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JOHN MUEHLIG, ÜNDEBTARER. ROOMS No..'ï5 South Main Street over A. L. Nobles store. RESI 1 K IV C E 61 South Main St., Ann Arbor, Micfi. HENRY MATTHEWS Kepe a Fint-clan MEAT MARKET! Dealer In all kind of Fresb, Salt and Smoked Meats, One Door East of Franklln House. Price Reaaonable. Thanklng those who har o liberallr patroned me In the past, I alito cordlaUr ollolt trad rom new patrooa. HENRY MATTHEWS, Huron Street, Ano Arbor, Mioh WERNER HEENHER No. 16 South Main St. A FUL1. UNE OF FRESH GRO CERIË S Just Opened, of TEAS, COFFEE8 SUGARS and SPICES. We aluo oarry a full line of PIPES, TOBACCO and CIGARS. VEGETABLES In Season. WERNER & BRENNER. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Orpttiizeil IS69 un !er the (Jeneral Banking Law of this st has mi-v. iuoluding capital Stock, etc.. He., OVER $500,000 ASSETS. Business men, Ounrdiins. Trustees, Ladle and otlicr persons will Hud tuis Bank a SAFE AND CONVENIENT I lace ut wliii'h to make Deposlts and do business. interest s Allowed on All Savings Deposits Of SI W an.l "pward, accordlng to the rules of the bank. and interest compounded gemiannually. Money to Loan in Sums of $25 to SS.OOO. Seoiired by Unincambered Real Eatate and other eood securittes. DirtECTORS-OhrlHcain Mack, V. W. Wlnes, VV. W. Ilarruiia'i, William Üeuble, David Riosey, Daniel HUoock and W, B. Smith. OKl-ICERS-Christian Mack, President; W. W. wlnes, Vice-President: O. L. Hiscock, Qaaner. Toledo, Ano A rbor & Northern Michigan ltaihruy. Time Cable golnj into effect Sunday Oct. 9tb 1887. Traína run by Standard Time. Uolng North. Qoing South. 6. 4 2 I. 3 9. Pass Ei. Mal) Standard Time. Pass Ex. Mail v. v.lp. m. á. v. L've.l Arr.l a. m p. m. p. m. 6 25 3 ÍS 5 15 TOLEDO. 00 1 10 8 4 T 51 4 05 6(' Juiíct'n 8 10 12 81 7 61 8 05 4 12 6 10 Dundee 8f3l22l 7 40 8 1'. l 35 6 1: Milán 7 45 12 04 7 20 05 4 53 7 00 Viufi.lil 7 26 II 43 7 00 Sü6 0 0 7 1. ANN AKBOK 7 15 11 3; 6S0 S0 5 8 7 88 l.flaiid-1's 6 :0 il 14 6 80 P. U. 5 45 7 le. Wlutmorr 1-ate a. m. 11 00 6 16 5 5 '. :. Hamburg IU.T, 8 10 u ■.'- :m liowell lü -' S3 7 9 40 l'urand 9 30 4 30 7 46 H ( '..rumia 9 0 4 15 7 55 10 01 o.-.. 9 mi 4 08 9 l!i11 16 Ithaoa 7 4 2 46 U %a 11 ■■.' St. Louis 7 27 2 36 ■ 1 II 42 Alma 7 20 4 20 1') 30 12 30 Mt. l'ltasant 6 SU 1 30 P. M. K M. A. U. A. U. AII ims-i-iiKur Iranís run Ja. ly ei:eit Sunday Traius run on the South Lyon üranch leave Ana Aruorat '.:50 p. ui.,Leland'ü at 10:0, w orden ' at 10:20, and arriv at South Lyon at 11.00 u. m ; t.-ftve South Lyon at C-.'-i' a. ui.. orden's at 6:40, Lt-land'a at 6:15 and arrive at Aun Arbor at 7:13 a. m. Connections at Toledo wlth rallroadg divers.nx At Mauuuttan Juuctlou with Wheelingá IkcKri.' 'i H At Alexia Junction wtthM C. R. h. L. 8. R'y. aud F. P. M. R. R. At Monrut Juncti. u witíi L. s. & M. S. H'y. At Dundee, with L. á. & M. S., an.l M. & O H'y. At Mllau with W., t. L & P H'y At PittüHelri wlül L. 8. & M. S. H'v., at Ann Arbor wlth Michigan Central K. R . aml at South Lyou wlth Detroit, J-anaihK 4 Northern R. R.. and U. T. K'y. At Hainburg with t. A. Line División Grand Trunk H'y. At Ilowell with Detroit, LniiMing & North ern R'y. Al Durand with Chicago Á Grand Trunlc R'y and Detroit raml Haven & Mlllwaukee R'y. At Owosso Junction with Detroit, ürand Haven & Millwnukee R'y and Miirhigau Central R. R. AtSt. Loiiíh with Detroit, Lanring & Northern H. K. and Sninaw Valley & St. Louis K'y. At Alma with, Lansing Northern K'y. At Mt. I'U-.imihi wlth Flint A Pere Marquette R'y. H. W. ASH1.KY. General Manager. A. J. PA1SLEY, Auert Ann Arbor. W. H. BENAETT. (iej. Pass. Aírt. N-"JVICHI6AN Time Table, May 13, 1888. Standard Time, eomg lio-i. "-- i dil i! ! 56 OH M S ■L M M tam a 4-H tu A. Á.M. P. ■ i. M. P. . F. M Dhlcaeo... -Lv. 5 00 9.00 8.10 10.50 Í.10 Kalamazoo.... lü.2; 13 6 58 4 OH 2.S7 Battlo Creek... 11.15 3.15 7.33 7.81 4.57 3. ÍS i', a lackíou Ar. 1.20 4.15 g.49 9.35 t.K 4.60 l'helsea 2.04 10.12 7.28 5 35 Dexter 2 17 10.24 7 45 5.60 AunArbor 2.4 5.30) 9.41 10.40 8.08 6.08 Detroit Ar. 4.10 6.45 10.45 11.50 9.30 7.80 St. Thomas Ar 11.05 2 00 ' 12.45 25 Kalls View....„ ' 4.59 3.441 6.4 Euttalo.-.. Ar 4.85 7.15 t. 56 9.05 ____ aoms wm. 1 SS $9 &% È L Á. M.l P. M. P. M. A. M. A. H. P. ■- Uuffalo L. 11.30 5.35 10 00 l.O'i l. . I Niágara Falla 12.15 6 20 p. H. 1.45 St. Ihomas... 4.23 10.001 1 lO 5.50 Detroit Lv. 7.80 Í.10 4.00 20, 8.T' 10.16 Ann Arbor...... 8.50 10 40 5.30! 2.24 9.15 H 85 Dexter 9.0i 5.60 9.44 L'helsea 9.22 .05 10.10 T. . Jickson.....Ar 10.13 11.45 7.10 3.27 10 12.54 Battle Creek_. 12.09 l.SS 8 52 4.S8 12.27 2.2S Kalamaeoo.-... 12.501 2.01 9.45 5.15 1.40 8 97 'Mcagi Ar 6.10 6.40 9.30J 7.00 7 45 Sanday exceptad. Jêiturday 4 8 jnday iwptoa Dily. H. W. HA YES, J.0L Ann Arbor


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