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MARY C. WHITING. A TTORNEY AT LAW. Real Etat, ioan, 1 Coliection and Insurance office. Prlrats ooDsultatioo of ladies s&credly regnrded. Ofllca W East Huron street, Ann Arbor, Mlchljan. MRS. S. VOLLAND. M. D. ■pHYSICIAN AND SUItGEON. Office and aT resideDce Ko 37 Thompson strcet. Office hours from 9 a. m., Illl ia in., and from 6 till t p. m. ÏP. M'KERNAN, A TTORNEY-AT-LAW. CoUecMom A promptly atended to. Money to loan. Housea and lots or sale. Office in Court Bousa. DR. JAMES C. WOOD. OFFICK and Resldence, Xo 66 South Fourth streot. Offloe houra Crom t 4and?toB ). m. Telephone No. 114. D. A. McLACHLAN, M. D„ OFFICE IN MASGXIC TF.MrLE BtXICK. Ann Arbor. Office hours from ■! to and 7 to 8 p. m. Kc sidence 48 Thompson gtreet. Telephone No. 12ít. DR. H. R. ARKDT, OFFICK over tho KirM NatiDnal Bnk. IIouw: 10.30 a. ui. to 12 . ;ll' "' :mbe reacheil n resldenoe, " ■ -t ihinni Mm, ((" '■l'rof. Nicliols' plaoe') by lelephone SO. W, mnd will pij tO nlls in llie t! .-;inn. DEAN M. TYLER, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SUQEON. Ofllce and resideuce over postoitïce, flrat floor. NIUHO1.S BROS. {T. W. & A. C. NICHOLS, D. D. 8. Dental " office Masoule Temple Block, ott Savíug i Bank, Ann Arbor. j JO3EPH CLINTON, tïERCIIANT TAILOR. Shop oyer Wines 1ÏX Worden's. AU work euar&nteed or no ebarga. JOHN F. LAWRENCE, 1 TTORNFY ATLAW. ö. Office, nos. S aud 4, Grand Opeia House, Ann Arbor, Micb. - O. M. MARTIN. TTNDERTAKRR AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. U Ooth nml comino CoRins. Storeroom, No. 12 E. Wanl.iogton Ureet. Residenc cor. iberty anrt liflh. Telephoi.e No. 2!. EUGENE OESTERL1X, INSUKVNCK AGENT ANO NOTAR Y PUBLIC. Moneys collected la nny part of Europe. Drafts tosued aud paid. Office, Ko. 8, W. Liberty street, Ann Arbor, Mich THE CNION' HOTEL gives a Rood mel for 25 cents. I Riso havo for Sa e Bottled Beer. 2uart bottles 10 c; pint bottlfi 5 c 10 W Washington st. JO11N SCHNEIDER, Jr. Proprietor. THE QERMANIA HOTEL. riORNER WASHINGTON AND SECOND J itreeU. Wm. L. Frank, p'oprletor. Smpie rooms for tvaveling men. Every room bctted by eteam. C. W. VOGEL. VTEW MAJIKET. C. W. VOGEL, Proprietor. Lat of Clieisea. at Tliom=. Jlatthews' old stand on Ann Street Fresh and Salt meata kept on ■rand, FREDERICK PISTORIUS. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ofilclal correapon dent of the Germán Consulate, Real Es totO, CoUectlon, Insurance, Steamsblp and Loai kodcv. Office No. 40 South Main atreaC MRS. WM. CASPARY. Re'taiinint, Orfectioncry and Lunch Rooms. Llret-vl84 nteuls at all hours. Oysters ia every stylo Bjead. Cakes, Pies and i'old Lunches consiantly nn hnnd. All kinds of cipirs hiid lobacco. Kestauraut cor., Ann and Clias. Ui ixllen., Gontractor _& Bnilder SpècificatioDB ind Plans ('urefully Drawn. Oilici1- i E. Catherine St., Ann Arlor. o. H. MILLEN INSURANCE AGENT. . Ko, 4 South Main St., Ann Arbor. The oldest agency in the city. Estnbhsheil a quarter of a cenlury. Ííe)re8entingtho following first-class companies. Home Ins. Co. of N. Y $r,OUO,000 Continental Ins. rJo. of N Y 4,207,20 Niágara Ins. Co. of N. V l,"i.'j,53 Oirard Ins. Co. üt Phila 1,132.486 Oriënt Ins. Co. of Hartford 1,4.9.522 Sommercial Union of Londnn 12,.)00,000 Liverpool, Londen and Globe 32,000,000 liatai low. [,0!mc Uktralhi a-ljudcd aac yomiitlji paitL f. II. Ml L LES. EBERBACH & SON. AND PHARMA.OI8T8, No. 12 South Main Street - DEiLBBe IK- Druf, Medicines, Chemical, Dye Stuff, Artlifi and Wax Flower Material, Toilet Artlcles, Trusa, Etc. Pare Wines ui Liprs ! Spoelal attentlon pald to the furnlshlng of fhyslclani, Chrmlst, School, etc, with pbilo■ophlcal and Chemical Apparatua, Bnhemlao Chemical llaware, Porcelaia War. Pur BeagenU, eto. Physiclani' Prenorlptlena Carefully Y re pared at all hourr CBERBACH & SON. THE CALICRAPH WRITING MACHINE. rrice xHï'uu ii:a iHAi. VVV ji K.Mti.i: And KAPID iidntt& ibui VHUlglIuhiM 20,000 F0KTin: In Daily Use. i;ElliIï,K For printed matter, etc, address Tiie Aiubicas Wbrino Macujse Co., nARTFOKD, CONN'. New York Iiranch, : 'S.n BitOAinvAy. We challenge all Writing Mnchlne to a Compe Itive contost for s eed. 1 Address for circulara and testimoniáis, Btate Agents GEO. E. PADDOCK & CO., U Conress St. West, Detroit, Mich. WriT jo ajan gsO'gt tnojj 91B0 jo spuBiiq fg -VUZ pnt S3J31 W'Ofil mojj jtom jo s[3isnti f 88600 r polBj íojrgA J3AÜI souiBf om nj nnoo nojg 1 aja geo' mojj ejansnq ft0'6H Ainnoo tiB8nMog pus i sajas ggfi'g uiojj st.i -isnq 000'OfM Ajunoo nos[3 'sajas 0001cEiojj waqji jo spqsnqooo'ssi pasBj jnnoo oainvu


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Ann Arbor Democrat