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"Ah me !" sighod Potts, "I'm tired oí living, The world is hollow, ambition's vain." "Come nowl" said his chuna, "I know the symptoms ; It's all your liver - that's very plain. You need not Buffer, for help is easy; Pierce's Pellets go right to the place. 'A friond to the bllious,' I well might cali them - There'B nothing better ; they'll suit your case." Potts ceased bis sighlng and bought the "Pellets." No moro he mourneth his hapless lot I His face is cheerful, his heart is lightsome, His melancholy ia quito forgot I Canoeine is not quite so popular this teason as Tippeeanoeing. Popular Kílu-niioii. We sympathize with the feeling which often lcads citizens to boast that 110 child bom in this country need grow up ia ignorunce, umi yet it ia a fact that muuy pcople vvho have learued to read and write have never taught theinselvos to think. A man who suffered from calarrh, oonsumption, bronchitis, scrofula, or "liver complalnt," mlght reau, till liis eyesdruppud out, how these and muuy other diseases have been cured by Dr. Pierco's Golden Medical Discovery, but if ho did not take the lesson to himself and test the virtues of this great ■nedlclne, hls time would be thrown away. The best size of bed for cucumber and watermelon victims Is Bicks by ate. Dr. Sage's Catarrh Romedy cures whcn every other so-called remedy rails. "I may ba a slave, but there's nothing of the surf about me," said the mili stream. The Homelieet Hun In Mlchlcun As well as the bandsomost, and others are invited to cali on any druggist and get f ree a trial bottle of Kemp's Balsam for the Throat and Lungs, a remedy that is telling entirely upon its merite aud is guarantoed to relieve and cure all Chronlo and Acute Coughs, Asthma, Bronchitis and Consumption. LargeBottlea 50 cents and$l. You'U notice one thing about fly-paper. If it gets hold of a subscriber once it holds on to him forover. If affllcted wltli sore ejes use Dr. Isanc Thompaon' Eye Water. Drngglatg sell It 25c. The President has of late fallen into the u-ay of tellfn? iish storles. Thls poluts to an Bariyad" . 'mont of congress. When Baby m luk, we gare hor Castoria, Whcn ih ni a Cbild, sho crled for Castorla, 7hen iba becanie Miss, she clung to Castoria, Wheu ih had Chii dren, she gare them Castoria, Airy-looking bonuets are made of net in all colors over wire to match, shirred or gatherod, in poke shape, and almost smothered in field flowers most hurmonious to their hue. For The Nervous The Debilitated The Aged. ' MS!ckl and Kitntlfle iklil hu kt Int kItmI Um problem of th lonr ufAtd medicino for the oer. rou, debilitattd, and the ayd. j combininff üie bMt nexre tonlc. Celeiy and Coca, with other effecllTe remedie, which, ctinir gwntly but efñdentl on the kldnej, liver and boweli. remove dlseaa. raten itrearlh and reoew rlulltj. Thl medicínele Glfèintt rrhy j Qmjjound .' II MU i plaoe beretof ore nseorapléd, and markt a new era In the treatmenl of uerroui troublM. OTerwork, anxletr. dlMaae, lar the foundation of nenroui proerUon and weakneam, aad xperlenoe bu ihown that tke tunal remedlee do not mend the traU and paralrala of the nerrou lyiUm. BMomaeaded bj jrafeadonal and buüiew men. Beo lor mrculm. Prto I.OO. 8old br drattJ. WELLS, RICHARDSONitCO., Proprlator BUBLHCOTOH . TT. mm HALF RfiTES ■ÍPFarminG RegionS WEST, SOUTHWEST, NORTHWEST, Forprtlculrsi-all on jtour Ticket Acontor ddrest P. s. ïusTia, üeu'i raa. ai-, o. u. & y. k. B., 01jIcku. Orcen will be tho ruling color, varied and mixed in many ways. I.o'.v luits of iine black fancy straw, turncil up ui Uie back iind sido, and tied ou tiic lup with green ribbons and white lilac, ure popular. Flannel la still the favorite stuff for tennis and yachting costumes, but serge and Jersey cloth are proferred by the best dreasers, if expenso is no object. From Paria coraes tho mournful news that the bustin ha a new leaso of life, and is liki-ly to die hard if it does at all before the oncomiug of the empire gown. No, Alexandor, that vvhirring sound is not oaused by the roahlng of a planet througb space. It is occasioned by the gTowlng of Nebraska oom, Tho Prench aro a queer race. They have a provorb, "Marry your son when you please, your duuKhter when you can." Kvidt'ntly the Frcnch are not a oonvontional people. Iiiijiüii pongee is moro worn than fOr yeai-s, ia uscd for hats, clnaks, oostumes, blouses and is often combined with dark groen, or smoked with that color if the gown is of one hue. Embroidered Swiss muslin gowns havo the scollops running lengthwise on sleeves and waist, und three panels on the gkirt, in front and at the sidos, between which appear wido pleats often edged with folded ribbon. Miss Alice Harrison is a member of the firni of Storrs, Harrison & Co., Painesville, O., undor the name of nursery, florists and seedsmen. Miss Harrison is a practical iiorist and an active member of the firm. The pretty sumuier silks kuown asbciij_'alines, in fine reps, are of almost as light weight as the Frenoh foulards. These are made up in plain colors, in stripes, and checks, and in lovely pompadour designs. Vnlveralty or Notr Dume. Araong the educational institutions of the United States thero are but few that have advancod as rapidly as the University of Notre Dame - established over forty-flve years. It rapidly passed to tho front rank and has each suoceeding year kept pace with the demands of the times. No better educational institution can bo found anywhere, which the large and increasing patronage it enjoya from all sections of the country tcstilies. Parents contemplating placing their soiib or wards at school wiÜ obtain full information and catalogue by addressing Kev. T. E. Walsh, Pres. University, Notre Dame, Ind. There's a yawning differenco between soine husbands at homo and the same abroad. W'luii the Champion PedeHtrlan Says. Harry lïrooks, of New York, says his lady pedestrians will not contract with him to race unless he furnishes all tho Moxie Werve Food thoy wish to uso during the race. That they say they could not possibly stand the terrible st rain of a long con test without. That is the only thing that will stand by them without reaction. He says ono of his lady champions, who won Lve races, says she owes it all to tho Moxie. The bustle has diminished, tho towering heigut of hats and bonnets have come down to a very becoming medium, the disüguring high pointed shoulder effect have vanished. Why Dont You tako Hood's Sars.iparUla, if you hare Impuro blootl, hare lost yo'ir appetlte, have that tlrcd feeilog. or are troubled by sick hcadache, dyspepslaor billousnosn. It has aeompllahcd wndcrs forthouand of affl'cted peojile, and, tf hen a fa!r trial, li reasonably certaln to do yon gooi. "I haveboiin troubicd a great deal with healache, had no appetlte, no atrength. and feit as mean as anyone could. aad be about my work. Sinco taktng Hood's Sarsaparlla I have not hal tho headache, my food has retlBhed. and se, med to do me good, nnd I hare feit myself growln? strongr every day." M. A. Stkinmatj, 19 Grand Avenun. Grand Uaplds, Mlclu Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all drugsrists. tí; sixforl Prepared only by C. I. IIOOD & CO., Apütïiecartes, Loweli, Masa. IOO Poses One Dollar EDÚCATE YOUR SONS. Endow them with tlegaey thntthey cannotsquander, jy sendlntf tiu'tii to be r-iucitcil at the UNIVERSITY OF Í.OTRE DAME. The 46th collegiato yar Wlïl op 'ruol:iy, Hf pifmipr 4, lMü. Tlio ■ p u-iyus and eloffant bowUnn Uave, ilorimr the pat .war, arcommod.-ite'l 600 n-siilrnt ut ikJctj i . Every r.-cility is afTordeil fyr acïuiriiiii a. thoi'ou_li knuwledO of Classics, M:ith'iuaii-, l-:iv, Scleuoe and M uslc. A tíioroiiírh ('ommerrtul 'onrsc la also a distinsr"!1'1 reatare f iho In-ttutton. Speoial udvant-üjoa are ulü-rcd to studenta of the L_w Dxr_BTlfXKT. TUK MINIM DKPAHTMICNT. A Institutíon (St. Etlward's Hall) for boys ndcr 13 years of ayo, who are taujfht by t_e SISTKTÏS OF THE IIOI-Y CRO88, nntlrr whosa maternal care they pias nearlj tie entlre day it) receivlnjf insiriu'tioïiKin t&eeJenuntlLry braai'Jiea of an Knuliub edueation, tontber with ft rumianient&l'" of Latin, French, Qerman, rooal UnatOi Violin. l'Tano and Drwlny, propuratory to omer either the Junior or Senior dames of the Untverait7 Board, washlne, meiitlinir. tnttion and entrance fee i for esulon of tlv imnul s iti M.ii.mi Uep&rtH nt, 130.00. Thaelarhty-tlghthesiiion winiiinTuesda.v.S-pt.4.18. Befor concludlnii where to place your tona or war da nend for a catalo(fue. wbJofa will be iont í uul jou wniflndfull particular as to Coumeof Hlmly, tcrins, to.,with llliiütrationsuf tlui inaiii buildings of Notre Hume. Addrei. Iücr. T. B. Wamii. C. S. C, ï'res. UnlnTt&tJ Notre Iame, Ind. $85 SOLIDGOLD WñTCH FREE! Tliii iplendid, totld pnld, hiin:inp-ra.i watt nwiolj for (R5; at that pnefl It U the MM liarrnm In Ainrira; until Utelf It eouid not líe purctiued tbr let tint flti), V bv bolh )- dlr' and p?u!i' iifi viltli v. on; nu.) i-Mei of eqvftl Ttlu. 'K IKltSO!V liiM.-iil.M-ityfnií-iironof tittn ele pint wtcha ibtxlat:,r KKI.K. 'lhe vtche mtj b defended on, not only tJ iolill frulil, bui t itaiidin imonf ik tnoct perfret. correct and reliable tl_tekjn in the worM. Ton ak hovr ia tbU wonderAil ofter pouibleV We tntwer- we want on jx-rtoii la ach looality to Leep in thclr homti, Rnd iliow to tli-ir who ca!l, a complot line of our raluable and vtry uieful 1íí)VM:iioi.ij Sami-X-LS; Hu-ie sanóles, a wrll ai tho wath, W# tftiA ARsOLUTKLT FCKE, and aft er yol liav kept ihtin la har called, they bccoino eni:n'y fuurown pronertr; ït i posaib] to iitake thU Grrrat offer. ifii'Uiip the ftolid Oold W'ntCÏi nntl Inrfire line of valuable aamplei FitEE, fortht reason thnt the ln.v. itijr of the eumplri in any locallty, U ja resulta in Jarre traile for o ; alti r our tamplei bave ben la a lorality fur a montb or twn, n-t usually gr-t flrom fl.UUÜ to $.(,(XIU In trade ftora the surrwurulJnp country. Thoa wJiowritt) to di at onc wfll reccire a pr.-t ben i" Ut fur carcrlyanr worit nd troubl. ThU, th nxaxt n-tnarkuMe and llhrnii offer tm knovrn, U made In order ihat our valuable Houiftiold 8&mplea may b placed atonre w In-re they cao be een, all over America ; reader, it wlll he hardly an v trouble for yua to ihow üiera to f hoie who mar cali at your hmnr, and yuur re ward will b mott aatisfactorr. A postal fanl.on which to wrim ut, cot bu X eent, and if, aflrr you know 11, yuii do not care to po funlir.r, why no harm is done. ííut if .mu do ijnd Tour adilrrit at once.yoa canatcure, rRKE, a.n KLIOAtTT JSh., SOLiD Gold, ïllsr'i.VO-CASE WaTI'H and our Jnrtr, rompiste linrof ralubi 11OUSCHOI.D KAMri.K!. W pajr 11 ex;rii frcit-iit,etc. AUdre, misavs & t o., Bi i%2 l'vttUaH lUiua. Yoi y To tato a con me In tho no, Sborthand Ene lliíh or ppnnianhip D-part ' ents of the lírtrolt Iniv.Ttlh, no T-tlt. Mii'h. Opon tO ladiO' erjuitlly with t:enilcnni:i. lllustr.itod cntnlogtie freo. L% JOJES frPAYSthfFREíCHT Jta VBf 3 Ton Waiiou Srule, TXfr5ni "'i-T-s'cf'bÍnchamt'íS1, r sj0 IllX.IIAMTON. N. V. YOU SUFFER from Biliousness, Constipation, Iilea, Sick Hcadache, Sour Stomach, Colds, Livor Trouble, Jaundice, Dizziness, Bad taste in the Mouth, etc. - YOU need Suffer no longer. Warner's SAFE Pilis will cure you. They have cured tens of thousavids. Thcy possess these points of superiority: sugar coated; purely vegetable, contain no calomel, mercury or mineral of any kind; do not gripe; never sicken; easy to take; mild ia operation; and for tlieso reasons Rro especially the favorites of women. Ask for WARHËRÏTAFE PULS. Ib tne best medicine tor all diseasesincidant to children. ït regnlateaths bowela; assists dcntition; cures dlarrhcea and ilysentery in. tho worst forma; cures canker sore mouth; is a cortain pre ventive of diphtheria; quiots all pain ; invigoratcs the stomiich and bowels; correcta all acidity, and ives energy and tono to tho catire System ; will euro gripingin the bowcls and wind colic. Do not fatigue yourself or child with sleopless night8, when it is within your reach to cure your child and save your own strongth. Preparcd only by Emmert I'ropr.etury Co., Chicago, 111. Sold by all Druggists ut 2 ets. pet Kottlo ' - STëriimm vttl ÍTHAT IS JUST 1 I '","""Sl I IVíHATISHALL GRcIsèj FBá7FBAXLE rllfU.LnQDEACE? BEST IN THE WORLD. HllbHWk I liet the Ucnuiuo. Krery Box MarkoJ HliZKK. tfflSVfe. M ' and ful ly eu4fg r.ormin %e-J speelde fortheoertaincan Mri to s DiTS.%1 ,,; th, ijlai'ue. g wsuun. ■ Amsterdam, N. Y. a ura onij bj ths We have old Big G (or rml,-.' r many ycars. and It lm ygt XcS.iKaasntl'a bm of "ntlsOhloB IK E. DYCHE & CX. . TndaBlitrklSt.OO. Sold by Drugglsta. Nasthmaguredï ■ iwermuo AHthniuiiiirenovtrKitogivoiirt-H mmfUu e relief m the Korst caAvsi:iB;ircflcomfort-H Haülesleep; effectacurm wheruul oihersfaiL A ■ B 'Lf níT r Vrf the vu" 'kPlica h fri ÖfC. and ■ ■ 91 .(Xlol DniKis t h or bv mail. S.irnnlo Vil PP ■ iSïYfARBÖÖKFl FuM ot Infonnatlon. Discusión ct frat problema, Frrrr Ettulfiit and (Mubtf ihnul J imve It. Iuttltnlinn in tront raak or CoJlepej. Tuiiion íreo. Puatags of Ycar Bonk fuur cfau. I R. FISKF-, I'RESIOENT, ALUION, U1CU. SKDRTHAND V■ „ . lo auna. Addri -sa Mali i:epartm(?nt l.KAX'S BISIXKS GOMiEOG, .r.iicl iCtipiila, Mnii. ilii 10 0Ui made worklDd ior in. Avenís preforred wlmcan luniU ahorse and tflvu Uio r who e tim ' to tl:6 buslno s. pare mom tus muy b iTuflCii'ly employeáí'so. A few vtncfea Iti towrn umi oltle. 11. K. „OHNSON & CO.. HIOJ Main stree'. Ki hmond, h. AOESTÍWASTE!)toielll)i.rER)XAr, Memoirs of Gen. P. H. Sfieridan UutMt bow reody. Ayetiu are surpajuliwuielr reoor i on Grant'a HeAlolra. Cbanca of a Ufe tune to make munoy, AddrsaB C. B. BKACil & CO.. Chicaso, 111. Mk I" II O TJSIB T3Ï3! BITST rHI iyXSt.-tio:icrskccp-heni.Stóiilar,ir1.iaUty. ■Jr li'aJit''0'' ff'"il')o (ioz. luccnisljy mail. "i'L ESTERBROOK. .SM iluiii and take nv otii-r. Storr ..f Feilherbone fre-'. Adiln-: "iïAïilERiiOXH a Oi.i.i, Hlohtiaf DyutMITC aTDMPBLAITIKO. InloI nHInl 1 1 calltipanoi kii: bT dealen wQlto lntrodute' Dr itynum teCartridge i?;ianddellvur at pricu avtraylng ó t;i -i cmiis iut tuiup ronin.e i. A,x Torpedo A'. ■yiiamlle Wvrka, Hay ity, UUh. UnMC5Nl'''ri" ■" I-:1" '"■ öood' ijr Farincr.i. Suro Inreatment fur capitallsts. timo, easy pa-, iiscnt. Addr.-s ior Pumphlets, Low Uato. Kxcurioa Dateg, clc, W. B. Mlt.l.KK, SlFoxSt.. Aurora. III. WnWBBBIHHflMffrZ 'Jl'l Wi A " iptTiTTH K1DDER8 PA8TILLES.Ii'It-x g3"WWffVBHiiWHfll''--' '■-- "--■ OÏJJ_-,_ J_ KEMF.nY-lTepnred only bjbiHIII Wa Madlon St., Cliicngo. 111. A O TU tíñ A i'id$l.oOsize-H of your dmsirNt oV #%O 1 I I IWI #-iMit by mail on receipt of price. UB I PJl I Patent Attarneys, Washlnicl""""" ton, D. C. Instractiona and ■ opinión on natentnblllty fbee. SO yrs. czperlence. HOME "ofe-kecpIne.PonmBnühlp. n J IVI E Arllluuetic. Sliorthand, otc, thor'i'lrí'ÍML"11;111""- ]-"w ClrCDlart freo. BKl AM1 COUEGi;, Í31 ilaiu St.. Buffalo. N. Y. [rñTTi Liethomoandmkemormoney workln for m ! ha a ■ ■■I nt nrdilnff cla in the worlii. FMhn Bx. Costlroatflt rjtKE. Termi Flttü. artllnw. Tule & Co., August, M&lae. P ATri?T) Treïtcd nd red wllhout the tnlfe. I ifl ll ir.l BoolL on 'rei:-.:nt int frte. .dilref VXlilVllF.UrXIKll,M.D., Auror. Kne fo„ IU. AP TO SS A DAT. Samplet vorth CI.M Tkl FltEK. I.inr nol under tfie. horêe'S fret. WrlU UU Brewsttr üafelu Jiein BolUtr Cotolly. Micli. CAI fl I8worth$50üpero. retUt'sISyoSalTelswortti QULU tiuuu,but ia sold at vj cents a box by dealers MMtiwiffnBKfiiamiiMiiaiawin W. N. U. D.--6--33. When writ uk to Atlvertlscrs pleaso gay you saw the advertUoinouú In this I'aper.


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