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We Always New President Cleveland

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carne from good stock and below will be found an extract of a letter sent to the Detroit Free Press of Wednesday July lOtb: "In coünection with the meeting of the general ossembly of the terian church of Canada in St. Matthew's churoh, Halifax, a very interesting faot ' has reoently been unearthed, and that is, that the elmrch in whose ediflce its sessions are held was founded by the 1 Kev. Aarou Cleveland, great great grandfather of Grover Cleveland, President oL the United States. This was in the year 1 750. Mr Cleveland continued to minister to the cliuroh until 1764, when he demitted his charge and returned to England. He afterwards visited Halifax in the followinR year, but remained only fora short time. He died in Philadelpbia át the house of Benjamin Franklin in 1757. You will thus see Grover Cleveland is of good stock. He has been a good president, and doubtless will be good for the next term. I. B." Mr. Thurman's short speeches indicate a sound mind in a sound body, and this ought not to be a matter of surprise for man of 75. DEMOCIUTIC t'OUNTY COAVENTION The Democratio Convention to elect delegatos to the State Democratie Convention, to be held at Detroit, July 19th, met at the court house on Thursday, at 11 o'olook, and was called to order by J. F. Schub, chairman of the county convention. On motion, C. II. Richmond was elected tem porary chairman; and John Duffy secretary of the convention. On motion the chair appointed the following committee oL three on credentials: C. H. Manly, Lester Yost, and Manly Young. On permanent organization: J. V. Shcehan, C. S. Gregory, M. J. Lehman, A. J. Warren. Committee on Kesolutions: F. Joslyn, E. B. Pond, aid Dr. McLaughlin. On motion, conveotion adjourned till 1:30 p. m. Aflernoon Bestión. Conventiou met pursuant to iuljoiirnmont at 1: 30 p. m. Tüe committee on credenlials reported them all correct after a few corrections. Report accepted. The committee on permanent orgauization reported in favor of the temporary officers beins; made permanent, which was adopted. Chairman Bichmond then made snme very pertinent remarks, as to the sucoess of tlie party in 1884, and the determined spirit of the party to still hold the fort. Grover Cleveland had done nobly in carrying on an honest and economical miniSlTanon. lie uaiiuitfu iue líinuucotion, in a very convincing manner. Committee on resolutions reported the following: Resolved, That thia convention presenting tlie democracy cf Waehtenaw county, approve the platform of principies enunciateil by the recent National Democratie convention, andheartily and unreservedly endorse the renomination of that noble executive, Grover Cleveland for President, and the nomination of that noble oíd democratie leader, Allen G. Thurman for vice president. JResolvtd, That the coming Democratio State Convention by emulating the example eet, both in the presentation of principies aad eaudidates, will deperve and cominand victory for the demoeracy of Michigan . Beoted,ThaX the Democratie Congressional convention, in a spirit of harmony and concesBi on, and ignoring all aggressive claims of individuals or counties, may nnd should name a candidato for representativo in Congress who can command the entire strength of the democracy and redeem the Second Congressional district. STATE CONVENTION. The following persons were elected delegates to the state convention: At large. - J. S. Gorman, C. Joslyn, J. W. Babbitt, Alpheus Felch. First district. - J. V. Sheehan, C. S. Gregory, C. II. Manly, E. B l'ond, 11 J. Lehman, John Kyan and Fred Howlett. Seoond district. - F. P. Bogardus, D. P. Rogers, M. .T. Kelsey, P. Blum, F. J. Swain, Harry Ilelber, Henry T. Coe. CONGUESSIONAL 00NVENTION. Thefollowing persons were elected delegates to the congressional convention to be, hereafter called. Delegatos at large. - John J. Kobison Dr. McLachhn, O. II. Kichmond, and Arthur Brown. First district.- A. Burk, Jr., J. S. Gorman, ThoB. Burliugame, J. F. öcliuh.Wm. Geer, Chas. Dwyer and John L. Duffy. Second district.- William B. Osband, Chas. Wooclruff, James Lowdeo, Jacob Knapp, C. Ij. Yost, Frank Joslyn and J. M. Gross. It was announced by the cuairman that a democratie club, by advice of the state central commiitee had been established in the city of Ann Arbor, and by his request Bub-clubs in each township should form, and co-operate with the central club. Aotion was taken in the matter, and clubs in the towna and cities in the county, will all act in unisón ia the campaign before them. The convention was very harmonious and after a rousing speech by Mr. Lehman of Cheleea, and three deafening cheers for Cleveland and Thurman, the convention adjourned.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat