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Common Council Proceedings

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A special meeting of the council waa held Wednesday evening. It was hot enough oatside of the council cbamber, bat whew ! inside it was red hot, as the niembers became more and more excited, words flew farter and taster and the perspiration fairly rolled off of those who were present. The meeting was held for the purpose of disoussing the feasibility of opening Seoond street. Short, shafp, ourt and spicy speeches both for and against it were which provoked some feeling and stinging remarles from both sidos were indulged in. . YJIMSH City Attorney King read a resolution which was lost, and one offered by Aid. Miller, was also lost. A lengthy resolution was then offered by Aid. Allmendinger in regard to ascertaining the cost, and then to consider the opening of Second street, which waa oarried. Aid. Barker : Resolved, That this common oounoil proceed to obtain e. release of the right of way for. the said proposed street, by gift or purchase of the persons intereeted, and that, to that end and purposo a committee of three of this counoil of which the mayor shall be one, be now appointed, and which committee shall at the next regular meeting of thig council report the terms, if any oan be agreed upon, upon whiohsuch release can beobtained . Carried. The Mayor, Aid. Allmeadinger and Miller were appointed the oommittee for that purpose. By Aid. Allmendinger: Retohet!, That the city engineer be instructed to present at the next meeting of the oouncil an estnnate of the oost of grading the proposed extensión of Second street, and also estimates separately of the cost of a stone, and also of a wooden culvert. Carriod. Fermission was given Dan llosa to use one-half of Huron and Th ayer streets for building purposes under the supervisión of the street oommittee. Aid. Wines ofiered the following : Rewlved-, That the two orders now held by the Thomson-Hueston Electric Light Go., be paid out of the contingent fund. Carried. ByAld. Wines: Resolved, That thechairman of the Committee on ParkR is hereby instructed to post notices on all city parks, preventing persons from occupying buoIi places as play grounds. Carried. The saloon bond of Gustare Koehm was accepted. Aid. Sutherland, chairman of the street committee read a lengthy commumcation in regard to the property of D. Henning who claims that his land near the M . C. depot has been damaged, and wants the city to recompense him : The following is a copy of the preamble and reaolutiou adopted by the common council, in their last meeting,m the David Henning claim: VV sebeas, David Henning has presented a communication to this common council relative to damages accruing to him by reasonof the embankment adjoining his property on Pontiac street, between the Michigan Central Kailroad company's right of way and the Huron river bridge, and also for damages to him by reason of the vacating and discontinuing by the common council of that portion of State street between the north boundary line of Fnller street and the north line of the right of way of suid rail road oompany; and, W HEiiEAs, all the proceedings taken and resolutions adopted by the common council relative thereto were taken and adopted under the advice and upon the recommen dat ion of Hon. Edward D. Einne then city attorney, and of John F. Lawrence, Esq., then an alderman and member of said common counoil who were counselled andadvised withm the whole matter by the Hon. Alpheus Felch and the Hon. Thos. M. Cooley to the end that the city's interests should be fully and completely proteoted ; and that in the opinión of this council the legal ability and learning employed were amply sufficient for the purpose and object, and that in the belief of this council suoh interests, from the eminent legal couqcÜ employed, must be conolusively presumed by this council to have been fully protected; therefore Iïesoitcd, That the said communication of David Henning be laid upon the table, and that no f urther action be taken thereon. Adopted. Aid. O'filara asked to borrow eome money for the 4th ward, and it was referred to the flnance committee. A communication from Edward Gott of Detroit asking to have 6 or 7 streets in Spring hill addition opened and improved by the city of Ann Arbor. Referred to the street committee. The oouncil theö adjourned uutil thcir next regular meeting, July 2d.


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