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A TEST OF CHARACTER ■Yhlch lia Been Sustulned for Man; Year. M Xt often takes a man years to bulld up n reputation, aud whal better proof o( cbarac tr la tüerc iliuii a life spent ín renderliig as sistuuce to suffering mankind I Uuquestionably ttiere la uouc ; and íf ae Is a lest ol cbaracter, tbeii tbe remedies of Dr. IUdway are tborouLhly establlsbcd Ín tbe estiiuatlou oí tbe public, for ttiere la a contiuued demand íor tbem even after yeara of use. New remedies are brought out dally, aud (or a brief timo ibi-lr Tirtues are exalted as a panacea íor every 111 tbat flesb Is helr to. ín a great inan.y caaes tbe remedies are extensively adTertlsed, and tbe proprictors tbereof rely mure upuii tbo faltb of tbe patiënt In tbelr efllcacy tban upon ny curatlve potrero whlch they possess. There are very few . proprletary medicines wblcb have stood tbe test of time, and íor wblcb, even aíter belnn years beíoro tbe public, tbere Ís an Increasaü demand. Among tbls number, perbaps tbe íoremost, re tbose hearing tbe well-known jname of Dr. Rudway & Co. For years Dr. Radwuy bas UFKcd tb public In all cases of acute aud chronlc dlacase lo use bis tvorldrenowuod remedies, aud be bas done so by mcans of ncwspapers, books and pampblois. Tb ere are tbree different remedies, eacli one adupted to lts own brauch oí complalnis. 'i'lieír curaliTe uualilies baye titeóme kuowu to resideuts of every quaitcr of tbo elobe, hile skllled pliyslclans appreclate the fact tbat tbey coutaln no incompatible elementa. Wbo lias not seen the lnltials 'R. R. R.," by whicb Dr. Radway's Ready Relief is known I Surely, tbev are as universally kiiown as tbe old-fasblou aillteratloii, "readin1," "'rltiu'" and "'ritbinetlc" Radway's Ready Relief is all tbat lts name Implies, and lt cures or relieves the worst paius Ín írom one to twenty minutes. It sbould bc kept constautly on band by every íamlly, as lt is em'cacious in all cases of Infiummatiou aud congestión of tbe lungs, stomach and otber oi'cans, wblle luternally tn water lt relieves lusUntly sucb indlspositlons as cramps, spasins, tour sluiuncb, beanburn, , dlarrboea, collc, nervouíness, sleeplessuess, sick beadacbe and iuteraal puins. Di'. Kadwav's Sarsapaiillian Uesolvent Is a bl(K)d puritler, and Is a sovereipn remedy for ! cbronlc discases, scroíulous tíl.'ctloiii, sklu ! dlseases, cbronlc ulcers aud oíd pores. Tbe younir people of bolh sexes snfferiue írom Í limpies, blolches, etc., ou skin, sbould miuedlately tako Radwav's Resolvcut. It eiirely and saíely remores tbem. Dr. Radway's pills, too, bave become famous, and as a remedy for the liver and stomaeli the cannot bu cquulled. Tbey are coatud wltb sweet gum, are perfectly lasteless and are urely veíretabte, containinff no mercury, mlneralsi or delctedoua druirs. Dr. Radway prepares and dlstrilutes bis íamous remedies on a colossal scale, uuil, Uke alr, they circu'atc all over tbc globe. Tbe quarters of the flrm, wblch lias brancb ofiices : all over the world, is at No. 3Í Warren Street, New York, aud upon recetpt of a two-ceut stamp thcy will mail to any nddresa u luiercs'inir Illustiated work cntitlcd "Falte aud Truc." NERVES! NERVESÜ What terrible visions ïhis little .word brings before the cycs of the ñervo. Headache, Neurelgia, Indigestión, Slceplessness, Nervous Prostratioo, All itacc them in the face. Yct all these nervou troublcs can be cured by using For The Nervous The Debilitatcd The Aged. THS GREAT NERVE TON0 Also contains the best remedies (br diseased con(litioniuftlicKidncys. Livrr.r.nd Blood, whkh Rlways accompany nervt tronóles. It ís a Ncrve Tonic. n A' r : vr, a I.axative, and a DUireHc Thai is why it CURES WHEN OTHERS FAIL. lii.oo a liottle. Scnd fi I il -.anicular. ; :.'.LS, RICHARDS1H L O , Proprioiora, 1 BURLINGTON, VT.


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