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NOYELTIES EXTRA NOVELTIES -IN- MIER DRESS GOODS . A big bargain in lace, pique and Swiss embroidered flouncings. A cali will show our customers all that is new in Summer goods, at prices from ten to twenty per cent. lower then any otber house in the city. Mack & Schmid. Prof. I. L. Lowe of New Orleang nniverBity, has been cal led to Nebraaka Weseyan uuiversity, as professor of modern nuguages. His wife has been elected )rofessor of art in the same institution. EVERYTHIKG NEff! W. C. SNOW'S LIVERY STABLE ! 3est Turnouts in the City Funeral Attendance a Specialty. N ■ i. 21 N. Main street, Telepbone connection. MAR Y F. MILEY'S, ART AND STAMPING ROOMS. All Materials for Fancy Work Constantly on Hand. Zephyrs, Yarns, Germantown Wools, Canvas, Feite, eto. Agent for Boston Comfort Corset, Frenoh P. D. Oorset. Huron street, one door west of Main, Ann Arbor, Mich. P Tea s e liflti. The Hangsterfer Ice Co., will furnish [ce delivered to any part of the city for ;he Season of 1888. !5 lbs daily exoept Sucdays tl 00 per mouth. ' " 4 time per week - "1.76 " " ' " 8 "1.50 " ■ ' 2 "1.00 " Hotels, Ecstuarnnts, Butobers etc., will ie furnishetl by the ton or huadred. Company Established 1875. E.V. HANCSTERFER, MANAGER. Office No. 28. S. Main Street. Anxious To Sel!. On account of oíd age and poor health. I wlsh :o sell my shop prnperty and Stoet. Eitlier seperat-ly or together, but prefer the latter. I have a complete stock, of piciltnral Implamsnts including a liraited number of Tiger Snlky Bakes. The New Superior Gram Drills. My Improved Five Tooth Thill Cultivator. The Steel Frame Planet Junior Cultivators. Lanaing WagonB. Hay and Stock Kacks. A good chance f r some thorough going man. Will take in part payment some Rood rentable property in the city. Ann Arbor May 15, 1838. M. ROGERS. RINSEY A SEABOLT, No. è & 8 Washington! St. Have ou hand a complete stock of everything Ia the Crocery Line. Teas, Coffees, Susars, In large amounts, and at And can sell at Low Figure. The large invoice of TeaH they buy and eell, is good proof that In Quatity and Price they Give Bargains. They Roast their own Coffeeg every week, and none but prime articles are used. Thelr Bakery turns out excellent Bread. Cakes and Crackers. Cali and see them. sTO V!ACKINAC. The Most DeliïhtfV. 3UMIV1ER TOUR Plaoe SUuniri. Low ZUtM. Tour Tript per Weok Betwen DETROIT AND MACKINAC And Brery Week Day Dotwcn ETROIT AND tJLEVEUND WriU for OUT "Ploturesque Macklnac," lllustratec Contatos rnU Partlculars. Maüed FrM. Detroit & Cleveland Steam Nav. Co. C. D. Whitcomb, qcn. pa. ast., DETROIT. MICH. irown Chinese Plant On Ivorv. A Stock Patten with m and can he nad in sep arate pícces as weli as Kets and matei. ed for yearsto come as roadily as Whiie Ware. J. D. STIMSON &SON, China Grockerv, Glassware, Lamps, etc. ANN ABBOR, MICH. D. W. AMSDEN Of the late firm of Collins & Amsden is doing business alone at the old Stand, No. 33 EAST HU RON ST., Where he will be pleased to receive calis trom all old customere and as many new ones as want FEED, BALEO HAY AND STEAW, COAL Aft'U WOOD. I also keep Linseed Oil Meal, an excellent feed for stock of any kind. GREETING ? We come before the people wlth the largest and FINEST STOCK OF ALL THE LE ADINCrand Fashionable Styles of Cloths and Suitings íntirely too numerous to mentlon for the outfltlng of the fine dresers. And as we have the ervteea of one of the best cuttera, and also our oat makers are among the best, enables us to ilease the most lashlonable dressers. Now all re haveto say Is come in and we wlll guarantfie 'ou the lowest prices ín the state for flrst-class ;ouds. No trouble to show goods. Romemberthe placo, No. 6 East Hurón Street, four doors west of heCook House W.C. BURCKFIELP. The Palace Livery TUC _ i n k lest ai Best Tonoils IN THE CITY. HACKLS, LIVERY AND SALE S-baTble. JAS. W. ROBISON, Prop. No. 21. South Fourth St„ Ann Arbor Mich, Telephone No. 31. HENRY RICHARDS, Dealer in all Kinds of Haráwootl JLi u ni l ejri, Fence Posts, etc. Also all kinds of Stovo and Cord wood. Terms cash. I am al3o agent for the celebrated O H A. L I I OJN BINDËB8 & MOWERS. And keep a full assortment ot extras for the same. No. O Detroit street, Ann Arbor .... Mioh. LIVERY AND FEED BARN. TUST Opeuedby HIRAM KITREDGE, In the reat oí the Duffy Block on Ann Street. Ampie accommodations tor 75 Horses. Patronage Solicited. II. KITREDGE. ANN ARBOR. MICH. CEORCE COLLINS DEALEK IN STONE LIME, WATER LIME, Cement, Calcined Piaster, Plastering Hair, Brick, MASONS' SUPPLIES and all kinds of WOOD AND COAL. Office, No. 36 East Hurón Street Ann Arbor, - Mich. THE PALAGE (MEE No. 9 North Main street. I am the ring leader in low prices and will not be undersold. I alwa a have a f reh Stook of Fruits and Vegetables in their Season. Fresh roasted Coffees once a week aut Teas of my own importation, whioh render an unezcelled tlavor. All other (joods are of PUREST QUALITY and at Rock Bottom Prices. Hightest cash price paid for farmers produce. FREDT. STIMSON. No. 9 North Main St.. Ann Arbor, Mich 10 thi' Ladi6sof Ann Arbor and wáflEtttisi X County. If you wtoh to get your OLD SILTEB WARE Replated and have the work well done and guar anteed for 4 ycars, Flease cali on THOMAS HAYLEY, Either by postal cari or otherwlse at 34 E Liberty Street, Ann Arbor, Mich. Ag't for Mich., Plating Works. Best of satis factlon guaran ted. The Southern Timber Land Investment Co. IBS LaSelle Street. Chicago. DÊLUV CDC FIRST NATIONAL BANK, CHICACO DflnCnO BANK OF HAMOEN. Campen. Ark Offers the safeBt and bt iiivtimiitN ior small or laree itums. Pamphiets pivinK lull in [urinatiou fumished on applioation to tho Kbove It will pay you woll to readand costs yon nothing


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