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Georpe Gonld sbaves himself. New York is Honlzlng Mr. Oliphant. John Brlprht's liealth Ib on tbe mend. Lady Dudley sleotis In black slik sheets. Mis. J. II. Rlddlc, the novellst, Is a nativo of Ireland. Cardinal Gibbons resembles Henrv Clay In appearance. Th Incuaic of Oxford Unlvcrslty íor 18S7 was 320,000. Flngeiless kld Kloves are tbe látese wlilm in fenilalue society. Tbe lirltlsb Order of Odd Fclloits show a memborship of 52,000. Ge. Slier. dan (6nf(bt seveiity-flve batlloa and was ncver defeated. A deep sea cel o( twenty ponnds Is exlilb ted In a New York market. Shoe H"h:ñ of wiro uet, otltlaatlug leallier, are a ucw idea lu (icruüinv The Queen of Deumark 11 verj dmii, but pnssloiiHlely fund of aiUllc. Porto Rico plueiipplca, ulae poandi ecli, are $1 apiece lu F.dstcrn markdU (rhve iV (ïay havo m&de a fnllure iu tho rctall grocury business In Chicago. Thcro are sald to be ecvoral cburches iu Illinois without a single mul member. A Florida rallroad prospectus bas redlseovered Ponce de Leoo's fountaiD of youtb. Tlils ycar Is the bi centenary of Alexander Pope' blrtb. He was boru on May 22; 1688. A bust of tbe late Mattbcw Arnold Is to bc placed in Poet's Corner. Westmlnster Al'be1. Tbc ofllclal report on Russin for 1685 shows tbat tbc; populatlon of the empire Is ÏOU.OOO,000. It is estiinaled that the glrl who dances eighteen waltzes traveU about fourlcon miles. Gen. Lew. Walluce look bis mothcr as the model for the noble mothcr of the bcro ol "Ben Uur." Miss licrlha Yon Hlllern Is at lier studio, at Flsber's HUI, Vra., wlierc slit: will reinuln all suminer. Phlladelphia will have twenty seven theaters when the two now In procesa of ercctlon are completed. Epes Sareent wrote the sons;, "A Life on the Ocean Wave," but Henry Kussell com posed tbe muslc A new species of groen bug is cuusln; a steady and lncrcaslug decline of coffue produetlon In Ceylon. Cien. Lew. Wallace Ib un expert ang'er and look part tu tbc recent fly-castlng touruuinent of Üie fisbermen of Indiano. Robert Browoliig won't write for mngaziues. A Boato perlodfcal offercd hl ui tl, OiH) for a short poein, bat he dccllned. Lewls G. Clark, the "George HarrU" ol "Unclc Tom's Cabln," Is to be on exhlbltlon at a Minueapolls museum. Dr. John Hall, of New York, lias been appolnted a member of the Board of Vlsltors to the Anopolls Naval Acadeiny. The price of dlamonda has fallen. It was over 22 shillings per carat In October, 18ST, and it is now less tbau IS shilllngs. Messrs. Mimball and 'I'owner, after ■ montb's worlc in St. Paul, Mlnn., buw 2,000 persona publlcly confesa conversión. Laurence Oliphtot has publlshed a oen Dook dealing wlth "scientlflc r-cllglon." It il pronoanced very darlug and orlzlaal. Louis Huiler has bougbt $5,000,000 acres ol Mexlcan land on whlch he proposes lo setttle Germán families fresb from Kurope. Society papers aro cominir to use the terma woman and wouien in lleu of lady and ladlei - aa liuprovcmeut all the way round. Dr. Richard Garnett, of the Britlsh Museum, is tne author of a blography of Emersoo, which Is Boon to appenr In Ibe "(rent WrlteM Series." Miss Julia Bryant, a duughtcr of Wllllam Cullen Bryant, who bas been living In Paris slnce the death of her fatbcr, has returned tú New YorK. A monster f rog swallowed a chlcken ut Oconee, Ga., the olber day, and seemed to be rcllsblug the blte Imiuensely hen the ownet killed hlm. Ruskin dlsllkes forelgn trauslators and not long ago roto a letter telling a man whc asked permlssion to translate hls works to let theiu alone. The smallest babv In Chicago was born e few days aeo lo Mts. Dnuskf, the wlfe of s teainstcr. The dliuinutlve infant welghs slxteen Miss Leollne Daniel, of Athens, I.a., whlle preparing for her wedding, becaiue sud lenly III, and dled about tbc hour stie wus to have been married. Russell Sage Is the Director of tbree banks, and It is very sehlom that be cvei inlsies a meeting. For oiieli meeting tbat h attends he receives $10. llerolc treatment saved the Emporei of Brazil from death. Oxygen gas and hypodermic Injectioos of ciTulue were used te preserve the patiënt from syncope. The otber daj a steamer made fast to ■ doek at Duluth, djusteJ slx receivlnic spouta, took on 52,000 bushels of wbeat, and wa9 fl wltb her load in forty-nhie minutes. Duriug the past twelre tnonths ;!,00J,000 sheet) and thirty per cent. of the whole of tin horned cattle have perished from the cattte plague in the distriet of Kherson, soutb Russla. Baby, two years old, bas beard pearl spoken of as "mother of-penrl." One daj she ran In wlth a plece in her hand, cryIng: "Here's the mammal Wbere's the baby !" A queer flower, wbkh grows ia Yucatán, il the manlto (llttle hand) of the guarumo. Il Is in the exact shape of tbc human hand, wlth fingere, thumb, nalls and knuckles all complete. Tbe Chicago Time enys that bis sweel bcart's skull serves as a pacer weight for i doctor In that eltv. It wan her dylnir reuesl tbat be (tbn a studeul) bc elven the skul as a reuiembrauce of her. Il is sald that tbousiudg of apple tree are belog set out lu Novn'Scotla tlils seasor., the experlence of the paet twoor threo years beving couvlnced farmers that the carelul cukl vatlon of the fruit Is protilable. Dr. Theodore Gay, wbo atteuded ex-VIci President Whecler durinif hls last lllness, bal presented abill for about tl 4, 800. Mr. Wheal. er's executor has refused to pay the blll and the matter wlll ga to the courts. A lad of eleven years at Tamsqua, Pa , altliouirh apparently In good heallli. died very suddenly the other day, and a post-morlem examlnatlou showed that enlargomeut of the beart, produccd by cigarctte emoUing, waa tbe cause. Dudley Buck lias made the cbolr of Holy Trlnlty Chuich, Brooklyii, one of the best In lu the country. 8o auxious are slugcrs to re celve tbe eufdunce of the fainous comiosti that Mr. Buck nhvujs has a Hst of thirty or forty appllcants for posltlon In tbe cholr. The "While Ribbon" army of wlilch more tbau 250,000 winnen are members throughout tbe world, had a humble orlgin In Hillsboro, Ohlo, some tlfteen years ago, when a llttle band of women, led by Mrs. Judge Thonip. son, knelt in the snow before tbe saloons ol tbe town and besougbt tbelr owners to abandon them. Mme. Vlctorln, who is known all over Europe as the "strongest woman tn the world," and Is sometimos spoken of es the "female Hercules," Is of medium Jieliibt, wlth a glrlIsb, graceful figure, and nothlng Herculeanlooking about her. Yet sbo readily llfts e tbouiand pounda. Her strength Is win dl. tbe result of daily athletlc training slnce TOUtU. Col. Nlohola Smltb, the Keulucky ro fession! beauty wbo married oue of Horace Greeley's daughtera, is au extremely modest man. Recently whlle in New York a ladr sarcastlcally sald to hlm, "O, Col. Smlth, how much jou look Uke George Washlugtonl" And the elegant Colonel gravely responded "Madame, Washington was a great and good man and deimrves tbe compliment" A sou of Browning la sald to have replied some time ago to a New Vork artlst, who aaked hlm If be nnderstood blf father's poetry, "Some of It," and relatad that hls fatber oUeryed, after readlüe a passage In one oí hls noemt, rèferred to hlm forexpanaUoo: "That pauage eertainly did have uieaulutf aome years ago wheu I wrote it, bul I have reallv forgotten now what It was."


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