. The ihinl annual exhibition of the Anu Arbor art olub will opeu in the Ladiea' library building, May 2iid, and continue 'ïhurtday and Friday. Admission 15 ets. This exhibit promisee to be the ünet yet given, and we hope the people of Ann Arbor will be generous in their patronage and thus encourage art interests in our midl. George F. Johnston, of Albiou, visited kii sister, Mra. D. C. Fall the first of the week. Judgo Lane, of Adrián, is holding court here tliis week and JudgeKinne in Adrián. Thn supreme court has decided the local option law unconslitutional. A telephone from Lmnsing this moming to 1 1 ui t effect. Waahtenaw chapter, R. A. M., has aocepted an invitation from Mt. Vernon chapter, and will go to Dundee next Friday evening to exemplify the Koyal Arch degree.


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Ann Arbor Democrat