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Wolverine Whisperings

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The appointment of Rev. Fr. f. Foley of FJaltimore as bishop of the Detroit diocese s officially confirmed. Western Michigan demócrata have preicnted President Cleveland one of the porabln houses manufactured by tho Grand liapids portable house company. It is a icrfect houso 27 by 30 feet in size, and alhough diminutive, cominodious and cool, t containg five rooms handsoinely f urnish:d. It is gtone colored, with brown oorïices and ornamental decorations. Joseph Polehm, injurod in an accident n a logging road near Grayling, is dead. Albert Tooloy was crushed between cars it Jonesville, and died the next morning. The shingle mili at Lakeside was burned ;he other night, at a loss af $18,000. Work has been commenced on the Detroit, Charlevoix & Escanaba road. Seventy new houses are in proces of irection at Ishpeming. Thomas Parkinson died in Emmot on the Istinst., aged 100 years. A beautiful memorial window, in honor )f fallen bravas, bas been placed in the 3ourt street Methodist chureb. at Flint. Capt. Clough of Swult Ste. Marie, well inown all along the lakes, suicided the ither day. The sink holes on tho Lansing & Grand tlapids road are still csusing some trouble, md it is said the one west of Lake Odessa so trpacherous that it must be watchod lay and niiftt . The corner stone of the new cpurt house i Bessemer, was laid on the flrst nist, Oe hundred and fifty minors have been lischarged from the Barnum mine at Ish)eming. The reason given the men is that the ore in stock cannot be sold at a proflt. Ole Olsen, aged 35, of Norway, placed the inuzzle of a rifle at his cheek, under tho 2ye, and pulled the trigger, blowing the whole top of his head off. Temporary insanity was the pause. On the logging road about flfteon miles iast of Otsego Lake a train of eropty flat :ars struck tho dry limbs of a fallen tree ícross the road and jumped the track, piling up the cars. Tiventy-fivo workmen re reported injured. Sixteen seriousl.y. One was killed and three others will probbly die. They are nearly all Poles. Cpngressman Fisher has made up his mind that he will accept a nomination for re-electlon. Considerable cedar oil is being made froin cedar boughs at Deep River. The outlook for a heavy ylold from nutbearing trees is better than at any time in 20 years. The southern Michigan fair will be held [n Three Kivors Sept. 35-28. Roy Guemar of Ovid, aged 10, fllled a tiairpiii box with powder and touched it off. He vu fcai fully burned, and hasn't opened his oyes sineé. Up to and lncluding July 81, í-íie Saginaw river shipments had boon as follow ; Lumber, 211,202,000 feet; shingles, 80,25:J,U00; lath,9,346,000 pieces. At Baw Beese lake, ncar Hillsdale, as some workmen wore ïnoving a building, it collapsed, severely injuring four of the men. Steve Blakeman had his thigh broken. Mrs. Brant, who keops a little store in Bay Cify, has fallen heir to a large fortune in Geruiany. Mr. Henry Hastian of Vicksburg tried to hang herself the other day. but was prevented. She will be sent to Kalamazoo asylum. Alexander McCree, for 10 years agent of lbo O. & G. T. railway at Lansing, has been appointcd trafflc manager of the new Toledo, Saginaw & Muskegon railroad, with headquarteis at Muskegon. The Northern Michigan soldiers' association will hold its encampment at Petoskey. Mr. Campbell of Minden City offers to eivo the people of Mayvillean85-barrel-peráay roller mul, provided they will give him a bonus of $2,000; $1,200 of this amount has already been subscribed, Over 2,000 people attended the G. K. encampment at Traverse City. There are 5,000 Chautauquans in Michigan, or about one-fifth of the number in the world. Dwigbt Bangs of Flint has been selected a teacher in the Minnesota institution for deaf mutes at Faribault. There were received at Jackson prison during July, 19 convicta; 14 were disohargcd, and 3 died. On hand Aug. lst, 703. Wm. Collins left Blissücld, Lenawec county, in 7868 under suspicion of having been concerned in alleged murder of one Henry Youugs by latter's wife. Now Collins is under arrest at Minto, Dakota, for similar crime and authorlties there want information about the Youngs case. Recent rains have extinguished the forcst ores along Mackinac división of Michigan Central. The military board will determine at an early date whether Mackinac island will be tho permanent encampment for state troops. The consent of the United States govornment must be obtained. Miis F. L. Stewart, for 25 years in Ypsilanti postofflee, flve years of time as postmaster, has been appoiuted teacher at state normal school. Thomas Thompson, an early settler of Wright, Hillsdale county, dropped dead the other day. "Blinkey" Morgan was hung in efflgy at Alpena the other night. Adrián boasts of a Germán Citizen who carne to this country 62 years ago, has resided in Lenawee county 50 yoars, and been engineer of the railroad shop there for 38 consecutive years. The Standard oil company is building extensive tanks at Isbpeming, which will be made an oil distributing point for the iron and copper regions of Michigan and Wisconsin. The senate has adoptod a resolution calling on the commissioner of patents for any information he has relativo to the deflcleney in the accounts of Levi Bacon of Michigan, nnancial clerk of tho bureau of patents at the time of his death. Howard W. Sterling, a prominent society man of Detroit, and a well-known Insurance agent in that city, is accused of forging mortgage8 aggregating the sum of $18,000. He left the city just before his wrong doing was brought to light. It is computed that tho shrinkage on wool prices this year cost tho farmers of Genesco county $88,110. Gen. Mix's old regiment, the Eighth Michigan cavalry, will hold their reunión at Allegan this year in connection with the reunión of the soldiers' and sailors' associa tion of southwestern Michigan, and a large number are expected to be present, as an extra effort will be made by them to visit the home of their old eoinmander, Rt. Rev. Samuel S Harris, bishop of the Episcopal diocese of Eastern Michigan, who is at present in London, was stricken with paralysis on the 5th inst. Hartford and William McMullen, brothers, of Hartford, were drowned the other afteruoon while in bathing. A number of gentlemen in Hillsdale, who voted for Harrison in 1840, have formed an organization and named it the -lOld Guard" with Dr. John W. Falley as president. Elljah Haines of Flat Rock lost six cows and two horses, which were struck by lightning the other day. Deer is more plentiful in upper península forosts than ever before known. The animal reunión of the Michigan battalion Merrill Horse will bo held at Bellevue, Sept. 8 and 'J. Tho ncw Branch countv court house at Coldwater was bnpeeted and arrepted from the contractors by tlie board of , visors on Wednesday, August 1. ïhe nineteenth reunión of the Fifth , gan veteran voluutoer Infantry will be held , at Owosso on Wedncsday, August 29 The invitations, wbich are now out, are very tasteful. Bears are eausing Arenac county farmers considerable trouble, carrying oLf pigs, calves, etc. Largo tracts of pine held by speculators all through northern Michigan will be lumberod this winter, uu heavy nreshave burned over H, rendering it Bubjeot to ravages of the borer. Fred Poterson was killed by oolllsion of hand cars near Michigamme the othor day. The state board of pardons will hold a scssion Aug. 21. Inspection of railroads in Michigan by Commissionor Kich develops tho fact that roads are in far better condition than they wcro a yoar ago. Especially is this noticeable in constructiou of station houses. Those erected are of muoh better tjuality than thoge eroctcd in prepedine yearn. Prof. Josoph Eslubrook, superintendent of publio instruction, has propared "A , Course of Studv for Country Sohools," which, in pampmet form, iii bo sent broadcast over tlie statp. The QOUrse embraces usual studie tiiutclit in country schools with additioi) of physiology and hygienc. _-__-- Patriok O'Nmü f Detroit, haying corapletod his probationary torin of six inonthn as a postofnep iisppctor,has bepn appointed at a salary of $1,000 por unuum. John McSorley's farm house in Wilson towuship, Alpcna cQuuty, was destroyed by lire the other morning. Bennie McSorley, Hjfcd ]8, rau bapk jntp the urning house aüd the ri'amoi put rii rptreat off; wheu ruscued he was {erribly bimed and died soon after. His brpther had hls hands and iacu buriied in inaking the regcue. Charla Bnylise, oontinod in jail at Coldwater, for dninkonues, comjjjiuod suimde by hanging. Th'; remiiiiis wore takn to his former homu iu Hudsgn for intrpient A special Grand Trunk püssenprev train rao iuto a handeur Shaftsbui-g:, killing Charles Hammond and fatally injuring Charles Haley, section men. O. C. Moffatt, son of the late Congressman Mofffttt, and Mís8 Momie Gimieron, both of Traverse Ci.y, weve mai-riod gn the 6th inst, Another important gold flnd has boen made. This timo by J. B. Wilson, who controls by options large tracts of lund in the vicinity of Marquette. The poorst of them assays Í2,500 to the ton. He refuses to givo the exact location of the new flnd. Nona of the {hree rich spcciniens come fl'om the amo plftbo nitoiiP is hpligved to be vvorth at least $S,O(K) jiur toti. Applications for informaron and optioug are crowdiug him, but he will give nothing up until all has been assayed. Dr. Isaac Mcchem, a prominent temperance worker in Battle Creek, and well known in Bpiritualistic circles throu,%iout tho state, is dead. At one time he had au extensive medical practice. He was over 80 years, old, and Ijad jived in Bátale Cieek upwardit of thjrty yar. Alex. üaUsheski is in jail a, Alpena, charged with starvin{ his cnild, Michael Geno, aired 7i, wus drowned at Bay City the other uay, A family nanod Meyers, consisting of husband, wife and two ciiikiron, were murdered on tlie lted Itiver, about40 milis above Denison, Texas, ten days ago. They were from Michigan, and were on a trapping anrt Cshing uxpeditiou. They were probably killed By' ihjr brc-od, In4ians or what are kuovvn as 'ine ridei8." Parig green was admiiiistored tu a fine herd of Holstcin cattle belonging to K. Iv. King of Waterfox-d, on the nlght of Aujrust 5th. Nine cows are deud and two sick. The loss is estimated at $s"OU. No clew to the poisoner a yet. A stoue bridge to cost i7,0J0 is being built over Sycamore creek at Mason by the Michigan Central. Miss Catherine Siuier, ono of the earliest settlurs of Vonnontrülei was buried a few days ugo. Hbo wan a cmin to Mrs. U. A. Alger. The grounds of the state reform school for boys, at Lansing, are U be remodelod aocording to plans drawn by Hou. Vm. Donovan. J. K. Livingston, the veterau East Saginaw dry goods man, vrho had been in business for 35 years or more and was highly respected, has been forced to make an assignment. The Twentythird regiment and Midland county veterans held a Joint reunión at Stanton on the 7th inst. The next reunión of the Twenty-third will be held at May, Tuscola county. The ofticers for the coming year are: P. H. Kitchen of Mayville, president; B. W. Hustan of Vassar, vice-presideut ; Charles E. McAUistor of Flint, secretary ; and George W. Buckingham of Flint, orator. The oflicers of the soldiers' and sailors'"association for the next year are : President, J. W. Snell ; vice-president, William Simmons; secretary, W. W. Allen; treasjrer, William Donelson.


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