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.in. v 18, Nr.NATK.- Discussion oí the flsh eries troaty occupied the entire session. Hoisi:.- The da.y was passcd in debating the mail subsidy olausc in the postoffleo ap propriation bill. Jui.t 1(, SrsATE.- Mr. Hoar from the committee on library reported back senato bill appropriating }a5,000 for the purposo of ereeting u monument to Gen. George Uogers Clark in Louisville, Ky., instead o; in Washington, as a reoognition o( bis eminent services to nis country in the con luest of the Northwestern territory during the revolutionary war. After eulogistic remarks by Senators Hoar, Voorheos Bla'kburn and Daniel, the bill was passe and the senate took up the fishery treaty i open executivo session. House. -The last important itera to be oonsidered in tho Mills bill wns the froe wool clauso. The motion to strike out the i-lause was mado by Heriah Wilkins of Ohio. On a división tho vote stood 93 to 138, Tellers woro then ordered and the Wllkius apiendment was finally diposed of-ayes, JÜ2; nays, 130, AU the Michigan dernoorats voted to retain the free woqI clauso, am} all the Michipan i-epublicans to strike it out. The other svent of the day's proceedinjrs was the tlefeat of a free whiskj' amendment to the ritei'nal rovenue law. .In y JT, SÉNiTE,- The bill to provlde for the adjustment of claims of pjvernment tvorkmen under the eighthour day law of 1868, mul which provides for the ettlemeut 5f suoh claims for overwork done sinoe the passage of the law and making eight hours i fuU day's worb, was passed by a vote of Í5 to 32. The bill to plaoe John O, Vomont 3 the rotired Hst uf the army as a niajorïeneral was taken up and after same disjussion passed. The bill for the admiasion 5f Washington Territory wa taken up and Jiseussed until the hour of adjournmeut. Ha .SK.-Tho house went at onoe into ïommittoe ai tho whole on the tariff bill, ihe interpal revonue feature being the jonding order, A iiumber uf amendmenta ibolishing the tax were rejected., GENERAL. The New Yurk republioan clubs held a meeting in New York, July U, aud adopted rcsolutions pledging support to Harrison and Morton ; approvlng the policy of pro-i'ction; appealing to republicans to organi.e; diselaiming all right to representaron it conventions as a body, and making each i'lub responslble for the result of the coming election in lts own district. W. 11. Powell, president of tho national issodation of union ex-prisoners of ,v;ir. has sstinl his circular aunouncing the jjxteeuth itmiual convencían, af theasnociaioii (o tak plaoe in Indiauapoiis on Sep.'■mlicr M and l'J UOXt. Springer'g livery stable in Huffalo was ilestroyed by lire the other morning, an '.wo men and 22 horsos burned to death. A cali has been issued for a convention f culored voters to be held in Indianapolis Jul.v 26. Floods in Pennsylvania and West Virginia have destroyed millions of dollars worth 5f property. Iu West Virginia alone the lamage is estimated at $2,000.000. pharles Kittridge. Utmyep hanker, has aiisged his confldential clork, Arthur White, nd $10,00(1. Tho striklujj switchmen iu Kansas City nave placed a boyoott on the Burlingto'u ystem. The engineers indorso their action. Gov. Marmaduko of Missouri has granted a respite of four weeks to Hugh M. Brooks, ulio was to have been hanged on the 13th iust., for the murder of his friendC. Arthur Preller iu St. Louis in April, 1S85. The cornerstone of the admiuistration building of the soldiers' and sailors' home, milej firan Sndusky, Ohio, wfts laid lul.v 12, wttli impqsing oepemoniBB, Many of Ule G. A. K. jiosts of tho state weie repregnted, and an immense crowd wa In attendance, At noou the veterans were reviewad by Gov. t'omker. l'rof. C. I{. VanHlzo of Madison, Wis., las been appointed Unitod States geoloulst for the northwost. The New London and Northern railroad company 's repair and machine shops at New -lOndon, Conn., wero ontirely destroyed by firo the othor morning. At Minneapolis Frank Hoover, president [ the typographical unión, aud William B. Hammond, a momber of its executive, have been1 indicted for boycotting tho gaturday Kvening Spectator. A terrUlp gjUe swept down upon the Atlantic coast on the litth lust. Many vessels vvere wrockud, and a number of persons ïrowneU. Ben. Ilopklns, one of the offleers of the Pidelity uational bank of Cincinnati, senteneed to the Ohio penitentiary, is suffering from dropsy. Tho state board of pardons haa signed a rocommendation asking PresiSent Cleveland to pardon him. J. K. Bolch, a plantation overseerin FairBeld county, South Carolina, has died from liydrophobia caused by acat bito, Tho animal inflicted the WQund while ingreat rago. The President has acepted the resiffnation of Hon George V. N. Lothrop, Unitod Btates Ministor to Hussia, to tako effect August 1. Icelanders are on the verge of starvation, and many are moving to Manitoba. Manitoba liberáis elected S8 sf their mem bers to tho legislature, while the conservatives squoozed in only three. Norquay had i plurallty of but two votes. Tho Cauadian Pacific has i)urchased the South Shore railroad. A syndicate of capitalists, 16 in number, md but one of thom from Duluth, will build t that place during the coming fall and yinter one of the largest floating and staionary dry docks on the chain of lakos, the nterprise calling for an outlay of $220,000. Col. Jones S. Hamilton of Memphis, ?eun., has broughtsuit in the Unitod States :ourt, before Judge Hammond, for $00.000 amagos against the Memphis Appeal comany for referring to him as l'a depraved nurderer," "an assassin," "a conspirator," ind "the boss of a gang of corruptioTiists," oi ause of his counuection with the leasing f the Mississippi peuitentiary. ' The New York Sun is for sale, and the wee is tö,00o,üooo. ' in consequenoe of a wa9hout on tho Fort Vorth Denver raUroad tho north-bound ntssengor train tras preoipltated through a ridgu near Clarendon, Texas, the other norning. Engineer Smith and Fireinau Vilson were instautly killed and u number f the passengen badly shaken up. The postmaster-general has recoived no ico that the Germán postal department lias örwarded to this country several cases of xhibits for the (Jineiunati exposilioh. ' The President has vetoed, twp more p(n!ou bilis 011 tho ground that thé diabjlfties or wliieh tlie pension was akod woro not tcurred in the service, aud another bficause ie beneflclary nained already receives a citsion. The remalna of the late Roscoe ConklhiK rere removed trom the receiviug vuult and uterred in Porest HUI cemetery at Utica, f. Y., on the Hitli inst. Father O'Connor of New York, sa.vs that ster Mary Francia Claro, the "iiun of Reniñare," lias renounced the Cathollc aith and will jom Father O'Counor's couerted Catholic society, tien. 'Kerwin, editor of Arckbishup ( !ori iKau's'organ eonrms tlie story. It is reponed that EMHwn hassoldall ght and lutereat lu his uuonograpn to an Ingliah synüicate for i:i5O,ÜOÜ. As reportod to tho sonate tho sundry vil appróprlatfonblil sppropriates 187,000,Tlie department of state 19 Im'formed that a well organizod rovolution exista in Vcnezula. Twenty buildings in Harlema, (ci.. were blown 'down dnnfe a yind s'tP(ñn qm he lSth'init. Dr. HexbéftB, Knyimldsof Woodoouuty, piio, ia In ]ail in Toledo, oharged wlth ,-liild murdor. Whou arrostod lie liad a isuiall blaok aatohel whlch was found to contaiu tho doad body of an infaut, evldcntlv but a few hou ra old. FOREIGN. The bill providïng for the payment of salaries to memben of the house of oommons in Engliind was defcated the other day by a inajority of only 57 tn u total rote of :tí7. The number of those who are will ing to be paid for their serviles In Ulereas Ing. At Loon, Mexico, the principal scène ?f the great tlood, the pcople are aAd ti be packed In portals, atables and ,-.v vv avafi able place of sheltex, with littlo ulothing to shelter tem. It is belteved that many bodies are still in the ruins. Sorae 300 were reeovered, but the stench was so groat that further search was abandoned. The buildings detroyed aro mainly of adobe. A judicial commissiou has been appolnted to investígate the charges against Parnell. Gen. Boulanger's proposition for a dissolution of the French chamber of deputleg was dcfeated, whoreupon Boulanger resigned, aiter gtving the lie to Premier Floquet. By the buruing of the Debeers eoal mine at Kimberley, South África, 500 minera Jost thelr Uves. The Pall Mali Uitzette denounces Prince Bismarck for allowing the reporta of the Germán doctors on the case of the late Emperor Frederick to be published. Many persons were killed by hail stonos in Hungary on the 13th inst, An imperial ukase flx thenumbur of tho Russian contingent recruito at 250 Ü00 as sgainit 235,000 in 1887, and places the period of active servioe at flvo years, but at 13 years for the Undwehr. All ablebodied men under 44 years of apo who have not already been in active service must joln the landwehr. Natalie, Queen of Servia, waa ordered to leave Gerroany within 'M hours, and hastilv preparod to obey the edict. Her sou was taken from her by force, by order of the king. Gen. Boulanger and PHme Minister Klo quot fought a duel on the 18th inst, The place of meeting was a mile or o out of Paris to the northwest, whore Count Dilïon has an estáte in the old aeat of tho Orleans primes. reoelvcd a sword thrust in th.e nfok which mav prove fatal Floquet was not eriouly iujurcd. Six iron-clads, four dlsputoh ghips, fuur vessels of the training nquadrou und a üotilla of torpedo boats will wake up the escort that aocompaoles Kwpeior William on his v Uit to the czar of Russia. The trouble in Zululand Is looming up. and in government circle Jt is believed that the pomplleaUoin wtU end In severo nghtiug, War uarrespondents oonnected with many of the London dalliea are alreadv making preparations to dopart to the probable scène of the conflict, xne aowager Empresa Victoria bas requestd Dr, Maekenzie to prepare for her a true bistory of Kmperor Frederlck's illness in order to correct the asserttons of the German doctors. It is unkuown whether or not the Empress will publish the report. The Germán governmeut will sign the sugar bounties treaty Aug. 16. Queeu Victoria has purchased a villa la Florence for L211,00U. The British govQriiuiêftt Das aaoptod a propositan t mi a Ux on Woyolea. A Vieuuu inerchant ha8 boen senteneed to l."i uiuniliM' luipi xiiimiiMit for making in sulting romurks about thedowager Kaipros Victoria, The dowager Empress Victoria is engaK'd in reoraniaing her court. She will remato in Berhn or Potsdam until she flnds a suit able castle ou the Rhine in which she can reside with her daughters.


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