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June 22, House. - A joint resolution extending to the states oí Florida and Louisiana the provision9 of the act oí May 14, !8t-8, relating to tho disposal of public lands was passed. The conference report on the bilí increasing tho limitof costof the Wichita, Ka., public building was adopted. (It accepts the sonate umendmcnt fixing the limit at $100,0011. ) The house then went into committeo on the sundry civil appropriatlon bilí. A proviso was attached to tho item of iees for United States marshals, rciuiring the accounting offloera of tho treasury to audit the accounts of these ofticors within sixty da.vsof theirpresentalion. In lonnection with tho item making appropriation for assistants to district attorneys, discussion ensued as to tho position of tho attorno.y-general toward the tolephono suits. The ofüoo wascriticised and defend ed in turn. Upon motion of Mr. Johnson of North Carolina the oíanse in tho tarift bill forbidding the issue of warrants in revenue cases, unless upon aworn complaints, was adopted. The committee then rose and the bill was passed. The naval appropriation bill was then taken up in committee of the whole. An amendment appropriating $120,000 forguns for the new cruiser Vesuvius was adopted. The committee then roso and the bill was passod, The general land bill was then taken up but, without making any progress, tho house, at 5 p. ni., took a recess uutil 8 p. m. At tho evening session thirty-seven private pension bilis were passed and the house adjourned. June 23, House. - Vetóos of flvo private pension biÜB were laid before the houge. The conference report on tho International marítimo conference bill was agreed to. The Belmont bill relativo to tho Chinese treaty was unanimously reported. An amendment strikes out the sectlon allowfng six months during which Chineso may return upon certincutos. The Morrow bill will now lie on the tablo by the consent of the author. The committee on public buildings secured the Hoor after a strugglo and the senate bill was called up for the construction of a building at Portland, Oro., with an amendment reducing the appropriation from $500,000 to $:."0,0í10. Au amendment was adopted further reducing the amount to $200,000. Filibustcring ensued, points of no quorum being raised, and after a two hours delay the house, by a yea and nay vote, at 2:40, adjourned. Senate. - The senate proceeded with the consideration of the logislative, executivo and judicial approprlation bill, After some debate, there boing no quorum present, adjourned. Housk. - The house resumed consideration oí the public land bill. Most oí the amendments which were adopted were in the nature of correction. Mr. Hermann of Oregon, offered one, however, which was accepted, allowing entry men six instead of three months to erect a habitable dwelllng. There was a long discussion over an amendment offered by Mr. Weaver of Iowa, reserving title in the government to altérnate strips of public land along water courses and the sea shore. The amendment was rejected, and the house adjourned. GENERAL. The supreme lodge, A. O. U. W., is in session at Louisville, Ky. Reports show a membership oí 198,!0S, a gain of 21,788 during theyear. Mrs. Cleveland opeus the Cincinnati exposition July 4, at noon. Mis$ Fannie Gordon, daughter of Gov. Gordong f Georgia, was married the otUer evening at Atlanta, tpBurton Sinith, a lawyer. Among thoso present wás ''Ole Manimy," the Negress wlio has nurscd three generations of Gordons. Mrs. Emory Storrs died in Chicago on tho 2üth inst. Lawyer Dunn of New York, connected with the Manhattan bank robbery, has been 8entenced to niue years and eight mouths in prison. Mrs. Lncy Parsons, tho dusky wife of the late A. 11. Parsons, the executed anarchist, was being driven about the streets of Chicago in a buggy, attached to the rear of which was a lifo-sized crayon of her deceased busband, and was distributingcirculars descriptivo of tho merits of Parsons' book, "Anarchism." Alargecrowd followed the conveyanco, which was led to the pólice station and the occupauts lodged thereln. Merchandise oxports during May past aggregrated in value St7,0S4,074, against $43,2:W,HK) in May, 1887; importa aggregated $60,473,651 in May past, against $58,065,027 in l.Iay, 18S7. ïïm. Mansfiold, a conviot in the Ohio state prison, was shot and killed