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A RACY BOOK. Selntlllutln with s.irni.n and Uriillanl Trutli. New York Letter. Chap. I. "Ha Maluria;" goes to Florida. Chap. II. "Overworked;''goestoEurope. Chap. III. 'Has Kucumatism;" goes te Ems. Chap. IV. Has a row with his Doctor. I have read a deal of sarcasm in my du . but 1 nevar ïead anythlng equal to the sarcasm contained in the above four chaptered book. wri ten )y sume anonymous. I suspect the e perlence portrayed is a personal nne; the aut'ur In tin ates w niuch on page SI. Let me give you a synopsis: "Malaria" as it sta'es, "is the cloak with whlch superficial physieians c ver up a nmltitude of ill fee Ings which they 'o I do not rare mtichto investigate. It is aiso a cover for such dlseases as they cannot ei re. When they advise their palient to travel or that he has oerworked and needs rest and is probably sulleriiiK trom malaria, it is a confession of Ignoranco or of inability. " "The patent goes abroad. The change is a tonic an I for a time he fcels better. Comes haute. FU'kle appetite, frequent lieadache , .-evere colds, tramps, sleeplessne s, Irritaliility, tlred leollngs, and general un tness for business are succeeded in due time by alarming attacks of rheumatism which Mts about his body regardless of all human feelings. "It is muscular,- in hls back. Articular,- In his joints. Inrtammatory, my! how he fears it will fly to hls heart! "N'ow o:T he goes to the sprlngs. The doctor sen !s hlm there, of course, to get well; at the same time he does not really want him to die on hls hands! That would In rt hs bus.ness! "Better for a few day. Keturns. After a whilo neuralKla transixes hlm. He bloats: cannot breathe; has pneumonía; cannot walk; cannot sleep on his leftside; is fretful; very nervous and lrritab'.e; is palé and flabby; lias fre uent chills and fevere; everything about him seems to go wrong; becomes stispicious; musters up courage and demands to know what is killing hlm.' ' (reat lieaven!" he cries, "why have you kept me so long in ignorance.'"' "Because, ' said thed K-tor, "Ireadyour fate five years go. I thought best to keep you Ignorant of the facts. ' Ho dismissos his doctor, but too late! His fortuno has all gone in fees. But him, what becomes of hlm? The other day a well known Wall Street banker said to me "It is reaily astonishing how prevalent briRht'sdisease is becoming. Two of my personal friends are now dylng of it But it is not incurable, I am certain, for my nephew was recently cured when his physicians sald recovery was Impossible. Tl:ecase seems to me to be a wonderful one. " This gentleman formerly represented his government in a foreign country. He knows, appreciates and declares the value of that preparation, because liis nephew, who is a son of Danish Vice-Consul Schmidt, was pronounced incurable when the remedy, Warner s safe cure, was begun. "Yes, " said his father, "I was very skeptcal, but slnce taking that remedy the boy is well." I happen to know what it was that cured the boy, for Geni. Chri tian en, of Dexel, Morgan & Cos., told me that it was that 'wonderful remedy Warner's safe cure. ' Well, I su-pect the nero of the book cured him-elf by the same means. 1 cannot close my notke letter than by (.uoling the author s advce: "If, my frlend, you have such an experlence as 1 have portrayed. do not put your trust in phys c ans to the exclusión of other ren edial agencies. They have no mon"poly ovei dl easeandl personally know that many of tbem would far prefer that their patlents should go toheaven direct from their powerless hands than that they should be aved to earth by tlie use of any "unauthoried mean." XIkS Laura Webster s the ouly woïian is America wJio perforáis profess'onally upon the violoucello. Vanderbilt paid Miss Mary TillInghast $30,000 for invenüng u new kind of tapestry banking for his house. Gen. Boulangkk bas chosen an sniblematic flovver, which lie bcrs all bis friouds to wear. It is tbo clore pink. Rev. Dr. Minki:, of Boston, has just ïompleted the fortieth ytfar of his pas(orate at Columbus Avenue Universalist Church. Alexander III.. "Kmperor and utocrai of all the Russias." is around borrowine again. Th s tim? he wants 500.000,000 roubles. Prince Oscar, of Swedeu. aud his brido Carlsorona, their futuro iesdence, in the soutli of Swoden. ïhey re now known as the Prince ml Princesa Bernadoito. Maidstone, which was tha iirst place to give Lord Beacónsfield Parliamentary honors, is about to perpetúate his memory by setting upa statue uf hiin in t hul town. Joseph Davis, of Wayne Ccunty, W. Va., has a daughter aged six rears who weiglis 230 pounds. This is beliered to be the largest child ol its age in the world. George B. Roberts. President o) the Pennsylvania Railroail system, Laa been in tho couipany's service since 1851, his Iirst eniployniunt be:ng as q, rodman in the engineer corps. A new material called "leatherine1 is an Knglish manufacture. It can be sold at live or s x oenU a pound, is said to be as tougli as leather, and i; dogned for packing and bagging. The statement is made that no les. than six species ol Norlh American birds have become exliact during th last ten years. and it is claimed thal the Knglish sparrows were the maii cause. Sir William Grove, who eontribUted to tbe languago the phrase of the convertibilitv of forces. lias added another, the é'antagouism" of nature, foi which he claims the rank of a la of nature. The largest known flower a th Raillesia, u native of Sumatra. 11 measures three feet in diameter, wcighs iifteen pounds and lias a caly? holding six quarts. The odor ii offejisive. A box of manuscirpts relating to Pot has been recently discovered in Goorgia It is thought that they may be those o: Griswold. who was knowu to possesi many of Poe's papers, all of which un accountably disappeared. The Engineer says thero is no properly recorded instance of a locomo tive ever attnining a greater speoc than eighty miles au liour, and quote Charles R. Martin as saying tha higher speeds are mythical. Miss Minna Iuving. the poetess o Tarrytown, N. Y , claims the prou( distinction of possessing the smalles foot in America. She wears a slippei exactly one size less than number one and keeps samples on exbibitioa -x the different newspaper offices ii New York.


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