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We Point with Pride To the "oood name at home," won by Ilood's Sana. parllla. In Lowell. Mass., where tt li prepared, tl.ere la more of Hood'i Sarsaparllla sold than of all other medicine. Wuolo nelghborhooda are taking It at tbe same time, and 1t has giren the beit of latlefactlon lince ltl Introductlon ten years aso. Thtt could not be lf the medicine dld not posseas merlt. If you suffer irom lmpure blood or debiiUy, trjr Hood'g Sarsaparllla and you wiU reallze lts peculiar curatlve power. "1 had aalt rlieum on my left arm three years, u ferlng terrlbljr. Itnok Hood's SarsaparlUa, and tba ralt rheum has entlrely disappeared." H. M. Mills, ',1 French St.. Lowell, Mast. Hood's Sarsaparilla iold by all drugglsta. tl; eti iorli Prepared onlf by C. I. HOOD L CO., Apothecarles, Lowell, Maai. IOO Doses One Dollar WELLS, c. Send for onr cataloiruc, &&, on Wrll BorinC "d uní PrOBprrtincr Machine. Arr. LOOMIS Al NYMAN. TIFFIN. OHIOFREEHOiESigftgyteigffi Ut ilMiUNcui w Kict Lul uiUlu ikibtf m ÉlJUfr Mf r. WUt Wtuwü4 W UU ft CbU4n "WUn AtMU4l trmi+t lku. UfrflMfcr lafonitl af kil SuUf w4 Tmiimim, M4 Um tm nW„ o WutlM lun.lin. rkfirwm FmrMt W IM UM mm. THK WLTLILN WüALD. CkUMMhUL NERVES! NERVESH What terrible visions this littlc word briftga before th ere of the nerroui. Headache, Neuralgia, Indigestión Sleeplcisneat, Nervous Prottratlea. All lUre them in the face. Vet all these nervoua troublc can be cured by usin (N.Riines fmpound For The Nervous The Debilitated The Aged. THIS GREAT NERVE TON0 Also contains the best remedies for diieascd conditionsof the Kidneyi, Llver, nd Blood, which alwavs accorapany ncrve trouble. It a Ncrve Tonic, an Altcrative, a Laxatlve, and a Diuretíc. Thit k why It CURES WHEN OTHERS FAIL. $x.00 a Bottle. Send fox full particular!, t WELLS, RiCHARDSON CO.. Proprietorê. BURLINGTON. VT. $85 SrjjLID GOLD WATCH FREE! 959; at that prica it la the beat Ntrninin Anwrk: Unltl Ut Ir It could nol La parrhaaed for Ie. ihan aifJU. Wi tia borb IadUi' and rmU' etiei witfa worka ad cuh of eouel valua ONE PBKNO.V ln,ho..l,7nMCUr..of tïL lInt wttchea tbolu(lj F Jt KE. Thee watebea mar b depDddoQ,itoI oulr k ftolid tott],bat4 atandtnf tmn ib inrai perfect, correvl and reliable timekeenen in tha wortd. TeB uk how ia thif wonderful offer poaoiblr? wt wanl en pron In eacfa locality te ketp In ü.cir homn. emt abow I tboee who cali, a complet line of out T;ubla and rrrr uiM Horsnotn Sami-les; tbeae Mraples, ai wttl ai tht wauk, eend ABSOLL'TKLT THII.lnd ifUt JOU luri r't 'rUTt I Kar home tori montba, and ihown ifacm to ihoa wbo wey r eaJled, they bcom eoiireljr jout ovrn proptrtr It I poeaibla to auke thii (rtat offer, tba N.ll dolé Watrh and larye line of valuable MmpUa Fxek, for tb rtuoo tbat llt howlnf of the in aoy IocoHit, aJware rcfoltlln larra tnJ fur ut;ifltr oarunilci bt bn la a lootllt for month or two, we ueuallr f t ftom l,UüO t AA.U& la inde froiu tha t.trroundinc country. 7 hott wawiil to ua at once will racaira a a;ra boút fur n-arlT aar w(fc and trouble. Thla, th tnott rmarkab) nd Ubral offer var kiwwu, U made la order that our aloabl Hooaebold Sanpi tnajr ba pUced t oace where thjr rao be eeen, 11 orar AmtrU ra; rtadcr, I will behtrdlr mr trouble fur jou lotbow tbeta ! UiOM who mj cal ! at Tuur boro, and your mrard wlll b moet saiiaCactoiT. A poatl crd,on dub to wrlte ui, coat bat 1 ent, and ff, after tou know all, you do not cmre to f o funhtr, Wbj no hrm Ie don. Hot if jnu do arnd Tvur cddreM at enee. yoo can aecure, rxicc, x Ki.kcaITT 8K&. fio lid OorD )liX7!JiU'iSlWni'H and our larga, ltneof loable HOL'hkhold Samplk. W pur all xprcM fttlcht.e. jUdnM,fiTi.isojiacoitoi j Vrt Uad, Maiae. Ipüil I Is the best remedy for I all complaints peculiar I The best Blood lurifier and Tonic, B. R R, Botanie Blood Balm. Absolutely the quickest, clieapest and most effectual Blood Poison Remedy on Earth. PADWAY'C The Great Liyer ana stomach Remeij For the cnre of 11 dlnorderi of the Rtomch. Llrer. llowtlt, Kldneys, Uld Ier. Nervnui Ulieuti. Lom of Appetlte. !■ adachn, C .iilvene, Intllje.Uo, lli !ou8ne8, ïever, Intlainrnatlon of the Bwla. Pllf and all deraneimnu of the Interna! VUora. Pureljr vegelaole. cuntainln no mercury. mlaeraJ. or deleterloua drua-. Perfect Digestión Wlll be tccompllahed br taklng Radwtr'i Pilla. Br ■odolng Sick Headache, Foul Stomach BIlIoiiBnts wlll b arolded and ta food that li caten Ui iiuurl-hlnff proper tle fur the tupport ui iheuatur. waite of tb body. DYSPEPSIA. XTl. RADAVAY'S PTIaT are i cur for his cuinplalut. They restore strongtu to tk tonuch and cnnble It ui porf .rm it fnnctiona. Th tymptums vt Üyspepsla Uisa;par, mid wlth tktm the 1 utjiil-y of the sysrem to contract diMaaa. Take the medicine Hccordinv K dlret-tlom andob■ erve what we aay In "Kalse and 'Trae" reietlu Ulet, A few extract from the uanj lettere va ar ConatautlT ving: lr. A. 0. MlddlebrooK. Dorarlllp, Ga.: "I uw tk tn my practica and famlly In prefereuce to all Maar j Mn, Caroline Montelth. Deer Creek. Ind.: "!kt lieve my lire hai bet-n aaved by your medlcln. Har lone bren luSerlng lypcptla and Llrer Coav pUlnt." H. A. Can-, P. M Escambia, Ala.; "Beit PlUa ka bas ever used." E. Hummel, Boonville, Mo.: Cured blm whan aU others falled. Allee K. Ohnver, Mt. Storm. W. Va.: I poalUralr fy that Kadway'i are the best Fllli I tver bad for rSend a letter itamp io DR. KADWAY A COXu. SJ Warren öt., New Yorlr, for aln and TroZ ITEWENGIAND CONSERVATORS 11OFMUS!C Boston, Mau. X1ÏE I.AttGEST and Bfit Folr4 la Dm World- 1) Inttnirtori, KS3 etudi)talá re. Tbooujch Inatruction in Toral and ■ f nt ■! Muti. Humm mnd Orjan Tutic, Fint Art, Orator, LUfivr, Vawa. (Verwan amd Italia LanpugM. Mngliik rmEÁ44, C Mts. eu. Tuïtion, 5 to (25: board and rooio witk Bleem Heat nd SlaatrieXlght. 5.0Üto r per jwa - .VfM Term beifu 8ept. U TfiSH. For Illuttraied Cal- dar, Lmf fulTinfonnation. addrw K. TOUEJtK, P ■, ïiatüüin Square, BotfroM, AUsa. CTbe oldest medlcln In the woild Is probafaly aa Dr. Isaac Thompson1 D ELEBRATED EYE AVATlcIl This artlcle is a carefully prepared Pliypician'i prtscription.aml has been in constant une nearly acntury. ('AUTION.