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The FHnt Klver swamps, In Sumter Coiinff, Georgia, are full of wild turkevs, na muny u flfty aad slxty havlng beea seen In a drov. An Erle County. New York, pbyslcan Is ! ucd a ccrt i dente atatlng that the entise of a Uttle glrl's death wat "Information of tua lungs." A youog Madras Branmln, uiiitViI, In a communlcatlon to the Judian, j speaks of hls marrlage aa "the eterual knot of ionow tled." There Is oot a cross eyed base ball pluyer lu the country. It Is a general supeistltion Iliat a cross-eyed man would Irretrlevably boo '1. ... tbe gaine. Mr. and Mrs. Jutlah Hulltt, of Laiidlsflcld, Mass., have been marrled seveutv-oue years. Both were boru In 17V1. Tbelr miirrlaicc was (oleinnlzed In lSl.r. An actresi In the Paris opera boaBd hu created a ere at tensatloo by ippearluK iu black, not ouly f rom head to f oot, bui upparently Inslde and out The Nortb China llera' d says thal agent! of the Panama Canal made arrangemeuts to ! nap 30,0 0 Annamuse coolles to work ut l'una ma, but the enterprlse falled. Tbcre la a natural rock house In Swaiu Uouuty, saya the Mount Air; A'eas, whicli is u-e I j as a cLurch. Seats have been placed Ui it by I cltizeus Of the vlclnlty, and recular services j condueted. When the bllzzard struck Ludlow, Mass., It buried under the snow four turkeys DelongttlX to John Ray. They were üu{ out aller belng without food for elgbteen davs, and were not ouly alive, but apparently unlnjured. The coruflower that waa the favorito of I Kaiser Wllllain- the blue "bachelors button" of thla latitude- Is sald tobe the badge of the Liberal party In Helium, wUlle tbe reJ popp la that of the Conservativo or Cérica! party. As an evidence of the progresa that modem Ideas are maklug In Japan, It Is stated tint tbat country la now building tblrtv-four new rallroads, at a cost of over $50. u ■) o ).), auil it bas hundreds of miles of railro:ids airead built. A man in Lima, Oblo, recen tly recjive.1 from rrlends In Wattsvllle, Pa., a letter tbat It took blm ucarlr all nlsrht to read. It was wi liten on foolecap paper, tbe sheets beiug pastei togeiher, and was exactly 27 feet and 10 luches long. Students of both sexet are adinitted to McQlll College, Toronto, but they are lustructed In separate classes. Th Is dona not uit the youug omen, who bve juat slgued a petltlon asking for absolute cu-e.lucatlon. At Alblon, X. Y., a wealthy gentleman of seventy years of age Is belni; sued for breac'.i of promlse of marriage by an attraeJve wldmv of sixiy-tbree. who thlnks tbat nothlng less tban tSÜ.UUO wlll repair tbe dauin,'e done her strlngs. Mr. Lllliun M. Pavy, of LoBdou, England, In a commercial Iraveler nov viillu;' the Western States In the interest of hu Etigiish house. She travels alone and linji that lu thlt country a woman does not nee.l au escort to profeet her from aunoyauce. Black and nmddy rain feil at Naples recently. Professor Palinlerl, of tbe VesuvioObservalory, saya tbat the stront; winis from África ralae luto the air auv amouul o.' dust, and tho rain, passing through those clouds of dust, falls dowu blacklsh, colored bv it. A lady In La Grauge, Ga., wrote to Thomas A. E.üioii rcquestlng him to iuvnt au eartruinpet that would enable her husbaud U hear. The wizard In reply wrote tlic lady to walt just a few moutbs and that Inieriaud of hers would thlnk lie heard ibesturs falllng. Yellow dlamonds are made blue of the purest water, for the time leiiiL', by belng eolored witli a common indelib c iiiu pene 1, equalized by a rubbing witb. eotion or llneu. A magultying glass wlll f a 1 to suow Ihe fraud, but alcohol, turpent ue, or beuz ua wlll wash off the color. Captain Robert B. Taylor, who died at the Asylum for the Insane lu LexlUflOH, Ky., receutly, was tbe pioneer telagrapb operator of the South, liavlns; been the lim op rator employé J by the New Orleaus and OUio Compauy, wlilcti estjblisbed the tlrst telerapli line Bouth of the Oblo in 1Si7. After Kmperor Frederick, of Geriuauy, lefl Sau Remo tbe Sultan sent hun a collur conslstluf! of niue hazel uuls, wllli luscrlptioul trom the Koran, over wbicb the uervisbcj and sbelks of the palace had urajead, and whicb, as the Sultan ussured the Crowu Prince, would cure hira as if by magie ' Old Aunt Sally," an nged co'ored woman wno dled ner Ualena, D. T., reeeutly, was for a long time a cook in Uefetnl Custer's ciaip. Sh was sald to be the ürst womau other than a squaw, who ent out to the Black Hills. Every old-tlmer and ranchmau knew her and had a story to teil about her. Lewls MlllspnUKh Huceeeded in kllüug au otter reeently uear Pleasaut Lnke, N. ï. The otter attacked Mr. Millspauh'n dot; aul whlpped It lu short order, and llicu turued on Mr. Millspauen, who fortuuauly had an ax, and soon succeeded In killiusr It. The otter measured 4,'í feet In leutrt i, umi bad a beaullful skin. John Qulncy Adams' body servaut wliile he was President was Barney Norria, a Virginia negrn, wno tías just dled at Ualeua, 111., at an advunced age. When a hoy be was a slave lu Commodore ï cph u Decatui's fainlly, and was resent al tue duelllng irroun 1 at Biadvusburi; when bis master was k 1 ed by Commodore Barron. Tbe popular thlng Just no -v at Cari Is for the eurlous to takethe moruluü train for 'Aitiazip, returnlng at nlght, In order to wlluess tbe grand rulns at Bubastls wblch Navllle has disclosed. "The Pbaraoh of Joseph" attracts hundreds of Moslems who venérate the anclent prime minister, anJ inar-1 at tuu statue of hls Pbaraoh. At Towuseud, Erle county, N. Y. , stands m oak tree 40 years old and iu a gooi lioulth coudiilon. Thcre are eleVt small treai growIng frorn the branches, two siaudiuc alone and tbe other slx tOKctber. They havu becti In the tree for flve years. They crew from adventitioui buds ani are a specimen of au ' uncommou freak of nature. At Indlanapolis, as a geutleiuan was walkIng along the street, accompantel b. two youug ladlcs, one of tbe glrls steppcd on t parlor match and In an Instant the dresset ol both ere ablaze from head to foot. l;j prompt aetion ou the part of the nntlcmM tbe flames were smothered befora the youui ladles were serlously burned. The editor of a Fort Gaines, newspapor ii of tbe opinión that some dogs hare a good Idea of time. On Thnrsdar, some wcclts KO, be borrowed a frlend's setter and went builtIng. On every Thursday slnce the dog hal appeared at the edltor's door ready for uuother trip, and when refused bas gone uwuv wlth an expression of dlsappolntmeiit human. There Is sald to be a blind jeweler In Ui udford. Pa., who Is able to repair jcwelrv and watehes entirely througb hls sense of touch. ! The blindness cume upon him after he had bc I come a profielen t workman.and theu, by cu-tU ; vating tbe senslbilitT lu hls fluger cuds, he overeóme iu a great measure bis lack of rye slght. Thls is certalnlj most remarkable iustance. A womau In Georgia sat up late In the nlgbt reeently to sea a pall of ice water she had buiig above tbe door overturn on her busband when be returned from tbe "club." 8he got tlred and went to bed. In the moraIng sbe forgot all about tbe pall untll she opened the door to admit her inotber. Tbe two ladles are stlll as mad aa wet heus, and a dlvorce sult Is talked of. The pony rldden by the late Prluce , perlal of France when he recelved bis ' tismof lire" at Saarbruck durlng the FrancoPrutslan war has just come to a sudden end, i llke lts unfortuuate master. After Sedan tbe pony was boagbt by a Germán baron and was kept on hls estáte In Silesia for bil ■■ cblldren torlde. Reeently It feil down on a sllppery road aud broka lts leg aud had to bo sbot Brltlsh realdents In Japan are subserlblng for tbe repair of the grave of Wlll Adama, a Brltlsh xallor who was shlpwrecked lu Japan In the relgn of James I,, and who llved for ruany years at tbe C'ourt of Yedo, where he obttlued extraordinary iufluence. Hls trav was dlscovered tome years ago ou the summlt of one of tbe hilli overlookln the Governmeut Arsenal at Yokosuka, ueai Yokobama. A 300 ton smelter has Just been ordered by a Butte (Moat.) flrm. Thecapacity of the I.aramie (Wy. T.) tflass works wiU be doubled. A St. Louis company has made 200,000 pairs of shoes since January 1. The boss bakers of Toronto, Can., have signed Ia9t year's scale of wages and regulatíons. A Contocook (Me.) man has invented a machine that makes twenty paper boxes a minute. Rider Haggard has gone to Ireland for a holidáy. He is a sportsman as well as a penman.


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