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.h i.i 88, Sknatf.- The following bilis rere taken trom the calendar and passod: The senate bill setting apart a tract of land for a cemetery for tho Order of Odd t'oilüws, at Cent ml City, Col.; the sonate bill appropriating $ioo.iko for a public building at Muskegon, Mioh, The senate then resumed consideratlon of the sundry civil appropriation bill, the pending question benig on the paragraphs relatlng 10 the new library building In Washington. After a cvery brief discussion, tho amendment was agreed to without a división. It strikes out the house provisión for a suspension of the work and for new designs and general specifleations for tne building, and inscits in liiu ni la provisión appropriating $i,ooo,oiK) for the construction of the western front of the building onder the direction and supervisión of tbechlel of engineers of the army, and tor theabolition of all contracta made for the construetion of the building, loss and damage under the same to be adjusted and paid by the secretary of the interior. Severa! other amendments wero ngreed to and the senate adjou rned. House.- The genoral deficiency bill was discussed, tho discussion being mainly of a political obaracter. Jn.v ;JO, Snx.vrn. - The senate spont most of. tho time of to-day's session considenng the sundry civil appropriation bill. The amendment offored by Mr. Bower, looking tothe survey, locatfon and re.sorvation c reservoir sites for Irrigatlng purposes, raised tho irrigation problem and led to a long discussion. The sonate adjourned without finishing the bill. The entire day was oocupied in tho discussiouof the general doücioncy bill. .Iilv 81, Senate.- The day was devoted to the disoussion of tht sundry oivil bill. As a resultof thedebate public building appropriations were rejected, and the direct tax refunding bill met u similar fatc. House. - The house went. into committee of the whole on the arm; apiiropriation bill, senate amondmciits to whieh were vigorously approvi'i. GENERAL. Gen. Sheridan continúes to improve. Col. James Stevenson of the United States geológica! survey and for maiiy yeari conuected with tho ethnologtcal dej)artment of the Smithsoniau iustitutiou at Washington, died in New York July 28, Knginoers on nearly all roads ontering Chicago promise continued support to "Q" strikers. Lient.-Col. Walter MoFarland, thiited States corps of engineers, dled at his home in New Haven July 2:2, aged 53 years. Aiter t he war he had charge of the harbor and river hnprovements from Dunkirk to the Sault, including Del ruit river and St. Clair flats, and many other works of equal ini portance. The monster steamer Puritan, building at Chester for the Fall Kiver line, was launched July :ii. sh' s the largest vessel of herclass in the world. The Puritan will coat, wlien completed, l,"OO,OtH), and is ex I to have a si d of 21 miles per hour. Her huil is of steel, unsiiikable and lireproof. The Pnritan will have 220 staterooms, wbich will be more tlmn any vessel in ihe world. Hugh Harrison, a wholesále grocer of Minneapolis, is the prohlbition nomince for governor of Minnesota. Thecoroner's jury in the railroad accident near Lynchburg, Va., holds the company responsible tor the accident. Apackage of 110,000 sent bythePaoiflc expresa company by steamer (ron Portland, Oregon, to Astoria, has been stoluu. The republicau senators in congress are preparing a new lanff bill, whieh will make a eut of $40,000,000. Pire broke out in a bqarding liouse in the jnining viUoge of Maynard. Belmonteounty, Ohio, the other night, entirely oonsumlng the structure. Williatu Presger, his little son and John Morgan were burned to doath. At the convention of OOlored men held in Iudianapolis July 26 President Cleveland and the St. Louis platform were heartily endorsad. Courtlandt Palmei-, the noted freo think er, is-dead. The president lias approved the postofflee appropriation bill. Attorneys for the New York produce exchange have flled a printed argument with the int er-state commisgion, pointingout the injustice of a lower rate from Chicago to Liverpool than from Chicago to New York. The house committee on manufactures are investigating tho whisky trusts. 1'. L). Coopor, for niuny years eonnected with tho Lake Shoro & Michigan Southern railroad, died in Elkhart, Ind., recently. It is reported that the unión labor party of Indiana has been delivered by its state committee to the demócrata. The democratie state committee is to malntain the Indianapolis Sígnalas theorganof the labor party. THe union men have placed John K. Wilson, the democratie nominee for attorney-general, on their ticket. Gen. R. M. Patrick, governor of the national soldiers' home in Dayton, Ohio, is dead. A partial test of the Standard oil company's pipe line from Lima, Ohio, to Chicago, has been made with satisfactory rosults. A dynamite bomb was explodod the other morning under the resldence of an influential citizen of Chicago. The pólice are investigating. Joscph Woleh, who created a reign of terror some months ago amone the women of tho fashionable cast end of Pittsburg, by assaulting and robbing several prominent ladies in broad daylight, has been sentenccd to 25 years' iinprisonmcnt at hard labor in the Iïiverside penitentiary. Capt. John F. llcrne. the actor, and the youngest commiasioned offloer in the army of the Potomac, died at Hot Sprlngs, Ark., a few days ago. A movement is on font among the soap manufacturers of the United States to form u soap trust. A flght nrcunvil bqtween Hugotfin and WoodsdalQ men in Stearns cuunty, Ks., the other day, and geven men were killed. Themonthly statement of tho secrotary of tbetreasury shows that during the twelve months preceding June ;) last, the value of Importó at Detroit was $460,000 in exc.essof importa for the year ending June 80, 1887; but the value of exporta was $1,600,000 leas. At Port Hurón imporls ivriv about $10,000 and exporta nearly $1,000,000. Young Pruden, b sou of President Cleveland's assistant secretary, was run over and killed on a farm in Virtrinia, where ho was visiting. Eüght hundred pounds of nltro-glycerine exploded near Lima, Ohio, the other morning. Several trampa who were sleepiqg in iin' vicinity were bfown to Cragmenti. A company iias been Pormed In Pittsburg With $1,000,000,000 Capital to opérate a tin mine near Durango, Mexico. The Sloux Indiaus refuse to slgn the treaty opening their roservatlon to white settlers. The Chicago pólice have discovered a Uvery stable run by two boys who had stolen the horoes and oarriages with whieh to stock the concern. Gov. Foraker of Ohio, refuses a re-nomination. As one result ol the iuvesiigation of the congregsipnal committee, it. luis been aseertained that discharged eunvictsare sent to tliis country by foreign societies. The more degraded the convicta, the more desiroble are they as emigrante,. In many c;ises men who have been sent back from Castle Garden have been returned under assumed mimes. Tbc committee are still at work. Bartley Campbell, the well known playwright, died in the Bloomlngdale Insano aayluu; July S0. Gen. 13ooth,thecoinnuinder-ln-chief of the fialvation Army, will visit America this month. A. H. Shipman, inventor of the Shipman oil engine, died in Genera, N. Y., receutly l'rof. Albeit D. Hagor, ex-secretary of the ( 'hicago historical society, is dead. Catherine Gaffney, whose brother Patrick died Buddenly In Chicago recently, intestate and leaving $150,000, was found in the alms house hospital on BlackweU's Islund. She is about elghty years of age. President Cleveland is reported assaying that he will sifin tho river and harbor bill. At a socialist meeting In Chloago, with "Dynamite" Dorsev in thechalr, a icsolution was adopted dpnouiwlng any atlempt to lead the labor ote uto the ■amn ut' eit ner Old party. Gov. Porter declines to bo a candidato íor gubernatorial honor Ín Indiana. A reunión of veterans Interested In some improvements on the Gettysburg battlelield is to bo held on that spot Sept. L". The pooplc of Woodsdale. Ks., have son I ' for 100 Winchester and a wagon load oí ainmunition, and havo pickets for several miles around the village, who ure instrnct ed to shoot any Hugoton man who atu-mpts to pass. F. B. Loomis from Washington has boen lut in charge of the presa nrork ut the na tional republican headquartor, ln Ih8l he accompauied Mr. Blalne upon hi cunipaijrn tour through the country, and also aan to do presswork at national beadquartors. Masked robbers enterad the farm house of Conrad Doup, In Knox oounty, Ohio, beet the old man with a club, bound hiin with a chalk line and tnen stola i;o from trunk in whlch Doup kept lus money. No clue to the robbers ïas beo seeured. Dr. Kobert Morris, the mostdlsUngulshed Mason in the world, dit'd In Louisvilia, K'y,, reoentJy. He was a pust grand master snd the auttior of nearly lOOMawmic Works and poems. Gov. Forakor refust to eommuto the sentence of "Blinkey" Morgan, Congressman Wheeler of Alabante has introduced a bilí in oongrem direotlog tbe ofticer in charge of the lllh census toasoi r tain, report and p'.iblish the birtli rale and death rate amone pure whitas and among Negroes and hybrid of ovur.v d8orlption and character. The object of this i to seo if the statement that. the dualh rute amone mixed races is thau amoiiK those of pare blood, is true, Thirty valuable horses were buruod to death in a New York livery stable on the lstinst. A watchwau upset lamp wbicb set firo to the stable. President Cleveland has sent to J. W. Dunbar a gold inedal for braver.v in tavlng life at soa, Tho supremo oourt of New Jersey sustains the constltutionality of the local bption high licenso law. FOREIGN. A Gei-man named Clotten, was arrested in Loudon a few days ago, for writing a letter throateninj Gladstone's life, because Mrs. Gladstone had misUud a mannsoript Clotten had sent her. The St. Petersburg papers assort that the visit of Emperor William to Russia win consolidate frlendsbip and itrengthen contidonce in European peace for nuins years to come. Prof. Isohakart has recently discoverod in the library of the Konigsberg university hitherto unknown manuscript somions and commentaries of Martin Ijuther in tho period from 151 to 1521. James J O'Kelley, nationalist M. P. for Roscommou, has been anested in London charged with dellvering speeches iu Irelund inciting intimldaliOD, and taken to Dublin. The charges arose from bis speeches in connection with the i-eeent electioii at Longford. He is also charged with inciting people to boyoott. The !KX)th anniversary of the introductiou of Christianity into Kussia was celebnitcd in Kief July 'i(i with greal pomp. Gladstone has cxiresse(l his thanks to Americans for the expression of their wcll wishes on the occasion of his golden wedding. A volcante eruption at Handaisan, "i leagues from Yokohania, has destroyed several vlllages and killed 1,000 ersons, including 100 visitors at the thermal Bprings. A fresh cráter has formed and the eruption is still active. A thousaud minors in the poal mines at SI. ICtieimo, Franc'è, have truck t'or hlgher wages. The President of Venueziila sent a cougi-atulatory message over the neyf cable to President Cleveland. Kilitor Q'gr}en wou hls libel guit against the Cork Constitution, Prof, Jamieson, tho naturalist, writes from Kasongo ou the Congo river. that he Is making preparatious to leave with Ma]. Bartellot, Tippoo ïlb and íkk) men to searen for Henry M. Stanley. He says all the Europeans in the expoditiou are well. A commissiou h;is been chosen to investígate the charges against Parnol!. A Rome dispatch .tnys that Kmperor William will not ouly visil King Hurabert at Rome, but wlli sojouru at the QuiriDal and hold receptions at tbe Germán euibasvy. The Prince of Wales wHl visit Dublin in the near future. Prince Bisinarck has heen appoiuted houorary master of JJerlin gu,iltt of taUV During the recent Hot In Von au P-ince S.W buildings were burned.


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