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An enameled rose and bud, with diamond centre and sterns oí flexible gold, is the very handsomest flower brooch of the season. Twenty inches is said to be the narrowest guago of railroad doing regular business iu the United States. frHAT is jost! Í tp'";il I ( VfHAT I SHALL I WJLÏÏÏ k oo Afita mis Jf ttKtftjt. FRAZER BEST IN THE WORLD. MllfctWfc ■ Uet tha Genuine. Ktcix Box llarkcd FUiZKR. ïlie T)est Blood Purifier and Tonic, B, R B., Botanie Blood Balm. Absolutely the quickest, clieapest and most effectual Blood Foison Remedy on Earth. DUTCHER'S FLY KILLER! CERTAS&I DEATH Xo hutitiiiK with powderaml gun for l Dlrrall í n!y to stupefy ttaODi, No lngatn üOftth on tlie sLiükiitjf piaster. KI ie ycek i , urtiik and i o KILLED OUThlüHT huinanely, s "iiickly ttiey canno gel hw:i . Ue Itfre!. I'rtjvejit re nudii'-" OU. ■ mu BOreiic peace unit rniei. Alwuya ik tor lUTCMtJLit8 FIIKD k IHTllllU, m. AUaiA, Y l. Tilo Alphabat f Oeuis. Somo ono has got up n alphabet of precious stow;s ns follows: Amotbyst, ■'i-vi, chryedboryl, diamond, emerald, feldspar, garuet, hyacinth, idocrae, kyanite (moni oommonlj cyanite, a blue mineral.) lynx-sappMra, mük-opal. natroíite, opal, pyrop . quartz, ruby. sapphire, topaz, nranilc, vesuvinnita (a species of garnet,) wrater-sapphire, xanthito, zinpn (a Oiuealese slonet Ve cali attcntion to t lio advortisement of Albion college. It is n live, progressive institution, and is doing a tiruud work. It is rapidly growing, its present attendance of students being about 150. Send for the Year üook, which is one of the best animal publications of colleges of this country. Oíd fashioned lace mitts reappear for wear with empire gowns, and are difieren tiated only by jet einbroidory of the backs, Teachers during vacation. farmers' sons When work is Black on the farm, and any others not full.v and profitably employed, can leam Bometning to t lioir advants re bj applying to B. F. .lolmson & Co., lOffi) Main St., Richmond, Va. Botante Itlood Ralm. B. B. B. is the only Blood Purifier tlurt maken positive and permanent cure of all Blood piteases. For females, troubled wltli painful menstrutttion, ovarían tumors, uterlne ulcer, and clnonic troublen. lts actlon is spcedy and effectual. One $1.00 bottle wiU convince anyone. 6 bottles 5.00. All Degista. Blood Balín Co., Atlanta, Ga. A sand spoat :!K) teet hlgh and about llft,y fcet in diameter was observed the other day duríng a storm upon tho coast near Colleton, S. ( '. AOuod Inveitment is that which yields large returns from a small outlay. Kcader, the way is elcar! No speeulation, no chance, big returns ! If you are like the most of mankind you have somewhere a weakness- don't feel at all times just as you'd like to- headachc today, backache to-morrow, down sick next weck- all because your blood is out of order. A small outlay and what large returns ! You invest in Dr. Pierce'a Golden Medical Disco very and soon pure, fresh blood courses through your veins, and you are another being I A mocking bird in Albany, Ga., whistles the Koulanger march. i.iiinï iviiiii-!