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L Snccessfnl Man. ifj-iXIki, The Warner famfiaPIlJS. "y orlfrlnated in y yJBaa England,JobnWar ttS ■ ner, B I b o p o( It VTV Rochester In the ]7.C jllj seventeenth centrA Cél "rV. beine one of JHv p the most prominent Hia -ik members. Col.Seth agoO Warner of lievolujLjfr y tlonary fameiu thla 39%rl X country, and (pt. á&r ƒ y Seth Warner, avalKjBP" I "" ""A ant man la tbe Sr war of 1812, anil r f elRlitdlstlngulshcil ■ pbyslclanp, mark tbo H. H. Warner llnn lu America. II. II Vvarner was bom In Vau Bureo, Ouondaga Co., N. Y., Jan. 19tb, 1842. After an cducatlon at Dr. Wrlirbt's Acaddny at Elbrldtfe, and acqulrlnir tbe tinsmlth's trade at Memphls, N. Y., be went wct for flve years. Iu 1870 he returned to Rocbcster as General Agent ot tbe Mosier Safes of Cinclnnatl, ()., and for ten years was tbe most auccessful safe dealer in tbe country, and amassed afortune. In 1879 be was prostrated by a severe dlsease. Tbe best pbyslclans gave blm no bope of recoverj. It was at tira time that be used wbat Is now known as Warner's safe cure and was fully restored to bealth tbcreby. RelIzlng tbat tbe world needed sucb a speclflc for kldney disease, he made ■ vow tvhen slck tbat If it cured blm be would apend hls days proelalmlnc lts inerlta to ibe world. On bis recoverj he bezan at once lts manufacture, and to-dar tbere are se ven laboratorios and the brauch houses in neren different quartera of the globe. In 1SS3, tbe Wuroer Aatrono mlcal Observatory ereeted and endowed by Mr. Warner, wat completed at an estlmated expense of 160.000. It is located on Kast Avenue, and is tbe flnest private Astronomlcal Observatory In tbe world. Tbe telescope cost f 13,000. 81 nc 1879, astronómica! prlzes to tbe extent of f5,000 have been awarded by Mr. Warner for ecientlfic dlscovery. In 1882 be was elected a member of tbe American Assoelatlon for tbe Advancement of Sclenco. In 1886 II. H. Warner & Ca, put Warner's Safe Yeast upon tbs market, and in 1887 Warner's Log Cabln Remedie, deslgned to reacb diseases for wbicb Warner's Safe Remedies are not specifles. The Safe Remedies building on N. St Paul St., with lts four and a quarter acres of flooring is one of tbe most Imposine structures of the klud la the world. In 1887 H. H. Warner was unaulmnusly elected President of tbe Rochester Cbamuer of Comraerce, a compliment that the city and all wbo knew blrnconfessed was more than well deserved. Hls Inaugural addresa to tbat Cbnmber was notable for IU radical views and thorougb-golni; sensible recommendatlonn. He ia a bout aiz feet high, baslron grayhalr, gplendld phyalque, Í1 a man of great enericy. and Is one of tbe most thorough-golng and publlc-splrited cltlzens of Rochester. The Virginia inlets ere alive wlth boati planting oysters. A new line of stocklngs made in Lowcll U called "snowblack." A Georgia man has celebrated bil golJen wedding wltb hla second wlfe. Slncs January, 1887, 881 manufactnrlng companles have been organlzed In Japan. Rider Haggard bas irone to Iceland for a bollday. He is a sportsman aa well u a penman. Princesa Eeatrice Battenburg la taklng antifat to reduce her obealty, wlilcb threatons to become abnormaL Andrew CarneKle says tbat tbe coachlng trip whlch be and Mr. Blalne wlll take wlll last at least tlll July 1. The weljrhliiK macbluet In hotels and otber public places in Pblladelpbla aro aald to average a net profil of f 35 a montu. The Chinóse gorernment Intends erectlng i monument to Gen. Uordon on the scène of bis vlctory over Ibe Talping rebels. EmpressEllzabeth, of Austria, havlng been (orbidden to tako equlne eierclse for aome uoDths, dow amuses berself wlth a trlcycle. Tbe Mornioii hlerarcbj la sald to pay Mr. M. Glbsun a ealary of $10,000 a year lo look after tho Interests of Zlon at Washington. Wben Charles Dlckens, jr., reached Portland Oregoh, last Tuesday be bad made a B7,000-mlle lecture tour through tbs United BÚÍMl Uen. Wade Hampton was tbrown from hla borse in Washington the other day and suffered a compound commlnuted Jiucturo of Uls woodeo leg. Ollver Wendell Holmes, jr.. Justlce of tb Bupremo Court of Massaohusetts, Is visltlng In California, atid wlll closely study the Chinese cheap labor questlon. Governor Beavw, of Pennsylvanla, bas glTen (1,000 to tbe Onu Mllllon Dollar Permanent Fund for Ministerial Relief that Is beIng ralsed by tbe Presbytcrlan Cburcb. Thero is talk of the Rev. Dr. Bodlne, president of Kenyon collese. as tbe successor of tbe Rev. Dr. (eiser in Ibe rectorshlp of tbe cburch of the Eplphany, at Washington. General Boulanger and Mr. Blalne met frequètltly wben tbe General ylslted thla country to atteud tho centennlal of the surrendor of Yorktown. Blalne was tbcn Secretary of State. Belva Lockwook, slnce her nomlnatloa for tbe Presldencjr, has bougbt a stuanlnar new bponet A cunnlngly-coustrucled artlUclai beo is made to bover amone tbe flowera tbat adorn lta crowu. Harold Brown, dBcendant of Nlcholu Brown, after wbom Brown Unlverslty waa named, and a member of tbe class ot 1SS0 of tbe UnlvcrBlty, bas glven (100 for Episcopal tnJsslouary work. Marshal Bootb, son of General Booth of England, iscouductlng the movementaof tbe Salvatlon Ariny iu Albauy.N.Y. He la a tal), Ihln man, wlth Ion;;, black bcard, loajr arms, and a long tonque. Alonio Steele, ot Grliiuell, Iowa, bas glyen 120,000 to endow the cbair of matbematlcs and natural pbllosopby of Iowa college, tbe cnair to ba callea In memory ol )l üauciuer, the "JJyra Stcelo" cbalr. Senator Palmer, of Michigan, li the owner of & fine bomestead farm, aud be plauta a tree f tüere for every senator wlio viaits hlm, Edmunda' Is a beecb, Joucs's a mulberry, and Sherman's a soft basswood. ; Oce of the wealthlest drlegates at tbe i Methodist conference In New York la Amos Shlnkle, of Covlngton, Ky. Ue leuds many Clnclnnail enterprlses, and nrdently protnotes wlsslouary and Suuda.r school work. The Kev. Dr. Leonard, lately ol Brooklyn and dow rector of 8t, Jobu's Church, Washington, D. C„ wbo ba been elected Blsbop of Southern Oblo, wlll b; the .younitcst mem bcr of the Eplscopacy, belug just 40 years old. Dooald 6. Mitcbell, bctler kuown as "Ik Maryol," llves quletly ou bis farm at EJitewood, Conn., and looks liku a Utlle old Scotch farmer or gardeuer. He la nowOU,aud bas a comfortable reveuue trom lila publlshod books. Ilenry Villard la loomlng up agaln In the flnanclal world aud Is talked of for hls old posttton at tbe bcad of tbe Orogon Transcontinental company. Mr. Villard begaa bis llfo as newspuper man and preserves hl bounca. A number of tbs street car employcs of Indlauapolii have petltlonod tbe ChlcagQ syndloate buylnir tbe property to remove car No. 145 because lt bad bad nothlnjc but a record of lncldents, rubberlos, aud murder Blnc lt left tbe shop. For The Nerveus The Debilitated The Aged. Hftllc&l and Bclentlflc iklll bu at lut wolni tfaa problem of tbe lou? ucMtxl