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Foliad ..ii Oíd FYIeKi!. Colima, Mini , Doe. 8, 1888. Gentlemen : - One of your circular carne to my notice to-day. and it ruminds me of an old and very rolnable frlend, une thatsaved my life 18 year ugo, aad because I had not needed its help Blnco, I had almost forg-otteu it. I was 10 yoars old. and suffering from menstrual dcrunKcmcut: I coughed continually and luid chiils every day. I was as miserable as I could be and iive. A lady who knew the cause of my illness persuaded uiy mother to have me use Zoa-Phora- it ! was eulled Woman's Friend then. Before I had used one bottle my cough and chiils ciiiscil I kopt o and used two boules and they broughl me out. all right. I afterwards ïnariied and um now the mother of three nice hearty children. I feel that I owe a great deal to Zoa-Phora. I hope it will bocome well known, and that every woman and girl who neods it will uso it. If you will end me soinc circulars I will give them to acquaintanccs, and do all I can to help you. Yourstruly, Mitv Laura Fdrmah, Kalamazoo, Mich. Hricklayers' laborers get $3.75 a day in Brooklyn, and $2.50 in New York city. The Popnlatlon of Mlrhlirun Is ubout 1,800,000, and we would say at leaat one half are troubled with some affection of the ïhroat and Lungs, as those complaints are, according to statintics. more numerous than others. We would advise all our readers not to negloct the opportuuity to cali on their druggist and get a bottle of Kemp's Balaam fortheThroatand Lunga. Trial size f ree. Large bottles iiOe nul il. Sold by all druggists. "Mamma, will heaven be ]ust like church all the timei" "I hope so, doar," said the mother. "Well, I shan't say my prayers any more; I'd rather go to the other place." A Good Name At Lome Is a tower of itrength abroad- says tb familiar provrrb, an.1 It li fulljr vrrlflcd by the hls torjr of Rood'i SarsapiirlHft. ThP flrt worda of comtüCDdatluii and pralse fort hts medicine wcrerccclred from oor frlends and nelffhbora, and from the time It WM falrly Introduced up 'm the present, tticre bat üc-n, and Is now, more of Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold In Lowcll, Ma., wherc It 1 made, thn of ll olher iraparlllas nd blood purilleri comblned. T)il 'Vood name" imong pooplo who lnvc known Hood'i SarsaparüU aud lts proprletors for ycan should cerlulnly he stront evldfncp to people In other cltlri aud town of the enellcnce unl merlt of thft medicino. Send for boot contalnlnz ñtatcmenti of cure. Salt Rheum Aft er the fnllure of thrf 'killful phyilcltn tocare mr boy of aftït rheum, I trlfd Bood' s Sarsapartlla and Olive Olntment. 1 have now used four boxea of Olntment, and one and a half bottlei of Santaparllla, and the boy la to all appraranres comp'etely cured. lic !i now four yeara old, and hu been affllcted alnce he waa all monttu of age.' Mrs. B. Saxdmsox, 56 N'ewhall Street, I.owell. Maai. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all druKKlata. 11; alx forti, l'repared only by C. 1. HOOO CO., Apotheoarli-i, Lowell, Mm. l oo Doses One Dollar Ruskin 1 sald to have introduced the strungo drink now so mucíi in vogue in Londou, half-and half of soda and milk. 'onan tnplio i Mureljr lureJ. To the Editor:- Please iuforrn your readers thit I hare a positivo reraeiy for the above nameii disease. By its timely use ten thousand of nopeless cases have leen permanently cure ). 1 shall be Rli.d to send two bottles of my remedy free to any of your readers who have eonsumption if they will send m their expres-i and P. O. address. KesDectfully, T. A. Slocum, M. C, 1S1 f earl 8t., New York, Iord Uoseberry is about to import into Eng] and a team of American trotting horses. ÍUDIES-FOH YOU! Pave 15 top covers from Safe ' Teait packegLi with labels 1 thtn'ihii; out oif the rims and 1 malí curen tous.toitetherwith tn 2-cent pont age stampa, and we will sentí you prompily a ropy of Waruor' Pafe Cook Boük, contalninz 500 .pages of Vaiuable llouneuold llecipei. Warner's Safe Yeast Ii ffnarantped to be an abnolutlT Pure Dry Hop Yeaat.and bread mide wit [i tt wil remaln ■weetaad moiat furmany days. B Hure aml ntiit tipun rettlng Warner' S ife Yeast, the prlce of wtiicll u DO luurethaii ! ibe ct:ap and inipure Vitims vith wlilch Iba markut Is ! ed. Addra Rochcater, X. ï. WARNER'S SAFE YEAST CO. División of labor has been carricd to such perfection in this country that it is now possible to malte a complete reaper ever.v íifteen minutes, ar locomotivo in a day, and 300 watches in the same time. The average woman thinks a Rood deal more about the condition of her cnmpsthan she does about thesalvation of her soul ; and the average man wouldn'tlike her half as well if 8he didn't. One of the novelties at the Cincinnati exposition vvill be a number of góndolas brought from Venice and displayed in a small lake. Dr. Charles Gross of Troy, New York, has accepted the chair of history at Har vard. He is now in Loiidon. J. T. Trowbridge will leave Boston early in the autumn for an extended sojourn in Europe. I CURÉ FITS! Wben 1 say cure I do not memn mcn-ly to stop thora fora time and tlnn liave them rotnrn ajfain; Imwnt m.licA] cure. I Imvc mad tli" (liMiHei of FITS, KP1LEPSY or FALLiNG SICKNKSS a life.Iongtndy. I vrarrant my rmedy t( cure th worat chm&. Becaaso others havo f.iílwi is no rtwtsnn for nt now i'WMjftiJj; a cure. Snd at unco tor a truntine nn'd u Fn-o Hotlla (f my infallibltj r)lDdj. Qlre Kxpnas and Punt Oilice. II. Ú UÜOT, ... . ..IS3 Peurt . New Vork. CD CC UnUCC AtthrttthíyhavíbinfO. FHEE HQMES .rjr. u, lm,,, u tuk lul m ik. -. ikiM .i 1.2ö pcr ere. { WM UMwm14 U Uf tm CkIMntf WlM tbM UoJa tm itop4 annlliikalnil.tfillciliiid Turtio.ia.mJ lOceote I ltlMtt.W,rj twmho. rwunu Pu.... rf iblIiM i tal Uw TlUI WEÜTIS7I VVÓBU. CUtuklU EXTERNALÜSEo n., 5t-JacDD0jl And Soreness Resilting frdm 5TMActeTDlARRH(EA b tfestaiïiBcfiweltwiLlT S(Jacobs L77 ApplyflsqjEisfeepEd in jof wa(cr and wpuqg olif. SOLD BY DRUCGISTS AND DEALERS. ""'CHASA.VOGELER C9 Balto.o. lufiWiliMÍ1SiMiTilliy ORCANS. High est Honors at all Qreat World' ExhibitUm sloce 1837. lOOatyles, 22 to yo. For Casb, taay Paymenti, ür Rcnted. Catalogue, 40 pp., 4to, free. PIANOS. Masón & lïamündonnt hesltate tomate th extraordlnry claim that thelr Piano are superior to all oihers. Thla they attribute soHy to the remarkable improvement ntroduced by thcm In 1Ö3-J, now knownanthe "MASON & HAMLIN PIANO STRÏNüER." t'uh puUeaUn by mail, BOSTON, 1M Tremont St. 0HI0AOO, 140 Wabash Av. NEW YORK, 46 KaaUjth ït. (Union Square). CTbe oldest medicine In the vroild is pnAmbl m Dr. Isaac Thompson's D ELKRRATF.D Ï5VJC AVAXIcIl Thi Hrttcle isacarelully prepare J lhyihtan preBCrlptlon. and lias 'neon in ronstaut nxe nrly century CAUTION.- The only fteuuiae Ihiinipsun' Ey Water has upon the white wrapper of wicll bottle au engraved portntitof the inventor, Dn. IauThompsowith a facsímil ( bis slnatuio; mino & note f baad Bieneil John K Tluinipsonl Aro'hl all -nl.ers. Tbegenulne Eye Water can be obtalnoil fraai xH DruRciiti. JOHN L.THOMPSON,SONS&CO.,TRQY,N.Y. MB B 1 ;,ti and fullyoÊ Portie Big (i hu Lha only Cnmln "qflfl tor the certalncurt m TO 6 dats. V oí tíiia dispaae. CT aa-airiotuw. AmBterdam, N. T. I VrdoDly bytli We have sotd Bij G íor lJÜfTr , ""ÍÜKtven the best o! tli CipoinnatlJBB í act Ion. Ohlo. Jfijk 1. K. DYCRK A CO.. ËLT Chicftto, 111. TradHlarkSl.OO. Sold by Druetlit, I AUTM TENNIS ANO CROQUET 8ETS paHIT IV ont-tloor {iiiin-s of all de ilption. DACC BALL AND BOATINC OUTFIT8 P w Ci bust tríade at lowet ptlcef. FIC U INC RODS, TACKLE, ETC. I w ■■ all modern styles and impruvemtnta. PIlNCnd Hunters' AccoutrementS W l O at Iets t K.-ui inanufaoturfis' pricM. JENNEY & CRAHAM GUN CO., Chicago. ttnd for Cataluuue, u.iui nuntion thlf paper. WELLS, c. bud fnr onr oatnloinic, c, on Woll Boring aud . 'j''"1 PnamMttiM Huciiim-s. &c LOOMIS A. NYW1AN. TIFFIN. OHIOARRENj-rr?TTr- ORFSS STAY8. j0Í fot f-'o coryher hy tli? yard. Iry thein! Story of Keaflicrbclio freo, Addres FEATHKÜIKI.Vi:,1 a Out, Mlchln. HYNAMITE f''ör,I!llnln removing tumpind ■ nttmi 1 1 bouldora from land. Chciip and Wqulck method. Prion !ow. SüijiI for circuWr FARMS AND FARMING LANDS I MÏIIIIV Turernrindforialoon Ion tlm "nTTTITlTfl Flt(t SSywirs. Dyclng üd clm. IV II I nl I ■ '"l"'litIiriilnn. SondKocxlI I H I 11 Iv bym.iUorepreio. Wrttoforsrto U X JJXL1 U il, BtrccC, cbicgü, 111. I PA8TILLE SSKS BABYHSIlAPIiSiNTo.!.!?: l. ü. mpescïi'3 rt.. ai w. ii :.," cÏiicaSo i ■ tv.; .t M C El O IA &l O MJR' Prartlcelu Pension HE nAIIA&Salilk-rClalinii. Succaw P ,■■■"■"'' orno tees. Kfnd rornr ■ laws. C. M. SITES & Co., AttyV, Washlugtou.D.a CDCE J55rlr"niui. Poll Ocscriptloa ilbk Cuttln. MO jy 4 CO.. CiatiniitTia 0P TO 8 A n.V"T. Mtmiilti wnrth Sl.SO .■I FREE. Ltnt not witte v,e horse's feel. Wrtu wW Brewtur Safew Hein HoUcr C0...V0II1, 3fieli. P TürCD Trellt'(l an1 7Tir"1 ""h"' theknire. I H il ill """'' an '-" ■"■--"'t iwnt fru. ddrn Vil-lJ. ,-.l. FOHU.ILD., Auror., Kn. Co, I" _____ fpt MOMII .V U.IKII fur allright 9 v% % 011 ua %lf '■ ' I, 1.1I,- m each county. WW p. W. Z1EOLER i CO., Chiceo, llllnoH. M-nAYJOEuropen ÜOtel. tiro proof. 'Li) roomt ITlUWUI tfneur ilt'pot. líateá 41.OJ mij upwaras N.W.cor.Clark and Van Burenats., Cljtcilu.llllnoï. VT"_ " T_ . ■ 1,1,.l_i,.l-T Gfll n nworthlSOOper. PettU'sBycSalvelsworth UU LU Uüuü,butii aulil at ücuuuu bux by aealon WTÑI Ü. D.--6-24. Wlien wrlting to Ailvortiscrs ploao 8jr yousaw the advortiseiucnt in tbis Paper


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