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Mrs. Franc Carniichael was arrested in Lansing the other morinnp, charged with the murder of her husbaud, Anderson Carmichael, lo Wrigrht township, Hillsdale countv. Duriug his wife'a absence on the Hth of last January he ate a piece of pie which she had saved for bim, and soon af ter bocame terribly ill. A neighbor heard his groans, aoii lo this man Carmichael inslsted that he had been poisoued by his wife and urged him to secure the pie for analysis. Instead tlie ut-itfhbor ran for help, and when he returnod the pie hod mystcriou9ly disapleared. Carmiehael died the next morning, after repeatedly asserting his wife had poisouod him. He drank heavily, however, and the corouer's jury decided that he carne to in (tfuth by poisou put in liquor by hiniself. His remaina have since been disinterred, and the stomach given to a chemiít for analysia. Carmichael was tried and acquitted two years ago ou the charge of burglary, and his wife's devotion to him at that time caused peñera! remark. WOLVKRINE WHISPEEINGS. Dr. T. L). Quiun, the Muskegqn druggist couvicted of selling liquor in violation oí the state linuor law, will appeal. Five or six old conductora have just been disi-harged on the Mackinac división of the M icing u Central rail rond. Mrs. Hübi-rt l'etersou, a farmer's wife of ThomaMown, was kicked and trampled on by a vicious oow which she was milking. Mrs. Peterson received internal injuries from which she will probably die. John Conuelly, wantcd at Buffalo to answer a charge of grand larceny, was arrest ed in East Saginaw and locked up to awalt a requisition from the governor. Connelly is 2t years of age. Gertie fSlade, sent from Lake county April 10. to the Detroit house of correction for thre mouths for lareeny, has been pardoued because she is enciente. Frank Wehner's little son became lost in the woods near Port Hope and died from exhausticn. His body was found in a road a bout nine miles from home. Joseph Porteous has been senteneed at Saginaw to tive years in the state prison for criminally assaulting a little girl, and Augustus Abeling, 18 years old, to niue mouths' imprisonment for like charge. Callatíhan Sí Co. of Chicago have been given the contract for printin? the supreme court reports for eight years from June 1. Eighteen hundred bushels of wheat aday are grouud by the Standard roller milis at Holland. Pat Malloy feil under the wheels of a train on the Gladwin branch of the Michigan Central and was instantly killed. It is stated in the lumber centers that there is remarkably little dry stock on hand, and so far as the green goes the sales are coniined to sinall lots, with once in a whüe a sinall cargo sale. Charles Moisley, the Flint man whose gun and hat were found upon the banks of Plint river A]ril 6, is believed to be in Canada. The postoffice at Caro was broken into the t hi r night and all the letters in the general delivery department stolen. The safe and stamp draw were not molested. Tim Collius of Cadillac, has been sentenoed to w days in the state house of correctiou for threateuing to kill L. De Champliu, a merchant of that place. W. K. Smith, alias Williain Parker, who was arrested at East Saginaw on a charge of stealing JWOO from William Kelley at Cadillac, has pleaded not guilty. Circumstantial evidence against him is cousidered stroug. E. C. Butler of Cadillac, will spend the next 90 days in the house oi correction for wuipping his wife. George Beattie, a Chicago & Grand Trunk brakeman, was instantly killed at Mishiiwaka, Ind., the other morning. His foot became fastened in the guard rail, and ie was run over by the train. The Michigan weather service weekly julletin ior week ending June 2, states that the effect of the weather on all crops but eorn during the past week has been favorable and the growth has been rapid and encouraging. The heavy rains of the 27th and 2$th had an unfavorable effect on the newly planted corn. Morgan L. Gage post G. A. R. of East Saginaw intimates that it has one of the oldest as well as one of the youngest men who participated in the "late unpleasantness" upon its roll. One is in his eighty;hird year and the other is 37 years old. The latter says he carried a sword when 12 years old. Decatur is talking about erecting a soldiers' monument. Soldiers' and sailors' reunión at Allegan Aug. 21, 22, 23, and 24. Miss Anna Chandler, a gradúate of the üoldvvater high school and of the university, has beon appointed superintendent of public schools in Marquette. The schooner Maggie McCool, wheat laden for Kingston, in tow of the steamaarge Bruno, was sunk near Sault Ste. Marie by running into an ïce-neld. The vessel was valued at $10,000; the cargo at $20,000. James Crawford of Flint, who was seriously injured by a D., G. H. & M. train near Gaiues last winter, has been paid $4,500 by the company, and all of his doctor's bilis were paid. William Davidson, an employé in Sand's lumber camp in Crawford county, was instantly killed by a falling log. Thirty-two girls employed at Hargrave, Haven & Co. 's shingle mili in Bay City. struck for an inercase of wages from 75 cents to $1 per day. The increase was granted. The employment of the girls in the manufacture of shinglesisaninnovation that has thus far proved successful. The Frceman silvcr mining and sxnelting company has been organized at Grand Rapids, with capital of $100,000, of which $75,000 is paid in. to do general silver mining business at San José, Chihuahua, Mexico. Tlu company is organized for 30 years and is made up mainly of Grand Rapids business men. Friendless boys of Grand Rapids have been proviiied with a home through the kinducss (and cash) of Mrs. E. P. Fuller. A nained Ruby of Paris township, Huron county, was burned to death by usiiilí kerosene to kindie i lire. The boiler in David Lyou's planing mili at South Haven exploded the other moriíj ing. The building; was completely wrecked, as well as several flsh houses near by. For tunately no oue was killed. Frank Ctiovin, son of Charhe Chovln of Saganin, Arenac county, was out sailing wit ti li is fat her in a large sized boat on Saginaw bay, when a fíale carne up, nearly capsiziug the boat and throwing the boy ovurboard. Before the father could reach his son he had sunk the last time. The body was recovered the next day. Gleason's store and postofiice at State Road crossing, uear Deep Kiver, was burglai-izcd the other nirht. All of the cash in the postoffice and about $30 worth of stauips were taken, and a quantity of goods from the store. Henry L. Strong of the insurance firm of Strong & Werton at Lapeer, has been arrested for violatiou of the law prohibiting graveyard insurance companies from takiiiK risks in this state. The flrm were acting as agents for the Old People's company of Elkhart, Ind. The arrest of Mr. Stroug's partner will follow. W. E. Baucroft of Port Huron took the oath as superintendent of mails June 4. The Fiist National bank of Corunna has resumed business after a temporary suspension. The seeond aunual camp meeting of the salvation annv will he held in Lansing June 22-25. W. H. Pomeroy, a horse dealer of Paw Paw, sold 1,000 Texas ponies last year in Cass, Van Buren and Bonten counties. James T. Moore of Hancock has been appointed to a cadetship at West Point. Ann Arbor has voted to raise $5,000 to fill up the depleted treasury. Gardner Barber of NorthviHe is over 100 years old, and a Mexican war pensioner. The commencement exercises at the Michigan military academy, Orchard Lake, oceur June 18. Company D, Fifth Michigan cavalry, will hold their seeond annual reunión at Northville, August 12. Ten companies of the Michigan state mllitia will particípate in the Fourth of July celebration at Lansing. Col. George C. Briggs of Grand Rapids, and Gen. Juhn P. Rea of St. Paul, Miun.. have been elected direotora of the Gettysburg battletield memorial association, the local assoi'iatiou which keeps its eye on j that historio tield. Col. Briggs 8 a member of the Michigan Gettysburg monument commission, and was atljutant of the Seventh Michigan cuvalry at Gettysburg. The President has signed the bilí to make Grand Kapids a iort of eutry. The following is the organization of the Michigan delegation in the St. Louis conventiou: Chairman, Byron G. Stout; secretary, 1{. C. Flannigau; resolutions, Geo. L. Yaple; credentials, J. O. Parkhurst; organizat ion, Charles R. Whitman; committeenian, O. M. Barnes. Arrangcments have been made for repairing the buildings on the state fair grouud . in Jackson, and putting the grouuds iu I der for the next state fair. All of the old sheds have been torn down, and 500 new ones are to be built. The annual picnic of the Farmers' club of northern Lenawec county will be held at Sand Lake, June 28. The Calumet & Hecla copper mine product ; for May was 2,600 tons; Franklin, 185 tons; Atlantic, 2S5ii tons ; Quincy (for 15 days' run of the mili), 183. The Osecola and Tamarack mine managers refuse to give their figures. Allegan towuship is mulcted$l,439forthe death of Joseph Falk, which was caused by a defective roadway, by which he was thrown from a load two or three years ago. Lizzie Murphy, aged 15, the daughter of a , farmer in Thomastown, Saginaw eounty, who excited great interest through fasting seven weeks last winter, aftr which eating , sparingly.and remaining a living skeleton, died on the 5th inst. She had never been herself since before being taken sick the flrst time, although then she was a rosy, ruddy, healthy girl. The Presbyterian church of H omer celebrated the 5üth anniversary of its organization on the 3rd inst. The annual reunión of the Twenty-third Michigan Iufautry will be held in Midland Aug. T. The Kuights of Labor assembly of Coldwater is dufunct. The Adrián cauning factory has made about 500, 000 i-iins this season. Work ou the Lowell canning factory will be commeuced at once. A rich vein of copier has beenfound near the state prisou at Marquette. Mrs. Ward, au old lady who lived on a little farm near Cedar Springs, and had hard work to make a living for herself and children, has fallen he1r to a large sum of money left by a relativo in New York. Charles Armstrong of Prairieville, Barry county, was buried in a well from which he was removing the curbing, at the Linsley school house, near North Pine Lake, the other morning. His body was reached at 4 o'clock in the affcuinoon, and the coroner's Jury declared his death resulted from his own carelessness in leaving the walls of the well unsi'ppoited The Mlahigau i-ondensed milk company of Lansing, uses over $100,000 worth of refined sugar per annuin. A carload of their product has gone to Buenos Ayres. DETROIT MAKIIKTM. Wiieat, White $ 9G a D8 " Red HO (é 91 Corx, per bu 55 ($ 50 Oats, " " 38 a 81 Baiiley, 1 58 & 1 60 Malt 95 (g 1 00 Timotiiï Seki 250 (C 2 55 CloverSekh. par bag 4 20 1 4 60 ï'EEn, per cwt.... 10 50 @17 00 Klour - Michigan patent... 4 75 @ 5 00 Michigan roller. ... f 25 @ 4 50 Minnesota patent.. 4 75 (3 5 01) Minnesota bakers' . 4 50 (St 4 60 Ryeperbu 68 & 70 Apples, per bbl 3 50 (at 4 00 Beans, picked 2 40 & 2 45 14 unpicked 175 @ 1 90 Bkeswax !W (5 30 Botter 17 M 1 Cheese, per Ib 10 (1$ 11 Dkikd Ahpi.ks, per lb B (r! 6 Eogs, perdoz 13 (g 14 Hox'ET.perlh 16 W 1" Hopsperlb 5 O 10 Hat per ton. clover 12 00 O13 00 -, " timothy 15 00 &5 5) Malt, per bu 90 (8 1 0'. OsioN, per bbl 3 50 (B 3 fiO Potatoes, per bil. 85 (á Í0 Poultry - Chickens. live 4 (3 5 ueese i (i 7 Turkeys 8 ($ 9 Ducks per lb 7 @ 8 Pbotisions- MesxPork. ...14 T5 O15 00 Family 15 75 (gin 00 Extru mess beef 6 75 (S 7 00 Lard 7 Cq 3 Uressed hogn.. 6 00 (at 6 25 " Beef.... 4 @ 6 11 ( alves. .. 6 uö 7 " Sheep... 4 @ 8i " l.tiiubs... 5 (i 9 Uams H (S 12 Khoulders 7 & 7% Bacon 10 (g 10K Tallo w, per lb.. 3 @ 3% HlDES - Green City per lb .. 5 Country f% Ureen Calf ÖJL Cured 6% Kal te J Sheep skins, wool.. 50 @ 1 0J UVE STOCK. Cattlk- Nativos strong, $4 10@5 30; oows and mixed. $1 MW 60; stockers and feeders, $2 50@4 10; Texan $1 9CK $4 25. Hoos - Market strong. 5c hieher; mixed, 5 80@B a-i:. beary, 5 itXi'j 65; lieht, Í5 23@3 50. ' bHBKP- Market strong; shorn nativea Í3 75f(i5 25; Oregon feedrrs, Í3 3ö@3 40; Texahs f2(ii3 50; lambs $1@3 50 per head. The Drovers' Journal special London cablegrara (juotes a liberal supply of cattle, demand rather wealc. Best American cattle flrm, bowever, at 12c per pound, eatimated dead weight. The past week bas been dull and slower even tban the weeks immediately preceding it, and the only redeeming feature bas been the lact that there bas been a soinewhat better iuquiry from manufacturers, wbo, howeve , were only testing the m irket, and have been very hy of pure -ies. rrices are olding quite steadily, though there are coucessions eacb week which cause us to shiide the prices u little. Dealers are free sellers on the basis of present prices l.ut are not digposed to make low prices and forcé sales, as the stocks are quite well worked off and about as low as usual at tbis season. Again, the new clips are hackward, and even with the present slow dvmand stocks will be nlmost wbolly (üeaned up before any con siderable quautity of new Texas or California will arrive. Fine Ohio and Michigan fleece wools have been quite in the market thi week. De clines are slow. There has been a very moderate movement in Indiana and Missouri wools. Michigan X, 36%@7o; Michigan No. 1. :afu:Kc; fine Ohlo delaine. 80@ 32c; Michiean delaine. 2S(rf2Hc; unmerchantable Michigan, lí@i0c.- Boston Commercial Bulletin,


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