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The newest veil la made of fine wlre pauze. Donnelly's great cryptogram will be publlBhed May 1. Th Is weck 700 Hcbrew famllleB will lcave Jassv, Russla, for America. Claus Sprecklea wlll erect a $3,000,000 ugar rtfinery In the Quaker City. Mrs. Cleveland employs a secretary now to write all her autograph letters. President Monroe was the last President who cariled a cocked bat under hls arm. Snow has just fallen In Formosa, Cblna, Tor the fust time wltbln the memory of man. Bessetner, Alabama, la just one year old and has between tbree and four thousand Inbabitants. One hundred thousand buterfliesof all sizes, shapes aud colors are to be put on exhlbltlon In New York. A Battle Creek, Mlcb., man recently naturallzed, who couldn't get to the polls sent In bis ballot by mail. A few years ago cotton seed was tbrown away as wortbless, but to-duy the seed Is as valuable as the lint Mr. John B. Fry, who waa once prívate secretary of Ilenry Clay, Is living at Sidney. N. V., nearly 70 years old. Mrs. Cleveland always confines hersulf to Apolllnaris water at dlnner and wears uo bustle wben she goes to church. Ineludcd In the export írom New York city during the past week were 1,574 live cattle, 6,283 quarters of beet and 1S5 live sbeep. Professor A. J. Revoe, the New Jersey weatbcr prophet, says tbat August 2, 3, and 4 will bc the narmest days of the summer. Miss Olive Green and Mr. Ivory White were wedded In an Iowa town reeently, the Rev. Mr. Black performlng the ceremonr. More tlinn $200,000,009 of capital is said to have been lnvested wlthtn the last twclve months in southern enterprlscs and lands. Mrs. Nancy Caley, a colored woman oí Eastoii, Conn., has been taking snufl for nlnety years and still Hvcs at the age of 105. The boira are still contestlng tbc wlll of the late Vlce President Wheeler. He leaves about $35,000 to charlty and $10,000 to relativos. Mura-t Halstead i now poken of as tbn very worst writer in the country. Hls chlrogrnphy is worse than was that of Iloraee Greeley. "I puess we have o many thlngs to learn at our schools that we don't have any room to uuderstand thera in," sald a llttle glrl pathetically. Mrs. Senator Hawley takes her full hare of her husband'B large correspondence, and is acquirlng famlllarity wlth American polltical platlorms. The observant Mrs. Grundy remarks that "tbe typewriter as an invention for catching busbands bccomes more and more successful everywhere." A Pbiladelphla firm of soap manufacturers have a kettle that holds 471,000 pounds of llqulds and sis kettles that hold 150,000 pounds each. A bilí providlng for a monumeut over the body of John Qray, the last Kevolutlouary soldier, wbo dled soine years ago, bas been Introduced lnto Ucngress. Roswell P. Flower was one of nine ehlldren born to a poor country tallor. He startad in llfe on a salary of $5 per month, aud kept big expenses withln hli income. Gov. Hill epends nearly every Sunday in New York, and il is hlnted tbat just now ho is more concerned about bis matrimonial prospecta than hls presidential boom. Pattlson Jolly, the oldest printer in the world, died reeently at Dublin, Ireland. He ivas 104 years old, and prlnted the flrst sheet of the Ediuburg Journal more than 70 years ago. A young lady of Fort Valley, Ga , reeently preseuted ber lover wlth an elaboratcly constructed pen wlper, and was astonlsbcd the follotrlng Suuday to see him come to church wearing it as a cravat Pope Leo bas ordered that the walls around the Vatlclan palace be beightened. High buildings have been erected In the nelgliborhood which overlooli the garden lu wh Ich the Pope takes hls daily walk. A petrifled loaf of bread was reeently dug up at Acmetonla Station, near Plttsburg, beliicr found at a depth of twelve fect beneath the surfacc of tbe carth and beneath an anclent forest of locust trees. Isaac Taylor and hls wlfc, who live ncar Cádiz, O., are a remarkable old couple. Tbe husband Isnlnety-four and the wife elghtyelght, and both have been members of the M. E. Church for seventy years. Mr. P. M. Osterhaut, of Tunkbannock, Pa., aged 80, has been sued by Caroline M. Coon for $40,000 dainages for breacb of promlsc. Tbis is a case in whlch the Coon sceks to make the hunter "come down." Tbe richest cbild in America Is sald to bo May Sbarpless, a llttle miss of 9 years, who is wortb $9,000,000 In her own rlgbt Ei-Governor Leon Abbett, of New Jersey, is her guardián, her father beine dead. One of tbe oldest rellglous ediflccs in the country Is the Old Swede's church at Wilmlngtön, Del., whlch was built in 1093. In the church yard rest tbe remalns of the wlfo and daughter of Secretary Bayard. Bald Mountaln, in Nor tb. Carola, Is showlng slgns of a commotlon in lts interior. Pcople living near It thlnk tbat It is renlly a slumberlng volcano, and expect some day to see it burst out wlth a fiood of lava. A ('hlnaman named Confuclus has reached Eugland on a vislt from hls natlve land. He claims to be a direct deccudaut In the Beven ty-second generatlon of tbe fumous Confuclus who gave Chana a religión, Queen Victoria has showed no deslre to receive Queen Natalia of Servia, who la also staring at Florence, and in the vlcinily of her Enarllsh Majesty's villa, The Servían Quecn Is considerad to be off color by her roya! sisters. It is proposcd to erect a monument to the memorv of Jobn Elllot, the "Apostle to tüe indlans," in Elliot square, Roxbury, Mas., 'and unvell it at the two hundredth aiiniversary of bis deatb, which occurs In about two ycars. Says Mrs, Frank P. Blalr, apropos of her two thousand-dollar a year pension: Whcn my husband dled hls estáte, which had once been valuable, was eitlmated at $500, he havlng spent hls private means to equip hls regiment" Charles T. Caldwell, a prominent West Virginia attorney, known heretofore from his Inadelitr as the "Ingersoll of the West Virginia bar," baa been appolnted and llcensed as a minister of the Methodist Episcopal cburch. Worth, the famous Paris costumcr, receives hls cuatomers In a short embroldered jacket, capaclous trousers, a white flannel shirt, fastened at the tbroat wllh a loosely knotted scarf and a brown "Tam O'Shanter" cap. Professor Hermann, the prcstidlgltature, has challenged Mme. Dlss Debar, the spirit medium, for a tast In calllng up the old masters to roake pictures. For $1,000 Professor Hermann offers to produce the same kind of pictures Mme. Debar does and exposé her trlcks. Tbe cast of the late Emperor William of (ermany's head, taken after death, was intended for the Empress Auíusta alone, and the mould has been broken by coinmand of the famllv, in order that only one example shall exlst. The cast shows bow curiously ■mail the Emperor's head was. AccordlBtt to the March report of the New York Mercantllo Exchango, tbe montbly )- celpts of butter have been 30,347 packagea, agalnst 86,450 for tbe same month last year. The recelpts of cheese were 43,643 boxea agalnst 40,347. In the recelpt of eggs tbers bas been a heavy falllng off, 43,680 barrels and 100,013 cases belng receved, agalnst 45,941 barrels and 109,316 cases during March, 1887. Toe Dusfncss of catchlng lobsters wlll ba more extensively carrled on la tbe vlclnlty of Sandwich, Mass., the coming season. ünr doublé the traus wlll be sunk between Barnstable and Plrmouth this Summer. Th Bcarcitv of lobsters last year has caused those enzaged in tlils lndustry to use more trap!. In order to meet the lncreaslng demand from year to year. The pending lobster blll greatIj loterests tbe fishermen in that vlclnlty.


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