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City Locáis. Strayed or Stolen, F ROM Holmes' livry barn, Ann Arbor. on th night of May 30, a llf ht-bay pony mare yeareold, black mane and UU. Brands G. R and others. Heavy leather halter on, Notify A. H. HOLMES, Ann Arbor. M. For Rooms and board during com menoement week inquire at No. 11 E UniYersity bto. Persons desirous of renting, buying or selling real estáte, or loaning money would do well to cali on Mrs. M. C.Whit ing att'y at law, Ann Arbor, P. O. box 1790. Mrs. N. H. Pierce has singular sucoess in t reatin g neryous prostration and oh ronio aumente, both mental and physioal. Qood oarpenters wanted immediately Charles L. Allen, 46 E. Catherine street. For Sale.- A second hand Phaeton er-quire of G. W. Cropsey. M. Rogers has just received a fresh supply of Hercules powder for blowing stumpa and rocks, from 40 to 60 per cent strong. Mrs. Wosser has removed her Restaurant from over Wagner's to the Maynard blook on Ann-st., where she will be glad to weloome her oíd customers who want a square meal. Strangers please give her a cali. For superior made and stylish clothing the Two Sama lead tbem all . The flnest turnouts in the city and flrst-class hacks at H. Kitredge's livery, west of the Duffy blook. Hiram Kitredge. For any artiole that is fine in the furnishing goods line the Two Sams are leaders. A Bummer cottage to rent, daily mails, railroad station and telephone oliice; also a good placo to fish and boat rido. Address, Oeo. A. Peters, Soio, Mioh. Ladies' Hair Goods at Mrs. Fitoh's Hair Emüorium, over Frank Burg's, Washington street. Jno. A. Bobison, oity scavenjjer, uses onlv tight barrels . No. 31 Wall street, Fifth Ward. Fob Halk. Three hundred and fifty acres of land n the northern portion of Washtenaw oounty, to be sold for f 13 per acre, nlogether or in eeperate páreles. For partioulars address F. ü . bos 1035, Ann Vrbor Michiean. Store to Runt. - Adjoiuing the one [ oooupy,13 Ann ntreet, Maynard's Block. J. W. Maynard. First Class Hair Work done at Mrs. Fitch's. First-class oaudies and fruit at Sohiapiaoasse & Co.'s at No. 5 N. Main st. The Michigan Central Bailway will on April 24, May 8th and 22d, June ííth and I9th, 1H88, sell round trip land excursión tickets at one f are to all points in Minnesota, Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Arkansas, Texas and New Mexico. Tickets good 30 days f rom date of sale. Stopover priyilges will be allowed on the going passage at all intermedíate points n the above states. Will also, on April 23d, sell round trip tickets to southern loiiits, south of the Ohio river, at one 'are for the round trip, tickets good 30 days f rom date of sale. H. W. Hates, Agent. Hocse Fob Sale. Corner of Monroe and South Thayer street. Inquire of Martin Seabolt, C'ity jaundry. Fob Sale.- The residenoe of C. II. yianly, 101 South Main street. Second lock from the business portion of the city. Inquire at oounty treasurer's office or residenoe. Boys' Clothing at the Tiro Samg, the nest ever shown in Ann Arbor. Iioaninq. - Money to loan on flrst-olass leal Estáte Mortgage at Current ratea of interest. Satisfactory arrangements made with capitalists deairing suoh investments. Every oonyeyanoe and tranaotion in abstracts of titles oarefully examined as to legal eílect. Z. V. Kino, Ann Arbor. DO YOUTAKE A COUNTY PAPER ? If nat, and you are about to subscribe for one _ _ we invite your attentlon to the ANN ARBOR DEMOCRAT ! Anfl respectfully inform you that It s the People's Paper. IT PUBLISHES FULL REPORTS OF A1X IMPORTANT EVENTS ID Waíhtenaw county. It Rives a conciso and ínteretinK sumumry of TEE WORLD'S NEWS, Forelgn, American, Congresslonal, Western and Northern. It prints 2HE NEWS OF MICHIGAN. Bolled down for brief reading, and gives a fu," synopsis of the doings of the Legislatura. It chroiiides ALL THE HAPPENINGS OF ANN ARDOR, The county seat, givinp fnll and accurate reporta of the Circuit Court, Polittcal Meetings, Farmera Clubs, University and School Matters, Ltu.. Etc. IT IS FEABLESS In its denunciatlon of monopolies, and all other burdens that weigh upon the People; and shows up all frauda regardless of who it hit. It publishea a aooD sioRr Every weelc, and has Interesting artlcles for the young. t3BItê Prtce g $1. Per Yaur, in Advance, And la regarded by lts subscribers as too valuabla toloan; sodon'ttry to borrow. Ve invite your attentlon to some of the many complimentary things that arel icing sn id of Tdb Dehocrat' "Iï evinces shrewdness, push and ability."- Lanxing Jnurnal. 'It la making f rienda eve;yday. It Ib a weüconducted and readablo beet."- l'uiitiac Biü Poster. "A rery enterpristng, vide-awake local Jouw nal, fuu of new and good eaymgs."- Oenete (Mini) Democrat. j'ÏSi alivev8Picy newspaper, and a valuable additlon to the journalisHc list of Washtenaw oounty."- Tecumsch Hcrabl. "Editorially, locally and typographlcally It I one of the flnest looking papers that ever carne uito thiaofflce."- De trnit Erenhia Neirs. 'The Democrat abounds in ablo andvieorous editonials, a Rreat variety of local Information andintorcstinm'Kt-neral news and misceüancous matter."- Jathgun Patriot. 'THE DEMOHRAT" The Southern Timber Land Investment Go. 190 LaSalle Street, Chicago. ., DlNIf CRC FIRST NATIONAL BANK, ChicacO. DHRIVCnO BANK OF CAMOEN, CAMOEN, Ark. Oliera the safost and I-Mt iuveHtment for ■mail or large suma. Pamphlots eiving full intonnation fumishod on aiiplication totho above. U will pay you woll to read and costs you nothing. WSACKINAC. The Mos Bdightfol SUMMER TOUR Plaoe atunan. Low I!t. Vour Trip per Woei Batwecn DETROIT AND MACKINAC And very Wltk Day BdtwMn 3ETR0IT AND CLEVELAND Wrlt for oor " Picturesque Macklnao," lllustratocOastaias lill ParöouUr. UiiltdDm. Detroit & Cleveland Steam Nav. Co. C. D. Whitcomb, ocn. PAaa. ast.. DETROIT, MICH.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat