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MARY C. WIIITING. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Real Estáte, ixan, Coliection and Insurance office. PriTate eODiultadOD of ladies sacredly reparded. Ollice tt Kast Hurón Btreet, Ann Arbor, Michigan. F. M'KERNAN, Í TTORNE Y-A TL A W. Collectloni A promptly atended to. Money to loan. House autl lots or solo. Otllce in Court House. MRS. S. VOLLAND. M. D. pHYSICIAN AND SUIiOEON. Office and X residence Pío 37 TLompson street. t)flh-(i bours Lro.-n 9 a. m , till M in., and from 6 tül Í p. in. DR. JAMES C. WOOD. OFFICE corner Hurón and Main streets. Reftdence No. 6. South División street. Office houra (rom 2 to i and 7 to 8 p. m. Teleulione Ko. ll D. A. McLACHLAN, 11. D., OFFICE IN MASGNIC TKMPLE BLOCK. Ann Arbor. Office bours from i to i and 7 o 8 p. m. KrMdeiice 48 Thompsou street. Tolephoue No. 12S. DR. H. R. ARXDT, ,FFICE orer the Kirst Xatlunnl Bank. Hmirs: V7 1O.: a. in. In 12 2.90 UijLWp. ni. Can te jeacheü i reitdenoe, Wesl Buron BCreet, (tlie "Prof. Nlcliols' place") by tclt'pbone Ko. yT, and ■will reply to calis in tbe e eniuv. DEANM. TYLER, M. D. PHY8ICIAN AND SUQKON. Office and realdence over postofHce, flrst floor. N1CHOLS BKOS. W. W. & A. 0. NICHOLS, D. D. 8. Dental " office Masonlc Temple Block, OTr Saviugi 3uk, Ann Arbor, _ JO8EPH CLINTON, rlRCÏIANT TAILOR. Shop otct Wines A Worden's. All work truaranteed or DO charge. JOHN F. LAWRENCE, ATTORNTT ATLAW. Office, nos. 3 and t, Grand Opeia House, 4nn Arbor, Mich. O. M. MARTIN: TTNDEHTAKKU AND FU NEK A I, DIRECTOR. J Cloth, Metolic and oommon Oofflna Storeroom, No. Vi K. WafiLiDston street. Residence cor. i iberty and Fiflh. Telephor.c No. ü!. EÜGENE OKSTERLIN, IHSmtlNCE AOENT AXD KOT ART PUBLIC. Money collected la my part of Ktirope. Drafts issiiel and pniil. Office, Ni. 8. V. Liberty 6treet, Ann Arbor, Mich -fTMIE üNIOS HOTEL g-ives a good meal for 23 X cents I nlso have for Sa e liottled Beer. iQuart bottles 10 c; pint bottl-; 5 c 16 W. WastiJngton st. JOHN SCHXEIDER, Jr. Proprietcr. THE GERMANIA HOTEL riORNER WASHINGTON AXD SECOND v' itreett. Wm. L, Frank, p-oprietor. SamL.! rooms for travellng men. Everj room fc ated by t team. C. W. VOGEL. KTZW UAüJEET. C. W. VOOEI, Proprletor. Lat of Chelsea, at Matthewa' oíd ttand on Ann atreet Fresh and Salt meats kent on uuid, FREDERICK PISTORIUS. TTORNEY AT LAW. Official oorrepon V dent of the Germán Consulate, Real K tat, Collection, Insurance, Steamship and Loai VEencT. Office No. 40 South Ualn atreat. WILLIAM HERZ, aOUSI, SION, Ornamental and Fresco Palnter. Gilding, Calclmlnlng, Glazing Snd Paper Hanglng. All work done in the best ttvle and wárranted to glve atisractlon. fihop, No. 4, West Waahlngton atreet, Ano Arbor, Mlch. MRS. WM. CASPARV. Re.'taurftnt. O'nfectionery and Lunch Rcom. i irst --Uss meáis at all hours. Oysters in every tyle Bread, ('aki-.i, I'iea and Cold Lunches conslantly on hnnd. All kinds of cigara und tobáceo, líestaurant cor., Ann and Fourth treetg Cha3. L Allen, Contractor & Bifler Specificatinn.s and Plana Carefully Drawn. Office- 46 E. Catherine St., Ana ArLor. C. H. MILLEN INSURANCE AGENT. j No, 4 South Man St., Ami Aiiior. The oldest nee oy u the city. EntabJislied a quarter of n centnry. RepresenttDKthe followiQg first-class companies. Home In?. Co. of NT. Y $7,01)0,1)00 Continental Ins, ';,.. of N Y 4 207a6 Niágara Ins. Co. of N. Y I,7s63 3irardlns. ("o. of Il,i!a 1,132.438 Oriënt Int Co. of Hartford 1,1:952-.! Commercial Union of London 12,000,000 Uerpool. I.jNJon and Qlobe. 'ia.OOO.OOO (. l,,w Loxe Wierallu a'l.iiwtnl and promyaupahl. (. ;. nu. LEK. EBERBACH & SON. DRUGGISTS AND PHAKMAOI8T8, No. 12 South Main Street - DKALKB8 UI- DruSi Medicine!, Cbomlcalc, Dye !S tutt, Axtlat'i and Wax Flower Material. Toilet rucies, Truxsaa, Eta Pare Wlnes al Lipors ! Special attentlon paid to th funilshlne of Vhjrslclaaa, Chemltta, Schools, etc, wlth phlloophlcal and Cbemlcal Apparatua, Bohemlan Chemical ilaasware, Poroalata War. Pur Seageota, etc Fhjilclaiu' PreaotiptUos Canfully Preparad all honra. EBERBACH & SON.


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Ann Arbor Democrat