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MARY C. WHITING. AlTORNEY AT I.AW. Real Etat, nota, Coliection and Insurance offlo. PrlTats oonmltatlon of ladiM acredly regnrted. Offlo il Bast Hurón streel, Ano Arbor, Mlehtf on. MRS. S. VOLLAND. M. D. PHYSICTAN AND SUKGEON. Office and residence No. 37 Tbompson street. Office hours from 9 a. in., tlll 12 in., and from 6 till )p. in. P. M'KKRÑAN,"" A TT O R N E A TL A W. Collectloni O. promptly atended to. Money to loan. Houset and Iota or tale. Office in Court Hoom. DR. JAMKS C. WOOD. OFFICE and Kenldence, No 66 South Fourth street. Office hours from ato 4 and 7 to 8 . m. Telephone No. 114. D. A. McLACHLAN, M. D„ OFFICE IN MASGNIC TEMPLE BLOCX. Ann Arbor. Office hours from to 4 and T lolp.m. Krnidence 48 Tuompaon street. Telphone No. 123. _ DR. II. R. ARNDT, OFFICE over the First Xatlonal Bxnk. llmir: 13Ü a. ni. to 12 m. ï.ai t-.3.s0p. in. Can le raehed at ntldenee. eit Hurón Hircet (thj ■Prof. Nlcliols' plce") by telcphono No. m, aud 111 replr to calis In the e uiiíiik. DEAN M. TYLER, M. D. PHY8ICIAN AND SUGKON'. Office and realdence over postofflee, flrst floor. JOSEPH CLINTON, mrïRCHANT TAILOR. 8hop orer Wines Worden'. All work euaranlted or na barga. JOHN F. LAWRKNCK, lTTORNFy ATLAW. A. Office, nos. S and 4, Grand Opcia House, 4nn Arbor, Mica. O. M. MARTIN. TTNDEKTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. IJ Cloth Metalii' and common C'offln. Storeroom, No. 12 E. WasliiiiKton strect. Rcsidenea cor. i iberty and Fifth. Telephor.e N'o. 81. EUGENE OESTERL1N, IN8UKANCE AGENT AND NOTARY PUBLIC. MoncvB collected In any part of Europe. Drafta issued and paid. Office, No. 8, W. Liberty Street, Ann Arbor. Mich rpHE UNION HOTEL gives a good meal for 25 X cents. I also have for Sa'e Bottled Beer. Juart bottlea 10 c; pint bottles 5 e 16 W. Washington st. JOHN SCHNEIDER, Jr. Proprietor. THE GERMAHIA HOTÊlT" fiORNBB WASHINGTON AND 8KCOND U itreeta. Wm. L. Frank, p'oprietor. Sam pie rooms for travellng men. Evtty room fa ated by team. C. W. VOGEL. T-LW MAKKET. O. W. VOGEL, Proprietor. Lat of Chelsea, at Thom Matthewi' oid tand on Ann street Fresh and Salt meato kipt on hand. FREDERICK PISTORIUS. A TTORNEY AT LAW. Official oorrespon XV dent of the Germán Consalate, RealBs ata, Collectlon, Insurance, Steamshlp and Loai igencr. Office No. 40 South Main atreat. MRS. WM. CASPARY. Restaurant, Confectionery and Lunch Rcoms. l irst-i-l is' meáis at all hours. Ojrstera in very styl Hread, Cakes, Pies and Cold Lunches constantly on hand. AU klnda of cigars and Tobacco. Restaurant cor., Ann and Fourth strcets Ü. H. MILLEN INSURANCE AGENT. jlïo, 4 Soutli Main St., Ann Arbor. The oldest Rgency in the city. Kstablisbed a quarter of a century. Reprosenticg the folio wiug rirst ulas3 conipnnies. Homeins. Co. of N. Y., $7,000,000 Continental Ins, Oo. of N Y 4,207,206 Niágara Ins. Co. of N. Y 1,735,53 Olrardlns. Co. of Phila 1,132.488 Oriënt Ins. Co. of Hartford 1,4:9,522 Sommercial Union of London 12.000,000 LlTerpool. London and Globe 92,000,0011 Itatc low, Lomen liberalh artjutleil and ■from)t!yialil. C. II. ÉIl.LBK. JOHN MUEHLIG, tlESCr "' Éb Fi ■ T"éspssssTK3 DNDBBTAKER. KOOMS no, .