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A green waternielon at on a f ruil stand, Saying " Mellow, I'm meilow, I'm mellow," And a -mail boy stood by with a cent in his hand, Saylnffi " MöUow, it 'r mellow, it 's mellow." s.i he boughl a bij? hunk rilit out o( the heart, Am! ate clear down to the hard outside part. , Then they cnrreci liim olt In a rag dealer's eart " Poor fellow, poor fallow, poor fellow " - Exchange Paper. Kew moon in towu. Ypsi. fair, Oot. 27 to 81. Dr. Breakey is quite sick. Mra. L, C. Kis Jon ia very ill. EncouroRe the street railway. Fred. Schmid haR a new horse. Dr. Dell's baby is ranch better. Dr. Allen Mondayed in Detroit. Miss Alhe Cramer has returned homo. Arthur Sweet is workinsrin Jaokson. S. 8. Blitz ia expected home tomorrow Misa Mamie Devaney is at Mt. Clem ens. Burchfield was in the Detroit on Mon day. Will BamBay hns returned to Grosse Isle. Jerome Minuig lias an inorease of pen sion. Bev. Dr. Steele and family are in Detroit. Prof. Prry has rturnd from Bay View Fred Eberbaoh is reoreating at Wbitmore. Aliss Carrie Miller ia vieiting fnends in Saline. Strawbernes are just in season in Marquette. R. P. GUbert, law '89 is summering in the city. Sam Kiune is enjoying himself in Europe. The opera housn pRinting is nearly finisned. J. Halder, colored, has apphed for a pension . H. Q. Van Tyle, of Detroit, was in town Tuesday. Washtenaw county fair Sept. 25 to 28 inclusive. Ed Gott, of Detroit, was in the city Saturday. Will Watts arrived from Chautauqua, yesterday. Eugene Hall has again inrested in horse flesh. The Misses Penny are visiting friends in Jackson. Miss Cora Randall is stopping at Slackinac Island. Rev. Williara Galpin was in Detroit Wednesday. Aid. Sutherland was in Milan, Monday and Tuesday. "Randall will open bis millinery store in üeptetnber. Mrs. Wm. Noble is expected home in a week or two. Mrs. M. Culver spcuta fewdaj-sin Detroit last week. The small boy sigheth; vaoation is over half gone . Cousins, the florist, has again enlarged bis green house. Mr. and Mrs. Hesier returnel from Detroit Monday. Publio Bchools open Sept. ;!, one month trom last Friday. Miss Mary Ashley returned to Toledo, Monday morning. Torn Oooley and Jim Angelí are at Mt. Desert, Maine. Z P. King went to Chicago, Monday mglit, on business. Oarl Warden is in the post office at Ocean Grove, N. J. Louis Boyle spent Sunday with H. C. Gregory in Dexter. Toofany has a large new sign reaohmg across the sidewulk. J. A. Brown and wife returned from Mackinao last week. Eugene Hali's new house is rapidly nearing oomplelion. Dr. Will Ennis, of New York city, was in the city Saturday. " Micky " Sheehan bas opened a dental office on State street. Maj. Wilcoxson has built a new lattioe fence aoross bis yard. Mre. G. Hawes, of the Arlington, is at Union Springs, N. Y. John Moore is working in his father's store during summer. Miss Iva Gregg, of the postoffice forcé is tnking her vacatioo. Prof. Slawson and wife returned from the east Sunday night. Loudest thunderstorm of the seaaon occurred Fnday night. Report of the pomologionl meeting is orowded out tbis week. A. M. Clark's new houso on División street is about tiuisked. The front of Stevcn's barber shop hus had a new ooat of paint. Theodore Rover, Jr., is visiting his parents on División street. Stewart Millen returned home from Chicago, öaturday night. FraDk Allenis camping out in Canada 250 miles above 'l'oronto. Oscar Schmid is rusticating at Grosse Isle, with college friends. The numerous recent showers have done a great deal of good. Dr. GibbeB and family are spending a week or two at North lake. John Vanarsdalle is guardiDg the Sig ïouse during the summer. JIre. C. O. Warner bas been visiting u South Lyon, tuis week . H. Rindíill and wife go to Boston one week from next Monday L. Cole rend service in St. James' church )oxter, ou Suuday morning. Mrs. Charles Moore, of Detroit, visited Ann Arbor fnends last week. Mrs. Prof. Stowell is so far recovered as to be able to go out riding. Some interesting information will be ouml in J. T. Jacob 's iicw ad. Jim Robiaon bas purchased several ïorses from South Lyon partiea. George Browu was arrested Tuesday or carr ving concealeJ weupons . Mr. Smith, of the Olifton House, Whitmore Lake. was in town Tuesday. Mr. Israel Hall, who has been unwell or some time is somewbat better. The Mjsses Martin, teachers in Michigan City, Iud., are summcring here. Prof. Wood goes norih next week for eveial weeks' hunting and fisliing. Mrs. C. G. Jennings and httle son of )eiroit, are visiting at Gov. Feloh's. Mrs. C. N. Jones leaves this week for ïer future in Milwaukee, Wis. M. J. Lehman was appointed examinr Tuesday by the school inspeoiors. Miss Whedon and Míhs Rose are pending tlie week at Wuitm)re 1 ike. Miss Annie VYilson left Saturday morning to visit friends m Clevelaud. Mrs. James Kearns bas been pending he week with triends in Port Huron. D. .1. Ross nnd family expeot to go amping the latter part of tina month. Mrs. Wilham -Valsh and cliildren are pending the week at VVhitmore Lake. Mrs. Dr. Wells and daughter, Miss Luie, left for Bay City yesterday morning. A new etone orossing has been laid at be oomer of Fifth and Detroit streets. The tiags in the city have been at half mast in honor of Geu. Shendan's death. Tri StatO fair at Toledo, Aug. 27 to 3ept. 1 inclusive. Half fare on railroad. Will Kamsay returned from Detroit ast week, where he has been sinoe June. Rev. C.B. lluson, of Coldwater, is the guest of bis BiBier, Mrs. G.P. Williams. Unole Bailey says that he's going back to "ole Virginy ' in the fall after electïon. The Misses Condón are expected home !rom St. Paul about the flrst of September. Miss Hannah Dalton is viuiting her uiece, Mrs. F. Dunoan, at Lasalle, Illinokk Yesterday afternoon Krueger photographed St. Andrew'H ekurch and reotory. Mr. Paul of Montreal is visiting hl wife and family, who aro summerinj hero. G. J. Hirtli, pharmic, '89, íh clerking dunng the summer, in Brown's dru store. Ed Warren nnd Qeo. Qilbert ar workinR tlieir horscs on the Ypsilant traok . Over 985 tickets were sold at the Toled depot Tuesday for the Sunday schoo picnic. C. H. Ricbniond and Mrs. Tracy Roo are estending the lawns in front of thei house. The exterior woodwork of the Alph Delta Piii house is to be paintod thi summer. Mrs. Dr. Wood's motuer, Mrs. Bulk ley Jeave8 next week for Denver an Colorado. Mrs.Wm.Waldron and daughter, Fran ces, snd May Cooley are at Mount Dese rt, Maine. Don't forget the farmers' picnic a W hit more one week fromto-morrow.Au gust lttth. Mrs. Julia O'Neil. of Detroit, spent Monday with her niece, Mina Muggie Donovsn, George Moore bas had his book store pain teil, and has a new tar walk around bis house. Messrs. Sam Post, Chas. King, and Prof. Sil! were up from Ypsi. one day this week. Miss Veva Cornwell and Miss Ilattie Nichols are spendiug the week at Wbituiore lake. A. H. Holtnes, who sprained hie ankle some time since, is able to be around once more. RememberProI. Bartholomew's equine paradox opens at tbe grand opera house, Aug. 2Oth. Tbs cali for the democratie county convention, Sept. 5, will be in next week's Demoorat. Kreuger went to WhitrnoreTuesday to ihotograph a party oamping there from 2. Saginaw. Rev. U.S. Woodruff, of Big Rapids Mioh., preaohed in 8t. Andrew's ohuroh aat Sunday. Prof. and Mrs. Morris and childien arrive home to-day from camping at sorth Lake. J. B. Miner and family, and Mr. and irs. L. A. Bhoades are oamping out at Orchard lake. The Two Sams expect to be settled in ;heir new store in four or five weeks, six at the outside. Mrs. Dowigan, of 8. División street, goes to Muskegon, this week to remain ntil October. Mrs. Joe Boudiuot and son Guy, of Cleveland O., are visiting in Ann Arbor nd Ypsilanti. Mrs. Dr. Palmer, and her niece, Miss Ahce Root, arrived home from Mackiuac, londay night. Allen B. Pond, of Chicago, spent a day r two in towrj, on business, and left for ïome öunday . Mrs. Matthews and Mrs. Pierre, of )akland eouniy, are the guests of Mrs. 0.0. Warner. Mrs. Wainwright intends to build anther house noxt summer on her place on )irision street. The T., A. A. has a gang of men busy aymg new side tracks for its inoreasing reight business. Will Price leaves in about a week for 'etoskey where he will spend his vacaon of two weeks. Mrs. H. J. Brown, who was taken sick fter returning from Whitmore lake, has ntirely reoovered. Qrant Barber, of thia city, ie endeavoru to get a positiou in the Brighton chool for next year. Last Saturday a washout near New 3ufïalo delave d the niorning tains on ie central one hour. Fred Biohmond is running a summer ews stand at Petoskey in connection with Louis Fasquelle. Psi TJpsilon fraternity house has been calsomined and papered in preparation or another year's use. Miss Louisa L. Loving has secured a position as teaoher, (or next year in the schools at Btreator, 111. Mr. and Mis. Kirtland bave moved here from Rochester, Indiana. Mr. Kirtland is a travelling man. There ia to be a biblioal institutc connected with the Disoiples ohurch which is to be built in this city. A train of five coaohes took the Bethlehom Lutheran Sunhay school to Whitniose Tuesday, on a picnic. A FIying Dutchman arrived in town last Saturday, and lit on the oorner of Main and'Catharine st reets. Mrs. John Ferdon arrived home from St. Paul. Friday night, accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. Bentley. In the first year and two months that Asa Allen has been mail oarrier, he haa worn out ?30 worth of shoes. Mrs. VVm. Lovejoy of Detroit, spent Tuesday with her daughters, Mr?. A. C. Kellogg and Miss A . Lovejoy. D. F. Schairer and family are off on a two weeks' trip around the lakes, via Chicago and Grand Haven. Horse back riding is beooming quite the rage among email boys who are fortúnate euougti to own ponies. Fred. Heusler, Haller's driver, who had lis leg broken some time Bgo, expects to e able to walk in a week or two. Tbere is some talk of the vacant Iota on 3. Ann streete, owned by K Parker, for bc now boupital to be built upon. Rev. Henry QelstoD, of Florida who a visiting bis fatber will preach in the Presbyterian churoh next Sunday. Miss Louie Craig has returned from 'iiK'inniiH and is now visiting friends in Detroit. Torn is still in Oincinnati. Mrs. John Maynard gave a very pleasant te ii party last Snturday evening for Vlr. Fred Maynard of Qrand Rapids. Mr andMrs.Cadwalader and childrefc, of Delaware, Ohio, are visiting Mra. Cadwalad ;r's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Royer. Rev.Wm. Ga! pin preachedin öt.Luke's churoh, YpHilauti, lasi Htinday morning and admiuistered the holy coinmunion. AuRtin McQuire, of Ann Arbor, ia runniDg A. B. Van Duzer's barber sliop durng the latter's illness. - Saline observer. The suit against G. Weidenmann for assault bas been disoontinued, also the one againsl H. H. Figgie, a disorder] y . Chief Sipley took Arihur Crump to he Detroit house of correction Tuesday 'or 3U days, for carrying concealed svea3ons. Mrs. Harriet Toan, who has resided in Ann Arbor for the past year, will shortly move back to her former home in Lyons, .Vlioh. Bert Holmes and Arthur Holmes, of Detroit, are camping at Mackiaac Islaud. 1 hey will be gone abont three weeks lonjjer. Prof. Friezj is oorreoting the proof sheets of his Quintilian. The book will ae published by D. Appletun and Co., of New York. Mr. Sidney C. Eastman of Ohicago spent the early part of the week at Israel Hall's. Mrs Eastman has beeu here some time. Walker Bros. have the contract for the basement of the new Disoiples ohurch. T iis íb all of the building to be flnished this summer. Mrs. Harris, wife of Bishop Harris reached Detroit from Mackinac yesterday and will sail for Liverpool by the Alian line steamer. Before Fred. Maynard and family left for home a group picture was taken including themselves and Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Maynard. Miss Josie Rathbone returned from a visit to Cleveland f rienda last Friday and left Saturday evening to join her mother at North lake. A large masquerade was given at tho Lake house, Whitmore lake, on Wednesday evening. Quite a number attended f rom this oity. Wm. Walsh, Ihw, '87, a young and promismg Detroit lawyer was in the oity Saturday, on hia way tr Wbitmore Lake tor a few dnys. Mrs. Wm. Canwell is spending several weeks with her daughter Louise, in Detroit, who has a pusition with the Cyolorama oompany. A. H. Coe, medie '88, is epending th summer in town. Dr. Coe is endeavoring to Beoure a poaition a snrgeon in the U. S. army. Mrs. Josephine Prioe and cliildren, of Lima, Ohio, are epending the Bummer with their grandmother, Mrs. Tomlinsoc, of N. Btate Btreet. The new mnil carriers, Chris. Donnelly, William Baxter and Alfred Freuauff began work Monday morning, on the eigbt hour system. Cards are out announoing the marriage of Miss Clara Hangsterfer to Mr. Wm. J. Luyck9. of Detroit, Wednesday, August 22d, at 5 o'clock p. m. Frank Vandewarker and Gillie ílowe ot this city, and Ed Hiscock and Ben Arkeey of Dexter are takiug their anoual camping at Portage .Lake. Sohleinker & Tessmer are ereoting a building on West Liberty streit forJ. Harrar. It will be used hs a photograpb gallery aad store oombiued. St. Thomas' boy ohoir sana for the first time last Sunday, and they re to be congratúlale npou their siuiiiug which is excellent and m perfect time. The benoli show of doga to be held at Toledo this fall promiaes to be better than last year. Johu Walker conteniplates exhibitingseveral dogs. The beginning of the week Haller shipped a bed room set and several other pieoes f furniture to parties in NebrasKa. Nothing like a reputation. Miss Mary Kelsey, of Clinton, N. Y., is spending several weeks with Mrs. II. W . liogors. Miss Kelsey acoompanied Prof. and Mrs Evans to Europe last yenr. The Disoiples church to be ereoted here will be a very handsome building. The sooioty has secured the lot on S. Uniyersity ave. , next to Major Soule's place. The state teachers' instituto for Washtenaw county will be held at Ypsilanti next week commencing Monday, August 13th, and olosing Friday, August 17th. St. Aodrew's, Dexter and Geddes fcjunday schools have accepted the invitation of the Delhi mission and will hold their picnic at Delhi, VVednesday, Aug. 18th. Mr. Buudenbanm, who has been visitïng Marión Paul, left Saturday for his liome in Berea, Ohio. He ezpeots to return next fall and enter the university. The oontraotors for the Dundee fuel gas coinpany are building their derriok, and will begin drülinc tbis week. They hope to have their woll finistted in sixty days. Miss Ida M. Porter, medie, '88, left for visit to her home in Connersville, Pa., uesday, on her way to Boston, where he has a position in the Woman's hospital. Judge and Mrs. Cooley, Charlio, Mrs, ilexis Angelí, her children, and the 'adge's grand-children from Lansing eft Saturday on an extended trip around iiu ]akes. John McCarthy, of Northfield, while working ut the university, last Friday, et a cbisel slip which nearly severed one f his large toes. He will be disabled for ome time. The work of enlarging and improving Jov. Feloh's house goes rapidly on. Vhen the carpenters are through, the (jrov. will recupérate among fnends in Iahpeming. Mrg. J. M. Halleck has moved to Ann Arbor, f rom Holly, Mich., foreduoatienal purposes, and has rented the house on Tnompson street, lately vaoated by Dr. MoLachlin. Miss Jessie Wood and her mother arrived home from Europe the mi Idle of last week and start ed on Satiirday for Duluth. In a Bhort timo tliey intend going to Califurnia. C. S. Barber, janitor of Hobart hall, has taken the agenoy for an automatio lawn rake. Tuis rake is constructed on a new plan and is the best lawn rake made. Miss Kittie Molony, of Detroit, and well known m tins city, has joined the Madisun Square theatre oompnny of New York. They open the seasun at San Francisco in a few days. The tar walk in front ot D. J. Ross' property and the fourth ward school has been raised several inches. Dan deserves great credit for the way in which he has improved his place. During the year, Harkins and Willis have sold about 34,000 Jim toasters. Betore the season is finished tbey will have sold 35,000. This mvention is quite a bonanza for the makers. Chris Both's barn in the 2d ward caught fíre Saturday night, a little past eleven o'olock, and quiokly burned to the ground. A cow was also burned. No Insurance; oause unknown. Monday Justice Pond sent John Liti Ie up for 30 days for being disorderly; fined Wm. Taylor $2 and coats, a'so S. Zeeb aud H. Waldron each SI and $470 costs for breach of thepeaoe. E. J. Dennen and Larry Cole, who have been studying all suinmer, will fiuish this week and then summer among fnends, the former at Chatauqua, the latter in Detroit, aad saudusky, Oüio. JuniUH E. Beal was appointed un aide ;o the Marsbail íor the republican eague división to aasist in the parade in ionor of James G. Blaine. lie started for New York Monday morning. Misa Maud Hicks and Mi-n .Toe Hyde returned last week f rom Port Hurón where they have been viaitini; the Miases Mo Horran. They all took a cruise around Lake Michigan on a lumber boat. Prof. H. Kimpf and family leave tornorrow for Whitmore to spend two weeks wiih Mrs. Kempf's mother, Mrs. Weidemann. The Prof. will be in on Thursdays to give bis musio lessona. The Detroit ball club learned to play "bumb" ball; "And U'b never done anything since." And they were so desirous of takiiiK a fall, that, "They've never done aiiy t hing since," so aay the cranks. A. J. Paisley, agent, has appointed J. 13. Gump freiglit cashier, aud Harry ishier Hbstract clerk in tne I'., A. A. & N. M. R'y ofiBces. J O. Elliott, the poimlar ticket oleik, remaina in churge of the pasteboards. The many frienda of Mra. Müuer, of Grand Kupids, will be glad to learn that ene will return and teach another year in the high school. Mrs. Milner is oue of the most popular teachers in the school and justly bo The little son of Prof. Steere, who feil and broke his arm at the elbow, is doing fluely. He lost very few hours of play, in, with his arm piuioned at hia side, be is aeen, runniug, shouting and enjoyiug himaelf generally. Wliitmore lake is a great resort on Sunday. Cn a recent Sundny there was a tremendoua picnic at Weidemann's grove having an abundance of mutuo ttnd refreshment. Fifty horaea were fed on that side of the lake. The Evangelist miasion church (oolored) of this city is to be known as Urover Cleveland cbapel. Any person contributing fifty dollars or more will have hia or her name inscrbed on a marble lab, in the chapul. S. B. Thompson, öec'y. The Amphion club arrived home Saturday f rom their northern trip. The concerta at Bay View, under the direction of Prof. Cady were very auoceasf ui, also one at Mackinao and two at Charlevoix. Miss Whedon accompanied the club. Prof. Hennequin, Fred. N. Scott and W. L. Manu started Monday inorning for Geddes wüere they will camp two weeks. They will apend the time ttshing, wnting plays an;l in venting fishatories to teil people when they return home. One of our citizens, who has had the pleasure of Beemg Uartholomew's equiné paradox in the east, pronounces it to be the most elevating and meritorious entertainment of its kind in the country. The intelligence of the horsea is simply wonderful. Prof. Payne's family pack up nest week preparatory to going to Nashville, Tenn. The young ladies will visit f rienda in Toledo and Detroit, and Prof. Payne and wife will gpend a few days with thelr eon Will Payne, on E. Ann street before going sonth. E. Frueauffwent to East Saginaw Tuesday nik'lit. on business. He will return in time to try two bloodthirsty caaea from Milan, on next Monday. Sarah E Lane lias had Ollie Turner arreated for Blander and Ollie Turner has had Sarah E. Laue arrested for assault and battery. Lrst Saturdav evenini? quite a Hvely fraoas took place in Gibney's saloon, on Main street, several gentlemen of color taking very pr minent parts. Men were beiug knock d over the head with chairs, glasses broken nntl tlnngs generally stirred up when Sheriff VValsh, and and his assistantfl, appeared and arrested ürump, Zeeb and Waldron. They appeared beI lore Justice Pord Monday. Orump was I Bent up. Others paid fine and costa.


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