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1VX. efe S. HOYELTIES. EXTRA NOVELTIES -IN- SÚBER DRESS 6O1T. A big bargain in lace, pique and Swiss embroidered flouncings. A cali willshow our customers all that is new in Summer goods, at prices from ten to twenty per cent. lower then any other house in the city. Mack & Schmid. Louis Farber wno assaulted Oscar Griesman laat week was brought before Justice Frueauff Monday, paid the costs and waa discharged. HYHBYTHIKG NEff! W. C. SNOW'S LIVERY STA6LE ! Best Turnouts in the City Funeral Attendance a Specialty. No. 21 N, Main street, Telephone connection. MARY F. MILEY'S, ABT AND STAMPING ROOMS. A.U Materials for Fancy Work Constantly on Hand. Zephyrs, Yarns, Germantown VVools, Canvas, Feite, eto. for Boston Comfort Corset, Frenoh P. D. Corsut. Iluron streot, one door west of Main, Ann Arbor, Mich. Picase lotice. The Hangsterfer Ice (Jo., will furnish loe delivered to any part of the oity for the Season of 1888. 25 lbs dally except Suadays $2 00 permonth. " " 4 time per week - "1.75 " " " " 8 " " " "1.50 " 2 " ' " "1.00 " Hotels, Restuarants, Butchers etc, will be furnished by the ton or hundred. Company Established 1875. E.V. HANCSTERFER, MANAGER. Office No, 28, S. Main Street. inxious Jo Sell. Dn account of oíd age and poor health. I wish sell my shop property and Stock. Elther perately or together, but prefer the latter. I have a complete stook, of {Mll Illllllltl icluding a limited number of Tiger ulky Rakes. The New Superior Grain rills. My Improved Five Tooth hill Cultivator. The Steel Frame lanet Junior Cultivators. Lansing Wagons. Hay and Stook Kacks. A good chance f ir some thorongh going man. ,'ill take in part payment some good rentable roperty in the city. Aun Arbor May 13, 1SS8. M. EOQEB8. RINSEY & SEABOLT, 4o. 6 & 8 Washington! St. Have on hand a complete stock of everything in the Grocery Line. Teas, Cortees, Suears, In large amouate, And at CasHzL Prices And can sell at Low Figures. The large invoice of Tea they buy and sell, is good proof that In Quality and Price they Give Bargains. They Roast their own Coffees every weck, and none but prime articles are used. Thelr Bakery turns out excellent Bread. Cakes nd Crackers. Cali and see them. TO the Ladtes of Ann Arbor and Washtenaw County. If you wish to get your OJL.Ü SILVER WARE Replated and have the vork woll done and guaranteed f or 6 years, Fleace cali on THOMAS HAYLEY, Either by postal cari or otlierwise at 34 E. Liberty Street, Ann Arbor, Mlch. Ag't for Mlcb., Flatlng Works. Best of sausfaction guaranted. The Southern Timber Land Investment Co. 196 LaSolle Street, Chicago. nRUirCDC F'RSt NATIONAL BANK, CHICACO. DfllilVLnd BANK OF CAMDEN, Camoen, Ark. Offers the safost and bHt inveHtineiit ior Btnall or large eume. Pamphleta RivinR full inrorioaticn fumiahed on application tothe above. It wül puy you well to read and costs you nothiug. I Brown Chinese Plant On Ivorv. V Stock -Pattern with-tmmdcan he nad in gep arate piecns as wellas sets and matched for yuan to ome as readil v as White Ware. J. D. STIJISON &SON, _ China Crocker, 'Glassware, Lamps, etc. 1 ANN ARBOR, ■ E MICH. D. W. AMSDËN" üf the late firm of Collins & Amsden ie iloiiiR business alone at the old Stand, No. 33 EAST HU RON IST., Where he will be pleased to receive calis trom all old customers and as many, new ones as want FEED, BALED HAT AND STKAW, COAL AND WOOD. I also keep Linseed Oil Meal, an excellent feed for stock of any kind. GREETÍÑGl We cóme before the people wlth theïlargestïïand FINEST STOCK OFALLTHELEADINC and Fashionable Styles of Cloths and Suitings Entlrelv 100 numerous to mention for the outfltine of the fine dressere. And as we have the services of one of the beat cutters, and alao our coat makers are araong the best, enables us to ïilease the most fashionable drassere. Now all we haveto say is come in and we will suarantee you the lowest prices in the state tor nrst-ciass goods. No trouble to show goods. BRememberthe place, No. 6 East Huron Street, four door we8t of the Cook House W.C. BURCHFIELP. The Palace Livery 3 - THE - Puilt ai Best Türnts IN THE CITY. LIVERY AND SALE S-baTble. JAS.W.ROBISON,Prop. No. 21. South Fourth St„ Ann Arbor Mich, Telephone No. 31. HENRY RICHARDS, Dealer in all Kinds of H ar dwood Lnmberj 3Fence Posts, etc. AIbo all kinds of 3tove and Cord wood. Terms cash. I im abo agent for the celebrated O Hl MPION BINDERS S& MOWERS. And keep a full assortment of extras for the same. No. O Detroit street, Ann Arbor Mich. Paiace Grocer ! I have just recelved a f resh new sto k of Ctauutod ftoods Both Foreign and Domestic, which, I can sell at QREAT BABOAINS. My Fine Teas and Coffees AKE UNEXCELLED. I nave the flnest and most complete stock, of STUDENT, LIBRARY, HALL and STA NU X. -J& "JE S of any one in the county. Also a largo line of Crocker, Glassware, anti Decorative China. Come and purehase whlle the selection is complete and convince yourselves that I eive the BEST BARGAIN8 of any other store m Ann Arbor. 3O Bars of Soap for 6 1 .00. FREDT. STIMSON. No. 9 North Main St., Ann Arbor, Mich. LIVERY AND FEEO BARN. TUST Opeued by HIRAM KITREDGE, In the reai oi the Duffy Block on Ann Streel. Ampie accommodatious tor 75 Ilorses. Patronage Solicited. JI. KITREDtiE. ANN ARBOR. ----- MICH. "COLLIÑS & POLSON DEALERS IN STONE LIME, WATER LIME, Cement, Calcined Piaster, Plastering Hair, Brick. MASONS' SUPPLIES and all kinds of WOOD AND CO AL. Office, No. 36 East Iluron Street Atin Arbor, - - - - Mich. M. P. VOGEL, Eight years with Henry Matthows, has opened a Meat Market Al' No. 1 8 Kuist ITurou St., And will keep on hand Fresb, Salt, and Smoked Meats, Foultry, and Game wben in season. M. P. VOGEL, Ann Arbor, Mich


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