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A Family Affair

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"Well, you re a hard one to please, sir, " he saiel, grimly. 'I wanted to see some horscs, " said Krank listlessly- flipping the ash frora lus cigaiette. "Oh!" said Barker, with a deep-drawn breath. "Vou - wanted to - see - some hosscs, did you?" "Ves, I dii), " said Frank pleasantly; "but never mind. Sorry to have given you so raucii trouble. May I give your boy a half a crown'."' "Xo, " sald Barker, cocking his head on one side and speaking in a confidentlal whisper, "without saylng a word about the horses I have shown you, teil me wliat's your idea of a horse- his valué I mean. " ' l'm not particular. " "Oh, you are not particular. Jim bring out the chestnut. " "'S o," sakl Frank, "never mind. 1 don't want to see him. I want you to choose a horse for me," "Want me to choose a horse. Can 't do better, sir. Wheuever the duke or the marquis wants a horse in a hurry they write to me to send them one. S'pose if i can suit the duke, I can suit you. " "I don't know. l'm lidgety. You can try." Still Barker couldn't feel certain whether hu was dealing with a sharp man or a fooi. "There's the chestnut I spoke of. He 's the very thing for you. " 'Ilow much?" said Frank laconically"One hundred and tvventy guineas" said Mr. Barker, with that emphasis on the last word whtch says that the vender is proof against the same number of pounds. "Look here," said Frank sharply, "you tlnd me a horse for six weeks. I don't care If it's black, brown or blue. Name the lowest price you mean to take, and if the price suits me and 1 buy it and don't tiud any particular vlees, III give you twenty per cent moro and the horse to re-sell for me at tlie end of the time. Now theu, is It the chestnut?" Barker made a long pause; then with an assumption of candor said: "No, sir, after that it isn't the chestnut You come hore, l'll show you wliat it is." He left the repository having settled that if a velerinary surgeon'8 certifícate could acooinpany the dark bay horse just shown him it miglit be sent to Ha.lewood House thai aftcrnoou. Then he bado Mr. Barker good-day nnd strolied back to Oakburv. Just before he reached Hazlewood House he was overtaken by Beatriee and her cavalier. They reined up and spoke a few word-i. Young Purton was in high good humor, and delightfully condescendIng. "Plty you don't ridi; Mr. Carruthers," lie said. "It is a plty. VVill yon coach ine? Revenge is sweet, you know. " "I'll bring my fathersold horse axound some morning arnl (jlve yon a iesson. 1 dare say you will soon piek it up. " "You were always a kind-liearted boy," said Frank gratefully. "Miss Clauson do you think I could learn to ride?" "You are too lazy 1 fear. " 'Yes, I suspect I am, I won't trouble you, Purton. Good-by." The horses trotted on, and Frank sauntered back to Hazlewood House smiling placidly. In the afternoon, to Miss Clauson's supreme astonishment, the new purchase arrived. She and Frank were In the garden at the Unie. The bay was place 1 in ÍMr. Giles's charge, and tliat personage, after lnspeoting it, rejoiced for two reasons; the lirst, tlmt Mr. Harker had not "bested" Krank; the secoml, that even if Frank liad "bested" Mr. Barker the horse must have coat a pot nioney, and at whatcver figures his, VVilliam's, introduction inight he assessed, the backshishmlght be worth having. '■ "X thought you didn't care for ruling," said Beatrice. "I don't much." "Then why buy such a horse?" "Because 1 should like to ride wlth you?" , He gave her one of his quick glances. Heatrice turned away, ashamed to teel that she was blushing. She was very culd and reserved during the evening, yet the audacious yonng man chose to take it for granted that she would accept hlm for her cavalier vlce Purton superseded. Young Purton was too shy to offer his escort on the next morning - lie feared lest he inight wear out his welcome. So his ride was a solitary one. Judge hls utter disgust when, quietly trottiug along, he encountered Miss Clauson and Mr. Carruthers, the latter mounted on a steed, the like to wblcb Mr. Purton had foryears longed to own, and, moreover, rlding as if he knew all about il. The sight was very bad for young Purton. Had he been poctical ho mlght havo compared himself to the eagle struck by lils own qulll. As It was, he muttered, "A jolly sell, by Jove!', and after the unavoidable greetings and Mr. Carruthers' Inevitable bit of bandiage, rode home In a disconsolato state. CHAPTEU XI11. 0A8TRONOMIC AND EBOTIC. The long vacation wís running down to the lees. August had passed into September, and September had stoleu away. Yet Frank Carruthers stlll llngered at Oakbury enjöylng hiscouslns'hospitality. Having issumed the post of mental physlcian to Miss Clauson, he was uo doubt reluctant to resign it until he had effected a radical cure. In pla'm Engllah, Frank had fallen in love wlth Beatrico, in that good okl-fashioned way, almost at first sight. He had gone down before her ;iay eyes as surely as had the susceptible Sylvauus. Would he fare any better? About thls dato he ofteu askcd hlmsel the above (juestion; for he had by now made the cúrate 's acquaintance, anc learned that he was a rejected man. He did not learn it froin Beatriee, who, like every true woman, wished to hlde and, if possible, forget the story of a man's discomliture. He did not learn i trom Horace or Herbert. Although they were as fond of gossip as men always are wild horses would not have rent such a confidence from their kindly hearts. Syl vanus himself was Frank's informant. The energetic, bustling curato had returned to Oakbury. During his absence the Talberts had reciuested Beatrico to decide as to the terms of intimacy which should for the future exist betweon Hazelwixxl House and Mr. Mordle. Beatrice quietly told her úneles that it was her particular wlsh that the Kev. Sylvanus should be received on exaetly the same lootiug as heretofore. So when Sylvanus returned he was Informed that he mlght tricyelo himself np to Hazelwood lio seas often as he chose. hu Mr. Carruthers and the cúrate met frequently. They reeognized each other's good polnts and were sooii on terms of fricndship such as iicllon, at least, soldoin allows to exist betwcen rivals. Rivals is perhapa the wrong word. for If any stray fragment ol hope clung to Mr. Jlordle's portinanteau aud so leturned with hiin to ünglaud it was swept away forever and ever as soon a-i the owner saw Frank and Beatriee together. Jt was no doubt the desire to prove j i ontestably to hlmself that lie was oured ' tluit made htm In a moment of brlak j dence teil Frank how he had fared. The I manner in wlii h the rominun catión was I made showed Frank that his own secret was no secret -fiom Mordje. If he dld not I meet confidence by conlidenco he made no attempt at deceptlon. He looked at Morlk: with a curious sniilo. "Vdu scarcely expect me to say 1 am sorry?" he asked. 'Na Want uo sympathy. Only want yon lo be sure that when the timo comea j to congratúlate you I can do so with all my heart. " "Ah!" said Frank, smlling. "Noble, very. noble. When the time comes," he added softly. Thercupon he feil into a train oC thought - a train which ran apon a single line and always took him to one particular station. At thls juncture the Talbert's gavo a dinner-party - a mans dinner-party. The followiug were the blcssed recipiente of invltatlons; Lord Kelston, who was stay ing for a few days at his place, Bir Jolm WHIiams of Almondsthorpe, Coioiul White, the offleer commanding the regiment at the neighboring barracks, Mr. Fallón, the polished Koyal Aeademlcian who was sojourning at the villago, and making outdoor sketches of autumnal foliage, and Mr. Fletcher of the IJollows, tlie largest, save Lord Kelston, in the county. These, with Frank and tlio liosts, made a party of eight - the number which, according to an axiom of the Talberts, should uever be exceeded. But two days before it took place an event happened which threatened it III. Lord Kelston wrote Horace one of those pleasant familiar letters, which, coming from a lord, are always delightful. He said he should take the liberty of bringing his friend Mr. Simmons with him. As this would raise the number to nine, it necessitated asking another man in order töequallze the sides of ihe table. Then carne consultation high and earnest. Whom could they ask upon so short a notice worthy of forming one of so distinguished party' Each of the Talberts would have been insulted had he been askeJ by a friend to stop a gap, so followlng the golden ruje they shrunk from tlie task before thein. Still they rould not have four on one side of the tablt! and three on the other. Frank listened to their solemn deliberatlons for some time, theu tried to help them out of the difliculty. 'Leave me out," he said, "Beatrice and I" - he spoke of her sometimes now as Beatrice- "will dine togêtlier in the nursery or the housekeeper s rooni. Whittaker can brlng the dishes straight from your table. It will bo delightful." "My dear Frank!'' This joint exclamation showed the utter futility of his suggestiou. "Why not ask the rector.' 1 thought it was the duty of a country clergyman to meet emergeucles like this." 'He talks about nothing but his fishing," said Horace mournfully. "Fishing for whatr? For men?" "Xo; salmón aud trout," answered Horace, as usual taking the matter prosaically. 'Why not Mordle? He is capital corapany." "Ha-hum, " said Horace, glancing at Ilerbert, 'This ís scarcely a curate's party. " "No, scarcely," said Herbert, shaking his head. At last they decided to ask a Mr. Turner, but the decisión was arrived at with misglvings; for Mr. Turner was in trade. He was, liowever, a merchant prince - even a merchaut emperor - anH, as Horace expressed it, was a member of the aristocracy of wealth. They feit thatllr. Turner might be asked at short notice, and would not be offended when he heard it was to meet Lord Kelston. This is one of tho many advantages of entertaining lords. Nevertheless they were conscious-stricken at having asked anyono to stop a gap, so made amends by arranging theirguests so that Mr. Turner should sit on Herbert's left hand; Horace's supporters being Lord Kelston and his friend Mr. Simmons. The latter was a man of middle age. with dark eyes and exquisitely p.hiseled aquillue features, and wearlng an air of refinement wliicli at once connnended hl in to Horace. The dinuer began propitiously, and progressed faultlessly. In the course of conversation Horace learned that Lord Kelston's friend was Mr. Simmon's the noted barrlstei' who had so suddenly sprung nto eminenre. Mr. Simmons was a Jew of gentle birth and education. and Horaoe was very fond of high class Jews. So the two men got on admirably. Frank also knew who Mr. Simmons was. Herben did not. All went on as well as the Tálberfs could have wislied until the clarct was placed on the table. Then an awïul tliing occurred - a contretemps, which to this day is a sore subject with Horace and llcrbert. it all arosu from Invitlng the stop-gap. Listen. Mr. Turner, as leaders of commerce are very proper y in the habit of doing, began talkmg about nngland s commercial condltion. He spoke In his biggcst voice. As lie was treadlni; upon a subject upon which he was an authority, he feit he had a right to use it. Herbert listened with his gentío, polite smlle, but feit sorry Mr. Turner had been invited. "What is ruining tngland'.'" boomed out Mr. Turner. "I'll te.l you, my dear sir. The .lews are ruining England. '' As Mr. Turner must know best, Herbert siniply bowed in acquiscence. Horace In the meantime was saying to Mr. Simmons, "H is an undisputable fact that the .lews are the most loyal, patriutic race under the sim. Their cleverness no one denles. In the finer, the emotional arts, such as music and poetry. it is generally admittcd that a man must have a struin of Jewish blood In him to to eminence. " Here Mr. Simmons bowed and smileil. "Kead one of the trade ga.ettes, " contlnued Turner, flercely. 'I would not be able to understancl It, " urged Herbert. "Kead the list of bilis of salo," shouted Turner. "See the Levls, the Abrahams, the Moseses, who arebatteningon borrowers. The Jews are the curse of the country. 'J'hey are sucklng out its blood and marrow." And Horaee, who. althoughhe shuddered at Mr. Turner 's strident tones, avoiiled listenlng to his wonls, was saying to his neighbor - "In the law and in statesmanship we have living proofs. And as to that branch of which 1 undi rstan I nothinx, commerce, we have but to mark the decay of Spain after the persecution and expulsión of your gifted nation. "' Bot Mr. Simiiions did not hear this compliment. He was Ustenlng to loúd-volced Turner. "Look at Austria! Iiuined. sir, by thein All the land In their hands I wish the tline would come agaln when the Auatrlttn students at l'esth- '' "Pesth is in Hungary, " sald Herbert, softly. "Hangarlan studeais, then. The time should be again vhen they used to go of a ui' rning and rake over the ashesof burned Jew to lind the oiii pieces they had swallowed. " Everybody heard this coarso and brutal wish. Mr. Simmons' faee Buthed. He half rose from his chalr, and glanced at Horace. That glance was euougb to make lüm resume his seat. The look of horror, absolute horror at a guest s ha ing been Insultad at his tabl ', which Horace's face wore, was more than 'i wonderful - it was sublime. Never had such a thing occurred before. Öuch another shock would be a deatU-bloW. llis tcneel tremblcd; I is face grew white tothtt vi-ry lips. He met Simmons' glance with au entreatiug appealing, apo! getic look, : that spoke volumes of abaseiuent an I i morli catión. fTO BE CONTINtKI)]


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