ntetlielo for the nr. tous, deMHtatad, and tbe itfivl. by comblDlnr tba j but ne rve tonlon, 'ciory ml Coua, with other cffectlve remedies, whlcb. actiuir fently but effldently on the kldneyn, llver and bowela, remove dliKUs, reaten itreurUi and nnewTitality. Thli imdlclaa üi elery @3ound .' lt flUfl a place heretofon unocenpied, and marte a new er In tbs treitxnent oí uerrous troubles. Overwork, anxlety, tlUease, Uy tbe foundation of nerroos proatratlon and weakneM, and rpertenc haa abown tbat the uuual remedien do not meiid tbo train and paralyala oí tho nervoua ■yatem. Btfoommended by professional and buBioeea man. Bend for circular. Frico . 00. Sold by drufjiita. WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., Proprletori BUaLWOTÜN. VT. A LIVE FOUHTH. Grand DnliiK n Ilir ithweat. "None to do it rcverence" cannot be said of the Kourth of July, 1888. Tho wholo uorthwest commenced on that date a Jubilee the like of which has nover been known in i this country; and to the general patriotism exeited by the oucurrence of the "Doclaration" anniveraary, Is added the special influence of the fact that 1888 marks tho first century of the exlsteuce of the northwest portion of the United States as u civilized coinmunity. Only one hundred years of time separates tho eras of the wild beast j and Indlan from that of the arts of peace, and the white man's culture; but the path of human progresa cxpands like a fan, and it may bo truly said that the work of the i past eentiry has been the utillzation of the experienco und laï)ors of aJl previous ones. ! In DO place has this leen more conspicuou tlian in the west, and proud of their record, its denizens, through tho "hundred da.v" centennial exposition inaugurated at Cincinnati, Ohio? on the Fourth of July, are commemorating the lapse of an even cen' tury since tho white man began to redeem the wilderness, and substitue his peculiar institutions and deflnito methods for the haphazard ways of poor Lo. A man in Connecticut, who built a fancy barn, stole eight tombstones from a graveyard to build his mangers. When everything else fails, Dr. Bage's j Catarrh Remedy cures. ! Bric-a-brac shelvag of oxidized silver have Just made their appearance. "Wbt Drun Will 8 cour Thee Enell.l. Henee" Wicked Macbeth, who murdered good i King Duncan, asked this qucstion in bis despair. Thousands of victims Of dlMBM jaredaily asking "What will scour the impurities from my blood and bring me health?" Dr. l'ierce's Golden Medical Discovery will do it. When the purple lifetide is sluggish, causing drnwsines, headache and loas of appetite, use this wonderful vitalizer, which nevor fails. It forces the liver into perfect aetion, drives out superfluous bile, brings the glow of health to the cheek and the natural sparkle to the eye. All druggists. In cotton goods for summer, checks and stripes of all widths appear, and pink and pale gray are leading colors. A Plenanre Shured by Woiucn Only. Malherbe, the gifted French author, declared that of all things that man possesses, women alone tuke pleasure in being possessed. This seems generally truo of tho sweeter sex. Like the ivy plant she longs for uu object to cling to and loVe - to look to for protection. This being her perogatiye, ought she not to be told thst Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is the physical snlvation of her sex ; It banishes those distressing maladies that make her life a burden, curing all painful irregularities, utorine disorders, innammation and ulceration, prolapsus and kindred weaknesses. As a nervine, it cures nervous cxhaustion. prostratlon, debility, relieves mental anxiety and hypochondria, and promotes refreshing sleep. After years of abeyance, the pretty fashlon of wearing natural flowers in the hair is sanctioned by high authorities. The Ilomelleat Mun In Michigan As well as the hundsomest, and others are invited to cali on any druggist and got free a trial bottlo of Ivemp's Balsam for the Throat and Lungs, a remedy tbat is selling eutirely upon its merite and is guarantecd to relieve and cure all Chronic and Acute Coughs, Asthma, Bronchitis and Consumption. Large Bottles 50 cents and {1. Tho state of Sonora, Mexico, levies a tax of $3 on every baby born withln its limits. Uotanle Blood Balm. B. B. B. Is the only Blood Purlfler that makes posltlve and permanent cure of all Blood liiseiiscH. For femalcs, troubled wlth painful menstruatlon, ovarían tumors, uterlne ulcerü, and clirunic troublex. its actlon is speedy and efftctual. One tt.00 bottle will convlnce anyone. 6 bottles és.00. AU Drwglsts. Blood Balín Co.f Atlanta, Ga. A jardiniers of open work silver is the latest toilettable ornament. Sta'ie ov omo. City oi' Tolcdo, t Lucas CoOKTV, as. j Frank J. Ciikxkv makos oath that he Is th peul'jr purtnerof tho ïtriu of F. J. Cuk.n'ey & Cu. riolng business lo tbc City of Tolcdo, Countv and Suf aforesitid, uud tlmt sald llnn will pay the sum of ONK in MiiciJi IXILLARS lor eaeh and every case of UATAltiiH that cannot bo curo.i by tho uso of Hall's Catarbb Cuiu. TOÁNK J. CHENBT. Sworn to before me and subcribed In my uresenco this ith day of December, AD, 'i. - i A. W. (ÍIJCA8ON. j 6ÏAJ, j Notary Public. Hall'9 Catarrh Cure Is taken Internnlly and acts directly upon thA blood and niucuit url'aces of the ystííiu. Send for testimonial, free. V. .1. illtNKï i CO., Toledo O tySold by DruKKists. 75 cents. A moonstone spider, withgold legs, crawling up a gold uoodle to ;i moonstone globe, is the pattern of a very new hat pi. Jay Eye See's driver, Edwin D. Bither, uses Cole's Vcterinary Carbolisalve, and a thorough trial enables h'ih to endorse it as the best remedy be ever saw for general stable uso. Sold by druggists at 50c. and $1. i If your wife asks for a new bonnet Just glvo her a poke. When Baby vas sick, we gave her Castorio, When she was a Cliild, she cricd for Castoria, When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, Wben she bad Jren, sho care them Castoria. ! 1' or a plain rfug, ilull gold ín ropo pattorn i quito as stylish as anything. A black pearl bee, wilh diamond wings, is a now broooh simpl.v ravlshing. Womrn ma.v not the ri-rht to vote, bnt no (mu cuestiona t heir rhrht to veto. Striped molre and grenadine, either black or white, is niucli choseu lorwatoring-place wcar. Perfumea Unlnga for tea gowns are among ttio newést dovelopmenta of íuxurious fashion. 1-ovc iu a cottage is all very well, but it isn't to be compared with love in a brownstone frout. In St. Louis thore are thirty girls who wili in timo beoonte mllllonalres. (Jo west, j'oung man, go west ! Green in all shades, from applo to olive, is a favorito hue for the trimming of b straw or Neapolitan hat. Fine Milan braid is ft favorito material for bonnets, with split Ensdish straw and Frenen chips a good second. ïho best possible alloviation of a decol lette corsage is yard after yard of illusion draped high about the shoulders. Smal] mantels of black embroidered eashmero, or of sheer white mustia, can be worn with gowns of any material. Striped and cross-barred crape and sewing silk grenadinos are the preferred material for summer mourning-gowns. In silver Jewelry the rock finish, etched in quaint designs, is rapklly suporscding the hammered patterns so long worn. Black toilets still lead all others. and for evening gold embroidered black silk, combined with gold-colored moire, is the acmo of olegance. London Truth asserts that if a woman paints her face and a person who has been eating clovcs breathes upou that paiut it will turn black. For amourning pin, choose either a bar of onyx set with pearl forget-me-nots, or else a geranium leaf of that stono with one brilliant at the edge. Grasshopper green and pcriwinkle pink are the names to two fresh spring tints daintily intermingled in the adornings of a Parislan round nat. Butterfly wing is the very latest point for draping, and the insect is further imitated by wearing them in fours- two at front and two back. Rosettes of crepe lisse are among the lovliest bonnet trimmings, and a cluster of vio Iets or valley lillies is oftcn nestled between two or three of them. Pretty gowns for misses are of white camel's hair, striped with gold galoon, or of white cashmere. striped with velvet in blue, brown or scarlet. The bride who can afford it has a lace matinee made up in Valcnciennes or marquiso over a white silk slip, with the addltion of bewildering bows. Many of the best tailoi s send home with spring gowns of light, pale-hued wool, vests of white embroidered pique, whose flowers match the dress in color. Good fonn now requires looso gloves for women as well as men; in consequence, fashionable ladies have gono up at least two sizes in their purchases. The conglomerato neckwear of lace and ribbon is decidedly passé, thoughtwin folds of ribbon alone, andsoftencumberedclouds of lace, are more in favor than ever The indefinito, shadowy broche patterns produeed by the Jacquard looms are noticeable in mauy of the beautiful semi-diaphanous textiles imported for midsummer wenr. A Maryland womau has been granted a patent for a bonnet holder. We have often feit that we should like to act in that capacity ourselves at public entertainments. Clustered rows of ribbon, or ribbon-like braid, are soen above the hem of many new gowns, while clustered tucks, with ribbon between, faiily run riot in the bodices of the summer. To PeraonaGoIngto Mountatu unl Scal.l. The Moxie people have made j'ou a 75c. bottle of its Syrup. that with ice water will malte you sevemy-five half tumblers of rich, luscious beverage nerve food, that will give you a big appetite. strong, vigorous nerve strength of doublé endurance, without stimulation. ï'eaction or harni, actiiisr as a food, not like alcohol. Coutains no drugs. Has recovered many cases of hel))less paralysis from nervous exhaustion. The U. S. courts have confirmed these facta from a bitter examination into its morits. A Louisville youngwqman issaidto have been made insane by dying her hair. She was found in her room seated among broken mirrors, crockery and pietures, a raving maniac, Purity and Strength Tho former In the blood nnd the latter throughont the iystera, aro necesary to tlie enjovm-nt of perfect bealth. The best way to secure both Is to tako ïïootf i Saraaparlila, whlch expela all lmpurltfes frora the blood, rousca the kldncyá and llver, overcomes tlut tlred fcollDj?. and Imparta tlmt frashnati to tho vhole body, which mafcea one ieel perfect y well. "I have taken not quite abottleof Ilood's Saraaparllla, and must say It la onc of the best medicine lor Ktvlne an appetite, purlfylng the blood, nml regulatlMg the dlgeatlve orfans, that lever heard of. It dld me a great deal pf gojd." ilas. N. A. Staxley, Canastota, N. y. Hood's Sarsaparilla 6old by all drugglsts. 