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Real Estate Transfers

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Morris Hogan to Jacob Loher, Lodi, $5,951.52. John Sohaible to William Uhr, Freedom, 8390. Don L. Davis to John H. Millar, Ypsilanti, $500. Aun M. Krnft to Junius E. Beal, Ann Arbor, 850. Wildt & Reede to Wm. J. Feldkamp, Saline, 8575. Daniel Pierce to Dallas 8. Pieroe, Ypsilanti, $2,000. Jaoob Ukele, to Wm. J. Feldkamp, Saline, $287.50. E. M. Childs to Levi Bordine, Augusta, $1,230.80. Wm. ükele to Wm. J. Feldkamp, Saline, $287.50. Mary J. Cowen to John H. Cowen, Superior, $45.00. Fred J. Feldkamp to Wm. J. Feltlkamp, Saline, 82,700. Wm. F. Burcl to Frank Banks, Ann Arbor, $70.00. Sarah Prescott to A. W. Williamson, Ghelsea, 8200. Lydia Mary Gakleto Wm. J. Feldkamp, Saline, $115.50. Fred. C. Mahrle to Wm. J. Feldkamp, Saline, $287.50. Johuson W. Knight to John Ilaaror, Ann Arbor, $600. María Bradley to Lester L. Hayden, Tpsilanti, 81,600. Henry C. al, toJohu G. Koch, Jr., Lodi, 82,500. Wm. Smith. et al., to Edwin L. Dunn, Ypsilanti, $1,200. Antón Schaeberle to Erustine Koehm Ann Arbor, $2,900. Caroliue Buohoz to Lizzie V . Millen Ann Arbor, $2,500. John H. Miller and wife to Don L. Davis, Ypsilanti, $400. A. De Forest and wife to H. J. Brown Ann Arbor. $5,000. Clarenoa G. Taylor to Elvira M. Sperry, Ann Arbor, $800. Chas. P. Case to Geo. C. & Charles E. Parker, Soio, $4,700. Georga J. Nissly and wife to Chas. H Carven, Saline, $200. Louisa Gakle, by heire, to Wm. J. Feldkamp, Saline, $402.50. Benj. U. Smith and wife to Lorain M. Thorn, Pittsfield, 8550. Elizabeth C. Mallery to Francis HaTens, Ypsilanti, $2,000. John Geo. Kooh and wife, to Sarah E. Rice, Ann Arbor, $5,000. Christina Luokhardt to Jaoob Luckhadt, et al., JLodi, $1,100. W. L. and Lora E. McCollough to Geo. Whitmier, Ypsilanti, $875. Jacob L. Strang and wife to Frank Kinghorn, Ypsilanti, $425. Walter S. Hiokí and wife to J. A. Polhemus, Ann Arbor, $4,500. Wm. Helle and wife, by sheriff, to Gottlieb Helle, Sylyan, $697.70. Mary Chambera, by es., to Elmira M. Wilgon, Ann Arbor, $2,950. George Schnierle and wite to Christian Schnierle, Ann Arbor, $500. Albert A. Sorg and wife, by sheriff, to Johnson W. Knight, $2,177.44. Elizabeth Harrington (by guardián) to Caleb Harrington, York, 8400. Jerome Germán and wife, by sheriff, to J. F. Saunders, Ypsilanti, $199. Sampson B. Oulton and wife, to Asa W. Parker, Ann Arbor, 835.000. Thos. J. Sullivan, et al., by guardián, to Ellen Cunningham, Lyndon $225. James S. Reynolds and wife, by sheriff, to John H. Eingsley, Manchester, $750. Albert A. Sorg and wife. by sheriff, to Johnson W. Knight, Ann Arbor, $2,118,30 cents.