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JOHN MUEHLIG, Bil B YvyyfV' f -tfc yyHHHP33ISE UNDERTAKBK. ROUM8 No.35 South Main Street over A. L. Noble's store. UESIDENCE 61 South Main St., Ann Arbor, Mich. HENRY MATTHEWS Cep a Plnt-claai MEAT MARKET ! Dealer la all klad of Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meati, Ono Door East of Frn H I n House. Prleea Boaaonable. Thanklng thoae who har o HberaJlT patroned me in the past, I alce oordlaUx oilclt tnute rom new patrona. HENRY MATTHEWS, Hu ron Street; - Ann Arbor, Mioh WflSIBBHIBIIBR No. 16 South Main St. A FULI. UNE OF FRESH GKOCBSÏBS Just Opened, of TEAS, C0FFEE8 8UGARS and SPICES. We also carry a ful! Üne of PIPES, TOBACCO and CIGARS. VEGETABLES In Season. WERNER & BRENNER. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Oifraiizel !Sö9. un Ier th General Banking Lw of this state has non', includm capital Stock, etc., etc., OVER $800,000 ASSETS. Business men, GuardianR, Trustees, Ladies and other peráoun will ünd thia Bank a SAFE AND CONVENIENT I lace at which to inake Deposita and do business. Interest is Allowed on All Savings Deposits ! Of J1.00 and upward, according to the rule of tbe banu, and interest compounded semi-annually. Money to Loan in Sumsof 125 to B,OOO. I Secured by Unincumbred Real Estáte and other eood securitiua. DIREX:TORS-Chri!iiain Maclc, W. W. Wie. W. W. Hamnian, Williain Deuble, DaTld Rinsey, Daniel Hiscock and W. B. Smith. OFFICEKS-Christian Mack, President; W. W.wines, Vice-President: C. E. Biscock, Casher. Toledo, A. nn Arbor & Northern MJehlpan Kallway. Time table going Into effect Sunday Oet. Mk 1887. Train run by Standard Tim. Joing North. Qoinz Houtb I 8TAT1OK8. Pas Ex. Mai) Standard Time. Pan Ex. Uil T. ■. r. h. a. . L'veJ Arr.l a. m. p. a. f. . 6 25 3 15 5 15 TOLEDO. 8 00 1 10 8 4li 7 5) 4 05 Oü Monroe Junct'n 8 10 12 SI T ti 8 08 4 12 6 10 Dundee 8 03 lll 21 7 M 8 35 4 35 8 49 MiLiri 7 45 12 Oí 1 SO 8 05 4 6 7 00 Pittufleld 7 26 II 48 7 IV 925 5 10 7 1 ANNARBOH 7 15 11 ÍU SU 9 50 5 3 7:3i Lelauds' 6% 1114 SO p. u. 5 45 7 4d Whltmore Lake a. m. ti 00 (14 5 5 7 68 Hamburg 10 W 10 3Ï8 8 30 Howell 10 80 II) 7 40 9 30 Durand 80 4 86 7 46 9 55 Corunna 08 4 18 7 55 10 01 Owouso 9 00 4 09 9 16U 16 lthaca 7 46 2 4 98 1185 St. Louis 7 37 2 9 41 11 42 Alma 7 20 920 10 30 12 M Mt. l'leasant S 30 1 30 " "■ ■ A. M. A. U. All paasenger traína run daily exoept Stuulay Traías run on the South Lyon Dranch Mtar Ana Arbor at SJO p. m.,Leland'a at 10.0U, Worden '■ at 10:20, and arrire at South Lyon at 11:00 p. m. ; leave South Lyon at 1:3" a. m.. Worden 's at Mt, Lflaud's at 8:15 and arríve at Ann Arbor at T:1S a. m. Connectlons at Toledo wlth rallroada dlrera■ ng. At Maulinttau Junction witb Wheellac rjkeKrl. K H At Alexis Juuctlon wittktf. C. R. K L. S. K'y, and F. & P. M. R. H. At Monrot Junvtion witd L. 8. & U. 8. K'y. At Dunde. with L. S. & M. S.. and M. A O. R'y. At MlUa with W., 8t. L Jt P. R'y. At HttafloM wltk L. 8. & M. K. H'v., at Ann Arbor wlth Michigan Central R. R . and at Soath Lyon with Detroit. Ijmsing & Northern R. R., and" O. T. B"y. At Hamburg with M. A. Line División Oraud Trunk U'y. At Ho di wlth Detroit, Lanulog & North cru R'y. At Durand wlth Chicago A Uraud Trunk R'y and Detroit. Orand liaren & Mülwaukee R'y. At Owomsd Junction with Detroit. Grand Haven & Millwuukce R'y and Mithlgaa Central 11. R. At 8t. Loní with Detroit, Landing & Northern R. R. and Siginaw Valley A 8t. LouU R'y. At Alma with Detroit, Tjning 4 Korthern R'y. At Mt. Pleanant withíTlnl Pere Marquette R'y. H. W. ÁSULEY, General Manager. A. J. PAISLEY, Ajrent Ann Arbor. W. H. BENNETT. üeu. Pan. Ast. Timb Tablb, May 13, 1888. Standard Tima. ooma abt. A. . A. K. r.U. A.M. r.H. . M Chicago... -Lt. 5.00 9.00 3.10 10.80 1.1 Calamazoo.... 10.22 1.33 6.58 4 06 S? Battl Creek... 11.15 1.15 7.33 731 M .18 Iacltfon....Ar. 1.20 4.15 g.49 . .86 4Ji Cbelsea 2.04 10.12 78 . Dexter 17 10M 7.4S fc.Sfl Ann Arbor. 2.43 5.80 9.41 10.40 8.08 lOt Detroit Ar. 4.10 .45 10.4.'. 11.5Ü 9J0 T.8 A .K. r. M. KM. St. Thomas Ar 11.05 2.00 12.45 tM Fallí VUw ' 4.69 8.44 6.44 Euffalo-... Ar 4.86 7.15 6.5S 8.06 ooms mr. i i; ' H &i Ano,. & 3 -o Si A.M. P. X. r. K. A. . A. . 9.M. Uuffalo L. 11.30 5.85 10 00 1.ÜU A. U. Niágara Falls 12.15 J.tO r. a. 1.4 8t. Thomas... 4.25 10.00 110 M0 Detroit Lv. 7.30 .10 4.00 Í.2O 8.00 10.U Ann Arbor..... X.60 10.40 5.30 2.24 9.18 11 K Dexter 9.08 &M 9.44 Chebo 9.2? .06 10.10 r.. Itduon... -Ar. 10.13 1L45 7.10 8.ÏT 10 65. li.54 A.M. BitUe Creek- 12.09 1.S3 8.52 4.38 1Í.Í7 LSI Kalamatoo..... 12.60 2.01 9.45 5.15 1.101 8 Chicago - Ar 6.10 .40 90 7.00 T.4S J8aody eicepied. }Sturday Sojodaj xepte H. W. HAYES. Agí. J.nn Arbor.


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