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A dastardly murdor was committcd at Iron Mountain tho other uight, by a man named Harry Taylor. Mrs. Taylor, his sister-in-law, whose husband died last January, was on her way home from churchlocked in arms with a Mr. Thomas, with whom sho had been keeping company for some time. They wcro suddenly stopped by the brother-in-law. He asked for an explanation, which was refused. He then pulled a revolver, placed it to her head and shot. She died a íew hours later. Taylor, it seems, did not like the way Mrs. Taylor aeted while her husband was dylng. Ho is undor arrest and watched by extra pólice to prevent lynching. The Supreme Conrt and the Fish Law. Another of the laws of 1SS7 has bcn declared nnconstitutional by tho supreme court. The act killed is the well known fish law, under which so many people have got into trouble, the case being brought before the supremo court by a man who was convicted at Mt. Clemens of netting in Lake St. Clair, and was fined and sentenced to a term of imprisonment. The defects in the law lie in that while it prohibits flshing in certainwaysandiucertainspecifiedstreams and lakes, the names of the streams and lakes so specifled are not meotioned in the title, although they are in the body of the act. Tho act is also divided into Sïctions, and ncarly every ono speeifies a d herent penalty. The court ordered the prtsoner iliseliarged. Emphatically Denied. On tho l'Jt.h inst. (ov. Luce addressed a letter of Inquiry to the prosecuting attorneys and sheriffs of counties in the upper península as to the stockaded dens said to exist in those localities. Thus far replies have been reoeived from the prosecuting attorneys of Sohoolcraft and Gogebic counties, and from the 9heriffs of Schoolcraft, Iron, Luce, Houghton, Keweenaw, Gogebic and Mackinac countirs. All of the writers deny emphatically and with more or lesssarcasm the exlstence ofan.y stockaded, dog-guarded dens of infamy in their counties. YVOLVfiRJLNE WHISPERINGS. Edward Abbott has been sentenccd to 15 years in Jackson on a charge of attempted murder in Alcona county. Abbott has made a confession of the crime and implicates a resident of Alcona county, whom he charges with arranging the robbery which brought about the attempt to kill. T. W. Dickinson, a wealthy citizen of Coldwater, has presentad the oounty with a 3,500 pound bell for the new court house, nearly completed. Bernard C. Whittemore, aged 17, and Willie Sutherland, aged 19, of Bay City, were drowned while in bat hing the other evening. It is said that oue was taken with cramps, and while the other was makingau attempt to save hira both went to the bottom. Michael Morgan was killed by a fall of earth in the Jackson mine at Marquette. Japheth Cross of Adrián is dead. He had lived in Adrián for many years, aud started the Adrián Journal. In the ehanccry court at Marquette the owners of tt6 Jackson mine have been ordered to turn over about $50,000 in stock and cash to tho heirs of Marjicesick, an Indiau chief, who oxplored for the company forty years ago and was to havo received a portion of the Jackson mine in payment. John Shafer, 10.2 years old, and a resident oí Cfosby, Kent county, since 1844, lives with hii 70-yoars-old son, Sherman B. Shafer, at Crosby. About 30 laborera employcd on the De troit, Grand Haven & Milwaukjse railroad gravel train at Da vis burg, were getting $1.25 per day and truck for $1.50, The supreme court holds section 37 of the Jiquor law to be constitutional This section requires sereens, blinds, etc., to be removed during the hours when liquor selling is prohibite-d. The supreme court sustains themortgage reporting law. Judge Campbell dissents, hovvever, claiming that only tangible property can be taxed. John Anderson, aged 17, of Sagina w, playfully pointed a revolver at John McMarrie, aged 12, supposing that all the cartridges had been removed. There were still thrco cartridges ín the revolver. One oí' thera exploded and the bullet struck yoving McMarrie in the nght eye near the noso aud passed into his brain. It is possible that the boy may live, but the chances aro against him. The Anderson boy was arrested and jailed to await developments. IIo took the matter rather cool, denied polnting the pistol at the boy, and eaid that he did not know it was loaded. Th3 discharge, he declared, was accidental. Mary Irene Hoyt of New York, has flled a bilí in the United States circuit court of Detroit, for an accounting against William L. Webber of Kast Saginaw, stating that her father, Jesse Hoyt, owned over $1,000,000 worth of Michigan land and was insane at the time of his death in 1882; that her úneles, Samuel N. and Alfred M. Hoyt, had her confinad in an asylum at that time and prevailed upon her father to make a will in their favor, with Webber as an executor, and that sho was kept au asylum until the will vas probated at Saginaw and the property was transferred to Webber. At the annual meeting of the National Eclectic Medical association in Detroit the followingofficers wero chosen for the coming year: President, Milton Jay; Chicago; vice-preaidente, V. A. Baker, Adrián, Mich. ; J. W. McGrath, Macon, Ga. ; W. A. Montgomery, Nashville, Tenn. ; secretary, Alex. Wilder, Newark, N. J . ; treasurer, James Anthon, Lebanon, O. The next meeting will be held in Nashville, Tenn. Michael Morgan was killed by a fall of carth in the Jackson mine in Ishpeming the other day. Bert Lennon, aged 10 years, of Charlotte was drowned while playing iu tho pond on a brick yard near that place. A six -year old girl of Henry Pettits of Alpena, feil into the rivet' a few days ago, and was drowned. Titus Manning, a middloaged man living near Homer, was drowned the other evening while bathing. While at work in a small boat, heavily loadod with chain, near Hackley & Hume's doek in Muskegon, C'a;ix Charon was drowned by the boat uv(M'turning. He leaves a widow and eif't children. Joe Hicksons, living ten miles northwest of Cadillac, ya.s klcked ín tho stomach by a horse and died a few hours later. A fund of $1.200 a year for flve years has been raised for the endowment of a new chair in the Western Theological seminary of the Reforme'l church at Holland. Rev. J. W. Beardslee of West Troy, N. Y., for twenty years pastor of tho lieformed church of Constantlne, has, as already noted, accepted the professorship. He wiil prove a valuable aciuisition to tho college. Solomon Reese, well-to-do farmer of Séneca township, Lenawee county, has been apprehenáed on charge of alleged unallowablo familiaritics wilh 11-year old girl. He sa.vs its a casn f blackmail. Robert P. liennett, aged 82, committed suicide near Greiüivillc, by shooting himself. Old age and despondency presumed cause. H. L. McNair of Michigan has been promoted from a $1,200 to a íl, 400 clerkship in the treasury department. Luther S. Dickey was ariested in Chicago the other day and taken to Bay City on a charge of fbrguiy committed nve years ago. On Aug. 2, 1888, Dickey presented a promissory note for $r00 to H. H. Thomas of Bay City, and asked him to cash it. The note was endorsed by H. L. Holcomb of St. Louis. Mich. Knowing Holcomb to be responsible, Thomas cashed the noto without hesitation. When the note matured it was discoverod that the indorsement was a íorgery. A warrant was issued for Dickey when it was fouud that ho had been tried in Detroit on a similar charge and sentenced to two years' imprisoumeut. Soon after he was released Dickey went to Chicago and engaged iu business. When arrested, heconsented to return to Bay City without a requisition. Agathoring of all the Swoc'ish and Norwegian societies in the upper península was held in Ishpeming June !M. Brof. L. G. Carponter of tho Michigan agricultural college, after goingto Colorado and looking over the grounds, has decided to accept the offer made him by the board of agricultura uf that state. The position offered is the professorship of physics and engineering in the state agricultural college nnd meteorologist and irrigationongineer oa the experimental sutiuu ostablished under the provisions of the Hatch bilí. The experimental work offers a wide field in which almost no sciontific work has been done, and in a field that has very strong popular support. Tho board offers a salary of Í2.000, an assistant at a salary suflicieut to secure a college gradúate, and a good and growing equipment. Company C of tho Fourth Michigan Cavalry held their thirteenth aunual reunión at Four Mile Lake on the 2Oth and 21st of June. There were present twenty-one of the old members and a very enjoyable time was liad rehearsing old stories and talking of the details and reminiscences of thecapture of Jefferson Davis, as the company had tho idcntical soldiers with it that halted him. August 14th ia the twenty-sixth anniversary of the organization of the Fifth Michigan Cavalry regiment, and the members of "D" company hold their second annual reunion in Northville on that date. The Michigan weather service erop report says the average temperature for the week ending June 23 has been the highest on record for 13 years. The average total rainfall has been .411 inehes below the normal, with sunshine largely in excess. The results are very favorable to growing crops. Clover cutting and corn eultivating are in progresa and promising fine crops. More rain will bo needed to bring whoat, oats and grasses up the normal. Over 3,000 cords of slaba and 10 dwelling houses were destroyed by fire at Mitcbell & MeClure's camp, near Kast Saginaw, the other day. Loss $10,000, with slight insurance. Samuel B. Whee'.er of Lanslng has been named aidc-dc-camp on Brig.-Gen. J. C. Sinith's staff. Dennis McCarthy, aged 19, and Paul Zastrew, aged 2T, residents of Elba, were drowned in Lake Nopessing Sunday, June 24. Work has been commenced on Mauistoe's $30,000 hospital. A. Lombard of Benton Harbor killed himsolf the other night because of domestic troubles. Rey. J. Donelly of Owosso, a well known Baptist elerjfynian, has been made a D. D. by Hamilton uuiversity, at Hamilton, N. Y. Rev. Albert Witham of Morgan, Barry covnty, has been arrested on a charge of perjury. The extensión of the Northwestern railway froni Ishpeniing has reached, with its rails, a point just outside the limita of Michigamme. Gen. W. D. Washburno says the Soo, Minneapolis & Paeiflc aad the Aberdeen, Biamaruk & Northwestern railroads are to be Consolidated, and that over $2,000,000 will be expended In docks, warohouses and yards at Gladstone. L. Creighton's sawmill, three miles nortb of Nirvana, was burned the other day. Loss $8,003. E. B. Turner, prosecuting attorney for St. Joseph countyin 1850, died in Texas receutly. Thirteen good sized safes, which passed through the Norway fire, will he utilized in the building of a monument commemoratr ing the disaster. August 22, 23 and 24 are the dates of the annual encampment of the Muskegon uoimty aoldiers' and sailors' associaticn. Twenty four years ago a Grand Rapids man named Ed. Kiiiu murdered a man at Saginaw and escapee! capture. ít is now reported that King is well, wealthy and re spected in the City of Mexjcp. The 20th annual regatta of the K. W, AR. A. takes place at Grand Rápida July 24 and 23. Mrs. Nelithrope of Burlington la feeding 10,000 silk worma. It will cost about $10,000 to break the big jam in the Chippewa river. Large crews are at work night and day. Smith & Wilson, cont-actors, now building the custom house in Marquette, discharged Louie Nicoli, a stone-cutter, foi druukenness. A few hours later Nicoli appeared at the works a:id shot Contract ot M. B. Wilson in the neck, with probablj f ital results. He ttien walked home, and placing the inuzzie of the revolver in hls mouth, sent a SS-ealiberbulletintohis head. There is but little hope that either wiü re cover. A freight train collided with a switch en gina ea): Negaunee the other morniug. John Fishep, engineer of the ireight, wat thrown from hia engine nnd fatally injured The damage to the two gngines, and train if about $10,000. An attempt was made in the probate court of Wayne county the othor day te have a guardián appointed over Gardnot Barber f Nortliville, an alleged incompetent. Baioer is 102 years old. He is the oldest pensioncr in the United States, and draws pensions for services in the Mexican and late wars. His daiightor, Mrs. Jernie Motler, claims that every time he draws his pension he remains in Detroit until it is dissipated in riotous living. He donies and wiil make a coutest. He has the ap pearance of a man 75 or S0, raiher than one of his great age. Ho is well preserved, though his skin is much wrinklcd, has good eyesight, and most of his teeth, fair hear ing and an abundance of hair, littlo tinged with gray. Ex-Senator O. D. Conger says he is out of politics and will not be a candidate foi congress. Emanuel Price broke his leg on a bad sidewalk in Oacoda and now sues for $5,00( damageq. John W. Phillips, for nearly 60 years i resident of Grand Rapids, is dea4. Mormons are holding meetings ia tht ylcinity of East Jordán, and, It 1 said, mak ing a number ot converts. A prohibition ratification meeting wcs held in. Detroit June 20. Michigan greenbackers will hold a stat conventiou in Grand Rapids July 19. The Fouith Michigan Infantry held it; third annual reunión in Lanaing June 2íi. and elecled the following oflicers for thé ensuing year: President, Moses A. Luce, San Diego, Cal. ; first vice, M.A. Merrifleld, Union City, Mich. ; second vice, O. S. Smith, Owosso, Mich. ; third vice, H. C. Daniels. Pentacost, M:ch. Geo. Kinney was re elccted secretary and treasury. The remains of John Fowler were found in the river at Alpcna the other day. He has been missing since last summer. Gcorge H. Jacks, deputy United States marshal, who ha1! been in ja'l at Muskegon over seven mnntha avaiting trial on chargeof burglary and larceny, has asked tte circuit court to reduce the ball required from $9,000 to $5,000. Mrs. Herbert Bradford, a pioneer of Plymouth, is dead. Gov. Luce is on a tour of inspection oi the upper península. The Lansing lumbor company has been organized in Lausiug, with $100,ÚJO capital. Dave Kernahan, a worthless follow oi Hurbor Springs, was arrested the other day in the act of rapiug his eight-year oio niece. Thomas Hyland. who assaulted Sadlc Leitelt upon the street in Giarid Rapids and snatchcd lier pocketbook from her, haf boen genteneed to Lmprisomnent in the stat lvson for ñve years by Judge Burlingame The pocketbook contiiined only oue cent bul the crime was declared hi'ghway rob bery. Hay Bradford, a 15-year-cld boy of Grane Rapids, was killed while out hunting neai Ravenna. He was crawling along thegrounc looking for game, and in climbina upon t stump his gun was discharged. Frank Mason, about flfteen years old an a son of County Treasurer Ezra Mason o; Corunna, was accidentally shot in the hea by a younger brother who was playing witl a revolver. The wound is a dangerou s on : Grand Ledgo and Grand Rapids are now connected by direct line.


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