11; slxfor3. Prepared only by C. 1. HOOD cfc CO., Aliothucarlca, Lowcll, Masj. IOO Poses One Dollar The best Blood Purifier and Tonic, B. R B., Botanie Blood Balm. Absolutely the quickest, cheapest and most effectual Blood Poison liemedy on Earth. Warner's Safe Gure Ihas been before the public now about ton year3. and in thattime has provecí itself tobe all that it has been represented. It is purely vegetable. 2contains nothin lmimful, ana DOES purify the blood and CURE clisease, as it puts the kidneys, the only purifying organs i" complete bealth. 3It cures perrnanently. We have tens of thotisands of testimoniáis to this effect from peoplewhowerecuredyears agO aiw-l who are well today. ItisaScientificSpecific, was notput npon the market until thoroughl y tested, and has the endorsement oí Prof. U S. A. Lattimore, M. A. Ph., ƒ■ LL. D., Official Analyst of #1 foods and medicines, N. Y. ■"■ Stato Board of Health, and scores of eminent chemists, physicians and professional experts. TI. IT. Warner & Co., do W not cure everything t from one bottle, they ira having a for each imporh I tant disease. Fight shy of L any preparation whioh claims infallibility. The testimoniáis printed by II. H. Warner & Co., are, so far as they know, positively % genuine. Tor the past fivc hfe years they have had a standing offer of $5,000 for proof to UË the contrary. If you are sick and want to gét well "se Warner's Safe Gure f Cures and Prevents. jír5 ESSfí Colde, jA?si W ;ƒ Cough8. kV%%VC Sore Throat, SgSBagiBC. Hoarsoness, „ StiffNeck, KaflBKM Bronchitis, ga 1 S %XfJggr Headache, HSSlLAa Toothache, giraal lHfiSev Rhoumatiam, I QBP"Se. Neuralgia, " " Asthma, Brulsesi BI Sprains, Oulcter Than Any Known Kcmedy. It was flral anj U (he only Pain rrmcdr that tnsraucty top the mosl excrucUtllw pmn. allay Jnnnmmatlon umi tarea Conga!! mi. whcilier uf tlia LUI1SS. Slonurli, l'.owll. orullliT KllltldB or nreaiM. 1.0 matter liow vu eai orexcrBctutlnx ihepnliitho Rheumat'c BccliMd.-n. Inlinii. CrlDpUd Nervou Neuraltclc. Dt proftratod wiili lüsens.-s may ulier RADWAY'S REAOY RELIEF wlll afTurJ Irislailt uisc. BOWEL COMPLAINTS Thirly to lity drops In lialf a turnblcr nf wator wlll in a few minuten ctn-e Cranips. .-nisms, Sour Stomaoft. Hajuaa VomltlDg, PaipiiatiMi of il, a Haart ralntnoii. lionrlburu. Stk llf.,.l.u-hc. Dl. ir. fhca, Ilvscntery. Cullc, Wiud ia tlie i'.uiv,-la aml ad luterual palns. Thenta not a lemedla] gent In the woriil thnt wlll cure Fevftr jiu.l Ajítie. 'itl all other M-iUrlou1, JüliDiminrl ollierfo . i:n.i,v:iy llla ao qulrk IS liadwny'a Ro:irly Itrlicf. WUlj cents per Bottle, Sul I by dragglata. dr. radwaTITco,, n. y. Proprietors of ltndway's Suraapirillinn Kesolv ent and Ir. Badway'8 i'ills. MARVELOUS MEMORY DISCOVERY, Wholly Untike Artlöclnl rnteniBf Auy í$iM)li Lenrned ïh OD6 Keadinar Recomm;iitle'ï by Uabs Twaix, EÜCRabo Proo tor, the 8ctenflftt, Bons. W. V. Astor, Judati P. Benjamin, Dr. Hixor, ere. i . mbiaLaw Student : afti at Merlden ; 2 i t il N rv ich 350 at OlKrlin College; two Clasflen of 2tt) eacli at Yale; 400atUniv'i-sity of Peuu.. Phiu. . ' - -lifsley College, anl thne Clnsfla at hatnuqua Uní; verslty. etc. Prospect ProfTLoiSFTTE, :'.: v : k. NËWENGLAND CONSERVATORY" of MUSIC Boston, Etiass. THE r.AKOEST and H-.t Finlppcd !n Mie Vi-ll- lto Initriirton. ïi'2 udnitl laatycar. 'lhor. ■ iK'tion iu Vocal and iitfrvmmttil xutte. Pian end O'yan Tunij, Fin' Art", Orntmn, Literatura frene, ; Italutn Lenguttf, .„i,li. firai:lii. Cymnail.rt.tic. Tultion, 5toi3l board ui r.K.:n ilh Slum !!.! ....1 Klcclric Lljht, Éi.OÜto Í7.M p.r wrjk. '' Term lx-gini Sept. 13, l.-'-. For fllurtrated Calendar, iTiini t::'.i iiiihniiuiion. addi-ws E. TOUBJKE, Duettor, Fiujik;í;i Mliuue. HufflUK, ilisS. To take ft co'ïr-ie in tïio Bus:no. Sliorthand Engllsh r iVnmanhip Departtnentfl t the litioit Bulne i iiivt'tiHv. Detr n. Ehflch. Opn to ladie e [uallj Mth ;cn"lcmcn. Ilhitr.itC(i cutiiloguo f re.'. dSSHBl. M ' prorfbf and fnlly enmSr ö'm 'o W spí'cíííc fort lic eer tuin cure jsSSri tü 5 daTS.I „f ,,is disense. H onjuittan. ■ Amsterdam, N. Y El iiratftüybytti We bave BOld Pifr. O for Wl ClaclcnotJ.qW factlon. S. Ohio. W D. B. DYCHEACO.. &Ê9-rxr Cblcaco, UI. j Trailo ■- jK. .tai ni Sc,)(j lly Urugista. PDEC UnilCC AtthurítítlfrJinT.beenjo. "-■ 'jyivry-'-! Ko-vl tk EinMCoMcur, u Kich Und u t). ttua íIiikm 3 x: 01 Qö per HcrC Wbn t.ior Muid b l.ft for CbO 'r.rt? Vii.T thMs Lu.dc vw bo t?( U13Q, u willu for icfenpition f 1 Swto md tcrrltoii, wout ÏOMOW nd TodT, tfc, W-niM ImtaA Vturi.jv Fumvm o tb Gaita h AJdnu TIUwItTXBIl WOULU. CbtcnKO.nL WELLS, c. Senil fV.roiirrntaloRiic. ka, nn Woll HnriiiS "J l'oal l'roMrc! int .MitrhilH n. Ai1. LOOMIS #. MYMAN. TIFFIN. OHIOble ana elaatlc. Storr of Feaiherbone' Irmb. A'i'iresi "FEATIIEKBOXK." :í OuU, HlchlxKB, AOENTS WANTEBtoopll thePEKSOXAX Memoirs oí Gen. P. H. Siieridan UUttttfi tlOW : ' ' 1} ,i il-Hl-u lii:i-SIU 1 lii-l. I ob Oraat'i Memoira. CHanco of a híe-tíme to nmkd monej, Ad I CHdtCO., t inrao. C1L gawBg3aaraaitJMBi',',iunk.Mml unuECN-tr:iHku i. Otón pt ere. Sood lor l'ariiHT-. Sure ivfstment for pttallsts. Lonff tlmef eaj pavnient-i AddröM for Pamphlets, Uon ttaie. Bxoorsloo i'n .-, ítc., ■ V. H. Mll.l.EII, ai Fo s;.. lurora, 111. PAMPilRN MFnál ? ' ' ■■'l:IM lThnrman, liHmrAIÜSI mCUALii , Morton In :i BroDKe,3dl(T rcnts'imiildsand ji r-Mtts' tprrus for V-. '!'!'■■ Sih.:i:i'. Sl;imn.(' Si-.l ■,., M hí;uik. c. Wl8, ftn ! MrU AIAUA 20yrt.PnicHc n r.-nslons UFlAIIBJ.vy"Wi.roi:iiii:. sm-ceaa ■■■■"■13'.rii.. fee. Bend fornew laws. ('. M.SITIiS&L'o.,At(.V, Walnnittiu,I.C. QJI_„_ J_ RBMEDT- lTeparwl onlybr nHYñ L "■■■■ A '"'l'iil. Oii-mist. ClarB ÍS Mí 11 }A Badi ,.,, su. i ,,,:- a onrLJRJB Mandfl trdrusfgltOB A9 I niVlíVen'. ■-■! ourecciptol prlo. TflT fí T'ivcat homo añil malie nioremodoy workínf.ruslhaa UWLI nt nylliintrrlur m th World Rlther ! (-rlv outfit MU, 'l.riii i t:kK. AddltMt TKUB A Co August, 'Mainel n TprT) Trpntri) nd mred without tlie knlfo. 1XIÍTVIJKf.I. niM'.U.D., Aurora. Kne IO„ UÏ SArp By return mail. Kuil Drncriptlon kiCaib Moudy'i Now ■l'illli.r -l-lni, ol lrru N lat t Oattta MtV SY & CO., Cinoinnati. a fSgTO8A DAT. ,., irorííl l.r.O O W Breicsur íiafeta litin Botittr co.. 'lulw. JlcA. ni It ewortht5U0perlb. rettit'sHjreSHlvolswortli U LU tli'V.tiiH i .-li ut icrau u box liy Uoíiler.) W. N. U. D.--G--30. "Vhon writlilí? to Advertlsor ploaKO s:iv yousaw tlie :iivartlaenicut In lliis Papen


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