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Weak and Weary Describe the condltlon of many people debilítate ly the warm weather. by dlsease or OTerwork. Hood's Sarsaparüla Is Just the medicine needed to bulld up and Btrengthenthe body, purlfy and qulckea the slugglsh biood. and restore the lost appetlte. If you nefd a good medicine be sure to try llood'f Sariaparllla. 'Durlng the eummer I wal fcellng all run down, and thinking I necded somethlng to tone up my )■ tem, I took Hood'i Sanapullla and telt muehbetter. I had also tern iroubled with dyspopsla, and Hood'i Saroapnrllla helped me more than anythlng elto I could flnd." Jahis k. Dabkow, Fort Wayne, Ind. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all druge sts. il; slx for 3. Prepared only by C. I. HOOD A CO.. Apothecarlea, Lowell Maat, IOO Doses One Dollar gSg&ft DR. PH. D, PAUL, gS&ithe EYE a Specialty. -ajjll aLjmix" altlL-ted with Nor Eye, Sf HM ,.r UI.IMINEHM fóiluwKálf lílfT ff''unulate4l Uds, oall or eï= Aitittt-lnl L furiiuhed. UK pin TTSE TiECK BffST. ■ Il III 9tatjinerakeop'hem. 8tndrdjuHtT. rLlL ESTERBROOK. WjIY? WHY do I have tbis drowsy, lifeless feelUig? WHY do I have Backache? WHY Neuralgia and llheumatism? WHY does scrofulous taint and Erysipelas show itself? BECAUSE your blood is fllled withPoison, whichmostbecompletely eradicated before you caa regain health. You must go to the root of the matter. Put the Kidneys - the grcat and only blood purifying organs - in complete order, which is complete health, and with Warner s Safe Gure and WARNER'S SAFE PILLS your Cure is Certain. WHY do we a know this? BECAUSE ■■ tens of thousands of gratem ful men and women in all m parts of the world have vol untarily written U9 to this g effect. There is no stand-still in disease. You are either growing Betrteror Worse. HOW ÍS it Wth YOU? Why not tO-day resort to that medicine which has veritably Cured Millions, and which willcureyou if you will give it a chance? All of Warner's preparations are Purely Vegetable. They are made on honor. They are time tried. They are No New Discovery. Untried and Worthless; on the contrary, they have stood the test - they have provedtheirsuperiority. They stand alone in pre-eminent merit, and YOU KNOW IT. pB I Ia the best remedy for 1 all complaints peculiar I SKIN and BLOOD DISEASES quickly and permanently cured by usiog B. B. B. (Botanie Blood Balm) the ■wonderful Blood Purifier and Tonic. Large sized bottles $1.00 0 for $5.00. All DrujtgUt3 or sent free on receipt of price. BLOOD BALM CO-, Atla n ta, Ca. $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 Secures you oue large bottle oí II. It. II. (Botanie ölood Balm) the tmre and speedy remedv ior all Skin and Blood Distases. I i- il :i iid be ii v iiii . ti cbildren. It rernlatesthe bowels; asslst dentition; euros diarrheea aid dysentery in the worst forms; cures tanker 3oro mouth; is a certaia preventiveof diphtheria; quiet all iain ; invigoratos the stomach and bowels; correéis all acidity, and gives energy and tone to tho entire systom ; will cura griping in tho bowels and wind 'olic. Do not l:iti:-'uu youi'sclf or child with sleeples nights. when it is within your reach to cure your child and save yourown strength. Prepared only by Emmert l'ropnetiirj Co., CItlcago, III. Sold by all Druggists at 35 ets. per Bottle. - JONES AajL VT ü Tob Witon Hralr. ffffBKYJ Tj Rm and Btam Box for iCOII "'jom'oVilSaHAinïi!, r JÉ niNUUAMTON. N. T. .■hw ■ I proscribe and (nllrVB 1or IiIk IJ as tbe unir 4rCu7ta fB sperlfle for the cerlAln cur ri to 6 UiTS. V of this dtsease. JM}uraul nol ui (i h imsraHAM.M. D-, g Mwiiriwn. " Amslerdam, N. T. ■ raonijiiTtk Wc bave snld BI; G lor !■_... .„ui nm ïnany vean, and It ba WjlTUJmi(llveItul) b.t ot iailW Claoinnatl JH factlon. W Ohlo. JM D. R. DYCHECO.. BkJ T W fhlc-afO, Ut. TrJBBilrklSl.OO. SuW by Drugfliti. AGENTS WASTEDI CLEVELAND AND HARKISO-N CAMPA1GN BADGES! wi'b Koel, White and Bine Ktbbon. Pamplel0.S foriicts., 7ó per dozen. ImpiTittl ofall r mii.iiiti a 5c. eaoli, or Si..'o por 100 by t.Tpres, Now to f ■:(■ ttxne to C tu Muney. C.italoíine 15 stylesof BaJírfís maileil freo. A. C. CUXNINGUAM. ;8Broadway, New YorlcIiAst"ÍH"MA CUREdI Germán Asthmu i'are neveraiüto giv t-M mniüiíe nutm the worst cju,linures comfori-B ablaleep;offecticDreswhareaUathenfaiL AM trial .i Uu mort tlajxieal, Vríoe öÖc.andl Sl.Oü.olDnwritnorbyiBail SuanleFKKíB LAUIM TENNIS AND CROQUET SET r WW 11 uut-düor xumra of alt Oescriptiun. B1CC BALL AND BOATINC OUTFITS r O C beat arratle at lowe.t pi-fcef. Fl C U INC RODS, TACKLE, ETC. I V n nli modern sctIcs and impruvementa. f% 1 1 WkB O and Hunters' Accoutremont A w I ■ w at e chan manufat-turert' pricai. JENNEY A CRAHAM CUN CO., Chicago. bouJ tut CiUalok-ue. lid nientlon lili papar. FARMS AND FARMING lands ■ MI1IIIW "'" rent anil fursiile on long time nd easy t'nu. MoneT to lon on oiher. Storv M Fe.itherbone ttet. Addreu "FKATHIKIlONV." a Oaks. Mlchlff CAMPAIGWBOOKS. .AGKNl'SWANTKDf.rautboriTicaKditionsofth I.ivi'-i.r i unit .(tiri ui the Kt'puUUeananclDemoCimtlc partiej. lreuhir utriv-rm.1 free, tuinplöt outtltw BOo 'lul' N.niüXAL PUB. Oo Ohkajfo, 111. TTTTITTr Ftrt ttye&rs. Dretn ud elBII U 1 1 I Al I I lnr in &U it bran.lied. Send gooda I H I III lTy mail or expres. Wrlte for prlo U X XJJ.L1 Cl "1 Diarborn. Street. Chicago, Ut UftCCXcbri.slia Laii'ln, KtOtB por acra Oood nUITItwHtiiiu'4 lor KuruHT-. Sure lnreAtnient í"T cii;iitalist. l.uiijí tiu., oaity payments. Addxes for l'amphiets. Lo itate, Excursión Dates, eto.. II. MILLER, XlFoxftt.. Aurora, III. KIPPERS HCTlttjg&JÜgg BKHBBBBBB ■BMciiuiutuwa.Maja, 11 Hl Q 3lV .MikIi-L.ii fe, Chicago. i)t 5J M CTLJ UJi A :"'! l WmIïo of yooirdrurelston, I #%O I nlfflHa-iii by mail onraMiptol prlLL-. H a TCIITO ■ ï-Ai'Ev, UB I E. ■■ I A 1"'Dt Atlorneys, WasWnjr ton' luïtructioni uut ■ ..plnionson i.utt'iitalillKy FUKi XH) rs. experlenc. UAUp STUDT. M" .t-kplntr. PramaDshlp," ■■ V Iwl Ci Arithinetli', Shortüaud, oto, thor' ..m.'lily tiiiik'lit bynnill. l.owratcs. Ctronlara free. v.RYA.vj s aiaSSm. m Mam st.. Bmtaio. n. v. ñflT M Live at bom and make mor mour worktn for ui Ibaa UUUll "1 nrthmit eUr m the worM Klttir MI. Coltljouttl fjiüt. hmnn Aa.lrr.j, lm IC A lo., Amputa, Halaa, r 1 TrPI) Treatíd and red wlthont the knlf. I i A ll ,r K Bonk on tre=t.-.:tut Hnt free. jkddretf VI1T VaJi r, u rX)ND. M. JD.. Aurora. Kan. l'o„ m. ■■pp liy return mail. Full Deacriptloa fa ICB 11 Moodj'i ,V Tallor H;u_ of Ureta riICt Cuttl.,. 9T CO., Cincinnati. a MTO SS A. DAT. Samplet wortll SI. 54 FKEK. L(ne$not undtr ttt Vt Bïewtter Safelv Hein Holdtr Co..Holli. Jftat rni n nworthloOOper. Pettlt'sEyeSalTeliwortli UULU iiun.üut ih suid at jitMiuta box bj dealen W. N. U. D.--6--29. When wrltlug to Adrertliem pleasa ar roula the advortlsement In tbls Paper.


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