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City Local. Toofany Bros., inform the people of Ann Arbor and vioinity that they have opened a first-class Oonfeotionery and Ice-oream parlor at 32 E. Iluron streef, opposite the City Hall. Fruits ia season. Please cali and examine our goods before pnrchasing olpewhere. We have arranged with a Wholesale Ice-cream house in Detroit and will furnish Icecream in quantitios at Wholesale rates. For Commencement presente go to C; Bliss & Son's. Ladies' and Gents' Watches, Gold and Silver headed Canes, Silk Umbrellas and a variety of other use ful and ornamental articles. Adams' Bazaar, 13 E. Huron st. We are prepared for THE 4TH OF JULY, With a Big Htook of Fire Works. Everything New this Season. New goods in all lines at lowest prices. Gilbert Bliss, Agent for the Detroit & Cleveland Steamers is selling a good many tickets this hot weather. Don't forget that Mrs. Wosser has removed her Restaurant froin over Wagner's to the Maynard block on Ann street. Persons desirous of reuting, buying, or selling real estáte, or loaning money would do well to cali on Mrs. M. C.Whiting, att'y at law, Aun Arbor, P. O. box 1790. Good carpenters wanted immediately. Charles L. Allen, 40 E. Cathenne street. Fob Sale.- A second hand Phaeton enquire of G. W. Cropsey. M. Rogers has just received a fresh supply of Hercules powder for blowing stumps and rocks, from 10 to 60 per cent. strong. For superior made and stylish clothing the Two Sams lead them all. The flnest turnouts in the city and first-class hacks at B. Kitredge's livery, west of the Dniïy block. Hiram Kitredge. For any article that is fine in the furnishing goods line the Two Sams are leaders. A slimmer cottage to rent, daily mails, railroad station and telephone office; also a good place to lisb and boat ride. Address, Geo. A. Peters, Scio, Mich. When you want a Hat buy the best at the Two tíains. TheT. A. A. & N. M.By., announco excursión, raten to all points m lts line, during the Holidays commenoing the sale of tickets on the 3d of July good returning July 5tb. Ladies' Hair Goods at Mra. Fitch's Hair EmDorium, over Frank Burg's, Washington street. Jno. A. Robison, city scavenger, uses only tight barrels . No. 31 Wall street, Fifth Ward. Jb'oB Sale. Three hundred and fifty acres of lam in the northern portion of Washtenaw county, to be sold for $13 per acre, al together or in seperate paroles. Fo partioulars addrees P. O . box 1035, Ann Arbor Michigan. First Ulass Hair Work done at Mrs Fitch's. The Michigan Central Railway will on April 24, May 8th and 22d, June 5th and 19th, 1888, sell round trip land excursión tiokets at one fare to all points in Minnesota, Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Ar kansas, Texas and New Mexico. Tickets good 30 days from date of Bale. Stop over privilges will be allowed on the going passage at all intermedíate pointi in the above states. Will also, on Apri 23d, sell round trip tickets to southern points, eouth of the Obio river, at one fare for the round trip, tickets good 30 days from date of sale. H. W. Haïes, Agent. House For Sale. Corner of Monroe and South Thayer street. Inquire Of Martin Seabolt, City Laundry. To Bent. - Inquire of Wm. Burke. IjOANINq.- Money to loan on flret-clasf Real Estáte Mortgage at Current rates of Interest. Satisfaptory arrangements made with oapitalists desiring suoh investments. Every oonveyance and transaction in abstracts of titles oarefully examined as to legal effect. Z. P. Kinq, Ann Arbor. For Salb.- Store No. 4 E. Huron st. very oheap. Inquire at 28 Thompson street, of Mrs. F. Time is too short to wrlte the old way. Stage Coach and Canal Boat travel are things of the past. The catch words of to-day are " GET THERE," and are expressive of rapidity in travel - in communication- in maohinery, in faot, " If it were well done, it were well it were quiokly done," expresses the general sentimenl in all Iïnes of business and applies mosl aptly to the modern writiugmachine.and particulftrly to the Improved Caligraph whioh "Stands at the Head" of all writing maohines. It is the lightest and most rapid running, the most durable and generally adaptable, requires the least attention to opérate, and is sold at the lowest first cost with the longest guarantee of perfect order of any machine on the market. We challenge manufacturera of typewriters to contest our claim that the No. 2 Caligraph Writing Machine will do more work in a given time than any other doublé oase writing majhine. The test shall be the writing of evidence in a law case, whioh has not been previously read or copied by either operators conteeting: or writing John Jones & Co., over and over again. The first trial might give a slight advantage to an unusually skillful operator, but the second one is so simple that it must be won by the fastest instrument. Some would have the publio believe that it is a quioker operation to push the shift key down before printing caps and punotuation marks ;han it is to touch an independent key !or every such cbaraoter, as on the Cali?raph. Be this as it may.we will prompty aooommodate them with a oontest at any time they will meet us on the basis of an honeat trial. Before pnrohasing any other machine, you should at least serve your own interest by oarefully investigating the superior merits of the Caligraph - remembering that it is fifteen dollars oheaper in its first cost than any other standard writing machine on the market to-day. Young ladies as well as roung men desiring to acquire an aocomjlishment with a money valué, would do well to learn to opérate a typewnter as ,he demand for good operators exceeds ke supply. The advertisement appearng in this issue of the paper will give inormation regarding f ulier partioalars of :he maobine. FOR CHOICE Teas and Goffees GO TO E. DUFFY'S, in the üuiïy Bloc-lt , Corner of Main and Ann Streets. bOÑ'T FAIL to get prices from EISELE'S MARBLE and GRANITE WORKS, ANN ARBO1?, - - Sircil., befoie giviufc' bÍJers for Moiiiimeuts, Markers, any Ceinctery Vork, nuilding stone, etc. Shop cor., Detroit nnd Catharine wtrects J. BAÜJKJAUDNEK, Manager. FRESCO PAINTING A SPECIALTY, AT OSCA.BMIO. SOIÍG'S, DEALEK 1N All Painters' Supplies, at Jío. 70 S. Main St. Plans for Frescoing Furnished on applicatioD. ótico to Creditors. OTATE OFMICHIGAN, ('ountyof YVasbtenaw, O sa. Notice is herebj' given, that byan order f the Probate Oourt for the Oounty of Washteaw, made on the lDth day of June, A. U. Í88, 8ix months from that date were allowed for reditors to present their claims against the esate of Prudence West, late of said connty, eceased, and that all creditors of Baid deceased ire required to present their claims to said Proate Court, at the Probate Offloe in the city of .nn Arbor, for exainiimtion and allowance, on r bef ore the Ï9th day of December nëxt, and that uch cbüius wlll be heard before said Court, on Wednesday the lat h day of September, and on Vdriesday the löth day of December next, at en o'clock In the forenoon of each of said days. Dated, Ann Arbor, June !9th, A. D. 1888. WILUAM D. HARRIMAN, Judge of Probate.


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