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Wherc Bons the Manan" wirtly SoothFrom Lake Michigan South it starteth, From Chicago, Illinois, Michigan City too it toucheth ; Thenco through towns of mili, anti nolse Knroute through Indianapolis, Mighty city yet td be, Onward then to Cincinnati. Offering two routes to the sea ; Perhaps frora Monon, where it brancheth, Thou wonld visit LaFayette, Then see ye also to Louisville, Whose iame resoundeth yet; Here again the Monon, offers Choice of Pullman Palace routes To the Gulf Coast, and to Florida. Thus the traveling world it suits. (Send to E. O. McCormick, General Passenger Agent, Chicago, for a gulde.- 73 Clark St. The car-wheel plant at Birmingham, near Kansas City, Mo., has a oapacity of 125 car wheels a day. S.1OO Keward. If you suffer from dull, heavy headache, obstruction of the nasal passages, discharges falling from the head into the throat, sometimos profuso, watery and acrid, at others tbick, tcnauiouB, mucous, purulent, bloody and pntrid ; if the oyes are weak, watery und inflamed; and there is ringing in the ears, deafness, hacking or coughin to clear the throat, expeetoration of offensive matter, together with scabs from ulcers ; the voice belng changed and having a nasal twang ; the breath offensive ; smell and taste impaired ; experiencc a sensation of dizziness, with mental depression, a hacking cough, and general debility, then you are suffering from chronic nasal catarrh. Only a few of the above named symptoms are likely to be present in any one case at oue time, or in one stage of the disease. Thousands of cases annually, without manifesting half of the above symptoms, result in consumption, and end in the grave. No disease is so common, more deceptive or dangerous, less understood or more unsuccessfully treated by physicians. The manufacturers of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy offer, in good faith, $500 reward for a case of oatarrh which they cannot cure. The medicino is sold by druggists at only 50 cents. Justice Field Field disposed of 341 divorce cases in Boston in a single day last week. "Golden at morning, silver at noon and lead at nlght" is the old saying about eating oranges. But there is something that is rightly named Golden, and can be taken with benefit at any hour of the day. This is Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, literally worth its weight ín gold to anyone suffering f rom scrofulous affections, impurities of the blood, or diseases of the liver and luugs. It is unfailing. By druggists. About 2,000 Scandinavlan families have settled in Canada during the last two years. Beautiful woman, from whence came thy bloom, They beautiful eye, thy features fair? What kindly hand on thee was laid - Endowing thee with beauty rare! " 'Twas not ever thus," the dame replied, "Once palé this face, these features bold, The 'Favorito Prescription' of Dr Pierce Wrought the wonderous change which you behold." A Gypsy Lore society has Just been formed in London. A Bitter Flsht before the U. 8. OvurU. The great bottling interests of New Eng land have united to crush the Moxie from the threatened monopoly of the beverage market. Crowds of people are rushing to the rescue, many of them fully recovered by the Moxio aftcr having been helpless paralytics for years. Moxie, so far, is triumphant. The company put a 75c. bot tle of syrup on the market that with ice water inakes 75 half tumblers of rioh nerve food beverage, giviug doublé powers of endurance to the nerve vveary, nerrous. weakly, tired and overworked, for a paltry three cents per day. Eminent chemists teil the court it is harmless and rich. The Detroit unions are pushing an investigation of child labor in that town. Piles, Itching or Bloeding, relieved and permanently cured by Cole's Carbolisalve. Get tho genuine. 25 cents and 50 cents at druggists or by mail. J. W. Cole & Co., Prop's, Black River Falls, Wis. Colorado's gold production last year amounted to ttt,000,000. Statx of Ouio, OiTir of Tolkdo, ) Lucas Colxtï", 88. f Frank J. Cansar niakoj oatb that be Is th' Benlor partner of the flrm of F. J. Chbnky k Co., dolng business In tbe City of Toledo, Countv an. State aforesaid, aud that sald flrm wlU pay tlie sum of ONE I1INM1K1) DOLLARS for each and uvery caso of Oatarrh that cannot be cured by the ua' of Hall's ('aïauuii CintzFllANK J. CHEKKT. Sworn to beforo me and subscrtbcd In my presencethlsCth day of December. AD. 1. , , A. W. GLKABON, i KAL ■ Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure U taken lnternally and artH direrily upon the blood and mucus surfaces of the Hyateui. Sond for testimonialH, free. F. J. CHENKY 4 CO.. Toledo, O. IV Sold by Druggists, 75 centa. A St. Louis firm has turned over 6,505 carriages and buggies since last May. GPaines lery Qm[)oun(i For The Nervous _ The Debilitated P The Aged ■ ORES Nervoua Proitratlon, Nervoua Head" ach, Neuralgia, NervouaWeakaeas, Stom ach and Liver Discaies, and all alTectiosa of the Kldncya. AS A NERVE TONIC, It Strengthcu and Quleti the None. AS AN ALTERATIVE, ItPuriflei and Knrlchei the Blood. A3 A LAXATIVE, It act mlldly, but urcly, on the Bowel. AS A DIURETIC, It Regulatei tha Kldneyi and Cures thelr Dlaeuei. Recommended by profeislonal and builneamea. Price $1.00. Sold by druggists. Scnd fee circulan. WtUS, RICHARDSON A CO.. Proprietort, BURLINGTON. VT. B. B. B. (Botanie Itlood lla lm.) Tbe Great Blood Purifler and Touie. Should you or ftny of jour frlfnli be afflirlcii Bk with any st&gtt of SypMli, Scrofula. Borufuloua ■ ■welUiigs . Rheumatiaui, old Ulcera nd Sorei", ■ Tiuiioia.Skiii Diseases. Kidney Troui.U-s, Kcze K ma. ( Urrh, Chrouic Fcma.e ('omplalnt. Mtrr curial Poison, Tetter. Scaldheod. broken down ■ i-onstitutiun, op any other d.sta-o caud b ■ impuro blood, IJ. It. B.- Iíuiakic Iílooi l'i J wlil cure you after erery other known renxtiiy mmmm hu fttilcd. B. B. H. U tha only qtiiuk aud per M manent Klood purlfler on earth. On tottle F wlil test it in any e. Send to u for B Ail 31 paffe book, free, wMch telli you all aboul BC Blood Di-fitse and iti It will ourc In one ■ thlrd the timi of any other preparatlou. D. M not be dwcived. Cali on your drugrlit, and If h oanuot furnibh you, rend direct to ui, and wv _ wlil expresa to aJiy po int on recelpt of prlc. Koniembfr, It doos not contaln mineral or I vegetable polon. Should te uned by evcry one HIK in the :prfnff of the year. and Is as good In 1 nier. fall and winter au a tonlc and blood purlAer. I I kis;' tottle. tl. 00. Su for I&.00. WB0 BLOOD BALM CO., Props., Atlanta, Ga. hom I Is the best remedy for I all complaints peculiar I b3


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