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Burt For Governor

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Tho democratie conventlon was called to order in the 1 tetrolt Opera House by ohalrman Westou about 11 o'eloekon thel'Jth iast. Rev. (';is. L. l)eyo of Oakland, oponed tl1 convenMon witli prayer. Chairman Weston then aunouuced that the state central co:niniitee had selected Hon. Win. 1. Wells ui' Detroit, as temporary chairman, and he appolntea Hon. Peter White of Marquette, and Hou. Henry Fralich of Kent, as a committee to escort Mr. Wells to the stage. His appearance was greeted witli a round oí hearty applause. After a few happy opening remarks, chairman Wells said : The nrst election of Grover Cleveland [cheers] put an end to republicau dominion m tWs country. The second election ol Grover Cleveland [renewed cheers will ring toe deatta knell of that worn out party. Tneyoung men and the old men assem bied here together conBtitnte the in vincible democracy of Michigan. We are cheered by the knowledgo mat the federal offices are held by democrats. We have a head worthyof being associated in history with Jefferson and Jackson. We control the lower house, and will Boon break up that plutocnaoy in the senate so long held by the reiniblican party. The peoplo have been taught that all material interests are safe in the hands of aman who has tho most exalted ideaa of public duty [applausej, who linds alone in the constitutiou the sources, the limitation and the strength of his authority. He has done all that a man and a good cltlzen could do to bring about economy and simplicity of government. We are here to-day to place in nomination on our state ticket men who will bring to bear the same purity and business integrity in the CODduct ot' state affairs that our party has already done in national. We will see whether the state officials who have been in power so long in Michigan have done well or 111. When we elect our ticket [applause we shall cali the old state offleers to account as to their stewardship We shall show in this national eleetion that Michigan is true to the democracy. We will show that she is true to the traditions of the party, fof a whlle held in abeyance, but recent ly expressed with a vigor and clearness oever surpassed, by our beloved President Cleveland [loud and prolonged a))plausc and by the convention at St. Louis. We shall see if the taxation, under the forms of law, which is nothing but robbety pure and siinile [oheers], shall continue. We are glad that tho issue has been joined on this question. It is whether this country shall continue to take money from tho pookots ui' tho peoplo and pile it up useless in the treasury, or whether it shall be left with the peoplo to be used as they see flt. [Applause.] How light this vicious systein i-i upon the rich monopolist, who flash like aieteors through the streots in their carriages,whicli they have been enabledto procure by their unhol.v gains through the workings of this LniquitiOUB system of protection, and cousider how heavily it falls upon every Other householder in the land, oven those in so-called comfortable circumstances. Monopolies, trusts and combinations of capitalista flourish in the atmosphere of a tari ff which makositaheavy burden for a poor man to live. I think that Michigan will show that she is willing t. help throw off this incubus on her prosperity, which makes the rieh richer and the poor poorer. I kuow not why all who have her good at heart are not with us. The national republican eonvention ignored tho request of this. the home of republicanism, to honor her favored son, and gave the nominatlon in a man whose most urgent claim to recoguition was that his grandfather was president [laughtur],andanother man whose tnosi urgent claim was his wealth. We will weicome into our party the friends of this state of whatever party - not only to our ranks but to leadership if they sbould prove worthy of our esteem andeon(idenee [cheers]. Hourgedtho convention not to "shillyshally," but to speak in distinct and unerring tones the words of positive conviction, andthcrehy gain the confldenoe wbich the world always gives to the positive man. He concluded, amid great applause, with the prediction that Michigan would take her place with New York and Indiana, as they sent an answering oneer bidding Michigan to come on. Mr. Weston, on behalf of the state central committee, nominated Hon. Frank H.Thomas of Caro, as temporary secretary, and ho was elected. The secretary proceeded t cali the roll of districts for committees and vice presideuts, which were announced as they had been selected bg various caucuses in the mornlng. Mr. I. M. Weston said he had received telegrams from Grand Rapids requesting the appointnient of a conference committee lo coufer with the greeuback state couvention to assemble there at J p. m. He moved the appointnient of a committee consisting of one from each district as a conference committee. After several amendments to the motion hád been lost, the following committee was appointed : Kirst district, W. W. Wheaton of Wayne ; second district, John Shean of Washtenaw; third district, F. G. (ioodyear of Barry; iourth district, Wm.G. Howard of Kalamazoo; fifth district, Albert K. Koof of Kent; sixth district, frank 1. Dodffe of Ingham; seventh district, Kobert Wiüits of Sanilac; eighth district. J.W. Turner of Shiawassee; ninth district, Daniel E. Soper of Newaygo ; tenth district. 1. W. Wachtel of Petoskey ; eleventh district, Geo. W. Haydeu of Marquette. The committee on resolutions was composed of the following members: First district, John C. Donnelly ; second, E.B. Pond ; third, Eugene Pringle; fourth, James H. Kinnaue; iifth, Edwin P. Uhl; sixth, A. C. Baldwin; seventh, W.W. Stickney; eighth, R. F. Sprague; ninth, H. J. Hoyt; tenth, T. A. E. Wandock; eleventh, R. C. Flannigan. The announcement was made that the committee on conference would meet at the Russell house, and the other committees on the stage immediately after adjournment. The eonvention then took a recesa until two p. m. Wheu the convention re assembled the temporary organizatiou was made permanent with the addition of Maurice Fiun amt Charles 8tickne. as secretarles. The committee pn resolvtio&s and organization not being ready to report, the time was devoted to speech makihg by Kev. Charles Ij. Deyo of Oakland, Frank A. Dean of Charlotte, Rev. Holand Conuor of East Saglnaw, and ex senator Jones of Florida. Judge Baldwin submltted tho series of resolutions prepared by the committee. They were Ustened to witli intonso iuterest and Interrupted oonstantly with cheers and applause. Especlally wcre the referencos to president Cleveland and on the move ment for home rule for Freland applauded, the Wáyne delegation leadlDg in tho chorus for the latter. Clarcnce L. Davis wanted a section insertcd calling for an auiendmetit to the con stitutiou by which president and vice presi dent should be elected bj the popular vote. The amendmenl received one support and was defeated. AsectionOD the pension question had been adoptad by the committee, but wii i inadvertently left in the committee rooi i, and the report was referred to the committee to have the plank Inserted in the report submitteit. Ia the ui;m time tall and massive Kugcne Pringle of Jaokson, addressed the eonvention in response to the contiuued calis. The committee on resolutions then sub mitted lts report, witli the pension plank included. The amendmenl in favor of the abolition of the electora) college was referred back to tho committee, the convention being wholly out of s.vmpatliy with it aud unprcpaml to tuke action upon it. An addition to the pension plank, readlng as follows, was submitted by a delégate f rom the fourth district: "We demand action by congress before it adjourns." Capt. Charles Manly of Aun Arbor, did pot think this addendum necessary. Gen. G. 1!. Rutherford of Hart, favored taking the most liberal stand jwssible. Tbe amendment was then adopted without a dissenting yoice and a cheer for tho soldiers givcn. Tho resolutions in full are as follows: 1. Th democracy of Michigan, assembled in convention for tlie nomiuation of stato offleers, reoognlztng the (act that it ehief duty is to presejit to the people eandidates whose eleetion will bring to the administration of state affairs integrity of eharacter, .purity of purpose, and sound business methods, reafirma its adnerence to the traditional and establlshed principies of tho democratie party iu respect to national politics. 2. Wo renew the expression of our ' proval of the admiuistration oí Presideut Cleveland, which has won the respect and confidence of the pcople, and justiñed his renouiination, in responso to the universal i sen-timent of the democracy, bv his wearied deyotton to public duty, his i ageous maintcnance of democratie princi pies and his enforcement of pure, Just and impartial methods of administration in all departmeuts of the government. To him, I as the chosen standard-bearer of thenatiun al democracy in the present campaign, and j to his a8sociate. Allen Q. Thurman, the tried statesman, distinguished by alonglifo of public service, whioti has been illustrated : b.v high ability and perfect integrity, and ■ fruitful of benetit to the people, we pledge ourbest efforts, to the end that Michigan; may be once more enroiled in the list of democratie staujs. 3. Upon the chief question of national politics, the relief of the people from the burdens oí tari ff taxation. we declare our unalterablc ypositinn to the present tariff pollcy of the republican party. We aflirm our approvnl of the lust anniial message of President Cleveland -s an aoonrate expressiqn of the just and traditional democratie principios, which nhould jrovern the whole subject of revenue reform acd the rednetion of the surplus in the tic isury. We declare our adherence to the platform .