& 5OiiTíi mam Mreei over A. L Nobles store. BESIDENCE 61 South Main St., Ann Arbor, Mich. WERNER& BRENNER No. 16 South Main St A I'UU. UBK OF FBESli eiÚCBKIBS Just Opened. -of TEAS. COFPEE8 SUGARS und SPICES. We also carry a full Üue of PIPES, TOBACCO and CIGABS. VEGETABLES In Season. WERNER & BRENNER. EBERBACH & SON. AND PHARMACI8TS, No. 12 South Main Street - ininm IM- medicine, Chomicala, Dyo Htuffli, ArtUfi and Wi Flower Material, TolIM Artlclw, Tnam, Eto. Pitg Vines ana Liprs ! 8polal attnUon pald to th fumlihloa of fhytlclan, Chemlit, School, eto., with phlloopblcal and Chemical Apparatu, Bohemlan Chemical UlaMware, Porctela Wftr. Pura EeajenU, etc. fhyaloUiu' Preaorlpttenj Carafullj Prepared at allhour. EBERBACH A SON. hneM ibcHu.n.-ritfc W&SBlmL t)c Vori) BSI'L rl&ZF&?L983 B5T Timr Tablb, May 13, 18a Standard Time. aorxe at. i. m. LI f. a. ".. r. m Chicago Lv. 5.00 9.00 8.10 10.50 Í.10 KalaSkzoo.... 10.2 1.33 6.68 4 06 2.S7 Bttlo Creek... 11.15 J.15 7.33 7.S1 4.67 8.18 Ickm.....Ar. 'i.2o' 4.15 8.49 9.85 6.85 4.60 ('Iretaea 8.04 10.18 7.28 1.36 Deiter 2 17 10.24 7.45 5.50 Ann Arbor 2.4-1 5.S0 9.11 10.40 8.08 .09 Detroit Ar. 4.10 Í.45 10.45 11.60 .30 7.80 A .H. P. M. P. M. St. Thomas Ar 11.05 2.00 12.45 Í.28 Fallí View ' 4.59 3.M 6.4Í guffalo Ar 4.35 7. IS 6 56 9.05 eoiHO wmt. i ii sa ii si a oh o L j o-, i. . P.M. P.H. i. . A.M. P.M. üuffak) ..L. 1130 5.35 10 00 l.lJ A. M. Niágara Falta 18.1 6 20 p. H. 1.45 6t Thomas... 4.25 10.00 1 10 6.80 p.M.I Detroit Lv. 7.30 9.10 4.0U 1.Ü0 8.')ii 10.19 iVnn Arbor._... 8.50 10.40 5.30 2.24 9.15 11 85 Dexter 9.0 5.50 9.4J Cliebea 9.22 8.05 10.10 Jackson... -Ar. 10.13 11.45 7.10 8.27 10 55 12.54 A.K. BattleCreek_ 12.00 1.Í8 8.52 4.88 12.271 2.23 Kalanusoo 12 801 2.0( 9.45 5.15 1.401 3 07 Chlcago...".Ár) 6.10 6. 40 9)0 7.0p 7 45 Sanday exctpMd. t Sdturday & S inday ex :opt oa DUy' B. V. HAYE8, 'J.gU An Arbor Toledo, Aun Arbor & Northeru Mlcbl g&u Kailway. Time table golng into effect Sunday Oct. tb 1887. Trains run by Standard Time. joint; North. I Qolnif Boutb. I 8TAT1ONS. Pasa Kt. faii Standard Time. Pass Ex. Mail PM. P M A w. L've.l Arr.l A. H. P. M. P. M. 6 25 3 15 5 15 TOLEDO. 9 00 110 8 42 7 51 4 03 6 Ui Itonroe Junct'n 8 10 12 31 7 51 . 06 4 12 6 10 Dunden 8 03 12 24 7 40 8 85 4 35 8 Jiilan 7 45 12 04 7 20 05 4 53 7 00 Plttsilelil 7 86 11 43 7 00 9 26 5 10 7 15 ANN ARBOB 7 15 H J 6 50 60 5 3' 7 33 U-lands's 8 .0 U 14 30 P.M 5 45 7 4(i Wtiitinor.' I.ake A.M. 110(1 5 18 5 52 7 53 Hamburg 10 L6 8 10 ü.i 8:10 Howell 10 30 5 8) 7M 40 Duraud H aü 4 88 7 46 U 55 Corunna 9 06 4 15 7 55 10 01 Owosso 9 00 4 08 tl 15 11 10 Ithaca T4U 2 46 Vai 11 35 St. Louis 7 27 2 it 9 41 1142 Alma 7 80 220 10 30 12 30 Mt. l'leanaot ti 3U 1 30 P. M. P. U. A. M. A. M. All paMOngor traina run daily eicept Sunday Traías run on the South Lyon orancn leave Ann Arbor at 9:50 p m.,Leland's et 10:00, Worden's at 10:0, and arrive at South Lyon at 11:00 p. m. : leave South Lyon at 6:30 a. m.. Worden's at 6:40. Leland's at 6:15 and arrire at Ann Arbor at 7:13 A UI. Conowtiona at Toledo wlth rallroads 4tMauhattan Junction with Wbeeliug lakoErif K. II. At Alexis Juuction wlth M C. B. K. L. 8. U'r , aod P. M. R. R. At Monrot JuDutiou with L. S. . U. g. R'y. At Dundee, wlth L. i. & M. S.. and M. O. P'y. At Milan with W„ St L & P. K'y. At PittsAsJd with L. B. & M. 8. R'v., at Ann Arbor wjth Mictiiga Central R. R . and at South Lyon with Detroit, Lansing Ji Nortlvern R. R.. ond G. T. R'y. At Hamburg with M. A, Llue l)iviion Grand Trunk U'y. At Howell with Detroit, Lanaing & North era R'y. At Durand with Chicago & Grand Trunk R'y and Detroit. Grand Haven L Mllwukee R'y At owosso Junction wlth Detroit, Grand Haven & Millwaukee R'y aml Michigan Central R. R. At St. Louid wltfi Detroit, liniing & Northern R. R. and Sïginaw Valley & St. Louis R'y. At Alma with Detroit, Lanslng & Nortliern R'y. At Mt. Pleaaant with Flint L Pere Marquette R'y. H. W. ASHLEY, General Manager. A. J. PAISLEY, Aeert Ann Arbor. W. H. BENNKTT. üej. Pass. Ajrt. HENRY MATTHEW8 Ceopi a nnt-claaa MEAT MARKET ! Dealer in all klad of Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meato, Ono Door Cast of Franklln House. Frloesj Beaaonable. Thanklnu those who hare to UberaÜT patrooed me In the pat. I alao oordlaOr ollclttrade rom new patrón. HENRY MATTHEWS, Huron Street, . Ans Arbor, Mloh, The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Ontaiized 1'i. unJer tli General Banklor La ufthis stute htut iicj-.v, iucludinK capital Stock, etc., etc., OVER S5OO.OOO ASSETS. ííumíih'ss men, Guardians, Trusteen, Ladies And other persons will flnd ttiis Bank a SAFE AND CONVENIENT I lace at whiuh to make Deposiu and do business. interest s Allowed on Ali Sivings Deposits Of tl.DU and upivard, aceonliui; to the rules of tliebanlc. and interest compounded semiannually. Money to Loan in Sumsof Í23 to $5,0OO. Seeured by Unineambered Real Estáte and other good securftleM. DIRECTORS-Chrisiain Mack, W. W. Wlnei, W. W. Harruiian, William Deuble, Dakl Rioaey, Daniel Hiscock and W. B. Smith. OFFICKRS-Cliristian Mack, President; W. W.wines, Vice-President: C. E. Hiscock, Casher. THE CALICRAPH WRITING MACHINE. Prlra dlAF f( TI1K MOST rriCe ÏHhiUU PRACTICAL, VU DURABLE And KA rui nitotaa nu.' fTHUig IImUh 20,000 F0RTnB T Ti'U, TT OFFICE, LIBRAR In Daily Use. and family, For pnnted matter, etc, address The AMERICAf Wbitiso Macdinb Co., II AI1TFUKD, CO!JN. New York Branch, : 237 Broadwat. We challenge all Wrltlng; IVIacfalae to L'om]i ithe couteit lor Sneed. Address for circulara and testimoniáis, 3tte Agents GEO. E. PADDOCK & CO., U ConRress St. West, Detroit, Mich.


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