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Consumption, Weak Lungs, Spitting Of Blood

Consumption, Weak Lungs, Spitting Of Blood image
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I COPTKIGIIT, 1887. ] ART1 XTrtTT QVf V f lndescribable fecling of dread, or of imliablo to set In, and, eooner or later, n MJt 91VA pending calamity? duce a futal terroination. If you havo all, or any considerable Da. Piekce's Golden Medical DiscovDo you feel dull, languld, low-spirited, number of these Bymptome, you are eky acta poworíully upon tbo Liver, and lifi-li'SH, and indescribably miserable, both suffering from that most comnion of through tliat grait blood-punfying organ, physically and muntally : experionce a American maladles- Bilioug Dyspepsia, or cleanses tho systom of all blood-hiints and senae of fullness or bloatlng after cating, Torpid Llver, assoclated wlth Dyspepsia, impurities, from whatever cause arising. or of " goneness," or einptincss of stomacn or indigestión. The more compllcated It 8 cquolly elBcaclous iu acting upon the in the mornlng, tong-uu coated, bitter or your dlsease has become, tho greater the Kidneys, and other excretory organs, bad tóate in mouth, irregular appetitc, diznumber and diversity of symptoms. No elcansiug, Btrengthening-, and heiüing their ziness, frequent hetidaohes, blurred eyomatter what stago it has reoched, Dr. diseases. Ás an appctizing, restorative ■iirht, " tloating specks " before tho eyes, Pierce's Golden Medical Discovkry tonic, it promotes digestión and nervous piostration or exhaustion, Irritawill subduo it, lf taken aecording to dition, thereby building un both flcsh and bility of temper, hot fluslies, alternating rections for a reasonable length of time, strength. In malnriai distriets. ttiis wouwith chilly Eensations, sharp, biting, tranIf not cured, eomplications multipiy ond derful medicino lias gained grcat cclebBlont imiiia here and there, eold foet, drowConsumption of tho Lungs, Skin Diseases, rity in curin?r Fever und Agüe, Chilla Bincas aftor meáis, wakcfulncss, or disIlcart Disoaso, Rheuinatism, Kidney Disand Fever, Dumb Agüe, and klndred turbed and unrefreshing sloep, constant, ease, or otber gravo maladles are quito diseases. pT" David G. Lowe, Esq., of St. Agathe, Manitóba, T" Mrs. I. V. Webber, of Yorkshire, Caltaraugut Kll milQ I Canada, says: " Being troubled with a terriblo bilI iurn i Co., iV. 1", writes: "For flve years previous to UILIUUO ■ jou8 nttack. íluttering of tho hcart, poor rest at LIILII I taking 'Golden Medical Dlscovery' and 'Pelletí.' I irrinv I night, etc., I commenced tho use of your 'Golden fllCCICC I waa a ffrcat sufferer; bad u severo imin in my I H I I AÜK. I Medica 1 Discovery ' and ' Pellets.' and deri ved the I Ulo LAot. I right sido continually ; ñas unuble to do my own L____i_J very highest benefit therefrom." I______J work. I am now wcll and strong." "FOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE." Thoroughly the blood, which Ís humors, from a comnion Hloteh, or Erupenee. Virulent blooil-poisons are, by iti the fountain of hcaltu, by using Dn, tion, to tho worst Scrufuhi. Salt-rheuin, use, robbed of their tenors. Kspecially Pierce's Golden Mkdical Discovery, " Fever-sores," bcaly or Uough Skin, in bas it muuifested its potene; in curin and good digestión, a fair skin, buoyant short, all diseases caused by bud blood, are Tctter, Eczema, ErysipeJits, iiiui.s, Carbunspirits, and bodily lieulth and vigor will conquered by this powerful, purifying, and cíes, Sore Eyes, Scrofuíons Sores und Swellbo established. invigomting medicine. Great Eating Ulings, Hip-joint Diseuse, " 'hite Swellings," Golden Medical Discovekt cures all cers rapidly heul under its benign TníluGoitre, orïhiek Aeck, and Enlarged Glandg, A medicino possessing tlie power to cure Buch invetérate blood and skin diseases as the followinír testimonial portrays, must certalnly bo credited with possessing properties capablo of ouiiug any and all skin and blood diseases, for none are mora obstinate or difficult of cure thun Salt-iheuni. "■"■""■ "Coi.umbus, Onio, Aug. 18th, 1887. my faney, and seeing that it was essentlally a blood-purifler, I imQAI T DlirilU Wokld's Dispensary Medical A88OCIAínediately recommended it to the old lady who had been so long a OUL I -nnLUITl tion, 6C3 Main Street, Kullulo, N. Y.: sullerer from salt-rheum. She commeneed taking it at once, and IUI QentUmcn- For severa! years I havo feit it took oue bottle, but seemed to be no better. However, I realized BHU to be iny duty to give to you the factí Ín reíathat it would take time for any medicine to effect a cliange for the DurilUlTieu tion to the completo cure of a niost agffrabetter, and encouroged her to continue. Bhe then purehased ■ nnCUrnA I loRI. vated case of salt-rlieum, by tho use of your half-a-dozen bottles, aud beforo these had all been used she began 1 'Golden Medical Discovery. An elderly lady to notioe an improvenieiit. Alter taking about a dozen bottles she relutive of mine had been a great sufferer from salt-rheura for was cntirely cured. Her hands were perfectly well and as Binooth uDwards of forty years. Tho dlaease was most distressing in her aud healthy as a cliild's. Her .general healtb wns also trrcatly hands causin the skin to crack opon on tho insido of tho fingers improved; tho rhcumatism entirely lelt lier, and the uitarrh wa at tbe'joinU and between tho lingera. She was obliged to protect almost cured, so that it ceased to be much annoyanee. She hal tho raw plaues by nieans of adhesivo piastors, salves, ointmenta and enjoyed excellent hcalth Iroiii that day to this. und hns had no bandairea and duriug the winter inontha had to havo her hands return of eithcr salt-rheum or rheumatlam. The 'Discovery' dressed dailv The pain waa quito severe at times and her genera) seems to havo entirely eradieated the salt-rheum from her system. heal'th was badly atlouted, the way for other diseases to She is now over eighty ycars old, and very healthy for one of such preeo in CaUirrh and rhouiuatism caused a great deal of suffering extreme age. in addltion to the galt-rheum. She had used faithfully, and with I bave written this letter, of whlch you can make any use you the most comraendable perseverance, all the rciuedie8 prescribed see flt, hoping that sonie sufferer from salt-rheum miKht elianee to bv her pliysloians, but without obtalniug relief. She afterwards red it and obtam relief by using your 'Golden Medical liiseovery berau treating herself by drinking toaa made from blood-pmify-for 'Golden' it is in ita curativo properties, and as niueh above luir roots and Tiorba She contlnued tuis for aeveral years but dethe multitude of nostrums and so-cniled 'patent medicines,' so rived no benefit Finally, aliout ten years ago, I chanced to read zealously flaunted bcfore the public, as gold is nbove the baser one of Dr Pierce's sniall pamphleta setting forth the merits of hls metáis. liespectfully yours, ' Golden Medical Discovery ' and other medicines. Tho name etruck I 1. . iieeleii, 182 -'l6t St. Ooldkn Medical, Discovirt cures ConLungrs, Spittingr of Blood, Sbortness of promptly cures the severest Cotiffhs, it sumption (whloli is Serofula of the I.imjjs), Brcath, Bronchitis, Chronio Nasal Catarrh, stremjtbens the systcín and purifica th br it!s wonderful blood-purifying, invigoraSevcre Couglis, Asthma, and kindred affecblooit Üng and nutritivo propertiea. For Wealc tlons, it is a sovereigrn reinedy. Whilo it Imm7""mml Solomo Bütts, of North Clauton, Miami P""T"""1 Mrs. N. W. Rick, of Nmtfcme, rtnrumt, RnHIIIIPTinil IC., Ohio, writes: " I have not the words to RniICU flT eo-v8: l1 feel at litjertJ' to acknowledge UUHoUnrilUR. I oxpre88 my (fratitude for the food your UUUOH Ur tho beneflt I Mcefved from two bottlea of ■m m Golden Medical Diseovery ' has done my Tiiir VciDc' " 'Golden Medical Discovtry,' which cured wife. She was taken wltti consumption, and aftor ono docllft I Uno a cough of tive years' 6taiulii)(r, and dyspeptor after anotlier I Hually (íavo up all hopo of relief. BeinsTvery QTiliniUn 8ia, from which I liad suffend for a Ion poor and havin but one dolhir in the world, I prayed to God that OlAnUIHb. Ume. I havo also used Dr. P crees Extrac te mlifht show mo soraethin? ; and then it seems as thouifh eomeI- p- ■- of Smart-Wecd, or ater Fepper, in my thing: did teli me to aret your Golden Medical Diseovery.' My fainily, with good effect." wlf e took It as directeJ. and os a result 8he Ís so sao can work now. I .---1 W. R. Davis, Esq.. of BeUmlle, Florido.. n Waatiiig Diaeaae.- WatsovF. Clarki, Esq., WflRTHSIlll I writes: "I have taken yonr wonderful llAlHFfl of(Boi 104), SummersUU, Prince Kdward Island, nuninflUWU 'Golden Medical Diseovery ' and liuve been ,- "" cim.. writes: " Whcn I commenced takintr vour I Dnrri r cured of consumption. í am now eound ano S PnilHn 'Golden Medical Diseovery," I was no able to A DUI ILt. well, and have only spent three dollnrs, anfl LU 1 uunuj. Wlllk anil wll8 a burden to myeelf. At at time !■_■■_- _--J I wouid not take threc thuusnnrt dollars aDd ■■■■"■■"■■" 1 weiprhcd 122 pounds, and to-day I 1 iirh 147 be put back where I was." SrtU?r orr1flve[fl'TilatíCdento."bOUt n6 "" ' " icoTery $1.00, Six Bottle tor SAH , by Drugtflitt. WORLO'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, Propr's, No. 663 Main St, BUPFAL". M. Y. I


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