-opted by the national democratie convention at St. Louis; and we approve of our demewwtio representativos in congres in their efTo,-a to secure a reduction of tarifl taxat ion, thdreby preventing the furlher acoumulation of a dangerous surplus in tho treasury, and relieving the people fruin the burdens of a war tariff. We believe that this result only can bring the polic.y of the government on this subject iu harinony with the constitution, thu true interest of the people, the just demanda of labor, the prospenty of all industries, and the adequate developinent of the resources of the country. 4. Though more than twenty-three years have elapsed since the war, we should not forget that a large number of that gallant and patriotic army that preserved to us an undivided country is still among us. With Inoreaaing years and inei-easing disability, the result of their privalions and hardships, we believe the general government should deal justl.v with them, and that liberal pensions should be granled to the wounded and diaabled, not as a charity, hut as a debt due them for inestimable gervices rendered their country, and we polnt with satisfaction and approval to the liberal construction of existing pension laws by tho preseut administration, resulting in a large increase in the amouut annually paid to the veterans, and wo urge unión by congress at its present session upon the pending pension measures. 5. Tho democracy of Michigan, boltering in the dignity of American labor, recoguize tho rightof wage workers to the fostéring care of govorument, that the legitímate industry in every walk of lifo may be eneouraged iu its work of building up the material interests of the state. ö. The ownership of real estáte in this country by foreign corporations and nonresident aliens is injurious to American interests and should be prohibited. 7. We favor the adoption of measures providing for the healtli and safety of those engaged in mining, manufacturing and building industries. 8. We clcinaml the repeal of all class legislation ander which monopolies have been fostered and protected. '.. We demand that congress shall restore to the public doiuain tor settlemeut, all lande granted to railroads or other corporations which have not been earned, and more particularly do we demand the forfeiture of all unearued graiits of tanda iu the upper península, that that portion of the state may no longer be deprived of its natural growth and developinent. 10. The multiplicatiou in the state of petty boards, oommisslons and oQicials, with such powers and surroundiugs as insure neither omcial responsibility nor the respect of the legislature or the people, leavo the matter of approprlations for state institutions largely controlled by log-rolliug combiiiutiuus, and CO this as well as to lack of system we attribute tho great and constant Inorease of expenditures. Therefore we submit that the case is one demanding the eleotlon of a legislature and state ofttcers free to make the changes which ecouomy and good business methods may díctate. 11. The doctrines of home rule and local self-goverument are cardinal principies of the democratie party. Therefore we eordially sympathize with toe people of Ireland in the grand contest whicli they are making under the leadership of Gludstone and Parnell for the right to have the management of their own aff airs. After the reading of the resolutions, Rev. H. J. Lewis, of East Saginaw, one of the leading eoloreJ ministers of the state, and a delégate from the vighth district, addressed the convention in a speech which seemed to electril'y the vast audience and he was greeted with deafening cheers. At the close of Lewis' speech the committee on conference with the Greenbuckers submitted ttie followiug report: To the Convention - The committee of conference appointeed by this convention beg leave to report, that they have agreed with tho conference committee of the greenback convent'.on, subject to the approyal of oach convention, upon tho followlowing divis8ion of ofticers : This convention to nomínate (lovernor, Lieutenat-Governor, Secretary of State, State Treasurer, Superiutondent of Public Instruction and Member of the State Board of Education. The Greenbackers to nomínate AttorneyGeneral, Commissioner of Land Office, and each convention to nomínate Hon. Bartley Breen for Auditor General, and that upon the electoral ticket this convention to nomínate ten and the Greenbackers three. The Democrats to nomínate the two electors-at-large and for the First, Third, Kourth, Fifth, Sixth, Sévèntn, Ninth and Tenth and the Greenbackers to nominato electors for the Second, Eighth and Eleventh Districts, and in order to carry this out harmoniously this committee recommends to the convention Joseph M. Sterling, of the Second District, as one of the electors-at-large. The ticket thus constituted to be cordially supported by the two parties. All of which is respectfully submitted. After this report had been adopted the convention adjourned until 8 o'clock, and when the convontion re asscinbled at thia haar, W. W. Wheaton of the committee then readthe following telegram; "The grocnbacli convention has approved the aetion of conference committee, and has nominated Adolphus A. KUis, lonia, for al torney-general'. Col. S. W. Fowler, Manístee, for comniissioner of land office; indorsed Hartlcy Breen for auditor-general; for elector, J. O. Blanohard, eleventh district; Dr. A. W. Nichols of the eighth, and C. H. Dewey of the sec md." On molion of Jas. P. Murtaugh, the aetion of tho greenback convention was ratiflod by the unanimous vote of the convention. Tho roll of districts was then called for the nomination of preeidentlal electors, with this result: First district- S. Dow Klwood. Third district -Wm. B. Thompson. Fourth district- Wm. KUllfer. Fifth district - Wm. B. Canters. Sixth district- Josiah VV. Begoto. Seyenth dtatriot- Tno. M. Crocker. Ninth distriitr George Goodsell. Tenth district - Wm. McArthur. The nominutious (rere unanimously ifled by the convention. On motion of a delégate from the seventh district the noiniiiatiun .sjieeches wero limited to live minutes each. The cali of districts fpr the gubernatorial DominaUon was taken up. butnocandidate were named until the tenth district wa reaohed. T. A. E. Weadock of Bay City took the stage aiul iu plain, direct and forcible language arged tl! nomination of WellUlgton K. iiuit. His advocacy of Burt upon the basis of Cicvcland's message broupfht down storms of applause, luit nat until Don M. Dickiuson's name was leached did the convention full.v show its enthusiasm, and again was it repeated wheu his climax with the name of Burt caine. ('hauncoy Wisner of Kast Saglnaw soo onded the nominatiou of Burt in a speech greeted with wildest applause at frixiuont intervals. Peter White of Marquette rose to second, in bohalf of the eleventh district, the nom ination of Mr. Burt. Bepledgeo hlm tht vo'tes of that district and noveo his nomina tion by acoiaination, Edwin F. Uhl of Grand Hapids arose te support the motion t Domínate Mr. Bun by aoolamatlon. "He who stands by tht President's message, by the national plat forin, by our platform, is a democrat of tht democrats, and one around whom we can al: rally." Gen. Parkhurst al ( kldwater sald tlmt b had been :i 1 u i 1 eariied aw.iy l).v the Blo quence of the noiniuating speeches, but ht thougal this nroé a matter Uut ought to b consldered caref ully. He therefore moved that the convention ailjouni till 10 a.m. Friday. The motion was lost and tho motion to suspend the rulos andnomiuate Mr. Burt by acclamatiou was adopted by an overwhelming majority. As soon as Mr. Burt was formally declarod the nominee a blue, silken banner hearing a portrait of the nominee, and draped with the stars and stripes and a bandana, were brought on the stage and the delegates again let thi-ir voices run wild. Mr. Burt was conducied to the platform aud said : I fully appreciate the great honorof being selected to hcad tho ticket of this great state, and by such a convention as this. and I also fully appreeiate tho responsibility, but I can say t you tliat I accept the nomination in all Ite hearings. It is notonly an honor to be seleoted here as the standardbearer of this great p irty, but it is agreater honor to be placed on a ticket with such men as head tho natioua] ticket. Grover Cleveland and Allen G. Thurman. (Aplause.) It is an honor of which any man might be proud ; yes, and I say to you that I om proud. With suoh a national ticket and such a platform (applause), whiehgives us an issue, something upoD whlch we can stand, Bometuing that no man necd be ashamed of, and a iiiessn„re that is not only bold but just to the American people, a message that I fully IriHorse (long continuod applause and chccring), any man may be proud to recelve Buch a noniination. Gei men, vr lm r nut, onl.v a message, but we have a national platform that is equally ijood. The platform made at St. Louis was oijuiil to the message, and I heartily indorse them fcoth. Not only have we tho platform made at i. Louis, but we have a platform adopted by ou to-day which is equally good, and that I fully indorse, and I thiuk it is the best platform that Michigan has ever had, (Continuad applause.) We have an issue, and while we may differ upon the smaU details of carrying it out, the whole public, almost regardless of party, demand a revisión of the tariff and the tariff laws. Wo are all united on this, and when you come to tho state of Michigan we flnd that all partios are demanding to-day that the tariff should be reduced. Withfti,0U0,0U0of people you could hardly expect every man to bo fully satUfled, and the ouly way I kuow of getting at this is to compare notes, and secure the greatest good to the greatest number. (Applause.) We are going iuto this campaign, and I say we are going Lnto it to win. We have come to an understanding here to-day and perhaps while we do not agree upon the small thjngs or upon details we are in the main united, and I will stand with the democratie party, and will go as far as any man for a reduction of the tariff and a revisión of the tariff laws. [Applause.] Now as to our oongressmen. They have been elected and sent there by the people, and their fight has been in tho right direction, tariff reform, and I say that I indorse the act ion of our congressmen in-the direct line of this great reform. [Applause] While I am of Michigan and would naturally stand up for Michigan' rights jealously, I am not standing fiero to accuse any man of not doing the best he could in congress or in other places. I am not here to End f ault and I say to you that I endorse their action in the direct line of their efforts,andin accordance with the President's message and the platform. This campaign is to bo a lively one, and we have a platform that wo are satisiied with, I belicve, and wo are satisfled with the national platform. All we have to do in presenting the matter to the people of Michigan is to lay the platforms side by side and ask them which they will take; whetherthe.v want to give a free blanketto the poor or free whisky, [Applause] That is about the diiference In the platforms. They say let us have tree whisky, and we say take the taxes off the necessaries of life. [ApplauseJ We have had to meet before the cry of hloody shirt, but it seems tome that cry is out of dato. We have now another issue, and 1 apprehend that the democrats intend to flaunt something In the face of the republican party, something although it is red is not the bloody shirt, but is the red bandana (laughter and applause), and with a man like Thurman the very sight of the red bandana will give us courage. Now, gentlemen, I accept the nomination and pledge myself to do the best in my power to take Michigan over into the solid democratie line. [Applause.] At the close of Mr. Uurt's speech, three more lusty oheers were given him. Chairman Wells then announced that he had a communtcation from the greenback convention to the effect that the greenbaekers heartily ratifled the nomination of Wellington R. Burt. ' Vice-President Arthur M. Clark, of Lcxington, took the chair when nominations for Lieutenant-Governor were called for. The first district's nominee was presentod by William P. Wei Is, who named William B. Moran for the position in a scholarly address. After several delogates had seconded ths nomination of Mr. Moran, that gentleman was naraed for lieuteuant-govenor by acolamatiou. The names of Gen. Kutherford and Gen. Parkhurst were preseuted for secretary of Btate. Both gentlemen, however, withdrew and tho name of Thomas D. Hawloy was presented. The rules were suspended and Mr. Hawley was nominated by acelamation. Por state treasurer the names of Arthur Meigs of Grand Kapids, John D. Norton of Pontiac, Matthew H Wilson of Muskegon, and Col. Fowler of Mamstee, were prosented. Two votes wero taken, the iirst resulting as follows: Total number of votes cast, 772 ; necessary to a choice, 387 ; Arthur Meigs, 311 ; Johu D. Norton, 840; Matthew H. Wilson, 115. And the second: Number of votes cast, 771 ; necessary to a choice, 886; John D. Norton, 459; Arthur Meigs, 304; Matthew H. Wilson, 8. Mr. Norton's nomination was made unanimous. For the office of superintendent of public instruction, Stuart MacKibbon of Manistee, was nominated by acclamation. For member ol the state board of education the name of Charles E. King of Washtenaw, was presented by Judge Joslin and the rules were suspended and nis nomination made by acclamation. The thanks of the convention were then tendered to its oftlcers by resolution, and at 10:40 the conventiou adjourned with thrce rousing cheers for Wellington I{. Burt. The Greenback Conventiou. The greenback convenüon was called to order in Grand Kapids by W. ü. Fuller, who addressed the cohvention briefiy alluding to tho history of the party, closing as follows: A crisis had arrivod in the history of tho greenback party and f the party died in this campaign. yet its history was bright. The reforma it had favored would inako it immortaL While wc ave been willing to work with another minority party wo never agreed to strike the groenback ilags, and if any party thought there was no strength in the greenback party, let them try it on. H. B. Hudson, of Maneelona, was introduced as temporary ohairman and was received with great applause. Mr. Hudsou on takiug the chair made some brief remarks, thanklng tlie conven tion for the houor and Btating that he could never believe the men who uound themselves together in 17. 1 -o and 1S82 would aurrender these principios. Ho believed that when the convention adjourued the people wopld know what they wanted. 1 1 ■ was a protectionist, but it was for the protection of American homes and not the tazing of tho neeessaries of life for the beneflt of the monopolist (applause i . Whatever the conventiou did let it adjourn as the greenback party of the state of Michigan. Jacob Barr, of Grand Haven, was chosen temporary Seoretary. Committees on reaolutlons, organization and conference were appointod. Tho oommittee on permanent organizationreported J. K. Wlütinfr, of St. Clair, for permanent ohairman. Jacob Baar, of Ottawa, for seoretary, and Charles Dewey, of Lenawec, for assistant seoretary. The order of business was report of conference Comtnittee, report of rcsolutions, nominations. Representativo .1. H. Whitlng WM introduced by D. W. Fuller as a live congressman. On takiug tho chair Mr. Whittng thanköd the covention for the honor and was prouu to preside over a groenboek oonvention, hecause that party believed in livo issues. Tho Qreenbaok party balleved thai the present tariff was a menace to the uerity of tho people, aiui tbat was the main issue to-day, aud the Greenback party should join to bring about the reforms 80 necessary, and it was in no sense au offering for sale of the party. They could ask for nothing whiih was not sensible and would not tend to relieve the distress of the country. Pending a report of t'ie conimittee on conference, at 3:30 u reoesd ut' huif au hour was taken aud ivhon the conventiou re-assembled the committeo on resolutions presentad tho foliowing platform, which was adopted : 1. The greenback party was organized to protest agaiust Mie iunding laws, national bauk system, unscrupuloüs monopolies and class legislation tliat forincd thesacred lovo of the republican party. It had for its further object the perpetuation of the legal tender greenback as the proper currency of this nation icir uil tiiai' tu the absolute exclusión of bank issue ,f money. It saw tliat the. greenback fought the great war of the rebelliou to a glorïous close, proving concluslvely that t is the only fonn of public credit the Amerioan people wül ever need in any national emorgency, however perilous or distressinf. The greenback party reaffirms its conservativa utteranoea i past platforms against a bonded debt, against a banking system for the issue oí money, whether national or state, against any law of any kind that discrlmtnates in favor of the few; and thusreamrming. proud Of lts wholesome inlluence upon public poliey and determinad to continue the exercise of that Influence for the comznon welfare, it refusas to dlsband monopoly and money trusts and Jobs, BUbsidies and bribers presume to rulo the country, ii uow as beretofore demands of the governmenl that it exercise fnlly and alone its soverelgn power to Issue money and reguiate its v.ilue. ii demands the payment of the bonded debl in acoordanoe with t ht; law. as rapidlv ;is possible, and protests for all future unie against the issue hy the nation of another interest-bearing bond, either through re funding or tu meet any unusual expenditure in peace or war. We also demand a state law which shall fairly and equitably divide taxation on real estáte between the owner of the fee and the holderof the mortgags Hens thereon, whether such mortgagee be a resident of the state or otherwise. The greenback party, In harmony with Intelligent, organized workingmen, distinetly demands laws for the protectlon of bon est labor; not so much in the fonn of im port duties, but ruther by penal statutes leveled at railroad wreoking, stock watering, pa, ijk'r and c-ijiiuuc-i Unmigration, convid and ohild labor, corners, trusts, combines and pools. Strikes and boycotts are equally deplorable whether lnvoked by capi tal or labor, in place of these anddyna mite or Pinkerton murderers we ask for concilliatiou, mutual esteem and impartía! arbitration. The greenback party further declares for the absolute forfeiture of all unearnel land f-Tants and the careful preservatiou of the public domain for actual settlers, also for the reduction of taxation to the needa of a frugal, económica] administration. The greenback party not ouly "cordlally sympathlzes with temperanoe and morali t.v," but most emphatically demands that such laws shall be enacted, even to changes in the constitution, as inay seem necessary to remoye from our midst the blightiug curse of intemperancè, it being our earnest conviction that the people cannot long enjoy the blessings of liberty, peace, happiness, prosperity and pure government oue-half drunk and one-half sober. With sincere gratitude we express our admiratiou for the patriotism and heroism of the soldiers and sailors whodefended the fiag aud tho union. We believe tho time has come to grant every soldier and sailor a service pension and the equaüzation of his pay to the Standard of gold, the same as the bondholders roceived, anti that disabllIty pensions