-: Ask any onc who has used Dr. Picrccs Pleasaiit Purgative Pellets as to their merits. They wil) tll you that pimples, blotches and erupüons dtsappear; that constipation- that broeder of disorders - is relieved: that the appel ite is restored; that the wholo systoni is renovated and rcfrulated bej'ond any conception by these liltle wonder-workers. Being purely vegetable, they are perfectly harmless, being coinposed of concentrated, active íngredients, they are powerful ! Purge and purify the system and disease will be unknown. Of all druggists. More than a million men are employed by the raihvays in the United States. to bequeath to your children, is a strong, clean, mrc constitution - better than wealth, because it will never prove a curse. You canuot givo what you do not possess, but mothers will find in Dr. Pieree's Favorito Prescription is a wondorful help- correcting all weaknesses, bringing their systems into perfect conditiems, so that their children, untainted, shall rise up to cali them blessed ! There is not a druggist in the land Hut always keeps a stock on hand. A well executed riasshopper, in green and brownlsh gold, in a novel brooch. Xh6 Ilomellest Mum In Michigan As wcll as the handsomest, and others are Invited to cali on any druggist and get freo a trial bottle of Kemp's Balsam for the Throat and Lungs, a remedy that i-i selling entirely upon its merits and is guaranteed to relieve and cure all Chronic a n.l Acute Coughs, Asthma, Bronchitis and Consumption. Largo Bottles 50 cents and 1 . A turtle has been brand at Kau Claire, Wis., with the Sguree 1810 cut on its back. lui( l.:itl.v ('hnmplon Peditriam l'c. Miss Ida Wallace, who won th; lady champlonship in the contests at tfadison Square (arden. Ualtimore, Detroit, ffew Bedford, and again in New York, aays ahe f eeds almost entirely on this Moxie Nerve Food, which nervous, weakl.v women us" so much. Sno says it gives her most e ordinary powers of endurance, anil does not react or lose its effect like stimulants. It also relieves the terrible over-strain ui' the muscles, allowing a person to continue a severo effort a long time. A peculiar pattern iu garter buckles represents a circular corrugated plaque of oxidized silver upon which rests a coiled serpent. Carbolisalve cures itching aml irritations of the skin and scalp, poisons, piles and ulcers. ( ures liurns and scalds without a scar. 25 and 50 ets., at druggists. A. monster itUTffeOD, that nicasurcd mora than 11 fcet in lengt and weipbed 860 pounds, was caugbt In a balmon net al BaUTie'i Island, Ore., ircoiitlv, It waa tht Iít2e8t flli ever scen In tuéstalo When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria, When she was a Chil J, she cried for Castoria, Wheo she bet-ame Miss, she clung to Castoria, Whea she had ChilJren, she gave them Castoria, Warm Weather Often causes extreme tlreü fecllnun 1 tlcbUtty, and ■ In the weakened condltlon of the syUem. dUeases ' arlilng from Inipurc blood are Hablo to appear. To ' galn stronglh, to overcomi d;ioaa, and to purify, rltalize, and enrlch theblool, talce Hood'a ; lila wttlchUpccullarly adaptcd to lbo needi of the i kody at thla senson. "Whenltook Hood's Sarsaparilla that heavlneas ta my itomach left; the dullnes In my head, and ; the floomy. despondent foellns dlsappeared. I : gum to get stronger, in y hlooi gatned better circulaWon, the coldness In my hands and fcet left me. tod my kldneya do not botlier mo as bcforiï." O. W. flOLi', Attorney-at-Law. Mlllersburg, O. Hood's Sarsaparilla SoMby all drugglsts. 1; $x forti. Prepared only bj a I. IIOOO A CO., Apothecarlea, Luwell, Mass. IOO Doses One Dollar Sylvania, Ga., lias a stock of corn ten feet high, and whioh contains sevcn well cleveloped shoots, six of whichhave put out ailks. muil siiviT . is a catcher in the act of stopping a sw couiintr IjüII. On court-plaater cases it is especially appropriate. A licart of plain gold, aved with dia momls, entwined with another set with sapphires, makes au attractive top design for a knife-edge bracelet. An autopsy on the body of Nelson Lee, whowas killed in Charleston, W, Va,, a dayg ago, sbowed tliathis heart was situated on the right sidc of bis breasfc The reponsse head of a terriflecf horse, ag f rom the cases wliich wiil oot be rellshed by nervousequestrians. Railways are said to consume moro than half of the world's production of iron, the 10,000,000 car win cis required in the United States alone taking more than 2,000,000 ; the total number of otives huilt in the United Staten was atecostof which cd at (30,000,000, an average "f ;iWul í ukh) each. Tiio lato railroad war ia the Northwest llris r ipanies engagod in itnotless than $10,000,000, wbioh, it may be assomed is i olear present to the trade of that Mlt. A. coBtly brooch is in the shapeofa potnted Btar, the rays sel wltb omeralds, rubies and diamond. In tlio centre isa large brilliant surrounded by a circ smaller ones. Under the laws of lowa a railroad passenger wtio sticks his head out of a earwindow and das it kBOCked off by a switch bar is Suilty of a mlsdemeanor, and can be sent to Jall tor three months. T, H. Stewart of Smyrna, Ga., ownsa cat with three kittens. A young i was given her to eat recenUy, butinstead, silo adopted it and is rearing it as carcfullv as if had been one of ber kitteus. The other day three colored men at Charleston. S. ('., oaptured a monster softshell turtle wlüch welghed 385 poimds. lts head was severa! sizes largor than an ordinary man's, and its mouth was onormous. An attractive brooch luis a center plece of moonstone on which appeara a sculptured head. Surrounding it are sixteeu diamond and pearls set alternately, the latter varj loe from a pure white to an almost black color. The railroad mileage of the world is esti inatcd as follows: America, 155,757 miles Kurope, 121,205 miles; Asia, 18,791 o Australia, 8,045 miles, and that of Afria I,:K Cmnaiiy leads the countries of Ku ropo in mileage. Watch cases in oxidized silver are no Been In ïnan.v designs. A spider siiuk wlthln his web, a scène f rom the familia willow pattern on china, fiowers, leaves rocks and landscapes, all etched, are ainon' those most in favor. ((.Riirreï (omf)ound For The Nervous _ , The Debilitated ( The Aged ■ ÜRL3NervoulProstration,NervousHead oche, Neuralgia, NcrvausWeihnc, . Stomach and Liver Diseases, and all ofTcctions of the Kidneys. AS A NERVE TONIC, It Strengtlien nd Quiets the Ncrvea. AS AN ALTERATIVE, Itl'uriües and Enrlches the Blood. A8 A LAXATIVE, II acta mildly, but urely, on. the Bowels. AS A DIURETIC. It Regulatea the Kldneyi and Cures thclr Dfseases. Recommended by professional and buslneasmen. Price $1.00. Sold by druggists. Send for circular. WELLS, RICHAROSOÑ & CO., Proprhtors Silk and SaSiTRÏbböns FREE ! NADIES, T2IIS IS FOK ÏOt1 tt""" " ÈBk iitift tonlie lndici. 8 tv JPy,ví'Hk. mu''h lllol'ey i'J icuro HlflHBSL kii"Wit arKTnijirccI.'itr's HnBSjHk tlio j-rivüt-pf of litvHHBSB in rn fiwriMiiiisiit o D ribL'OH. Iiainly for 1 II O tlti 'U -muf ati'f oiii t--; , EssHK trtryand imCu ■KMlsWifs- ftiuHigoods urn UWlol uvJ, and wl.i U gei sRlS "" "" h "dv;'-1vL' EHB '" ' MMfHFirfgrf fBOÊÊmUÈ whu ■wmtod Me TOÉ IW JfJMilB„,ul pr-M W7H1 J.m: 1: fllih p""'i(ir. '■". ■RH of eipenío, a n 0 M thereiorc llnn( n. SBB% 8re"kt i""1) iï 'tu - V imUilgiiift 1 f ■ --u-3 ia th Is 5 Iit ■ ■ : Ion. Iífaliz'-. liitf tlitt t h ■ r o PBjfca%tIBlBP&rlrir wife tlio:isandi A rauuu of rib. ■BHIronrH.Hm largo imponi "■ whlcb thcy woukl bn willingtodtsposeofin bulk, for asman tVtrtion of th. tony one c pablo of purclia&ingiargiely.we lntitutcdaseari:Ii, VMiiiiin( n .mr obtainliif it.o udn Meak of Niik mid Satín Kihloji ICmiiiiii ut h . f Mmalof thlinwl thfsf honaog. wlio importt'J (lic floMl COOdi. Tbed" pi oüa maf btdopradcd u[MHiasujMTÍ'r to ■njrtblnc lo li funi1, ircnt In Hui vt-rv bMl MOTM of AnKlïca. Vet üi-v aro pi t n mv,y f roe; notbiitffHkvIl ver kumn, A prand banafll firll iho )adie; Ueautlfut.i I-piiiit, clu.tco ponda uluolul.-ly TrCO W hiiTc rx[icii]'-il Üioiuaitdi of du1laf t tbi dirof.M(un,am! r.ta oflWaiiitnnK-ní'-lvflcictl.nn'l moni o(.trilf!tcOrtmeiitor rilboni, in iftryoooi vffttblg Mmtlv mid wnlih.andall of xeellful rtnality, adtptd i-r tifk-' t, li-iiuift ■(naMthttt triiiiiiiti!'.', poTMt Mift, Aren Irbnntlnp, Ilkquiltwore,tetc Bont of th'-"( nnaintinnn tiitv ynnUnoá apwnU fa leagih, 1'houirh rt-iiiimniP.nll the Mtlfrni j.tviiew mxl late ■( : may b dpdd on na baantlftit, r.-linfd, tdi-hlunable ándelopnri!. Ilowto Bt il t,-x 4?t;i:iinliii;a 'nmlr AMiii(inint oftltci elennl rüibou Freo. Th I'riicticnl ï& . and Ltutlen Fireslde :onipiiiit:i, (Hiblluhiid monililv Iqrw, iwkiiow lult'i-il, by tliufio C".nt j..i -;it (o fu1 p", tO '" bMl I'cricJical oirlie kind in Un iml kandaomelj illustr.ih tl ; rotular pricc 7Óct. piTjtur; imdSftMBtimairl Wfll vn.littoyou fora Irijil v.-.-ir, hu ! .i,l :ilnvinl l'l'.'t b.nof Hia ribbons; SalMcripÜ oxaad ï box. ." di Í iubicrirrtions Ani 4 boKM.91 One-ol pottipi-siuiiipN nmy )ï.--i-iii for lru Hum 1. Ottt Meada to foii v.m thenfaj n - tiiifr 4ubmptioii unit 4 box fit onl tl i B do it i a lcv MinotM. TIWftboTtoBte la baaod on Uila het s- thoMwhofmd the pricKlirAl flVm''! to, lr oo ynr, waot it ilicrrnitrr, nü pay us Ilic full prk' ft; it i in iftcr yi-nre, ud nut mv, thñi wc maka rnomj. w naka this jfn'nt offr iu order to at oom Mcuw 490,000 nciv mbuctibvra, wno, uoi dow, bal Bxt yejir.ninl in yi-nrs flipnfir, aball raward ws wilb a proiit, lwcaujo lbo majority of them :i wfab torenew IbelriatMcHptionV.nml wtlldoiO TIn: ïinnn-y nqulrad II ltit aanmll fnulion of tiif prico you woald bva to pü at tmy storo lor a muller tmortnumi ofr tefntor nbboBa. rieat bargain tv kn0WB y ou w-i 11 not fuliy npT.-.intf it uiiHI aflor you a all. baf" dtliVcry gunrniUccd. Mmn-y r-lniul.-i inmir uncnot p;r(vi-t'.y ruiUi-. I!'-t('T ent tliisout, or wiul at o a ce, for probaJülj it ron t ïpnir train. Addrosa, U. UALLK1T k LU., PlüLISUEltS, POBTLAÜD, Maim:. plIPr npfi(ra. Atthrateth0Thareben9O. FHËfc HO?,SfcS ■■■!F.'A..q--"i-'?.-n'" Ut UBtlOINUN U EÜi :i ljm.1 J tb ÖU1 lHUMi CA Bi $I.J& pt.P ftcr. WhM bUeroeii'( '. - '■ f.-t Vhih'.rttlf Wh t!,w? Ut,0 rr; Ko t-M Uta,4e!)M fo. i:.' .. -...■,! ,:T . Ht( ■.J Trrllio, ir. 1O e rU ■Br(áTtbeb-it:f.l BMWten, ■ PlccirMCU l'nrorm of tU tH#4 ftuw. AJicu ïUK WjLftTLlUi WOKUKCbloiuta.UL _- - - ' " ■■ " ■ ' I 11 THESTARRY FIRMAMENT yL nJ M I n II II :[: ;:; Sang Addison. But hadn't you, _for a few years at least, rather "look at the firmament frona the undersidc. YOU CAN DO IT Tby observing the laws of health-ft and resorting to that cheat the grave medicine, 3f Warner's Safe Cure -L You are out of soits ; a splendid feeling and appetite one dav, ■u, while the next day life i.s a den. If you drifi on n thisway you aro Hable to become insane. Why? Because poisoned blood on-i the nene centers wherein the mental faculties are lOCated.paralyzea them ■T;uid the victini bccomes non-"? responsible. There are thousands of pcoj-pic to-day n insane asy-,k lums and eraves, put there by Kidney Poisoned B!ood. 'T Insanity. according to statis-"t tics, is increasiug taster than any othcr disease. Is your eyesight jj_failing? Your ineuiory becom-, "ïng impaired? An all-gone " ing on slight exf rtion upon you? If so, and YOU krlow j-whether this is so or not, do not-J oeglect your case until reason totters and you are an imbecile, imt to-day while you have T reason, use your good sensc-C and judgment by purchasing WARNER'S SAFE CURE and WARNER'S . SAFE PILLS; medicines warranted to do as representcel, and rchich will cure you, _ jr_ jhRAD WA Y'S PSLLS, For the cure of nll dUordcr of tho Stomach, T,1rer. Bowela, Ktdnoys. Bladder, Nerroui Diseases. I,os of Appetite, Ilradnche. Constlpation Costlvrncss, Indigestión, }l louSnfM, Fe ver, Infliin tnntlon of the üowcls, riU-sandaHderanifcmcntof the lnternul Viscera. I'un-ly regetable, cotitalulng no mercury, mtnerals, or dcletertousdruga. AFINE, SUKK MEDICINE. Radvat Co.- Gentlemen: Your PMs have o 'ten w arded olf s cknoa in my I -mly I oever thfuk Ie ftitfe to he wltliout !ht!ii; t'i-'y are a flue, surc it.íiJíciiic. Mos: respcctfuily ro irt llENRY KENWORTH. Clieliartst', Iroquuis Comity, 111. What a riiysiclan Says of üu-lwuvN Fillsa 1 am nsliig your I!. R. Relief and yo ir Ili'giilfttlnj[ . mul have rccoinniiMi'iMl lhtm alove II pi J Is, nd ell a srreat many I them. 1 have tliemon hand 1 1, and aso ihcm tn mj p nctlce and n nijT own ■ inlly, and expect i ■ of nll niio. YKuisrcspectfiiily. I); A. (J MiDIH, Kit KOOK. Poravtlle. Ga. DVSn.l'SIA. Ilt. KADWAVs IMI,!,s;ir cure fr lils CDinpInfnt. Tliry restore Rtrciiffth to the i-tonuoh and it io perform lts i uncí lona. The y mpt oma of Dysppala dlsappear, and w.ih them the 1 abillty of tliu ajstem to contract l - Dyspepsiu of Long Standing Cnred. Dr. Uapway- I have fo" yoari h en trouWeJ with 1 RpepBla and Llver iiplainl n i lound imt littlo reltt-f untll 1 'T your i n-. end ihey m.i .r h "-ifct i u e. Tln-y re the lic-t medicine I evor iiaa In my life, Tour fricml forevi r, VI ILLIAM NOONAN, Blanchard, Mlch. DR. JADWAY & ...CO., JU. DúU W I V TREATED FREE. ■ Have tff-ated Dropsy and its cotnplti' with tha mot woiiderful nicceiui; use v putable remedies entlre ii .! ïiik-sri. Remove ill sym, toms of dropsy in (-ltfht to i ■' fttj days. Cur6 paücnta ) onouucvd hopeless by i 1.. stof physlctans, i': . thee) mptoms roptdly dl8appaar,andlii . l twa-thlrdaol all aj mptoma are removed. Somt! inay t-i_v humbug without. knowínjp any thtag abontit. Remernber it iU+ not ct you anj tlüng to reaUze the merit of ooi treatmeni fur yotnticlf. % or constantly cnring cm f siuMmí- c&íea iii'1' have been tapped n. number ■ i ihr patiënt dcclaretl una tol tve a wei I history ■. Mine, aiíí'. íex.howlontf níHk'tefl, êLc. Send fot free paJnphlet, contalnlng tenti'iionfal Ten day ■ treafr ment fnrnJahed FREE by mail. tf you order t rlal xoniX 10 cents in stanips tu pay postage. EpilepFy i Fits) posiüvelj cured. rMentfonthUpaier.J itL H. GREEN A SONs. M. 1., 250á Marit-aui Street, ATLAKTA.Gá. Kli ..Ste Itw Model 1888. Work eaxier. is flimter. tJsZ? V""t"t'jhtrr, than any ot?ter.JjySmmmmmmm BAIiliARD 8 GALIE2Ï, HUNTINO AND TARGET RIFLES. V MARLIH 'f RE "aÍ'mS c'g.1CÍ'sou. NEW KAVEH, CT. .tfikkk fi prCïffTinp ind funyenICiTtila "9 spociüc fürtbcccrlain euro yi T0 6 DiTS.I „f this.:. MfeuruttlD O.H.IN(iRAHAM,M. D., ggg ■ Ani.;;,-rdum, N. Y. Pta uri onij by tl We have sni.l r.l(r G for V4tV_._# av.,.1.1 a. many yfars. aiiiI it bas SK iÏÏlÉB" 'ven tbo best of sallBL. ohio. '7& D.B'DYrnE co.. B ay Tl .'".Ml. TrilHBrlSl.OO. reist. ssr-YEARBOOKm l'.l of informitioQ. Discumícq ff f rest problemi. Krerr ..tudiT.tandtechrbulcl bftveU. ÏBitltMtlon in :rnt rank of College. Tuitinn ftv,-. Pnataic of Vr Bonk funr cioU. h. i:. ■ HïCa. WELLS, c. Sendf,.ronrrnt:iloini(-, fta, Wcil Rni-ing "ï ('nul i'id-iiniiiiu Machines. tc. LOOPI!? A. NYMAN. TIFFIN. OHItV CSTiï -. í')íír -' A nOMTB rao be rslD Si3 ï.-L„-U. warklng for us. A .-u's pri" i ■■!! H :i;i u n h :i lujrSr aiul Kivo iln' r w.n. ■ t i-i ■ ík tUe b isi :. s ':ir i momcntfl n:ar b- Lrofit tbly emptoyeda mi . few vacandefl i , town B.F. . OIINSON A Co.. 1UÜJ M.iin trtMíí. Ui. liiiioinl, ;j A1F.]VÏS WAXIKDIo.ell Ih.I'ERSONAI. Mempirs of Gen. P. H. Sfiarfdan now ir.: !y. rvcord on Oranffl Hemoln i Iffe-tïine to make money, AddressC. B. BEAC'B CX., Chica w-n.rffSMaife ,DRFSS . siAoEv,. TT jjm yot salo every wher ji i,y tho yard. Try them! Story of Foathorbono free. Addresa 'FKATltEKUOMJ," 3 Ouks, Mlchln. nVUAUITC hTi Ml' BLAMTIXG. In lojl JnHinll t cauties not kept bv doaler.swillto m0 Introducé out Dynamtte Cartride seiiHiid dehvi'i- at irlcs av racrlng .■ i a) cents per stuiup re m e 1. A fax Torpedo & Uyunmtte Works, Bay City, MUh. tiAiJPQNi.'tM-üsiüi I.un !;. IStofO per nero. Qood nUlrlLOH mie' for Kariucrs. Suro invi'stiuent for eapitaUflts. Longtfme, easj pay ment s. A.ddreM for Pani])ii]r[s. Lovi Etaie. Ercuraion Dates, etc, W. 15. 81 Foxflt.. Aurora, III. ÜMmrAIUn mcUALonHTis.Mi & Morton; Ia :ix Bronce, 3 iilii" 'renta imples and aents' terms for a ."ie. The 8chranl MtunuA St-ii r., M lwauk.'c. Wis., ;m I Chic ffo, til. KIPPERS PASULLESgg' MArS Cl'"' 'v Scmp'l'. Chemlsts, Clark IIHICI W,i M.uli i.n St, ciui-aso, III. Wij A "TIJ AA ftnd $1.00 sizes of yourdruatfist or A9 I rllVIA ent liv mail do recelptol prloej V% rilOIAIIO-'0'" PracUeeln Pensions U C,lliailjRd& SukIll'r Claims. SucccM p ll'"l"ïa''orni) feos. Send f ir new B laws. C.M.SITES &Cü.,Atty', WaahlUK-lon.D.C. PflT Tl r'ireatllonie'atl niake more inotipjr trorkinjpjroithïo UUuUl st anrlhing el in Ihg worlii. Elllier KL Coitl.T onlSI rail. TenuniB. Ad.lrr., J ia K Cu., AuffiiiU, Min. C9CC liynlurnmall. Full De.crlption ■ KPP Moodj'. ow T.llor Kj.ten of Umi rllbb Cutüo,. MIX-9T & CO., Cincinnati. a Ef TO ■■ DAT. Samplet icorlh 81.SO Jï FRËK. Lines not under Vit horst'sfeel. Wriu W Brticsler Safetu Hein Uolder Co.,lollil, Mlch. n tTT?TÏ Treatfil and cftred without tlif knife. i4 ll iP K "o"11 " rtataant tont fríe. ídilrtsi Vil.' VJui r. L. FONU, M. D., Aurora. Kane Co., III. Pul II worthiawper. PotUfsEyeSalTelswortli lULU HCwbut is sulil ut ■L cents a box by doaleM cvi.isy,ui?HiKiaiiJil W. N. U. D.-6--32. Whn writiug to Atlvertlscrs ty ■ou MW the adrertiaemeiit in this Paper.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat