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S. S. Blitz was in Detroit, Suuday. John Eisele waa in Detroit Tuesday. Mayor Beakes was in Detroit Saturday. O. O. Sorg went to Grand Rapids Mon day. J. T Jacobs, was in Detroit Wednesday. Bert Winans, has removed to B ittle Creek. C. A. Hendrickof Ottawa, Kb., is in the city L. BL. Clement "wheeled" to Detroit Sunday. Fourth of July three weeks from next Wednesday. M. C. Peterson left for an eastern trip Wedneeday. Mr. Porter, of Lima, Ohio, is visitiuR Titus Hutzel. Poatmaster Cook, of Dexter, wns in Ann Arbor, Monday. C. M. Webb, the turn it ure mau, will locate in Detroit. cream festival next Wednesday evening at Hobart hall . Orla B. ïaylor has been spendiug ?everal day s at Chelsea. Mr. Wm. Caspary spent Sunday with his family on Ann-st. Mrs. Geo. W. Dean of Green Oak, has been visiting in the city. Eev. H. F. Belser is visitiug friends at New Washington, Ohio. D. F. Schairer returned from his weetern trip, Saturday night. Mrs. S. W. Clarkson visited her parents in Manchester last week. Miss Margaret Kearney of thia city, spent last week in Dexter. Judge Harriman returned froin üis uorthern trip last Friday, Mrs. Ed. Sumner, of Dundee, N. Y., is visiting MrB. Levi Wines. Joe Stimson has gone to Minneapolis to visit hiB brother George. Mr. Frank Looniis spent this week with his family on E. Ann Btreet. Mrs. Fairweather of Marshall, is the guest of Dr. and Mrs. Breakey. Mrs. G. M . Bakes and two children visiting her son, Mayor Beakea. The flrst hand organ of the season was heard upon out streets Tueflday. Kev. Mr. Galpin preached in 8t Andrew's church Sunday morning. The ladies of St. Andrew's church gave a tea in Hobart hall last eveuing. A. J. Sawyer tried a case in the Wayne circuit court at Detroit, Monday. Dr.' R. G. De Puy returned to Jamestown, Dakota, last Sunday mght. Mrs. Mo&es Seabolt is spendipg a week with her mother, at Battle Creek. Ex-Senator Kemp bad all of his house planta stolen last Saturday night. Graf & Cook were the lowest bidders for building the new school house. The Amphion club will give a series of coiicerts at Buy View this summer. Miss Jessie etmore, of Conoord, Mioh., is expeoted in the to-morrow. Dr. and Mrs. Angelí gave a rejeption last eveningto Rev. and Mrs. Kyder. 8. S. Blitz accompanied his wife on her western trip as far as Toledo, Monday. A handsome new oarpet has been laid in Oounty Clerk Ho wlett'e private office. Mrs.L. M. Limpert. of Cheboygan, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Hangsterfer . The ohancel sooiety of St. Andrew's churoh will hold a strawberry and ioeMrs. Jacob Wile, ïuc Nannie Hammond il expected thismonth tavisit berfatlier. Orant M. Morse, of Portland, Mioh., spent several days in this city this week. Mrs. Wm. Boyden, of Delhi Mills, fed 500 persons Thursday, the day of the sale. W. L. Becker, of Brighton, was calling on old friends in the city, Tuesday. J. Yolland, the veteran harness dealer, began business 50 vears ago in this city. Mra. T. J. Entwisle and child.Jof Dundee, spent Sunduy with Mrs. M. M. Tut tle. The A. O. U. W., and the city band will hold a picuic at Relief park ou the 4th of July. Mrs. E . Nichois, of N. Ingalls street en? tertained friend at tea Tuesday afternoon. The ceiling of Fred Stimson's grocery has been handsornely decorated tliiu week. John Jackson of Mauohester, will remove to this city bood. So saya the Enter[irÍ8e. Mr. George Newell Lovejoy and mother left for a visit to KocheBter, New York, Tuesday. Corjfjressnian Alien nnd wife are expeoted to return f rom Waehingtou, D. C, next week . Win. Biggs has tlie contract for building the Judson and Warner stores on State-st. Judge llarriman is making soms improvernents to his residenee on Wasbtenaw ave. The high school cornmencemeut will be held in uuiversity hall, Friday, June 22d at 10a. m. Mrs. W . Il Payne and daughter, Airs. O. C. Jenkins, have returned farom Nash ville, Teun. Gibson took picttires of the Dexter udiou school building and scüolare on Wednesday. Kead what the Eberbach hardware oouipany has to say in another column of to-iiay's paper Mrs. Bowdaman, of South Main etreet, has for her guests her motber and sister f rom Toledo. Mr. James lieyuolds, of this city, sur prised his many friends by gettmg married last week. i'lio board of school inspectora of Lima township have elected Thomas T. Aiorse chairman. Miss Hummer, of Ypsilanti who has been visiting Mis Nellie Seabolt, returned home Sunday. Mis. Dr. E. M. líale, of Chicago, is the guest of hor sister, Mrs. E. E . Baxter, of K Jeflerson streot. itev. Dr. Harp hits been made president of the Episcopal convocatiou of southern Michigan. The women's missionary society of St. Andrew's church sent a box of clothing to Florida last week. Miss Maud Hudson, of this city has a display of hand-painted China ware on exhibition in Lansiug. The Michigan state horticultural society will hold lts annual meeting at Benton ilarbor, June 13-15. H.W. Newkirk will addreBs the carpenters' union this evening in their hall over the Palace grocery store. Dr. and Mrs. Boyer who were married last week, have gone to Hudson Bay, B. A., on their wedding trip. Al Sager, of Las Vegas, N. M . , is in the city, called here by the serious ilinesa of his mother Mrs. S. Öager. The sohool board held a meeting, Monday evening, and adopted the plans as modified by the architects. Justice Frueauff sent Thomas Fuller, a vagrant, to the Detroit house of correotion for 90 days, Wednesday. Ex-Governor 8t John addressed a large and enthusiastic audience at the opera house lust Haturday evening. The Cook House property has chaaged hands again, Asa V. Parker, of Rochestor, N. Y., having purchased ït. J. T. Jacobs & Co.,areadvertising astonishiDg bargains in children's clothing. See ad in another column A telegraph wire was knocked down on Liberty street, Monday, by careless workmen who were moving a house. Rev. J. Xeuman, pastor of Bethlehem church atlended the Germán Evangelical synod held in Detroit last week. Miss M. Loui8e Horner, of Clifton Springs, N. Y., is visiting hef sister Mrs E. D. Fletcher, at the Cook house. Mr. Jolin Jackson and family of Manchester have come to this city and will make it their home for tlie present. Miss Clara Wheeler who has been abroad nearly two yenrs sailed for home Saturday from Vntwerp, Germany. Mrs. 'v alter Bowers, of New Hudson, who haa been at the homeoptahic hospital for some time, has relurned home. Mis. McCleary went to Indianapolis, Monday, wbere she will spend the summer with her daughter, Mrs. Dr. E. E. Cary. The ceilings and walls of the offices in the court house sre tinted a hght blue with a yellow border. A decided improvement. A petition bas been circulated this week for the opening of a street to the new Toledo depot which is soou to be built. Jacob llaller, through the columns of today's Democrat. offern reduced pnces in silverware and jewelry. See ad elsewhere. Mr. and Mrs. EmmettSmitb.of Goshen, N. Y., wlio were married May 31st, are visiting the latter's cousin, Mrs. O. M. Martin. M. Fleming, of Chicago, formerly sherifi of this county, bas beon renewing ao quaintances in tlns city. He returned home Suuday. Prof. A. W. Gould, of Olivet College, will occupy the Unitariau pulpit next Sunday morning with Mr. Öunderlund, and will preucb. r Mrs. C. Burns whose on John was killed a few months ago, has been paid S100 by the carpenters' union, of wluch he waB a member. Mrs. E. Rathbone and Mrs. H. Huiit were delegates to the woman's missionary meeting of the Episcopal cliurch in .Jucksou this week. Misa J. E. Pierce ot New York city is canvassing the city for a valnable work entitled, "The puhtical Cyclopoedia," edited by John Lalor. William Moutgoinery plead guilty of heiug drnnk and disorderly, before Justice Pond, Monüay, and was sentenced to 10 days in jail. Fanny E. Jones, of Ypsilanti, has brought mut for divorce against her husband, Thomas .Iones. Charges non-Bupport and extreme cruelty. J. Auatin Scott and J. E. Beal were at Port Huron, Monriay, on business connected with the Port Huron Gas. Oo., in which they are interested. Geo. H. Pond, of the Courier, returned Monday trom Flint, where he had been to perform the last sad rites over the remains of bis little daughter. Morris Ware, of the Fifth ward, haR chaoged his boarding place for the next tweuty days, to Sherift Walsh'sresidence. Charge, drunk and disorderly. Mre . Prof. Kogers bas coDtnbuted $Í5O to the democratie county campaign f und. Now, gentlemen, don't be baokward but step vip and follow her example. Mrs. Davidson, mother of Mre. Dudley Loomis, has returned from Grand Forks, Dakota, where sho spent the past year with her daughter, Mrs. C. Mili. This evening the young people's assooiatioo at the stone Bchool house aonth of the city, will have aa old-fashiond spelling school. Everybody is invited. MisBcs Amelia and Belle McLaren went to Chelsea Wednesday lo attend the wedding of Mias .loe -McLaren, of tuat place, to Mr. Will Brewer, of Etist Baginaw. Rev. A. F. Bonrns bas rented M. 0. Le Beau'e residence corner of Lawrence and Thayerstreets. Mr. Le Beau will occupy bis new house as soon as it is completed. The T., A, A. & N. H. milroad will run an excursión train to Toledo next Suuday to accoiainodate those who wish to hear Gilmore's famous band at Presque Isle. It took Mr. Krucger and a gang of men WedneHday afternoan to get a Iiollow ouk tree up into his photograph parlors. About 50 or more men helped by lookiug on. There was a wedding at the court house Saturday afternoon, Justice Freuanil uniting in wedlock .Miss Nellifi rilbean, aud Thomas Caswell, both from out of the city. Appropriate resolutiong wore p.issed Monday by the board of stewards of the M. E. ohuroh in acoepting the resignation of Mr. VV. A. Tolchard, as treasurer of the board. At a meeting of the Washtenaw agricultural society held last week, the resiguation of John lt. Minoras secretar was aceepted, and George II. Pond was elected to that position. Charles Baxter, who lias been in the hack business in this city for many yeara, bas sold liis back, horses, etc, to II. Kitredgc. He began working for J. A. Polhemua last Saturday. Ernest Carter, of Detroit whom all our citizens will remember as the enthusiastic young prohibitionist whu formerly lived here, has been visiting in the city, on his return from Indianapolis. Messrs. J. K. Wheeler, C. II. Kichniond andH.J. Brown were delegates to the Episcopal convention held in Jackson this week. Major Soule and Mr. O. V. Penny, as aiternates attended the meeting. J. E. Beal has gone to Sault Öt. Marie where he will be until the 22nd.- While there he will atlend the wedding of Wm. B. Oady, a former Ann Arbor boy but who is uow a prominent lawyer of that section. A tb roe-years-old mustang was stolen or elso strayed, from A. 11. Holmes, on Forest aveuue, last week. The borse was lefl to gruze in front of the house, and suddeuly disappeared. The belief is that he was stolen. Mrs. S. S. Blitz and oliildren left forSt. Louis, Mo., on Mouday where she wasto fittend the wedding of a friend, Wednesday evening. Before returning she will visit relativos at Denver, Col., and North Platte, Neb. A. J. Sutherland, of Grand Bapids, was in the city Monday. He reported the building of the company that is to manufacture his patent flre ladder already up and ready for tlie maohinery, whioh he went to (Jhicago, on ïuesday, to purchase. .Mr. Daniel Crawford, of lower town, grew weary of the trials of this life, Wednesday morning, and attempted to end her life with morphiue. She took a large dose and but ior the timely assistance of Dr. Darling, who pumped her out, she would have died. She ia now out of danger. The new Oak Grove club houses at Rush lake are now completed. The quarters which they have üxed up are of the best. The expense of the buildings, etc., amounting to about $1,000. The members of the olub are Martin Seabolt,Walter Seabolt, Jacob Seabolt, Xavier Zachman and Geo. Hangsterfer. Some blood upon the sidewalk Monday morning leading from the poBt office up Main street lead to wild and various rumors. Nothing positivo is yet known, but it is said that some young man's foot was cut by a broken champagne bottle which may, perhaps, be the correct version of the affair. A convention of themiasionary society of the Jackbon conference has been in sessiou at the Congregational ohurch in this city the present week, wilh a goodly number in attendance. The church was prettily trimmed with flowers and Wednesday noon the guests were bauqueted in the church parlors. Oounty Clerk llowlett now feels of the water in his batb tub befóre he gets in. Last week he forgot to turn on the cold water and did not test it, but jumped right in. Thenewskinisforming on his feet as well as could be ezpected, and he hopee to lay aside bis velvet slip pers within a week or two. The 1-1 th annual meeting of the state pioneer aud bistorical society will be beid in Lansing next week, June 1213. Arrangements have been made with all railroads lor hali-fare ratos, and there will alvo be reduoed ratee at the hotels. Donations of books, historical documenta, relies, etc, etc, ure earnestly solicited. The high school chiitjtian association have elected the following office rs: Heury Walker, president; Ueorge Dygert, lst vice-president; Miss Ella Bennett, 2d vicepresident; Charles Bates, treasurer; Miss Ida Tichnor, recordiug secretary; Miss (race Webster, corresponding secretary; H. F. Johns, Bulletin editor; Will Cheever, orgauiüt. llundreds were turned away from the Unitarian church Sunday evening being unable to hear Mrs. Onniston Chant who gave a most intereshng and instructive lecture. Mrs. Chant ia a spirituelle lookiug woman, andhandlesher subject with knowledge, dignity anti ease. Had she have lectured in university hall she would have had a house f uil. The council of the Benevolent Order of the Golden Gaie held their first meeting in four years. at Masóme Temple, and conferred the 35th degree and the orders of Nebowupon SirKnights C E. Hiscock, N . J. Kyer, 6. W. Clarkson, K. H. J . Clark, E. VV. Moore, Geo. W. Millen.N. E. Sutton and A. C. Nichols. The work was excellent and all were highly pleased. W. G. üieterle formerly the hustler in the furniture line here, but now of Ann Arbor, was in town yesterday in the capacity of manager of the Main street base ball nine. Yea, he smiled upun us and renewed his subscription, whioh made us uinile. - Manchester Enterprise. Mr. Dieterle is also a hustle in, the furniture liue now thac he is a resident of this city. The stock-holders of the Farmers' and Mechunics' bank held their annual meeting Monday morning, electiug the following board of directors for the ensuing year; JKueDen Jkempr, Dr. W. b. Breakey, John Burg, Ambroae Kearney, Edward Duffy, D. F. Schaker, W. C. Stevens, J. E. Beal and CE. Greene. All except tne last two were 011 the board last year. The direotors hsld a meeting, Monday evening, and elected. Rueben Kempf, president; Edward Duffy, vicep resident; F red il. lielser, cashier. The stockholder sof the Ann Arbor Savings bauk held a meeting on Monday afternoon, 416 of the 500 shares being represented, and elected the following board of direotors tor the ensuing year: Ohpstian Mack, W. W. Wines, V. D. linrriman, Daniel Hiscock, Wm. Deubel, W . B . Ömith und David Rineey. In th evening the board of directora held a meeting and reelected (Jhristian Mack, president; W. W. Vines, vice-president; Chas. E. Hiscock, chashier. They also declared a Bemi-annual dividend of 5 per ceDt payable on July lat. On Monday afterqoon the large barn an she4s on Dr. W. Smith's farm east of the city were disoovered by neifchbors to be on lire and nothing could be done to extingnish the Hames aud the mg auu (MiniciKH, consisuug oí wagons aud fanniiiK implemento, were entirely consumed. The total lose is $3,500 and there was $1,500 iusurance. 'l'he tire was undoubtedly tho work of tramps who have becoine a nuisance m that neighborhood, and was undoubtedly done for reveoge as Mr. Nichols who occupies the house has refused to give tbem anything. Mr. Nichols aud fninily were absent at that time. The June issue of the Amerioan Magazine is an exoeptionally brilliant number. Among the notable features is an interesting and iïnely illuetrated paper on "Our Defenses from an Army Standpoint," by Oen. O. O. Howard ; Mrs. Gen. John A. Logan contributes a graceful artiele on "The Art of Entertaimng," subject she is well qualified by experience to handle; and George Edgar Montgomery has a oharming paper on "Dickens on the American Stage." This artiele in illustrated by portraits of leading actors, showing their conoeption of Diokens' characters. The montli furuislies Zitella Cocke with the text for a pretty poem, "June." "Barbados: The Klbow Island," is described in an ïllustrated paper by Dr. William P. Hutohin■on. The June meeting of the pomological society was a very interesting one. The outlook for a good erop of email aud large fruits is exceedingly good. Mr. Ganzhorti expecls a fuíl orop of peaches. Dr. Howell said beuever sa w peaches, apples, and quinces more promising. Strawberriea have snffered ome from the cold spring . Blackberries and raspberries are reported as looking very good. Eight years ago E. Baur planted 600 plum trees in Huron couuty all of whioh are dying. Prof. Nicbols said that a saving of 85 to $6 on transportaron to fruit growers had been accomphshed. Considerable feeling was expressed against some fruit growers who were always ready to pruilt by the experience of others, but were unwilling to help bear the expenses of the society, even to pay the small tax of one cent per buahel. Arrangements will be made for shippers' protection in refrigerator oars. Several important topics were held ovr until the next meeting. To-morrow at 7 p. m., at the residence of J. D. Baldwin there will be an extra sesaion of the society. At 12:45 p. m. to-morrow the children's procession wjll start with the sixth ward school which will be joined by the flrst ward, march down State street, down Bowery and Ann, to Main, up Main to Liberty, up Jjiberty and State to the campus, and then to univeisity hall, being joined on the way by the pupila of the eighth grade, Catholic paroohial school and the schools of the fourth, fifth, third aud second wards, Germán paroohial, and whatever other schools there are of similar grade in the city. Most of the schools will provide themselves witli banners. The marohing will be under the able management of Major Soule, assisted by teaohere and one or two boys from each school. The decorations of the hall will be aupenntended by Mr. Morgan, assisted by Mr. Randall and a large committee from the schools and churches. Judge Harriman will act as president of the day, Prof. Renwick as musical director. President Angelí and Dr. Earp will each make very short addresses. The exeroises in the hall will begin at about 2 o'clock and consume probably not over ono liour. Music by bands of the city in parade; by Cuequamegons in the hall. The districts to be covered by the mail carriers have been revised, and they are now oovering a large amount of additional territory. The distriots as now laid out are merely experimental, but the permanent routes will be decided on soon. The present boundaries are as follows: Haute No. 1. - Main, William, Monroe, State and Hu ron streets. Boute No. 2.- Main, Madison, Jewett avenue, and Huron streets; also Spring, Fountain, Hiscock streets and Miller avenre. Boute No. 3.- State, North, Ingalls, North Univereity, Washtenaw, and East University avenues, and Orleans street. Boute No. i.- Main, Hurón, State strets and the river ; also in lower town on Broadway, Maiden Lane and Wall street. Boute No. 5.- Main, Packard, Grove, Hill, East University ave., Monro, Forest ave., Orleans, South University ave., State and William streets; also on north sida of Huron street from Main to State; the east side of State street from Huron to North University ave., and Maynard street. The mail will be distributed but once a day in part of the new territory at present, but the service will be increased whenever it can be done.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat