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JOHNjVÍUEHLIG, UNDERTAKER. ItOOMH No. 35 South Main Street over A. L Nobles store. HKSIDKNCE 61 South Main St., Ann Arbor, Mich. HENRY M ATTHEWS Z-f a Flrt cli MEAT MARKET! D4lu la all kiada af Freih, Salt and Smoked Meato, Ono Door Eiat of FranHln House. Prlce Beasonable. thanking thoM who hT o HberallT patroadmelníhe pait, I alia oordlally soUelttrade rom new pairóos. HENRY MATTHEWS, Hurón Street, . Aam Arbor, iüoh. WERNER& BRENNER No. 16 South Main St A FULI. UNE OF FRE8H gbocbbíbs JuBt Opened, ot TEA.S, COFFEES BÜGA11S and SPICES . We also oarrr a f uil line ot PIFES, TOBACCO and CIGARS. VEGETABLES In Season. WERWER & BRENNER. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Org&nized istü) un.ler thn Oeneral Banking Law of this átate bas now, iocluding capital Stock, etc.. tc., OVER $500,000 ASSETS. Bualnen men, Quardlano, Trustees, Ladles and other prnooa wiil flnd tbis Baak a SAFE AND CONVENIENT y lac at whiub to make Deposita and do buaioeas. interest is Allowed on All Savings Depositt Of SlOO and upward, accordlnK to the rules of the banic, and Interest compounded seml-aonually. Money to Loan in Su m sof $28 to MJ.OOO. Secured by Uniucumbered Eeal Hítate and other . good securitiea. DIRECTORS- ChrUcala Maclc, W. W. Wlnei, ' W. W. Harrmian, Wllliam Deiible, Parid UlnRer, Daniel Hircock and W. B. Smitb. OFFlOïiRS- OhrisUan Maek, President; W. W.iVioas, Vlce-President: C. L. Hlscock, Oasher. Toledo, Aun Arbor & Northera Michigan ltallway. Tliuo table goln? into effect Suuday Oct. Mfc 1887. Train run by Standard Tlm. Uolng North. i Qolnjt Uoutb. 1 I 8TAT10N8. 6 4 2 I 3 B rs.i Ex. Malí Standard Tima. Paga Ex. MU r. k. p. k. a. . L've.l Arr.l a. m r. u. r. u. 25 316 5 15 TOLEDO. 9 00 1 10 8 4 7 81 4 05 6 02 Monroe Juncfn 8 10 11 81 7 M S 06 4 12 6 10 Dundee 8 03 i 34 7 40 8 89 4 35 6 M Milán 7 44 12 M 7 SO 05 4 53 7 00 1'ittHfleld 7 26 II a 7 08 D25 ÍI0 TI', ANN AHBOR 7 15 11 U N 80 5 7 331 LeUuds'a 8 SO 11 14 30 P. K. 5 45 7 4ii Whi tiuore Lake A. u. II 00 tlt 5 Si 7 M Hamburg 10 66 4 18 SW 83(1 Howetl 10 20 6 Sí 7 i Duran'd 9 80 4 U 7 48 9 55 Corunna (Ot (U 7 55 10 01 9 00 4 08 15111 lt ltliaua 7 4 3 4 88 1135 St. Loula 77 8M 9 41 1142 Alma 720 ! 10 30 12 30 Mt. Pleaaaut SO 1 30 P. M P. H. A. M. A. H. All paisenger traína run daily ejccept Sunda Traína run on the South Lyon uranob lea ve Ana Arbor at SíOp. m.,Lelani's et lúrfkJ, WonUa'i at 10:20, and arrive at South Lyon at 11:00 p. m . ; leave South Lyon at 6:'1 a. m.. orden'j at ê:40. LWand's at 8:15 and arrtve at Aun Arbor at 7:13 a. ra. Counectlon at Toledo wlth rallroad At Uanhattan Junction with Wheliasc LakcErln R. R. At Alexis Junction wttb M C. R. R. L. 8. H'y, and F. L P. M. R. R. At Monro Junctlon witli L. 8. 4 M. 8. lfy. At Dundce, wlth L. 3. & M. S., and M. & O. H'y. At Milán witb W., tt. L 4 P. H'y. At Pittnfleld wlth L. 8. 4 M. S. R'v., at Ann Arbor with Xldünn Central K. R , and at South Lyon wlth Detroit. Lansing ft Northern H. R., and' O. T. R'y. At Hamburg witb M. A. Line División Oraud Trunk H'y. At lio ell with Detroit, Lansing 4 North rn R'y. At Duraud with Chicago 4 Grand Trunk R'y and Detroit, (rund Havn 4 MiUwaukee R'y. At Owosso Junction wtth Detroit, (rand Haven 4 MiUwaukee R'y and Miohijaa Central R. R. At St. Louis witb Detroit, Laning 4 Northern R. R. and Sginaw Vallej 4 St. Louis R'y. At Alma with Detroit, Lanilng 4 Northern R'y. At Mt. Pleasant with Fllnt A Pere Marquette R'y. H. W. ASHLET, Qvnenl Managw. A. J. PAISLEY, Agert Ann Arbor. W. H. UKNMSTT. Gea. Pan. Ajrt. .- tic- vQk Hoslon "-SRMBMh Ba Time Pable, May 13, 1888. Standard Tima. aoma un. A. ■ A. M. P. X i. M. f .. T, M. Chicago... -Lv. 5 00 9.00 3.10 10.90 Ktlamazoo.... 10.22 1.38 6.58 4 06 Xl Battla Croek... 11.15 i.15 7.33 7.31 4.57 t.U P. II Iackon.....Ar. 1.20 4.15 g.49 9.85 6.Í5 M L'belsea 2.04 10.12 7.28 I. Dexter 217 . 10.34 746 B.H Aun Arbor. 2.4'. 5M 9.41 10.40 8.08 t.Uf Ütlrolt......Ar. 4.10 S.45 10.45 11.60 JO 7.M A.M. P. K. P. M. St. Thomas Ar 11.05 2.00 12.45 12 fallí Vlew ' 4.89 S.44 .4 túgalo „.... Ar 4.85 7.15 t.6S .OS aoma mi. S fï SQ Si I JLjí iiiijlji A. V. P. , P. U. A. X. A. . . . üuítalo L. 11.80 6.35 10 00 l.W A. U. Niágara Falla 12.15 6 20, p. K. 1.4S StTlhümaa... tjti 10.00 I 10 I.IS Detroit Lv. 7.30 9.10 4.00 'i.SO 8.00 MU Ann Arbor..... 8.60 10.40 6.30 2.24 9.18 11 8S Dexter 9.W 50 9.44 Cbelua 9.23 6.06 10.10 Jackion Ar. 10.13 li.45 7.10 S.27 10 55 ltS4 Battle Creek_ 12.09 l.íí 8.52 4.88 12.Í7 8.Ï Kalamatoo. 12.50 2.01 0.15 S.15 1.40 S 07 Dhlcag(i..„Ar 8.10 8.40 9.80 7.00J T 41 8anday txceuted. }iiturdy Sundar xcopwa 'Dailjr. H. W. HAYE3, Agt. Ann Arbor


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