the other day by ordor of Warden MoKonnan for insubordination. Mansfield was tho leader of the prison revolt of 1883. The entire business portion of Holbrook, Arizona, was burned June 04. Six young people were drowned by the capsizing of a y acht at Newark, N. J., June Edward Egloff and Mrs. Charles Sanders were ürowned in Chicago harbor by the capsizing of their sail boat. As soon as his condition will warrant it General Sheridan will leave Washington for Fortress Monroe or Atlantic City. Blaine sent a cablegram to Harrison congratulatinghim upon his nomination. J. S. Clarkson has beon elected chairman of the national ïepublican committeo. The committee will meet at the Fifth Avenue hotel in New York July 11. Hon. Rqwland Gibson Hazard, the noted financier, liferateur, mathematician and motaphysician, dieet suddouly at his residence in Peacedale, uear Providenoe, R. I., Juno 25, He wus in his 86th year. Snow feil at Ellsworth, Pioreo county. Wis., June 2. Mrs. Folsom, mother of Mrs. Cleveland, returned from Europe June 26. The national democratie comtnittco have electod W. H. Barnum permanent chairman. Six Hungarian laborera were killed and four fatally injured by tho wrecking of a coustruction train near Shamokin, Pa., June 25. Defaulter Pitcher of the Union bank of Providence, R. I., was arrested inMontreal a few days ago, just as he was about to leave for England. About $rO0,0C9 was found on him. Judge John Minkey of the Pennsylvania supremo court, died in London June "Jl!. Masked highwaymen robbed the United States mail and express near Blackfoot, I. T., getting $:2,50y silver bullion and valuable letters. A flvestory brick extending from 3Sth to 39th street on First avenue, New York, burned the other day. It was owued by Geo. Ehret and occupied by three cigar faetones. Total loss, $430,000, Brooks, alias Maxwell, senteneed to bo hangod at St. Louis July 13 for the Preller murder, expects his mother from England in a few days. He declares he will meet death like a man. FOEEIGN. The centenary of the emanclpatlon of tin; Danish peasants was celebratod at Copenhagen June 20, one feature being a procession of 20,000 persons. Stated that the Germán Emporor will take personal couimand of the autumn manoeuvers. Advices from Zanzíbar stato that the reported death of Henry ,1. Stanley is di3credited there. Memorial services will be held in all universities, colleges and schools throughout Germany June 30. The Gorman Einporor in declaring amnesty will, liko his father, romit sentencos in forco at the date of his accession. A rebellion has broken out among the flood sufferers in Honan and Hantung. It is reported that tho troops have joined the rebels and murdered the officials. Two Paris correspondents who had criticised tho present lCinpcror of Germauy, have been expollod from Berlín. Emin Bey relief committee of London does not credit the alarming rumors i jncerning Stanley. Russian press censor ordors editors to cease writing alarmiug articles on Enn ] lan Bituation. Beethoven's remains were on the 20th inst. transferred U the central cemetery of Vienna amídst considerable pomp. The actor Lewinski dolivered an oration written by von Weil'ver. Emperor William will open the reichstag tvith imposing ceremonies similar to those af 1871. The coronation of the Emperor and Erapress as King and Queen of Prussia will lake place at Koenisburg in the early autnna, The Gorman reichstag was oponed Juno 25. Emperor William's speech gave assurance that ho would carry out the line of polioy which won for his illustrious grandsire tho love and devotion of Germana. It is s'atcd that Emperor William will meet the czar on Kussiun territory in the early autumn. A thief entered the apartment of the crown princo of Sweden tho othor night, and stole $100,000 worth of jewelry. The Prussian minister of stato took the oath of office at the royal palace in Berlin June 20, in tho présenos of Emperor William. Advlsea received f rom the City of McjIio gay Uiat. TOO persons wero drowned in ttte vieinity of Loon and Silao. All were aslcep when the disaster happened. Those who ocaped with their lives lost everything they possossod. Tho Swedish town of Sundsvall, on the Gulf of Bothnia, the conter of the timber trade of Sweden, was destroyed by liro Juno 26. Tho damago is estimated at $i),000,000.


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