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db S. HÖYILTIES EXTRA NOVELTIES -IN- SDIHER DRESS GOODS. A big bargain in lace, pique and Swiss embroidered flouncings. A cali will show our cust omers all that is new in Summer goods, at prices from ten to twenty per cent. lower then any other house in the city. Mack_&jchmjd. Judjje: "Madam, what is your age?" She: "Your honor, I leave that to the mercy of the court." BTBlïtHiKFÏBf! W. G. SNOW'S LIVERY STABLE ! 3est Turnouts in the City Funeral Attendance a Specialty. No. 21 N. Main street, Telephone connection. MARY F. MILEY S, AKT AND STAMPING ROOMS. All Materials for Fancy Work Constantly on Hand. Zephyrs, Yarns, Oermantown Wools, Canvas, Feite, etc. Agent for Boston Comfort Corset, Frenob P. D. Corset. Ilnron street, one door west of Main, Ann Arbor, Mich. Pteltïii Tüe Hangsterfer Ice Co., will furnish ce delivered to any part of the city for he Season of 1888. 25 Ibs daily except Sundays $1 00 per month. 4 " 4 timea per week "1.75 " " ... 3 ., .. .. ..150 .. " 2 "1.00 " Hotels, Kestuarants, Butcbers etc, will ie furnished by tbe ton or nuudrcri. Company Established 1875. E.V. HANCSTERFER, MANAGER. Office No. 28, S. Main Street. Anxious ToSell, On account of oíd age and poor liealtb. I wish to sell my shop property and Stock. Eithcr seperately or together, but prefer the latter. I have a complete stock, of Apicilliral ImliuiU ïncluding a limited number of Tiger Sulky Kakes. The New Superior Grain Drills. My Improved Five Tooth Thill Cultivator. The Steel Frame Flanet Junior Cultivators. Lansing Wagons. Hay and Stock Itacks. A Rood chance f )r some thorougb going man. Will take n part payment some Rood rentable property ín the city. Ann Arbor May 15, 1888. M. EOQER8. RINSEY & SEABOLÍT No. 6 & 8 Washington! St. Have on hand a complete stock of everything in the Crocery Line. Teas, CofTeos, Suuars, In large amounts, and at And can aell at Low Figures. The larpe Invoice of Teas they buy and sell, is good proof that In Quality and Price they Give Bargains. They Roast their own Coffeea every week, and none but prime articlefl are used. Thelr Bakery turns out excellent Bread. Cates and Crackers. Cali and see them. ■■A [$fir I U VSACKINAC, The Most Dallgbtftil 3UM MERJOUR foUee Btnman. Low Bato. Ton Trips par Week Bêtwemi DETROIT AND MACKINAC And Brry Week Dy Brtween "ETRO1T AND CLEVELAND Wilt for our " Picturesque Mackinao," Illustrator ConUkln ïail Fartlanlan. MiUed Itm. Detroit & Cleveland Steam Nav. Co. C. D. WHITCOMB, Ocn. Pa. Aar., DETROIT. MICH. Brown Chinese Plant On Ivorv. A Stock I'attorn witli us and can ho nad in separate pieces an well as sets and matcued foryearsto come as readilv as White Ware. J.D. STIJ18ON &SON, China, Crocker, Glassware, Lamps, etc. ANN ABBOR, - - MICH. dTw. AMSDËïT Of the late firm of Collins & Amsden 18 iloing business alone at the old Stand, No. 33 EAST HU RON ST., WKere he will be pleased to receive calis from all old customers and as many new ones as want FEED, IULED HAT ASD STRAW, CO AL AN1) WOOD. I also! keep Linseed Oil Meal, an excellent feed for stook of any kind. CRËETfNCl We come before the people with the'largostVand FINEST STOCK OF ALLTHE LEADINC and Fashionable Styles of Cloths and Suitings Entirely too nuraerous to mention for the outfiting of the fine dreaBers. And as we have the services of one of the best cultera, and also our coat makers are among the best, enables us to please the most fashionable dressers. Now all we have to say is come in and we will guáranteO you the lowest prices In the state for flrst-class goods. No trouble to show goods. [Rememberthe place, No. 6 East luron Street, four doors west of heCook House W-C. BURCHFIELP. The Palace Livery ;: - the - Fïnest ai Best Tiraits IN THE CITY. livp:ry and sale S-ba"ble. JAS. W. ROBISON, Prop. o. 21. South Fourth St., Ann Arbor Midi. Telephone No. 31. HENRY RICHARDS, Dealer in all Kinds of l ;i l v o o l L u ju 1) ■ , Fence Posts, etc. Also all kinds of jtove and Cord wood. Terms cash. I m al3o agent for the celebrated O H MPION 13IISrKKS & MOWERS. And keep a full assortment of extras for the same. No. 9 Detroit street, Ann Arbor .... Mich. Palace Grocerv ! I have just received a f resh new sto k of Both Foreign and Domestic, which, I can Bell at QREAT BAROAINS. My Fine Teas and Coffees ABE UNEXCELLED. I nave the rtnest aud most compltte stock of STUDENT, LIBKARÏ, IlALL and STAND of any one ia the count-y. Also a large line of Crocker, Glassware, and Decorative China. Come and purchase while the eelectlon is complete and convince yourselves that I give the BEST BAKQAlSa of any other store in Ann Arbor, 3O Bars of Soap for S I .OO. FRED T. STIMSON. No. 9 North Main St,, Ann Arbor, Mich. LIVERY AND FEED BARN. TUST Opeuedby HIRAM KITREDGE, [n the reai 01 the Duffy Block on Ann Street. Ampie accommodations ror 7s [lorses. Patronage Soliciied. ][. k 1 1 1: i:ix. i.. ANN AltBOK. ... - - - MICH. COLLINS& POLSOÑ DEALERS IN STONE LIME, WATER LIME, Cement, Calcined Piaster, Plastering Hair, Brick, MASONS' SUPPLIES and all kinds of WOOD AND CO AL. Office, No. 36 East Huron 8treet Ann Arbor, - fllich. M. P. VOGEL, Eight years with Henry Matthews, has oponed a Meat Market AT Pío. 18 Enst Huron Ht., And will keep on band Fresb, Salt, an Smoked Meats, Ponltry, and Game when insea6onM. P VOGEL, Ann Abbob, Mich


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