should begin from date of disability in all cases. We tlierefore declaro for the repeal of the date clause of tho arrears of pension act, aud to meet the addi tioual expense of the generóos treatment we would extend to soldiers aud sailors, we favor a graduated íncome tas and a new issue of legal tender crreenbacks. GiviDg due credit to President Cleveland for the appointmeut of (Jen. John C. Black to the head of the peusion bureau, we thank the brilliant and gallaut pension commissioner for his unequaled dorotion to tho claims or pensions of disabled aud diseased soldiers and in this eonuection further we thank the fusión members of congress from Michigan for tbeir earnest efforts under t htï lead of (en. James B. Weaverto defeat the Wilkins'bank bill. Resolved, That taxation of the people for other purposes than raising revenue for tho expense of the governmeut economi eally administered, is robbery under the form of law. We are thereforo in favor of the revisión of tho unjust tariff and its adjustnient to a revenue basis. The committee of conference reported the agreement as to fusión made with the democraticconference committee and the report of the committee was adopted amiit great applause. Gen. W. P. Innes was introduced and made a few remarks indorsing the platform. W. D. Fuller presented a resolution that Stroeter and Cunningham be declared the nominees of the national greenback party for president and vico president. The motion was laid on the table temporarily. The appointment of a state central committee was taken up. The committee, by districts, is as follows : Second district - -C. H. Dewey, Lenawee; W. Keogh, Hillsdale. Third district - C. C. Turner, Jackson ; H. C Bailey, Bram-h. Fourth district- N. H. Barnhart, St. Joseph; T. M. Sheriff, Kulamazoo. Fifth district- L. T. Kinney, Kent; D. C. Wochs, Ionhi. Sixth district - Edward Brown, Clinton; A. E. Colé, Livingsto: Seventh district .I.K. Whitiug, St.Clair; J. S. Duffie, St. Clair. Eighth district- A. W. Nichols, Montcaliu; C. .1. Willet, Gratiot. Ninth district - J. V. Crandall, Newaygo; S. W. Fowler, Manistee. Tenth district- H. A. Wilson, Clare; M. North, Tuscola. Eleveuth district - John C. Blanchard, Bois Blntic. Gen. W. I limos of Grand Hapids, was elected ohairman of the state central committee by acclamation. The couvention at once prooeeded to nomínate the candidates apportioned by the greenbackers : W. D. Fuller presented the name of S.W. Fowler of Manistee for oommlasioner of tho state land office. David Parsons of Wayne was presented by C. H. Dewey. There were several other seoonds and Mr. Fowler was timilly nominated by acclamation. John ('. Blanchard presented tlienatne of A. A. Ellis of Ionia for attorney -general. There were a number of seconds and Mr. Kllis was Jinally nominated by a risiug vote amid cries of "Kllis." Tho nominee took the platform and made a short speech, stat Ing that he would work hard for the victory of the union ticket. Tho followiiiíí were chosen electors: Second district- C. H. Dewey: Eighth- A. W. Niehols; Eleveuth J, C. lilanchard. I t.v a viva vi vote iSarüey Breen was indorsed for auditor-generaL The Streeter and Cunningham resolution was then taken up. and after considerable diseussion was passed, with an understandi iii_r that it was not binding on the election. A reees8 was then taken tlll S o'eloek. After re assembling the convention renminiil in session till 10 p. in., ratifying each nomination and liatenlng to speecues. At that hour the actlon of the democratie convention was indorsed iu advauce and adjourned sine die. Mies Mtnnle Freemao, tlie Nebraaka school teacher whoin the bllzzard made famous, ha declded lomuke California her home for tht future. 8he lius recelveJ $2,700 In cash from the subscriptlon ralseü for her benent, beslJe two costly gold watcbes, tbree diamond pint, and many plecas of Jewelry. A Russlan officfal now In this countrj sajs that anothiM' atteiupt tu Huil Noab's Ark l about to be made by a cnini any of Kusslao explorers. Mt. Ararat is iu Kussian terrltorj near the castern cud of the Black Sea. Itt umiuit Is more tban 17,0 W (eel abore the set leyel aud Is constan tly covered with snow and Ice. Sir Morrel! Maekenzlc's fee for bla attendance on tbc Germin Einperor bas been fned at 60,000 marks ($15,000) per quarter, or an; part of a quartrr. Tb is is equivalent to the tam of ttJ0,000 per aiinuin. It must be adiied, however, that Sir Morrel! Mackenzle's Inoome f recent fcara Iu Loudon bas beea sllebtlv over Í75.0W). í'ianHs Muipliv, the tcnipcrunoe revlvallst, attributes much of bis tuitein to tlie fai'l tbat wbllc spcaklnp: he nv primita hhnsell to av a barsli OT unU.iul word about lb druukard or ahout ili Miluon-keeper. A quotatid fidin the Tnlmuü sceint to tlt Iu lit'ir: '"'lliv frlfiiil tuis ii trienij, aud Uu Irleud't fni'uJ Lu (rieuJ; bc dltoraet."


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