- The only eeuuine Thompwn'i Er Wnter haa upon the white wrapper of ch bottl u. enraTed portrait of the inventor. Dr. Iaaac Thomwos. wlth %ac-simlif of his sisfnature ; aluo a note of bao4 ■igMd John Ij. ThnmpKon. Arold all othera. Th tauine Eye Water can be obtaíned f rom all Druffgigta. JOHN L.THOMPSON,SONS&CO,.TR0Y,N.Y. A KK ÏOÏ HlI.I.IOltl "ï Takt Stlerí'í HAVE YOl THE Ill.lKi. ■ liayliaht OR IKI.l.iuoss.t W)l ili' (ter PUI: Theitf ce ebratfd nllls are a miM and effe"tlT cathartic: cle ma iwthe ttya e o an 1 purlfylag tba blood. Thcy du iiü". cHuse tliat ffriptofc or eou f celtnff whtch thote wh:j have tacen pt'ls kno,w ao ■, well. Siigar-coateil an.l warran el toglve satiafaction. Prepare 1 by the Emmert ïroprlelary . , Chlciiffo, Dl. SoM by all ürunKlM. Pree ( n'y 25 cu. pr koi. ■ I jin-scrlhc and follf ■- ,_1 dors Ulg U as tbt omf jOarMia H spfdfic for the i-ertaln cur JVl TO üayb. ,.[ thu dlseaae. gf mhIMk ■ Amaterdam. N. T. Efl Mf4 nir bjr tk We har anld Bt( G tor KallTaU OtmlcalS. uiany jears and H hal mjiiam.amii Klven tho bl of aatUk Ohlo. JT "d. bI'dYCHE 4 CO., Tr.iutlSI.OO. Sold by Dnif UU, "qfclj JsupirTor to U obV. jSj BlWaiB Kur 9al evrjwhrf by tb yard. Ty themt Story of Featherbona fr#e. Addrea "FÏATliEEBOMi," 8 Oaa, Mlcklsa, nYMAIIITF For """'.nt!. rcmovlng atumpaani ■ ■ I rlMIfll I t buulüers f rum land. Chap au Vqulck metbod. Price low. Saud for circulara and prlces. ,UAX TOKPEDO ASD UYNAMfrB WOKKif Bay City. Mlcblttan. lf your (Jealer ot not banale our guodn. send dtreot to us. FÏRMS AND FARMINQ UMDS I milflf To rent and for sale on Ion tlaa and easy terna. Money to loan on ' W&% II lf I,1 I KI I I Ing In all iu branclits. Saod roo4a I I H I IU I''J "I1""'P"" WrlUforpriM I i I II I T t nl ntoloicu. Coo4KcL.j, JJ X UI LI U 11 Dearburn, Suet, Caloro. ■ unuccNebrasaaLan Is, RUoiï per acre. Ouod nUlrltöJloiues lur Fanui-rj. Sur6 lnveatmaot fur capitaUbtv. Lone time, eaay paymeots. Addreif fur i'amphlHts, powBM, Kxcurtqa Dates, eu;., V. B. MII.I.KK, 1 FoiNl.. iurara, III. ■iaiBnaMamiAe'" IHinf ' KIPPERS PA8TI ÜiaSS KaanBHavaamBcuaiivwiUM, M rUPIAIIP 20 y m. Fractlce In PenaloM UtnaMUn X i SoWler Claims. Sncoea r " or no 8end fornmr laws. C. M. SITES & Po., At ty , Wasbïug(on,D.C. M! 91 U7ftthomaod mak non raonf y workinf for af taaa tfUUn t inylUnpr le In th worU Kllhif I Cly .■ raaa. Twni vaKK. AddntM, Taua Cu., Aujutt, u1m& r tvTI) Tratl and nrd without tb kalf. I . J il ,P K Bo"H on tres.:=nt aent frM. dir.M VXlll Va r. l. rONK. M. p.. Aurora, Kaa C'„ Ut ■■PP By return mail. Kuil Deaorlvtlaa kllhk MooJj'. New T.ll.r Nyt .f Una rllkma Ciu.f. KOST CO.. OUclmaati. MTO f A DAT. Samplet worth aj.f FRF.B. Lint not undtr tltt Kortfjtti. WrUê BrtwtUT Safttv Hei Baldar CoHoUt. ■ aai n lwortn(SOUprIb. PetufiKyeSalTeüwona DU LU nuxi.Lut is tiuld at Aconta a box by dsaur W. N. U. 0.-6-28. Wliun wrltlng to Advertlars pteasa ƒ you l th n.HertUOMiou t u UlU 1K jr


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